Why is my data that is coming from apollo server not showing up when I refresh the page? - reactjs

I am building a simple application using React, Apollo and React Router. This application allows you to create recipes, as well as edit and delete them (your standard CRUD website).
I thought about how I would present my problem, and I figured the best way was visually.
Here is the home page (localhost:3000):
When you click on the title of a recipe, this is what you see (localhost:3000/recipe/15):
If you click the 'create recipe' button on the home page, this is what you see (localhost:3000/create-recipe):
If you click on the delete button on a recipe on the home page, this is what you see (localhost:3000):
If you click on the edit button on a recipe on the home page, this is what you see (localhost:3000/recipe/15/update):
This update form is where the problem begins. As you can see, the form has been filled with the old values of the recipe. Everything is going to plan. But, when I refresh the page, this is what you see:
It's all blank. I am 67% sure this is something to do with the way React renders components or the way I am querying my apollo server. I don't fully understand the process React goes through to render a component.
Here is the code for the UpdateRecipe page (what you've probably been waiting for):
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button } from "#chakra-ui/react";
import {
} from "../../types/graphql";
import { useNavigate, useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { SimpleFormControl } from "../../shared/SimpleFormControl";
import { MultiFormControl } from "../../shared/MultiFormControl";
interface UpdateRecipeProps {}
export const UpdateRecipe: React.FC<UpdateRecipeProps> = ({}) => {
let { id: recipeId } = useParams() as { id: string };
const intRecipeId = parseInt(recipeId);
const { data: recipeData } = useRecipeQuery({
variables: { id: intRecipeId },
const { data: ingredientsData } = useIngredientsQuery({
variables: { recipeId: intRecipeId },
const { data: stepsData } = useStepsQuery({
variables: { recipeId: intRecipeId },
const originalTitle = recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.title || "";
const originalDescription = recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.description || "";
const originalIngredients =
ingredientsData?.ingredients?.ingredients?.map((ing) => ing.text) || [];
const originalSteps = stepsData?.steps?.steps?.map((stp) => stp.text) || [];
const [updateRecipe] = useUpdateRecipeMutation();
const navigate = useNavigate();
const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState({
title: originalTitle,
description: originalDescription,
ingredients: originalIngredients,
steps: originalSteps,
return (
onSubmit={(e) => {
placeholder="Triple Chocolate Cake"
onChange={(e) => {
setFormValues({ ...formValues, title: e.target.value });
placeholder="A delicious combination of cake and chocolate that's bound to mesmerize your tastebuds!"
onChange={(e) => {
setFormValues({ ...formValues, description: e.target.value });
onAdd={(newValue) => {
ingredients: [...formValues.ingredients, newValue],
onDelete={(_, index) => {
ingredients: formValues.ingredients.filter(
(__, idx) => idx !== index
placeholder="Pour batter into cake tray"
onAdd={(newValue) => {
steps: [...formValues.steps, newValue],
onDelete={(_, index) => {
steps: formValues.steps.filter((__, idx) => idx !== index),
<Button type="submit">Update Recipe</Button>
I'll try to explain it as best as I can.
First I get the id parameter from the url. With this id, I grab the corresponding recipe, its ingredients and its steps.
Next I put the title of the recipe, the description of the recipe, the ingredients of the recipe and the steps into four variables: originalTitle, originalDescription, originalIngredients and originalSteps, respectively.
Next I set up some state with useState(), called formValues. It looks like this:
title: originalTitle,
description: originalDescription,
ingredients: originalIngredients,
steps: originalSteps,
Finally, I return a form which contains 4 component:
The first component is a SimpleFormControl and it is for the title. Notice how I set the value prop of this component to formValues.title.
The second component is also a SimpleFormControl and it is for the description, which has a value prop set to formValues.description.
The third component is a MultiFormControl and it's for the ingredients. This component has its value props set to formValues.ingredients.
The fourth component is also aMultiFormControl and it's for the steps. This component has its value props set to formValues.steps.
Let me know if you need to see the code for these two components.
When I come to the UpdateRecipe page via the home page, it works perfectly. As soon as I refresh the UpdateRecipe page, the originalTitle, originalDescripion, originalIngredients and originalSteps are either empty strings or empty arrays. This is due to the || operator attached to each variable.
Thanks in advance for any feedback and help.
Let me know if you need anything.

The problem is that you are using one hook useRecipeQuery that will return data at some point in the future and you have a second hook useState for your form that relies on this data. This means that when React will render this component the useRecipeQuery will return no data (since it's still fetching) so the useState hook used for your form is initialized with empty data. Once useRecipeQuery is done fetching it will reevaluate this code, but that doesn't have any effect on the useState hook for your form, since it's already initialized and has internally cached its state. The reason why it's working for you in one scenario, but not in the other, is that in one scenario your useRecipeQuery immediately returns the data available from cache, whereas in the other it needs to do the actual fetch to get it.
What is the solution?
Assume you don't have the data available for your form to properly render when you first load this component. So initialize your form with some acceptable empty state.
Use useEffect to wire your hooks, so that when useRecipeQuery finishes loading its data, it'll update your form state accordingly.
const { loading, data: recipeData } = useRecipeQuery({
variables: { id: intRecipeId },
const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState({
title: "",
description: "",
ingredients: [],
steps: [],
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading && recipeData ) {
title: recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.title,
description: recipeData?.recipe.recipe?.description,
ingredients: ingredientsData?.ingredients?.ingredients?.map((ing) => ing.text),
steps: stepsData?.steps?.steps?.map((stp) => stp.text),
}, [loading, recipeData ]);


State rendering differently on page and in console

Having a state-nightmare that has had me stumped all week. Hope you can help.
I'm making a web app for gym-goers to record and track their progress on various different exercises. The exercises get stored in the user object, in a nested object, and then themselves have a nested object called history which the date and weight of their attempts, so an entry in users.exercises might look like:
exercise: "exercise 1",
target: "10",
history: [
{ date: 1, weight: 5 },
{ date: 2, weight: 6 },
{ date: 3, weight: 6 },
I then have a component which renders the specific exericse, called Exercise.js. At the moment, all it renders is the history.length:
<h1>History array length: {exerciseProp.history.length}</h1>
I also have a button which logs to the console that same property:
<button onClick={() => console.log(exerciseProp.history.length)}>
Initially, they give the same number. So far so good.
There's then a child component which allows users to add another entry to the history property. That is successfully updating the entry in MongoDB, but it isn't changing the number being rendered on the page. It is, however, changing the number that gets logged when I press the button. So the page will render, for example, "5", but when I press the button it logs "6". But I can't for the life of me work out why!
One thing I tried was this - I wondered if the problem was that it was getting the users array, using const users = useSelector((state) => state.auth); first and then not updating it when a child component updated state. So I've passed a handleUpdate prop down to the child component that then, as well as the component updating state, it updates the exerciseProp value with a newEntry:
const handleUpdate = (formData) => {
formData._id = "tempID";
let newEntry = exerciseProp;
newEntry.history = [...newEntry.history, formData];
I'd of course rather not have to do that and have it just refresh and update the users prop when the state changed, but I couldn't make that work.
I've tried to strip out all the irrelevant bits of code, but here's the component at the moment:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { ExerciseFooter } from "./ExerciseFooter";
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { getUsers } from "../actions/auth";
export const Exercise = (props) => {
const location = useLocation();
const dispatch = useDispatch();
//get full list of users
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const users = useSelector((state) => state.auth);
//get local user
const localUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("profile"));
//initialise user and specific exercise variables
const [user, setUser] = useState("");
const [exerciseProp, setExerciseProp] = useState({
history: [""],
target: 0,
//set user and exercise to match params/local storage
useEffect(() => {
localUser &&
localUser?.result &&
users.length > 0 &&
(filteredUser) => filteredUser._id == props.match.params.userId
if (!localUser) setUser("");
(exercise) => exercise._id == props.match.params.exerciseId
}, [users]);
//force update to state
const handleUpdate = (formData) => {
formData._id = "tempID";
let newEntry = exerciseProp;
newEntry.history = [...newEntry.history, formData];
console.log("new Ent", newEntry);
if (exerciseProp) {
return (
<div style={{ marginTop: "150px" }}>
<h1>History array length: {exerciseProp.history.length}</h1>
<button onClick={() => console.log(exerciseProp.history.length)}>
{exerciseProp && (
handleUpdate={(formData) => handleUpdate(formData)}
} else {
return <>Loading...</>;
So the main problem is: the state on the page isn't changing when I expect it to, and the secondary one - though I think my workaround for it might be okay - was that the state wasn't changing in the parent component when the child dispatched a change to it.
Any help very much welcome!

How to preset prop (logged in user) for React component unit test?

I'm rather new to testing React application, thank you for your time in advance for responding to a newbie question.
So I've been following tutorial on Full Stack Open and came across this challenge about writing tests for React. There is this component Blog which takes some props from App > Blog List > Blog, including one called 'user' which is the returned object from the login function storing username and token etc.
In the Blog's JSX there is a 'remove' button which is shown only to logged in users, controlled by its style determined by a function comparing the username of the original poster of the blog and that of the currently logged in user.
Right now I'm not writing test for username comparison function at all, but it just gets in the way because I can't seem to set a value for 'user' to be passed into the Blog component, and this error was returned during the test:
display: blog.user.username === user.username ? '' : 'none'
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'username')
And here are the codes of the Blog component and the test at current state:
import { useState } from 'react'
const Blog = ({ blog, addLike, deleteBlog, user }) => {
const [showDetails, setShowDetails] = useState(false)
const showWhenDetailsTrue = { display: showDetails ? '' : 'none' }
const toggleDetails = () => {
const postedBySelf = async () => {
const style = await {
display: blog.user.username === user.username ? '' : 'none',
return style
return (
<div style={blogStyle}>
{blog.title} {blog.author}{' '}
<button onClick={toggleDetails}>{showDetails ? 'hide' : 'view'}</button>
<div style={showWhenDetailsTrue} className="defaultHidden">
likes {blog.likes}
<button onClick={() => addLike(blog.id)}>like</button>
<button onClick={() => deleteBlog(blog)} style={postedBySelf()}>
export default Blog
The test file:
import React from 'react'
import '#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
import { render, screen } from '#testing-library/react'
import Blog from './Blog'
test('renders title and author, but not url or number of likes by default', async () => {
const blog = {
title: 'Blog title',
author: 'Blog author',
url: 'Blog url',
user: {
username: 'mockuser',
await render(<Blog blog={blog} user={{ username: 'mockuser' }} />)
screen.getByText('Blog title', { exact: false })
screen.getAllByText('Blog author', { exact: false })
const { container } = render(<Blog blog={blog} />)
const div = container.querySelector('.defaultHidden')
expect(div).toHaveStyle('display: none')
When the postedBySelf function and associated content are commented out the test is passed. My question is, how can I mock the 'user' object and pass it into the component during the test? I don't understand why it is undefined even if I explicitly declared its value.
Thanks again for your time and appreciate your advice.
Finally spotted my mistake, had to pass in the user in the second rendering of the Blog too.
I wasn't quite sure if I'm missing critical knowledge on this topic but this tutorial explains things very well and helped me spotted the issue in a way. Strongly recommended: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVNjsIto9xM

autosuggest not showing item immediately

I am looking into fixing a bug in the code. There is a form with many form fields. Project Name is one of them. There is a button next to it.So when a user clicks on the button (plus icon), a popup window shows up, user enters Project Name and Description and hits submit button to save the project.
The form has Submit, Reset and Cancel button (not shown in the code for breviety purpose).
The project name field of the form has auto suggest feature. The code snippet below shows the part of the form for Project Name field.So when a user starts typing, it shows the list of projects
and user can select from the list.
<div id="formDiv">
<Growl ref={growl}/>
<Form className="form-column-3">
<div className="form-field project-name-field">
<label className="MuiFormLabel-root MuiInputLabel-root MuiInputLabel-animated custom-label">Project Name</label>
/>{touched.projects && errors.v && <Message severity="error" text={errors.projects}/>}
<Button className="add-project-btn" title="Add Project" variant="contained" color="primary"
type="button" onClick={props.addProject}><i className="pi pi-plus" /></Button>
The problem I am facing is when some one creates a new project. Basically, the autosuggest list is not showing the newly added project immediately after adding/creating a new project. In order to see the newly added project
in the auto suggest list, after creating a new project,user would have to hit cancel button of the form and then open the same form again. In this way, they can see the list when they type ahead to search for the project they recently
How should I make sure that the list gets immediately updated as soon as they have added the project?
Below is how my AutoProjects component looks like that has been used above:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Autosuggest from 'react-autosuggest';
import axios from "axios";
import { css } from "#emotion/core";
import ClockLoader from 'react-spinners/ClockLoader'
function escapeRegexCharacters(str) {
return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
// Use your imagination to render suggestions.
const renderSuggestion = suggestion => (
{suggestion.name}, {suggestion.firstName}
const override = css`
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
border-color: red;
export class AutoProjects extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: '',
projects: [],
suggestions: [],
loading: false
this.getSuggestionValue = this.getSuggestionValue.bind(this)
this.setAutoSuggestValue = this.setAutoSuggestValue.bind(this)
// Teach Autosuggest how to calculate suggestions for any given input value.
getSuggestions = value => {
const escapedValue = escapeRegexCharacters(value.trim());
if (escapedValue === '') {
return [];
const regex = new RegExp(escapedValue, 'i');
const projectData = this.state.projects;
if (projectData) {
return projectData.filter(per => regex.test(per.name));
else {
return [];
// When suggestion is clicked, Autosuggest needs to populate the input
// based on the clicked suggestion. Teach Autosuggest how to calculate the
// input value for every given suggestion.
getSuggestionValue = suggestion => {
this.props.onChange(this.props.fieldName, suggestion.id)//Update the parent with the new institutionId
return suggestion.name;
fetchRecords() {
const loggedInUser = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("loggedInUser"));
return axios
.get("api/projects/search/getProjectSetByUserId?value="+loggedInUser.userId)//Get all personnel
.then(response => {
return response.data._embedded.projects
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
setAutoSuggestValue(response) {
let projects = response.filter(per => this.props.value === per.id)[0]
let projectName = '';
if (projects) {
projectName = projects.name
this.setState({ value: projectName})
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ loading: true}, () => {
this.fetchRecords().then((response) => {
this.setState({ projects: response, loading: false }, () => this.setAutoSuggestValue(response))
}).catch(error => error)
onChange = (event, { newValue }) => {
value: newValue
// Autosuggest will call this function every time you need to update suggestions.
// You already implemented this logic above, so just use it.
onSuggestionsFetchRequested = ({ value }) => {
suggestions: this.getSuggestions(value)
// Autosuggest will call this function every time you need to clear suggestions.
onSuggestionsClearRequested = () => {
suggestions: []
render() {
const { value, suggestions } = this.state;
// Autosuggest will pass through all these props to the input.
const inputProps = {
placeholder: value,
onChange: this.onChange
// Finally, render it!
return (
<div className="sweet-loading">
The problem is you only call the fetchRecord when component AutoProjects did mount. That's why whenever you added a new project, the list didn't update. It's only updated when you close the form and open it again ( AutoProjects component mount again)
For this case I think you should lift the logic of fetchProjects to parent component and past the value to AutoProjects. Whenever you add new project you need to call the api again to get a new list.

Async update of Formik initialValues inherited from parent React component state (leveraging useEffect hook?)

I am currently building a multi-step form during a user onboarding process, which is why I need to centralize all form data in a parent React component state.
I need to update initialValues with user information but this is an async process.
I thought of creating a useEffect hook calling setState, but maybe there is a more elegant way of doing so...
Having initialValues as one of useEffect dependencies seems to create an infinite loop (Maximum update depth exceeded). This is why the working solution I found was to duplicate all initialValues within... 😒
So how could I update only specific values from initialValues after getting async user information?
Here is a simplified version of the implementation:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
// Auth0 hook for authentication (via React Context).
import { useAuth0 } from '../../contexts/auth/auth'
import { Formik, Form, Field } from 'formik'
export default () => {
const { user } = useAuth0()
const initialValues = {
profile: {
name: '',
address: '',
// Other properties...
personalInfo: {
gender: '',
birthday: '',
// Other properties...
const [formData, setFormData] = useState(initialValues)
const [step, setStep] = useState(1)
const nextStep = () => setStep((prev) => prev + 1)
useEffect(() => {
const updateInitialValues = (user) => {
if (user) {
const { name = '', gender = '' } = user
const updatedInitialValues = {
profile: {
name: name,
// All other properties duplicated?
personalInfo: {
gender: gender,
// All other properties duplicated?
}, [user, setFormData])
switch (step) {
case 1:
return (
onSubmit={(values) => {
<Field name="profile.name" type="text" />
<Field name="profile.address" type="text" />
{/* Other fields */}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
case 2:
return (
onSubmit={(values) => {
<Field name="personalInfo.gender" type="text" />
<Field name="personalInfo.birthday" type="text" />
{/* Other fields */}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
// Other cases...
return <div>...</div>
it's probably late for me to see this question and I just happen to work on a similar project recently.
For my use case, I'm using only one Formik, and using theory similar to Formik Multistep form Wizard: https://github.com/formium/formik/blob/master/examples/MultistepWizard.js for my multistep forms.
And on each step, I need to fetch API to prefill data, I also use useEffect but since I just call the API onetime when I load the specific step, I force it to behave the same as ComponentDidMount(), which is to leave the [] empty with the comment // eslint-disable-next-line so it won't give me warning.
And I use setFieldValue in the useEffect after data is successfully loaded. I feel mine is also not a good way to handle this situation, and I just found something that might be useful: https://github.com/talor-hammond/formik-react-hooks-multi-step-form, it has a Dynamic initialValues. (Though it's typescript)
I am going to refer to this and also try to use for each of my steps, and probably use Context or Wrap them in a parent and store data in the parent Formik.
And getting infinite loop for you might because setFormData should not be in the dependency, since when you setState, the component re-render, the useEffect calls again.
Not sure if this can help you or you already find out how to implement it, I'll look into this deeper.

Custom Autocomplete component not showing output when searching for the first time

I have created my custom Autocomplete (Autosuggestions) component. Everything works fine when I pass a hardcoded array of string to autocomplete component, but when I try to pass data from API as a prop, nothing is showing for the first time I search. Results are showing each time exactly after the first time
I have tried different options but seems like when a user is searching for the first time data is not there and autocomplete is rendered with an empty array. I have tested same API endpoint and it's returning data as it should every time you search.
Home component which holds Autocomplete
const filteredUsers = this.props.searchUsers.map((item) => item.firstName).filter((item) => item !== null);
const autocomplete = (
AutoComplete component which filters inserted data and shows a list of suggestions, the problem is maybe inside of onTextChange:
export class AutoComplete extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
suggestions: [],
text: '',
// Matching and filtering suggestions fetched from the backend and text that user has entered
onTextChanged = (e) => {
const value = e.target.value;
let suggestions = [];
if (value.length > 0) {
const regex = new RegExp(`^${value}`, 'i');
suggestions = this.props.items.sort().filter((v) => regex.test(v));
this.setState({ suggestions, text: value });
// Update state each time user press suggestion
suggestionSelected = (value) => {
this.setState(() => ({
text: value,
suggestions: []
// User pressed the enter key
onPressEnter = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
render() {
const { text } = this.state;
return (
<div style={styles.autocompleteContainerStyles}>
const styles = {
autocompleteContainerStyles: {
position: 'relative',
display: 'inline',
width: '100%'
AutoComplete.propTypes = {
items: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
placeholder: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onTextChanged: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
fieldName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onPressEnter: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onFocus: PropTypes.func
export default reduxForm({
form: 'Autocomplete'
Expected results: Every time user use textinput to search, he should get results of suggestions
Actual results: First-time user use textinput to search, he doesn't get data. Only after first-time data is there
It works when it is hardcoded but not when using your API because your filtering happens in onTextChanged. When it is hardcoded your AutoComplete has a value to work with the first time onTextChanged (this.props.items.sort().filter(...) is called but with the API your items prop will be empty until you API returns - after this function is done.
In order to handle results from your API you will need do the filtering when the props change. The react docs actually cover a very similar case here (see the second example as the first is showing how using getDerivedStateFromProps is unnecessarily complicated), the important part being they use a PureComponent to avoid unnecessary re-renders and then do the filtering in the render, e.g. in your case:
render() {
// Derive your filtered suggestions from your props in render - this way when your API updates your items prop, it will re-render with the new data
const { text } = this.state;
const regex = new RegExp(`^${text}`, 'i');
suggestions = this.props.items.sort().filter((v) => regex.test(v));
