I am using JDK 11.0.2. What is the default UUID version if i do:
Adding more details. By version i mean UUID v1 / UUID v2 / v3 / v4 etc..
In addition to comments above, i also tried the version() method to get the uuid version.
I use camel version 2.12.3
I would like to get yesterday date for file name.
Founded documentation from https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/languages/simple-language.html
So i coded like below :
<setProperty propertyName="exportFileName">
I had this error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command not supported for dateExpression: now-24h"
Am i missing something here ?
Your version is simply too old. This works in current versions of Camel 2.x but not in 2.12.x
By the way: Notice the version switcher in the Camel component docs in the upper right. You have to switch from latest to 2.x to see the correct docs. However, even the 2.x docs describe the current versions of 2.x and so you would have the same problem in this case :-)
What is latest version of npm validation package joi-browser? I have searched alot and unfortunately I found nothing clear info about it.
I found #hapi/joi, v17.1.x and I guess which is only for Nodejs, also Joi left #Hapi Organization so its name is changed. I found joi-browser v13.x.x which is 2-3 years old.
I want to use Joi for frontend(React) so what is latest version of Joi for frontend and what is its exact name if it is changed?
It looks like joi-browser has been deprecated. As of v16.0.0 of joi, it now includes browser support as you can see here: https://github.com/sideway/joi/issues/2037
react-mathjax uses version 2 and I am restricted to use version 3 + Reactjs for my project. Is there any library that can help me or must I do a whole rewrite?
You can try a package that I wrote: better-react-mathjax. It is highly configurable and allows using both version 2 and 3.
The mathjax-react package is based on v3.
Lodash 4 claim to work with Backbone >= 1.3.0
we are still working with Backbone 1.1.2 - what are our options? currently we use a custom build of lodash 1.2.1.
Is lodash v3 is compatible with that version?
jdalton (the main contributor to lodash) claims that it should just work (i.e. lodash 3 is compatible with backbone 1.1.2). so, in regards to the backbone code, everything should be fine.
see this comment on a github issue that poses the same question as yours.
regardless, you should check out lodash's official docs on compatibility warnings for version 3, and update your code wherever necessary.
Having issues with PouchDB 5.3.0. I am getting following error in my Ionic app
Error: Database location or iosDatabaseLocation value is now mandatory
in openDatabase call
The above error is because of below line of code:
> var websql = new PouchDB('websqlpouch', {adapter: 'websql'});
I am trying to use SQLite plugin in Ionic app.
The problem is already reported: https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/issues/4979
You need to wait for a new version or use an older plugin version of sqlite-storage:
cordova plugin rm cordova-sqlite-storage
cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage#0.7.14
Seems the issue was closed a year back.
I am on version 5.3.1 and I went ahead and used the location key and it works:
var db = new PouchDB('myDB', {adapter: 'websql', location:'default'});
As mentioned here, using the default value for the location key.
PouchDB: Version 5.3.1
Cordova-sqlite-storage: Version 1.2.0
https://github.com/litehelpers/cordova-sqlite-ext You can get the new plugin version of sqlite-storage in this link.