MobX Observer component not reacting to change in Observable - reactjs

I've been fiddling around with MobX and am struggling to understand why the ChildComponent in the following code snippet doesn't react to state updates.
My understanding is that the ChildComponent should update since isOpen.get() changes after every call to controller.updateState() (which is brokered through the button click). I added some log statements and found that the state does update correctly, but the text inside the ChildComponent doesn't and I haven't been able to figure out why. I would really appreciate any help in understanding what I've done wrong here.
Note: I am aware that a call to makeObservable is required as of MobX v6. However, the codebase that I'm working on uses that older version that doesn't support that function call.
import { computed } from "mobx";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import { Controller } from "./controller";
const ChildComponent = observer(({ isOpen }: { isOpen: boolean }) => (
<p>isOpen: {isOpen.toString()}</p>
export default function App() {
const controller = new Controller();
const isOpen = computed(() => controller.state === "open");
const onClick = () => {
if (isOpen.get()) {
} else {
return (
<div className="App">
<ChildComponent isOpen={isOpen.get()} />
<button onClick={onClick}>Toggle state</button>
import { action, observable } from "mobx";
type State = "open" | "closed";
export class Controller {
state: State;
constructor() {
this.state = "open";
updateState = (newState: State) => {
this.state = newState;
Link to codesandbox:

Lots of things goes wrong there:
Use makeObservable or downgrade example to MobX version 5, otherwise it won't work
You don't need to use #observable.ref for boolean, just use plain regular #observable
You can't use computed like that. computed is a decorator that should be used inside your store, similar to observable, like that:
get isOpen() {
return this.state === 'open';
In your example App should be wrapped in observer because it dereferences an observable value (isOpen). And every component that does it should be wrapped. At the same time ChildComponent gets isOpen prop as primitive value so it does not benefit from being observer (because it does not reference any observable property).
You need to create your controller differently. Right now you recreate it on every render and even if you fix all the problems above it won't work because every time you change some value the App will rerender and recreate the store with default values.
Hope it makes sense!
Working Codesandbox example with everything fixed


Pass function to Context API

I'm dealing with a mix of function components and class components. Every time a click happens in the NavBar I want to trigger the function to validate the Form, it has 5 forms, so each time I'm going to have to set a new function inside the context API.
import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from "react";
const NavigationContext = createContext({});
const NavigationProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [valid, setValid] = useState(false);
const [checkForm, setCheckForm] = useState(null);
return (
<NavigationContext.Provider value={{ valid, setValid, checkForm, setCheckForm }}>
const useNavigation = () => {
const context = useContext(NavigationContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error("useNavigation must be used within a NavigationProvider");
return context;
export { NavigationProvider, useNavigation, NavigationContext};
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { NavigationContext } from "../hooks/context";
class Something extends Component {
static contextType = NavigationContext;
onClickNext = () => {
// This is the funcion I want to set inside the Context API
return true
return false;
render() {
const { setCheckForm } = this.context;
setCheckForm(() => () => console.log("Work FFS"));
return (
export default Something;
The problem when setting the function it throws this error:
Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.
And setting like setCheckForm(() => console.log("Work FFS"));, it triggers when rendered.
Render method of React.Component runs whenever state changes and setCheckForm updates the state whenever that render happens. This creates an infinite loop, this is the issue you are having there.
So, this is a lifecycle effect, you have to use that function inside componentDidMount if you want to set it when the component first loads.
While this solves your problem, I wouldn't suggest doing something like this. React's mental model is top to bottom, data flows from parent to child. So, in this case, you should know which component you are rendering from the parent component, and if you know which component to render, that means you already know that function which component is going to provide to you. So, while it is possible in your way, I don't think it is a correct and Reactish way to handle it; and it is probably prone to break.

PureComponent keeps rendering even though no state/prop changes

I'm trying to learn and test React.PureComponent and it keeps rendering even though no state changes for that pure component.
My PureComponent is very simple and it accepts only one Redux Action function via connect hoc
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'reactstrap'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { resetWorkouts } from '../actions/workoutApiActions'
class About extends React.PureComponent {
render () {
const { resetWorkouts } = this.props;
console.log('in about render...')
return (
<h2>Api Data Reset</h2>
<Button color="danger" onClick={resetWorkouts}>Reset Data</Button>
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
resetWorkouts: () => dispatch(resetWorkouts())
export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(About);
In the above code, you can see that, there is no state in the component. It only accepts the action function as props from connect. However, whenever I clicks on the Reset Data button, it keeps calling the render method as shown in the screenshot.
In the screenshot, I can see that, global state store has been changed whenever, I click a button. But, that state is not used in my PureComponent and it should be out of the scope and my component should ignore to re-render.
Or Redux Action functions are created every time the global state store has been changed. And passed as a new object to my PureComponent ?
Theoretically, I don't need to write my own shouldComponentUpdate function, right? I'm confused and could you please help me to understand about this behaviour?
My goal is I don't want my PureComponent to render again when a user clicks a button.
I have tried like the following according to this article and it's still re-rendering
const mapDispatchToProps = {
this because react do a shallow comparison between the prevProps and the nextProps,
and you can control that only in the shouldComponentUpdate, react doesn't know that the dispatcher is the same one from the previous render, because you are using return inside the mapDispatchToProps function.
In your component and in your case, while the function will remain the same, you can go with two paths:
path 1:
override the shouldComponentUpdate life cycle hook, to be as the following:
return false;
path 2:
get rid of the return inside mapDispatchToProps and simplify the connect so it be as the following:
`conncect(state => ({}), {
resetWorkouts: resetWorkouts})(YourComponent);`
using one of the above paths should make you good to go
The reason why your component is rendering is because everytime the following function executes:
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
resetWorkouts: () => dispatch(resetWorkouts())
your components receives a new instance of a property named resetWorkouts(because you're creating an inline array function). You may look at the ownProps to check if your component already have the resetWorkouts:
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return {
resetWorkouts: ownProps.resetWorkouts || () => dispatch(resetWorkouts())

React - Hooks + Context - Is this a good way to do global state management?

I am trying to find a good, clean, with little boilerplate, way to handle React's global state
The idea here is to have a HOC, taking advantage of React's new Hooks & Context APIs, that returns a Context provider with the value bound to its state. I use rxjs for triggering a state update on store change.
I also export a few more objects from my store (notably : the raw rxjs subject object and a Proxy of the store that always returns the latest value).
This works. When I change something in my global store, I get updates anywhere in the app (be it a React component, or outside React). However, to achieve this, the HOC component re-renders.
Is this a no-op ?
The piece of code / logic I think could be problematic is the HOC component:
const Provider = ({ children }) => {
const [store, setStore] = useState(GlobalStore.value)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return <Context.Provider value={store}>{children}</Context.Provider>
GlobalStore is a rxjs BehaviorSubject. Every time the subject is updated, the state of the Provider component gets updated which triggers a re-render.
Full demo is available there:
The real question is: isn't that a poor way of doing global state management ? I feel it might be because I basically re-render everything on state update...
EDIT: I think I have written a more performant version that's not as lightweight (depends on MobX), but I think it generates a lot less overhead (demo at: - Now what would be cool would be to have the same end result, but dropping MobX - The question makes no sense anymore
I understand your need to handle a global state. I already found myself in the same situation. We have adopted similar solutions, but in my case, I've decided to completelly drop from ContextAPI.
The ContextAPI really sucks to me. It seems to pretend to be a controller based pattern, but you end up wrapping the code inside an non-sense HOC. Maybe I've missed he point here, but in my opinion the ContextAPI is just a complicated way to offer scoped based data flow.
So, I decided to implement my own global state manager, using React Hooks and RxJS. Mainly because I do not use to work on really huge projects (where Redux would fit perfectly).
My solution is very simple. So lets read some codes because they say more than words:
1. Store
I've created an class only to dar nome aos bois (it's a popular brazilian expression, google it 😊) and to have a easy way to use partial update on BehaviorSubject value:
import { BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs";
export default class Store<T extends Object> extends BehaviorSubject<T> {
update(value: Partial<T>) {{ ...this.value, ...value });
2. createSharedStore
An function to instantiate the Store class (yes it is just because I don't like to type new ¯\(ツ)/¯):
import Store from "./store";
export default function <T>(initialValue: T) {
return new Store<T>(initialValue);
3. useSharedStore
I created an hook to easily use an local state connected with the Store:
import Store from "./store";
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { skip } from "rxjs/operators";
import createSharedStore from "./createSharedStore";
const globalStore = createSharedStore<any>({});
type SetPartialSharedStateAction<S> = (state: S) => S;
type SetSharedStateAction<S> = (
state: S | SetPartialSharedStateAction<S>
) => void;
export default function <T>(
store: Store<T> = globalStore
): [T, SetSharedStateAction<T>] {
const [state, setState] = useState(store.value);
useEffect(() => {
const subscription = store
.subscribe((data) => setState(data));
return () => subscription.unsubscribe();
const setStateProxy = useCallback(
(state: T | SetPartialSharedStateAction<T>) => {
if (typeof state === "function") {
const partialUpdate: any = state;;
} else {;
return [state, setStateProxy];
4. ExampleStore
Then I export individual stores for each feature that needs shared state:
import { createSharedStore } from "hooks/SharedState";
export default createSharedStore<Models.Example | undefined>(undefined);
5. ExampleComponent
Finally, this is how to use in the component (just like a regular React state):
import React from "react";
import { useSharedState } from "hooks/SharedState";
import ExampleStore from "stores/ExampleStore";
export default function () {
// ...
const [state, setState] = useSharedState(ExampleStore);
// ...
function handleChanges(event) {
return (
<input onChange={handleChange} />
GlobalStore subject is redundant. RxJS observables and React context API both implement pub-sub pattern, there are no benefits in using them together this way. If GlobalStore.subscribe is supposed to be used in children to update the state, this will result in unnecessary tight coupling.
Updating glubal state with new object will result in re-rendering the entire component hierarchy. A common way to avoid performance issues in children is to pick necessary state parts and make them pure components to prevent unnecessary updates:
({ foo: { bar }, setState }) => <PureFoo bar={bar} setState={setState}/>
PureFoo won't be re-rendered on state updates as long as bar and setState are the same.

How to update react state without re-rendering component?

I am building a gallery app where I need to create multiple HTTP requests to pull gallery entries(images & videos).
As gallery will be auto scrolling entries, I am trying to prevent re-rendering component when I make subsequent HTTP requests and update the state.
Here's an example of only re-rendering when a particular condition is fulfilled (e.g. finished fetching).
For example, here we only re-render if the value reaches 3.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
value: 0,
add = () => {
this.setState({ value: this.state.value + 1});
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (nextState.value !== 3) {
return false;
return true;
render() {
return (
<p>Value is: {this.state.value}</p>
<button onClick={this.add}>add</button>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Live example here.
All data types
useState returns a pair - an array with two elements. The first element is the current value and the second is a function that allows us to update it. If we update the current value, then no rendering is called. If we use a function, then the rendering is called.
const stateVariable = React.useState("value");
stateVariable[0]="newValue"; //update without rendering
stateVariable[1]("newValue");//update with rendering
If a state variable is declared as an object, then we can change its first element. In this case, rendering is not called.
const [myVariable, setMyVariable] = React.useState({ key1: "value" });
myVariable.key1 = "newValue"; //update without rendering
setMyVariable({ key1:"newValue"}); //update with rendering
If a state variable is declared as an array, then we can change its first element. In this case, rendering is not called.
const [myVariable, setMyVariable] = React.useState(["value"]);
myVariable[0] = "newValue"; //update without rendering
setMyVariable(["newValue"]); //update with rendering
None of the answers work for TypeScript, so I'll add this. One method is to instead use the useRef hook and edit the value directly by accessing the 'current' property. See here:
const [myState, setMyState] = useState<string>("");
let myState = useRef<string>("");
and you can access it via:
myState.current = "foobar";
So far I'm not seeing any drawbacks. However, if this is to prevent a child component from updating, you should consider using the useMemo hook instead for readability. The useMemo hook is essentially a component that's given an explicit dependency array.
It's as easy as using this.state.stateName = value. This will change the state without re-rendering, unlike using this.setState({stateName:value}), which will re-render. For example;
class Button extends React.Component {
constructor( props ){
this.state = {
message:"Hello World!"
this.method = this.method.bind(this);
this.state.message = "This message would be stored but not rendered";
render() {
return (
<div >
<form onSubmit={this.method}>
<button type="submit">change state</button>
ReactDOM.render(<Button />, document.getElementById('myDiv'));
If you just need a container to store the values, try useRef. Changing the value of ref.current doesn't lead to re-rendering.
const [ loading,setLoading] = useState(false)
loading=true //does not rerender
setLoading(true) //will rerender
In functional component refer above code, for class use componentShouldUpdate lifecycle

React / Redux Components not re-rendering on state change

I think this question has been answer several time but I can't find my specific case.
So basically I have an App component that trigger an action that change a state call "isSmall" to true if the screen is resized and less than 500px (and false if it is higher)
class App extends React.Component {
resizeHandeler(e) {
const { window, dispatch } = this.props;
if (window.innerWidth < 500 && !this.state.isSmall) {
this.setState({ isSmall: true });
} else if (window.innerWidth >= 500 && this.state.isSmall) {
this.setState({ isSmall: false })
componentDidMount() {
const { window } = this.props;
window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeHandeler.bind(this));
I have an other component called HeaderContainer who is a child of App and connected to the Store and the state "isSmall", I want this component to rerender when the "isSmall" change state... but it is not
class Header extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.isSmall = props.isSmall;
this.isHome = props.isHome;
render() {
return (
(<div>Is small</div>)
(<div>is BIG</div>)
even if I can see through the console that redux is actually updating the store the Header component is not re-rendering.
Can someone point out what I am missing ?
Am I misunderstanding the "connect()" redux-react function ?
Looking at your code on the link you posted your component is connected to the redux store via connect
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
return {
isHome: ownProps.isHome,
isSmall: state.get('isSmall')
export const HeaderContainer = connect(mapStateToProps)(Header);
That means that the props you are accessing in your mapStateToProps function (isHome and isSmall) are taken from the redux store and passed as props into your components.
To have React re-render your component you have to use 'this.props' inside the render function (as render is called every time a prop change):
render() {
return (
(<div>Is small</div>)
(<div>is BIG</div>)
You are doing it well in the constructor but the constructor is only called once before the component is mounted. You should have a look at react lifecycle methods:
You could remove entirely the constructor in your Header.js file.
You should also avoid using public class properties (e.g. this.isSmall = props.isSmall; ) in react when possible and make use of the React local state when your component needs it:
A component is only mounted once and then only being updated by getting passed new props. You constructor is therefore only being called once before mount. That means that the instance properties you set there will never change during the lifetime of your mounted component. You have to directly Access this.props in your render() function to make updating work. You can remove the constructor as he doesn't do anything useful in this case.
