So, I made a command which sends you a DM with a button, in this case, a captcha button. After you press the button, it goes into a guild and searches for you inside of it so it can give you a role.
let gn = bot.guilds.cache.get('906210773989203990');
let member = gn.members.cache.find(x => ==;
Whenever I try to console.log member, it returns undefined. (and yes, I have already tried logging and it works fine.)
The member is not found in the cache, but you can fetch the member
let member = await gn.members.fetch(
But simply using interaction.member is much better
let member = interaction.member
I'm not sure, but try to replace your let member = gn.members.cache.find(x => ==; with let member = gn.members.cache.fetch(;
I have been trying to check if a certain user ID exists in the current guild,
I have been looking at countless stack overflow questions and documentations hoping i could find the answer but nothing I try actually works.
i use Discord.js V13 with the latest node.js version
const server = client.guilds.fetch( );
if ( !server.member(args[0]) ) return commandFailed('a user with this ID does not exist');
// args[0] contains the userID
could someone please help me with this.
First: fetch returns a promise, you must handle that promise. However, you don't need to fetch the server since the server is already accessible through message.guild.
Second: Guild#member() is deprecated, try fetching the member directly and checking if a member returned.
I'll be using Async/Await for this example, make sure you're inside an Async function.
// const server = await client.guilds.fetch(; is not needed
const server = message.guild;
const member = await server.members.fetch(args[0]);
if (!member) return commandFailed('a user with this ID does not exist');
Take a look at this thread, which explains exactly what you want:
let guild = client.guilds.get('guild ID here'),
USER_ID = '123123123';
if (guild.member(USER_ID)) {
// there is a GuildMember with that ID
Im trying to make discord.js code. When a member joins the voice channnel I want the bot to give them a role, when the member leaves, i want the role to be removed. thanks for your help.
const newChannelID = newState.channelID;
const oldChannelID = oldState.channelID;
if (oldChannelID === "835280102764838942"){
member.send('role given');
let role = message.guild.roles.cache.find(r => === "835279162293747774");
} else if(newChannelID === "835280102764838942"){
member.send('role removed');
There's a couple of things you need to clean up in your code. I'm going to assume you're using the voiceStateUpdate event to trigger your command.
Most importantly, (logic-wise) you actually need to flip-flop the way you add and remove roles. Currently, the general code states that if the user left the voice channel (thus oldChannelID = actual vc ID), then it would actually give the user a role. This seems to be the opposite of your intention, thus you'd simply swap out the code in each if/else if statement.
Second, the way you're assigning roles and adding them is incorrect. I'd recommend this resource for more info.
Third, you cannot access message if you were indeed using voiceStateUpdate as your event, since it only emits an oldState and a newState.
Lastly, you need to designate a text channel to send the message to. In my code, I manually grabbed the ID of the channel I wanted and plugged it into the code. You'll have to do the same by replacing the number strings I have with your own specific ones.
With that being said, here's the correct modified code:
client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldState, newState) => {
const txtChannel = client.channels.cache.get('803359668054786118'); //manually input your own channel
const newChannelID = newState.channelID;
const oldChannelID = oldState.channelID;
if (oldChannelID === "800743802074824747") { //manually put the voice channel ID
txtChannel.send('role removed');
let role = newState.guild.roles.cache.get("827306356842954762"); //added this
} else if (newChannelID === "800743802074824747") {
txtChannel.send('role given');
let role = oldState.guild.roles.cache.get("827306356842954762"); //change this somewhat
oldState.member.roles.add(role).catch(console.error); //adding a catch method is always good practice
if (message.content === "!test"){
console.log("message sent")
This method doesn't work and I wasn't able to find any other methods that worked
Is there a spelling mistake or this method is outdated?
I've actually encountered this error myself once. There are two problems you might be facing here:
The user isn't cached by discord.js yet
There isn't a DMChannel open for that user yet
To solve the first one, you have to fetch the user before doing anything with it. Remember this is a Promise, so you'll have to either await for it to complete or use .then(...).
const user = await client.users.fetch('id')
Once you've fetched your user by their ID, you can then create a DMChannel which, again, returns a promise.
const dmChannel = await user.createDM()
You can then use your channel like you normally would
Try to create a variable like this:
var user = client.users.cache.find(user => === 'USER-ID')
And then do this:
user.send('your message')
The program should work in such a way that a channel named "members" will display the number of members on the server, but the program does not give errors and does not work itself.
Thanks in advance!
async def on_member_join(member):
guild = member.guild
channel = get(guild.channels, name = 'members')
await channel.edit(name = f'Учатники: {guild.member_count}')
async def on_member_remove(member):
guild = member.guild
channel = get(guild.channels, name = 'members')
await channel.edit(name = f'Учатники: {guild.member_count}')
I am not really sure if you have it in your program but just to be sure, define what is the attribute named "channel" so it knows what to edit, you can use get_channel to do it and put the channels ID afterward inside it (
Maybe just try and use it the old way and use name = "Учатники: " + str(guild.member_count) (The member_count gives you an output of int so you may need to turn it into a string before displaying it.
(I have not tested anything and this answer is based on experience and reading documents and also you might want to take a look at
I am making a "user info" command that returns the user's Discord username, their ID, their server join date and whether or not they are online. I am able to display all the information through, user.username, and user.presence.status. But when I try to use user.joinedAt I get undefined in the display.
I know this is because the User class and the GuildMember class are not the same, and that the GuildMember class contains a User object.
But my problem is: how I could get the .joinedAt data from my user mention?
Here is my current code:
let user = message.mentions.users.first();
let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.addField("Full Username:", `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`)
.addField("User ID:", `${}`)
.addField("Server Join Date:", `${user.joinedAt}`)
.addField("Online Status:", `${user.presence.status}`)
Here's the code for my user info command:
if (msg.split(" ")[0] === prefix + "userinfo") {
//ex `member #Rinkky
let args = msg.split(" ").slice(1) // gets rid of the command
let rMember = message.guild.member(message.mentions.users.first() || message.guild.members.get(args[0])) // Takes the user mentioned, or the ID of a user
let micon = rMember.displayAvatarURL // Gets their Avatar
return message.reply("Who that user? I dunno him.") // if there is no user mentioned, or provided, it will say this
let memberembed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription("__**Member Information**__")
.setThumbnail(micon) // Their icon
.addField("Name", `${rMember.username}#${rMember.discriminator}`) // Their name, I use a different way, this should work
.addField("ID", // Their ID
.addField("Joined at", rMember.joinedAt) // When they joined
This will send an embed of their user info, this is my current code and
does work for me.
After looking at your question again, I found out I didn't need to post everything, you can't get the joined at because it's just the mention. Try this:
let user = message.guild.member(message.mentions.users.first())
Should work
You can technically find it by fetching getting the member from the guild and then using GuildMember.joinedAt: since the User class represents the user in every guild, you will always need the GuildMember to get info about a specific guild.
let user = message.mentions.users.first(),
if (user) member = message.guild.member(user);
if (member) embed.addField("Server Join Date:", `${member.joinedAt}`);
With this said, I would not suggest you to do that, since it's not really efficient. Just take the mention from the members' collection and then take the user from that.
let member = message.mentions.members.first(),
if (member) user = member.user;
The downside of this is that you can't use it if you want your command to be executable from the DMs too. In that case you should use the first method.
const member = => member.user == message.mentions.users.first())