How to change the state when going to previous or next page with React? - reactjs

I have a state to keep track when a Sub Menu is opened, and toggle it when another Menu Item is clicked. It goes like this:
const [open, setOpen] = useState();
const toggle = (id) => setOpen(id);
onClick={() => toggle(item.navId)}
So, every time I click on a Menu Item, it closes/opens the Sub Menu. But when I click the browser´s buttons to go to the previous page or the next page, the current opened Sub Menu remains opened and it doesn´t open the Sub Menu that was redirected nor close the current opened Sub Menu. What could I use, just like onClick to change the state, when I navigate through the pages with the previous/next buttons in the browser? Thanks!

If you are using react router, you could use the useLocation hook and useEffect to handle closing the menu on route change
const {pathname} = useLocation();
setOpen(//whatever here)

I found a similar stack post here and I believe someone's answer might help you with a little modification
import React from "react";
import useHistory from "react-router-dom";
import { SubMenu, OtherComponent } from './'; // import your actual components here
export default function YourComponent() {
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false); // toggle submenu
const [locationKeys, setLocationKeys] = React.useState([]);
const history = useHistory();
React.useEffect(() => {
return history.listen((location) => {
if (history.action === "PUSH") {
if (location.key) setLocationKeys([location.key]);
if (history.action === "POP") {
if (locationKeys[1] === location.key) {
setLocationKeys(([_, ...keys]) => keys);
// Handle forward event
console.log("forward button");
setOpen(!open); // toggle submenu
} else {
setLocationKeys((keys) => [location.key, ...keys]);
// Handle back event
console.log("back button");
setOpen(!open); // toggle submenu
}, [locationKeys, history]);
return (
{open ?? <SubMenu/>}
// or
{open ? <SubMenu/> : <OtherComponent/>}


React, Too many rerenders

Given the following code:
export default function CrearContacto({setOpening}) {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, [setOpening]);
const handleClose = () =>{setOpening=false};
return (
<Dialog open={open} onClose={handleClose}>
//code continues
I'm getting a Too many re-renders error, however I'm unable so see where is the loop here. {setOpening} is being used in a button in another component, when clicked, true is sent. setOpen sets new open state as true, so Dialog can pop-up. At the same time useEffect is watching setOpening for changes (probably this is also wrong, I'm trying to make this work without success). If closed, handleClose is triggered and now setOpening equals false, so useEffect detects the change and executes setOpen to false. I don't see the loop, but also the code isn't working as intended.
Edit - Added parent relative code
function Agenda() {
const MiContexto = useOutletContext();
return (<CrearContacto setOpening={MiContexto.modalState}/>
//code continues
MainLayout class:
import Navbar from "./Navbar"
import Topbar from "./Topbar"
import React, {useReducer} from "react";
import { Outlet, useOutletContext } from "react-router-dom";
export const MainContexto = React.createContext({modalState:false});
const initialState=false;
const estadosPosiblesModal = (state, action) =>{
case false:
return false;
case true:
return true;
return state;
const MainLayout = ()=> {
const [EstadoModal, dispatch] = useReducer(estadosPosiblesModal,initialState);
return (
<MainContexto.Provider value={{modalState:EstadoModal,modalDispatch:dispatch}}>
<div className="mainlayout">
<main className="mainlayout_topPlusContent">
<Topbar className="TopBar" prueba={EstadoModal}/>
<Outlet context={{modalState:EstadoModal,modalDispatch:dispatch}}/>
export default MainLayout;
I had to use simultaneously a custom context and the Router outlet context as my context wasn't going through the outlet.
Topbar contains:
const micontext = useContext(MainContexto);
<Button variant="contained" onClick={()=>micontext.modalDispatch(true)}>
Your problem is you call setOpen(setOpening) on the component level CrearContacto which is causing the infinite re-renderings on that component. You can imagine this cycle: state update (setOpen(setOpening)) > re-rendering > call state update again > ...
And another problem is you cannot set setOpening=false directly, it needs to be set with a state setter from the parent component.
export default function CrearContacto({setOpening}) {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(setOpening);
//setOpen(setOpening); //remove this part
useEffect(() => {
const handleClose = () =>{setOpen(false)}; //set `open` state internally instead
return (
<Dialog open={open} onClose={handleClose}>
If you want to update the parent component's state, you should pass the state setter and state value to your child component which is CrearContacto too
I'd assume that you have this state on the parent component
const [opening, setOpening] = useState(false);
Note that setOpening is following the naming convention of the state setter, so I'd prefer to do it this way instead
You can try to modify your component like below
export default function CrearContacto({setOpening, opening}) {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(opening);
//setOpen(setOpening); //remove this part
useEffect(() => {
const handleClose = () =>{setOpening(false)};
return (
<Dialog open={open} onClose={handleClose}>
If you only use open state for Dialog, you can remove that state declaration too
export default function CrearContacto({setOpening, opening}) {
const handleClose = () =>{setOpening(false)};
return (
<Dialog open={opening} onClose={handleClose}>
To expand my comment:
From inside (or a child) component, you can change the open value by using the state, so call the setOpen function.
From a parent component you can change the value of open by changing the prop setOpening (rename this prop as it sounds like it's a function), so you would have:
export default function CrearContacto({setOpening}) {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(setOpening);
useEffect(() => {
}, [setOpening]);
const handleClose = () =>{setOpen(false)};
return (
<Dialog open={open} onClose={handleClose}>

React (Next.js) hook useOutsideClick cancels my links

i'm using the following hook to handle "click away" feature to show/hide a dropdown:
const useOutsideClick = (ref: NonNullable<RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>>) => {
const [outsideClick, setOutsideClick] = useState<boolean | null>(null)
useEffect(() => {
const handleClickOutside = (e: React.MouseEvent | Event) => {
if (
ref &&
!(ref?.current as unknown as RequiredCurrentRef).contains(
e?.target as Node
) {
} else {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside)
return () => {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside)
}, [ref])
return outsideClick
export default useOutsideClick
the hook works fine but once i click on <a href> links (separated component from the dropdown) it does not redirect, so links don't work
how do i solve this?
Edit i'm using bulma.css for dropdowns
I think you dont need to create an extra hook at all.
If you want do du something if the user clicks on or out of the element you can use the onBlur and onFocus callbacks.
If you want to blur it for some other reason (like on the click of a button) you can use the reference of the anchor and call the blur() method whenever you like.

useEffect triggered after onClick event - with different results

I wanted to create a dropdown menu, which shows itself and hides on hovering, and disappears after clicking its item. I thought I found a way to do it - but it works only sometimes. (Or maybe it doesn't work - but sometimes it does.) Details below:
I gotta DropdownMenu2 component, which display is being toggled by onMouseEnter/Leave events. This component (my dropdown menu) holds inside <NavLink> menu items.
I wanted the dropdown menu to disappear after clicking on menu item, so inside <Navlink> I created onClick event which triggers handleClick. This functions sets a click variable - to a CSS className with display:none. click is then passed to <div> that contains the Dropdown menu.
To toggle the dropdown menu display again on mouse hover, I had to get rid of the click class from the div. For that I created useEffect hook, with click dependency - so it fires every time click state changes. And function inside this hook - changes click value, so it no longer represents the CSS display:none class. So after (2.) - div containing dropdown menu has display:none, disapears, and useEffect erases that - making it hover ready.
this works only sometimes - sometimes useEffect is triggered so fast after onClick, that the dropdown menu doesn't even drop. ( click changes so fast that div container gets the "erasing" class immediately after display:none class )
import DropdownMenu2 from "./DropdownMenu2";
import useHoverButton from "./sub-components/useHoverButton";
const NaviMainButtonDrop2 = () => {
const { disp, hoverOn, hoverOff } = useHoverButton();
return (
className={`nav-main__button dropdown-us`}
{ disp && <DropdownMenu2 /> }
export default NaviMainButtonDrop2
useHoverButton (custom hook for NaviMainButtonDrop2)
import { useState } from "react";
const useHoverButton = () => {
const [disp, setDisp] = useState(false);
const hoverOn = () => setDisp(true)
const hoverOff = () => setDisp(false)
return { disp, hoverOn, hoverOff }
export default useHoverButton
import "./DropdownMenu.css"
import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";
import { MenuItemContentSchool } from "./sub-components/MenuItemContentSchool"
import { useEffect } from "react";
import useAddClass from "./sub-components/useAddClass";
const DropdownMenu2 = () => {
const { click, setClick, handleClick } = useAddClass("hide-menu");
useEffect(() => {
}, [click]);
return (
<div className={`dropdown-holder-us ${click}`}>
{/* here menu unfolds */}
{ => {
return (
className={(navData) => (navData.isActive ? "d-content-us active-style" : 'd-content-us')}
export default DropdownMenu2
useAddClass (custom hook for DropdownMenu2)
import { useState } from "react"
const useAddClass = (className) => {
const [click, setClick] = useState("");
const handleClick = () => setClick(className);
return { click , handleClick }
export default useAddClass
I think the issue here is that you are not able to get the latest state whenever you update the next state that is why it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.
According to me there could be 2 solutions to this, either use a setTimeout or get the latest state when setting the state.
setTimeout solution-
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
Try and always get the latest state when you update the next state.
useEffect(() => {
setClick((clickLatest) => "");
}, [click]);
const handleClick = () => setClick((clickLatest) => className);
This callback will help the useState wait for the latest state and then update the state further.
I think I just found a simple solution to this. I don't understand why useEffect seems to work in a random timing, but using setTimeOut inside it, and delaying the execution of setClick - seems to do the job.
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {

How to toggle (change multiple times) data by using useState and onClick in React?

In react
I have some data ("empty boxes") and a button. When I click on a button "empty boxes" changes to "full boxes". Next click nothing changes. ("full boxes" remains)
But I want toggle that, each click must show me "empty boxes" or "full boxes" in turn.
Can anyone help?
export default function App() {
const [name, setName] = useState("empty boxes")
const change = () => {
setName("full boxes")
return (
<button onClick={change}>Change it!</button>
you should control your event by if
const change = () => {
if (name == "empty boxes")
{setName("full boxes")}
else { setName("empty boxes")}

clickOutside hook triggers on inside select

I have a card component which consists of 2 selects and a button, select1 is always shown and select2 is invisible until you press the button changing the state. I also have an onClickOutside hook that reverts the state and hides select2 when you click outside the card.
The problem Im having is that in the case when select2 is visible, if you use any select and click on an option it registers as a click outside the card and hides select2, how can I fix this?
Heres the relevant code from my card component:
const divRef = useRef() as React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
const [disableSelect2, setDisableSelect2] = useState(true);
const handleActionButtonClick = () => {
useOutsideClick(divRef, () => {
if (!disableSelect2) {
return (
<div ref={divRef}>
!disableSelect2 ?
: null
And this is my useoutsideClick hook
const useOutsideClick = (ref:React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement>, callback:any) => {
const handleClick = (e:any) => {
if (ref.current && !ref.current.contains( {
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleClick);
Extra informtaion: Im using customized antd components and cant use MaterialUI
I tried to recreate your case from the code you shared. But the version I 'built' works.
Perhaps you can make it fail by adding in other special features from your case and then raise the issue again, or perhaps you could use the working code from there to fix yours?
See the draft of your problem I made at
