Errors with gnuplot after execution - c

I've been wanting to plot some data with gnuplot. What I've written compiles fine, and also executes. The plot itself even seems to work in gnuplot.
However, I'm getting an warning that I want to understand:
Warning: slow font initializationqt_processTermEvent received a GE_fontprops event. This should not have happened
What does this error mean, and how can I avoid it? Does this even have any effect on the plot?
I've included my code below, which is a crude population simulation to see chaotic behavior.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
float currentPop;
float nextPop = 0;
float growthRate;
FILE *fp = NULL;
FILE *gnupipe = NULL;
char *GnuCommands [] = {"set title \"Popsim\"", "plot 'data.tmp'"};
fp = fopen("data.tmp", "w");
gnupipe = _popen("gnuplot -persistent", "w");
printf("Enter current population and growth rate:\n");
scanf("%f %f", &currentPop, &growthRate);
for (int counter = 0; counter < 30; counter++) {
nextPop = growthRate * currentPop * (1 - currentPop);
fprintf(fp, "%d %f\n", counter, nextPop);
currentPop = nextPop;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
fprintf(gnupipe, "%s\n", GnuCommands[i]);
return 0;
Also, a bonus question: How do I make gnuplot draw a line between the points it plots, so that it's easier for me to visualise?

Gnuplot does not do its own font handling. Depending on what output mode (gnuplot calls it "terminal") is being used it queries various system libraries or subsystems to estimate how much space will be occupied by a particular string of characters that will be placed on the graph.
If the response to the query is an error, or is too slow, it prints that warning and continues with a best-guess estimate of the space required.
As I understand it, the most common underlying cause for this is that the font being requested is not currently in the system font cache so the response to the first query is very slow. After that the font is in the cache so the response is quick and you don't see the message again, at least not from the same gnuplot session.
There is a command-line option that tells the program to wait longer for the system to respond:
gnuplot --slow
That will probably avoid the warning message, and possibly improve text layout on the first plot, but it may result in a noticeable delay in producing that first plot while the system font cache is updated.


Im having problems using stdin and NULL in eclipse

Here is my code that I am having issues with. The goal of the program is to scan in a bunch of doubles and perform some simple statistical operations on them. The line I am having the issue with is the fgets(). I have included the stdio.h, it's just not showing up in the code. My actual question is where are the stdin and NULL giving me issues when I though they were part of the language? The exact error I am getting is that both Symbol stdin and NULL could not be resolved.
* simpleStats.c
* Created on: Sep 17, 2018
* Author: David Liotta
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUFSIZE 256
int main(){
double n, max, min, sum, mean;
char line[BUFSIZE];
int numsRead = 0;
int numOfItems = 1;
n = -1;
max = n;
min = n;
sum = n;
while(n != 0 && fgets(line, BUFSIZE, stdin ) != NULL){
numsRead = sscanf(line, "%f", &n);
if(numsRead == 1 && n != 0){
if(n > max)
max = n;
if(n < min)
min = n;
sum = sum + n;
if(numsRead == 0)
printf("Bad input\n");
mean = sum / numOfItems;
printf("# of items: %i", numOfItems);
printf("\nSum: %f.3", sum);
printf("\nMax: %f.3", max);
printf("\nMin: %f.3", min);
printf("\nMean: %f.3", mean);
This code should compile. I suspect something might be wrong with your development environment.
Since you're running Eclipse, I'm assuming that your compiler is GCC. I may be wrong though.
Try to locate your compiler executable, and run the compilation by hand:
gcc -Wall -o simpleStats simpleStats.c
or, if you're on Windows:
gcc.exe -Wall -o simpleStats.exe simpleStats.c
You may have to specify the full path to gcc.exe, (depending on your environment, it might even be called something else; you may be able to retrieve the full path from the console window in Eclipse).
Pay close attention to the output. Copy/paste the full output verbatim in your original post if you can (do not rephrase the warnings / error messages).
I seldom use Eclipse, but with most IDEs you get to chose what kind of project you want to create. Make sure you selected something like "console application", the error you're referring to (stdin not being resolved) may suggest a linker error. Again, it's hard to tell without the exact GCC output.
A couple more things to check:
make sure your compiler and its dependencies are properly installed,
make sure that this compiler is targeted at Windows (or whatever OS you use), not at some exotic embedded platform,
most development environments come with a bunch of sample projects, see if you can build one.
The problem I was having ended up being the compiler not correctly reading the code. I used a different compiler, and with some minor syntax changes, the code worked fine.

Create an array of values from different text files in C

I'm working in C on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04.
I have a number of .txt files, each containing lines of floating point values (1 value per line). The lines represent parts of a complex sample, and they're stored as real(a1) \n imag(a1) \n real(a2) \n imag(a2), if that makes sense.
In a specific scenario there are 4 text files each containing 32768 samples (thus 65536 values), but I need to make the final version dynamic to accommodate up to 32 files (the maximum samples per file would not exceed 32768 though). I'll only be reading the first 19800 samples (depending on other things) though, since the entire signal is contained in those 39600 points (19800 samples).
A common abstraction is to represent the files / samples as a matrix, where columns represent return signals and rows represent the value of each signal at a sampling instant, up until the maximum duration.
What I'm trying to do is take the first sample from each return signal and move it into an array of double-precision floating point values to do some work on, move on to the second sample for each signal (which will overwrite the previous array) and do some work on them, and so forth, until the last row of samples have been processed.
Is there a way in which I can dynamically open files for each signal (depending on the number of pulses I'm using in that particular instance), read the first sample from each file into a buffer and ship that off to be processed. On the next iteration, the file pointers will all be aligned to the second sample, it would then move those into an array and ship it off again, until the desired amount of samples (19800 in our hypothetical case) has been reached.
I can read samples just fine from the files using fscanf:
rx_length = 19800;
int x;
float buf;
double *range_samples = calloc(num_pulses, 2 * sizeof(range_samples));
for (i=0; i < 2 * rx_length; i++){
x = fscanf(pulse_file, "%f", &buf);
*(range_samples) = buf;
All that needs to happen (in my mind) is that I need to cycle both sample# and pulse# (in that order), so when finished with one pulse it would move on to the next set of samples for the next pulse, and so forth. What I don't know how to do is to somehow declare file pointers for all return signal files, when the number of them can vary inbetween calls (e.g. do the whole thing for 4 pulses, and on the next call it can be 16 or 64).
If there are any ideas / comments / suggestions I would love to hear them.
I would make the code you posted a function that takes an array of file names as an argument:
void doPulse( const char **file_names, const int size )
FILE *file = 0;
// declare your other variables
for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
file = fopen( file_names[i] );
// make sure file is open
// do the work on that file
fclose( file );
file = 0;
What you need is a generator. It would be reasonably easy in C++, but as you tagged C, I can imagine a function, taking a custom struct (the state of the object) as parameter. It could be something like (pseudo code) :
struct GtorState {
char *files[];
int filesIndex;
FILE *currentFile;
void gtorInit(GtorState *state, char **files) {
// loads the array of file into state, set index to 0, and open first file
int nextValue(GtorState *state, double *real, double *imag) {
// read 2 values from currentFile and affect them to real and imag
// if eof, close currentFile and open files[++currentIndex]
// if real and imag were found returns 0, else 1 if eof on last file, 2 if error
Then you main program could contain :
GtorState state;
// initialize the list of files to process
gtorInit(&state, files);
double real, imag);
int cr;
while (0 == (cr = nextValue(&state, &real, &imag)) {
// process (real, imag)
if (cr == 2) {
// process (at least display) error
Alternatively, your main program could iterate the values of the different files and call a function with state analog of the above generator that processes the values, and at the end uses the state of the processing function to get the results.
Tried a slightly different approach and it's working really well.
In stead of reading from the different files each time I want to do something, I read the entire contents of each file into a 2D array range_phase_data[sample_number][pulse_number], and then access different parts of the array depending on which range bin I'm currently working on.
Here's an excerpt:
#define REAL(z,i) ((z)[2*(i)])
#define IMAG(z,i) ((z)[2*(i)+1])
for (i=0; i<rx_length; i++){
printf("\t[%s] Range bin %i. Samples %i to %i.\n", __FUNCTION__, i, 2*i, 2*i+1);
for (j=0; j<num_pulses; j++){
REAL(fft_buf, j) = range_phase_data[2*i][j];
IMAG(fft_buf, j) = range_phase_data[2*i+1][j];
printf("\t[%s] Range bin %i done, ready to FFT.\n", __FUNCTION__, i);
// do stuff with the data
This alleviates the need to dynamically allocate file pointers and in stead just opens the files one at a time and writes the data to the corresponding column in the matrix.

C on embedded system w/ linux kernel - mysterious adc read issue

I'm developing on an AD Blackfin BF537 DSP running uClinux. I have a total of 32MB SD-RAM available. I have an ADC attached, which I can access using a simple, blocking call to read().
The most interesting part of my code is below. Running the program seems to work just fine, I get a nice data package that I can fetch from the SD-card and plot. However, if I comment out the float calculation part (as noted in the code), I get only zeroes in the ft_all.raw file. The same occurs if I change optimization level from -O3 to -O0.
I've tried countless combinations of all sorts of things, and sometimes it works, sometimes it does not - earlier (with minor modifications to below), the code would only work when optimization was disabled. It may also break if I add something else further down in the file.
My suspicion is that the data transferred by the read()-function may not have been transferred fully (is that possible, even though it returns the correct number of bytes?). This is also the first time I initialize pointers using direct memory adresses, and I have no idea how the compiler reacts to this - perhaps I missed something, here?
I've spent days on this issue now, and I'm getting desperate - I would really appreciate some help on this one! Thanks in advance.
// Clear the top 16M memory for data processing
memset((int *)0x01000000,0x0000,(size_t)SIZE_16M);
/* Prep some pointers for data processing */
int16_t *buffer;
int16_t *buf16I, *buf16Q;
buffer = (int16_t *)(0x1000000);
buf16I = (int16_t *)(0x1600000);
buf16Q = (int16_t *)(0x1680000);
/* Read data from ADC */
int rbytes = read(Sportfd, (int16_t*)buffer, 0x200000);
if (rbytes != 0x200000) {
printf("could not sample data! %X\n",rbytes);
goto end;
} else {
printf("Read %X bytes\n",rbytes);
FILE *outfd;
int wbytes;
/* Commenting this region results in all zeroes in ft_all.raw */
float a,b;
int c;
b = 0;
for (c = 0; c < 1000; c++) {
a = c;
b = b+pow(a,3);
printf("b is %.2f\n",b);
/* Only 12 LSBs of each 32-bit word is actual data.
* First 20 bits of nothing, then 12 bits I, then 20 bits
* nothing, then 12 bits Q, etc...
* Below, the I and Q parts are scaled with a factor of 16
* and extracted to buf16I and buf16Q.
* */
int32_t *buf32;
buf32 = (int32_t *)buffer;
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t n = 0;
while (n < 0x80000) {
buf16I[i] = buf32[n] << 4;
buf16Q[i] = buf32[n] << 4;
printf("Saving to /mnt/sd/d/ft_all.raw...");
outfd = fopen("/mnt/sd/d/ft_all.raw", "w+");
if (outfd == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file.\n");
wbytes = fwrite((int*)0x1600000, 1, 0x100000, outfd);
if (wbytes < 0x100000) {
printf("wbytes not correct (= %d) \n", (int)wbytes);
printf(" done.\n");
Edit: The code seems to work perfectly well if I use read() to read data from a simple file rather than the ADC. This leads me to believe that the rather hacky-looking code when extracting the I and Q parts of the input is working as intended. Inspecting the assembly generated by the compiler confirms this.
I'm trying to get in touch with the developer of the ADC driver to see if he has an explanation of this behaviour.
The ADC is connected through a SPORT, and is opened as such:
sportfd = open("/dev/sport1", O_RDWR);
ioctl(sportfd, SPORT_IOC_CONFIG, spconf);
And here are the options used when configuring the SPORT:
spconf->int_clk = 1;
spconf->word_len = 32;
spconf->serial_clk = SPORT_CLK;
spconf->fsync_clk = SPORT_CLK/34;
spconf->fsync = 1;
spconf->late_fsync = 1;
spconf->act_low = 1;
spconf->dma_enabled = 1;
spconf->tckfe = 0;
spconf->rckfe = 1;
spconf->txse = 0;
spconf->rxse = 1;
A bfin_sport.h file from Analog Devices is also included:
After a long night of debugging with the previous developer on the project, it turned out the issue was not related to the code shown above at all. As Chris suggested, it was indeed an issue with the SPORT driver and the ADC configuration.
While debugging, this error messaged appeared whenever the data was "broken": bfin_sport: sport ffc00900 status error: TUVF. While this doesn't make much sense in the application, it was clear from printing the data, that something was out of sync: the data in buffer was on the form 0x12000000,0x34000000,... rather than 0x00000012,0x00000034,... whenever the status error was shown. It seems clear then, why buf16I and buf16Q only contained zeroes (since I am extracting the 12 LSBs).
Putting in a few calls to usleep() between stages of ADC initialization and configuration seems to have fixed the issue - I'm hoping it stays that way!

Audio samplerate converter using libsndfile and libsamplerate. Not sure if using function src_simple correctly

I have been building a simple samplerate converter in c using libsndfile and libsamplerate. I just cant seem to get the src_simple function of libsamplerate to work, whatever I try. I have striped back my code to be as simple as possible and it now just outputs a silent audio file of identical sampling rate:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sndfile.h>
#include <samplerate.h>
#define BUFFER_LEN 1024
#define MAX_CHANNELS 6
int main ()
static double datain [BUFFER_LEN];
static double dataout [BUFFER_LEN];
SNDFILE *infile, *outfile;
SF_INFO sfinfo, sfinfo2 ;
int readcount ;
const char *infilename = "C:/Users/Oli/Desktop/MARTYTHM.wav" ;
const char *outfilename = "C:/Users/Oli/Desktop/Done.wav" ;
SRC_DATA src_data;
infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
outfile = sf_open (outfilename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo);
src_data.data_in = datain
src_data.input_frames = BUFFER_LEN;
src_data.data_out = dataout;
src_data.output_frames = BUFFER_LEN;
src_data.src_ratio = 0.5;
src_simple (&src_data, SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY, 1);
while ((readcount = sf_read_double (infile, datain, BUFFER_LEN)))
src_simple (&src_data, SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY, 1);
sf_write_double (outfile, dataout, readcount) ;
sf_close (infile);
sf_close (outfile);
sf_open ("C:/Users/Oli/Desktop/Done.wav", SFM_READ, &sfinfo2);
printf("%d", sfinfo2.samplerate);
return 0;
It's really starting to stress me out. The program is a uni project and is due very soon, it is making me very anxious as whatever I try seems to result in failure. Can anyone please help me?
I'm not an expert on this particular library, but just from looking at the online documentation I see a few problems with your code:
src_simple apparently works with floats, yet your buffers are doubles - I think you need to change the buffers to float and use sf_read_float/sf_write_float for I/O.
src_simple is the "simple" interface and is intended to be applied to an entire waveform in one call, not in chunks as you are doing - see - you should first get the input file size, then allocate sufficient memory, read in the whole file, convert it in one go, then write the converted output data to your output file.
when changing sample rate you will get a different number of samples in the output file than in the output file (around half as many in for case), yet you're writing the same number of samples that you read (readcount). You should probably be using src_data.output_frames_gen as the number of frames to write, not readcount.

Writing a VTK ASCII Legacy File to draw contours in VisIt

I'm trying to write a legacy .vtk file to be read into VisIt using C. Unfortunately my installed VisIt program refuses to render the VTK file that I have writing, reading: 'local host failed'
Below is the code used to read data from one file and convert it to a legacy VTK file. I use the macros XPIX, YPIX, and ZPIX to describe the dimensions of a pixel grid. Each pixel contains a scalar density value. I have listed the pixels in a 'grid-file' using row-major ordering: i.e.
int list_index(x,y,z) = YPIX * ZPIX * x + ZPIX * y + z;
Every entry in this pixel list is read into an array called grid[] of type double, and written to outfile beneath the legacy VTK header data:
/*Write vtk header */
fprintf(outfile,"# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n");
fprintf(outfile,"Galaxy density grid\nASCII\nDATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n");
fprintf(outfile,"DIMENSIONS %d %d %d \n", (XPIX+1), (YPIX+1), (ZPIX+1));
fprintf(outfile,"ORIGIN 0 0 0\n");
fprintf(outfile,"SPACING 1 1 1\n");//or ASPECT_RATIO
fprintf(outfile,"CELL_DATA %d\n", totalpix);
fprintf(outfile,"SCALARS cell_density float 1\n");
fprintf(outfile, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
/*Create Memory Space to store Pixel Grid*/
double *grid;
grid = malloc(XPIX * YPIX * ZPIX * sizeof(double));
if (grid == NULL ){
fprintf(stderr, "Pixel grid of type double failed to initialize\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Pixel grid has been initialized.\n Now reading infile\n");
/*Read infile contents into double grid[], using Row-Major Indexing*/
double rho;
char newline;
int i, j, k;
for(i = 0; i < XPIX; i++){
for(j = 0; j < YPIX; j++){
for(k = 0; k < ZPIX; k++){
fscanf(infile, "%lf", &rho);
grid[getindex(i,j,k)] = rho;
fprintf(stderr,"%d\n", i);
fprintf(stderr,"Finished reading\n");
#if !DEBUG
/*Write out grid contents in Row major order*/
fprintf(stderr,"Now writing vtk file");
for(i = 0; i < XPIX; i++){
for(j = 0; j < YPIX; j++){
for(k = 0; k < ZPIX; k++){
fprintf(outfile, "%lf ", grid[getindex(i,j,k)]);
fprintf(stderr,"Finished Writing to outfile\n");
After running the grid data list through this routine, I have XPIX*YPIX lines in the lookup_table, each with ZPIX entries. Is this an incorrect format? VisIt continues to fail reading the input file. I'm aware of the fact that structured_points may use column major indexing, but my first goal of course is to get some sort of result from VisIt. I would like to draw a contour using the scalar cell_density eventually. Is my data set simply too large?
Have you seen the accepted answer to the question vtk data format error? The question is debugging a VTK writer in C++ but it is very similar to your code (and of course should yield the same results).
The key point from the accepted answer is that data is written in column major order, not row major order (you seem to hint at this in your question: "I'm aware of the fact that structured_points may use column major indexing").
Also, it is always helpful (if you can) to compare your code with something which you know works. For example, VisIt provides a small C library for writing legacy VTK file formats called VisItWriterLib. Compare the output from your code and the VisItWriterLib to see where your data files differ. I would recommend using VisItWriterLib for your VTK IO rather than writing your own routines - no need to reinvent the wheel.
Edit: To answer a couple of your other questions:
After running the grid data list through this routine, I have
XPIX*YPIX lines in the lookup_table, each with ZPIX entries. Is this
an incorrect format?
This is not the correct format. LOOKUP_TABLE should be a list of XPIX*YPIX*ZPIX lines, with one element per line (or alternatively, VisIt will accept one line with XPIX*YPIX*ZPIX elements). See the section Dataset Attribute Format in the VTK File Formats document (
Is my data set simply too large?
I doubt it. VisIt is designed to handle huge datasets and, AFAIK, can render petabyte data sets. I would be very surprised if your data is that large.
However, if you are concerned about having large files, you can split your data into multiple files and tell VisIt to read these files is parallel. To do this, write a bit a your data into separate files, e.g. domain1.vtk, domain2.vtk, ... domainN.vtk etc. Then write a .visit master file, which has the structure
Save this as, for example, mydata.visit and then open this .visit file, rather than the .vtk files, in VisIt.
