Access Anki history from SQLite3 file - database

I want to perform some data analysis of my own on my Anki history.
I found out that my history should be contained in ~/.local/share/Anki2/User 1/collection.anki2.
The file info says that this file is of type SQLite3 database (application/vnd.sqlite3).
How can I open this file? (Could be with Python or with some dedicated software)
PS: I am clueless about database-related stuff

You can open collection.anki2 with sqlite3(CLI) or sqlitebrowser(GUI)
For example, the database from the apkg archive
user#debian:~/Documents/anki$ sqlite3 collection.anki2
SQLite version 3.27.2 2019-02-25 16:06:06
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
cards col graves notes revlog
sqlite> .exit


what is the SCatalog structure used for in TDengine database?

Seems there is a catalog module in TDengine database ,but I don't know what is used for
typedef struct SCatalog {
uint64_t clusterId;
SHashObj *userCache; //key:user, value:SCtgUserAuth
SHashObj *dbCache; //key:dbname, value:SCtgDBCache
SCtgRentMgmt dbRent;
SCtgRentMgmt stbRent;
} SCatalog;
anyone could help with this?
In TDengine database 3.0 version .
The catalog module is used to store various metadata on the client side, initialized through catalogInit API. Each database service (cluster id) corresponds to a SCatalog, and each db in the SCatalog corresponds to a DbCache (stores child and supertable in hash table form), and a user cache(cache user information, stored in hash table form).
As for the SCtgRentMgmt dbRent and SCtgRentMgmt stbRent;
I need to make further investigation .

Connection to SQL Server database using sql_exporter and Prometheus but can't execute custom metrics on db

So, I've went through many of the options to get this set up and none worked with my SQL Server setup except using sql_exporter. There is a successful connection where I can read all the built-in metrics but when I tried my own query on a specific database and its table there is always something wrong with my query such as "Invalid Object" when trying to reach the database. There have been many resources I have attempted to use but would mostly like a custom metric like:
# The target to monitor and the collectors to execute on it.
# Data source name always has a URI schema that matches the driver name. In some cases (e.g. MySQL)
# the schema gets dropped or replaced to match the driver expected DSN format.
data_source_name: 'sqlserver://username:password#localhost:1433'
# Collectors (referenced by name) to execute on the target.
collectors: [mssql_standard]
# Collector files specifies a list of globs. One collector definition is read from each matching file.
- "*.collector.yml"
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: "prometheus"
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
- targets: ["localhost:9090"]
- job_name: 'sql_server'
# Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds.
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['localhost:9966']
When I tried the custom metric in the post I linked, sql_exporter crashes instantly no errors. My database is being found in the standard metrics of but I am unsure the syntax to execute a simple SELECT db_value FROM db_table. I understand there are ways out there and I've tried so will need assistance. Thank you in advance!

Progress Error:Connect to database in $DLC (1379)

How to connect database in $DLC in progress openedge. for details see below image.
Databases in $DLC (the directory that Progress was installed in) are templates -- you must make a copy of the template db in some other directory in order to use it. You cannot run databases directly from $DLC.
Usually you use a command such as:
proenv> prodb sports sports
To make a local copy of the default "sports" db.
Or you can just type "prodb" and you will be prompted for the new db name and the template name. The new name can be different from the template name.
You must have to create a copy of sports database in other directory (not in openedge installation directory) using procopy or prodb command.
For Ex : in proenv
procopy Sports2000 D:\spdb Or,
prodb D:\spdb Sports2000.
Now, you can easily connect to the database...

Catalog 'myDB' not found in database 'db'

I was trying to run the Benerator to populate database (shop demo to fill database schemas based on a setup file). While running the following,
I am getting the below error.
15:25:50,232 INFO (main) [DefaultDBSystem] Fetching table details and ordering tables by dependency
15:25:50,554 ERROR (main) [DescriptorRunner] Error in Benerator execution
org.databene.commons.ConfigurationError: Catalog 'myDB' not found in database 'db'
at org.databene.platform.db.DBSystem.findTableInConfiguredCatalogAndSchema(
at org.databene.platform.db.DBSystem.getTable(
at org.databene.platform.db.DBSystem.getWriteColumnInfos(
at org.databene.platform.db.DBSystem.persistOrUpdate(
at org.databene.benerator.consumer.AbstractConsumer.startConsuming(
at org.databene.benerator.consumer.ConsumerProxy.startConsuming(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.ConsumptionStatement.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.GenerateAndConsumeTask.execute(
at org.databene.task.TaskProxy.execute(
at org.databene.task.StateTrackingTaskProxy.execute(
at org.databene.task.TaskExecutor.runWithoutPage(
at org.databene.task.TaskExecutor.runPage(
at org.databene.task.TaskExecutor.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.GenerateOrIterateStatement.executeTask(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.GenerateOrIterateStatement.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.LazyStatement.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.StatementProxy.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.TimedGeneratorStatement.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.SequentialStatement.executeSubStatements(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.statement.SequentialStatement.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.BeneratorRootStatement.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.DescriptorRunner.execute(
at org.databene.benerator.engine.DescriptorRunner.runWithoutShutdownHook(
at org.databene.benerator.main.Benerator.runFile(
at org.databene.benerator.main.Benerator.runFromCommandLine(
at org.databene.benerator.main.Benerator.main(
15:25:50,611 INFO (main) [CachingDBImporter] Exporting Database meta data of ___temp to cache file
15:25:50,635 INFO (main) [CONFIG] Max. committed heap size: 15 MB
Inside my 'db' folder, I have the file user.ben.xml and it starts with,
<database id="db" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:mirev" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" user="myDB" tableFilter="DB_.*" />
i am new to Benerator. Could anyone please tell me why this error is throwing.
By default Oracle DB does not support 'Catalog'. Make sure your DB has catalog enabled and defined. If not then remove the catalog from your configuration.
I tried the same today...
It seems the oracle user/schema (=catalog in jdbc terms) needs to be alphabetically first to make the example work. I created a user 'A1000' to make the example work.

how to connect MS Access database with matlab (transfer data from GUI and save in database )

Hello ppl I am trying to work with databases and I am new to Matlab.
I want to manipulate databeses created in MS Access but I don't know(I hope find a way to enter data from GUI (this GUI created using matlab ) and save in database)
I've designed the user interface in MATLAB, and create a database in MS Access
The problem I do not know how I connect between the database and MATLAB
I find some code to how connect between it.
dbpath = ['C:\Users\Esra\Documents\Esra.accdb'];
conurl = [['jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DSN='';DBQ='] dbpath];
con = database('','','','sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver', conurl);
I hope find good code or book about this .
final , i don not know if it is the correct place to my question or not , if not ,please put my question in correct place
You need to run SQL queries on the database; you can do this with database.fetch (and a few other friends).
The example query from the docs:
conn = database('dbtoolboxdemo','','');
results = fetch(conn, 'select productdescription from producttable')
% Not in the example in the docs: this syntax, which I prefer, is also supported
results = conn.fetch('select productdescription from producttable');
Note that you will also need to know how to write SQL. For that, there are plenty of resources online - you just have to search for them.
