I am using React Data Table Component for displaying table data - which works great!
I have a row field for lastLogin time, which is stored in MongoDB as a model like so:
lastLogin: [{
type: Date,
required: false,
My data table component looks like so:
sortIcon={<ChevronDown />}
Using columns when I try and render the date without moment, it works fine:
name: 'Last Login',
selector: (row) => row.lastLogin,
will result in:
row 1: 2021-11-17T01:16:55.093Z
row 2: (empty)
However, when formatting with moment, it seems to be obtaining the previous records results.
name: 'Last Login',
selector: (row) => row.lastLogin,
format: (row) => moment(row.lastLogin).format('lll'),
will result in:
row 1: Jan 1, 2021 12:00 AM
row 2: Nov 17, 2021 1:15 PM
This code is work correct, and the result its expected base on how the moment work.
moment work with current time as a default time to do a process, so that, if you pass a date value, then you will work and format this value, else will work and format current date.
for example:
var now = moment(undefined).format('lll');
this will be equl for:
var now2 = moment().format('lll');
Demo Link
Ok... this one has been resolved... silly syntax error.
The login date on the model was setup as an array:
lastLogin: [{
type: Date,
required: false,
Should be:
lastLogin: {
type: Date,
required: false,
I want to render a Matial UI datagrid with an initial filter model so only upcoming dates are shown. (until the user clears the default set filter)
I have no problems creating a filter for the date after the datagrid is loaded without any initialState set.
manually setting filters after rendered datagrid
However! When I attempted the initial filter model involving the date column
initialState = {{
filter: {
items: [{
columnField: 'class_end_date',
operatorValue: 'onOrAfter',
value: new Date()
I continually get Uncaught TypeError: filterItem.value.match is not a function
top of the stacktrace
buildApplyFilterFn gridDateOperators.js:10
getApplyFilterFn gridDateOperators.js:62
Errors resulting from default filter model
I am assuming there's some kind of type conversion I need for the value property in the items filter object. Still researching, but I can't find anything helpful in MUI docs hence far.
If anyone has tackled this one I'd be grateful for a step in the right direction! Thank you.
I also ensured that my type and valueGetter were defined appropriately in my columns array. Remember I want an initial state filter model for class_end_date
field: 'class_start_date',
headerName: 'Start Date',
width: 140,
type: 'date',
valueGetter: (params) => {
return new Date(params.value)
field: 'class_end_date',
headerName: 'End Date',
width: 140,
type: 'date',
valueGetter: (params) => {
return new Date(params.value)
I've also tried using dateTime for the column type, formatting the dates from the valueGetters and the filtermodel value to mm/dd/yyyy format,
and I tried ensuring the value property was a string
items: [{
columnField: 'class_end_date',
operatorValue: 'onOrAfter',
value: `${new Date()}`
-- Extjs - 6.6.0, Extjs Grid with Cell Editing plugin, record save operation to the server
There is a grid in my application interface with a proper store and model attached to the store. The grid has a date column with a date editor with the render format as 'd-M-Y' and the date value to submit to the server is 'Y-m-d'. During the save operation through a batch start with the session, I am unable to access the data to modify the date format to 'Y-m-d' and is being submitted as 'd-M-Y' which causing an issue.
Can anyone please provide the information on accessing/modifying the data before the Ext.Data.Batch starts.
I cannot replace the batch with Ajax call.
I already tried dateWriteFormat for the Model class as well.
The date display & submit formats must be 'd-M-Y' & 'Y-m-d'.
I cannot post the code as it is too large.
Any sort of help would be much appreciated.
There are a couple of ways.
You might want to edit the Model of the store via serialize.
Ext.define('MyApp.model.Users', {
extend: 'Ciss.data.Model',
fields: [{
name: 'BirthDate',
type: 'date',
dateFormat: 'd m Y', // how the date format comes from the server
serialize: function (val) {
return Ext.Date.format(val, 'Y-m-d');
You can use the writer using the dateFormat
writer: {
type: 'json',
dateFormat: 'Y-m-d',
writeAllFields: true
while your field should be of the type date, all the time
If you still need more control you can use the transform method.
Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'User',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : 'users.json',
writer: {
type: 'json',
transform: {
fn: function(data, request) {
// do some manipulation of the unserialized data object
return data;
scope: this
You can use the store beforesync event
If all this does not work for you you can grab every request before it's send.
When I select dates and apply the filter, the startDate and endDate both are objects and i can't seem to be able to get the selected days.
I have already tried to select the attributes inside of the object, but it doesn't give me a good date.
I have the following code:
$scope.datePicker = {
date: {startDate: null, endDate: null},
options: {
maxSpan: {
days: 31
maxDate: moment(),
locale: {
separator: ' - ',
format: "D/MM/YYYY"
monthNames: ['Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro',
'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro'
<input class="filter-select date-picker" type="text"
ng-model="datePicker.date" />
I also have a watcher that logged the following image:
Does anyone knows how to get the the startDate and endDate values as a simple string or a Date format?
You can use moment to get the date with the format you expect.
For Example:
let startDate = moment($scope.datePicker.date.startDate).format("DD-MM-YYYY");
let endDate = moment($scope.datePicker.date.startDate).format("DD-MM-YYYY");
To know about various date formats you can check this on moment date formats
In my ExtJS 4.2 Application I have the requirement to show from 1 to 12 months calendar depending on the Holiday calendar from a selected employee.
I need to show something like this:
So from the above approach I think this can be done by using DatePicker components (as many as needed)
I also found this sample of how to show a complete year info:
From the above sample I think the approach would be creating a dynamic grid with custom columns and rows.
Anyone has done something similar so can give me an idea of the best way to achieve this?
Appreciate in advance.
I used Extensible.calendar
Ext.define('App.view.calendar.calendar_v', {
extend: 'Extensible.calendar.CalendarPanel',
requires: ['Ext.panel.*',
controllers: ['Main'],
eventStore: eventStore,
xtype: 'calendar',
title: 'Custom Views',
width: 800,
height: 700,
activeItem: 3,
// These show by default, turn them off
showDayView: true,
showMonthView: true,
// Defaults to 3 days. You could also set the dayCount config
// inside multiDayViewCfg to change that.
showMultiDayView: true,
// Used with the custom week view configured below
weekText: 'Week',
weekViewCfg: {
// These settings create a fixed weekday view.
// This view will only show Mon-Fri.
dayCount: 5,
// Always start the view on Monday
startDay: 1,
startDayIsStatic: true,
// NOTE: the configs below apply to any DayView or WeekView. If you wanted all day
// and week views to share these same settings, you could simply pass these configs
// in the general viewCfg. Any views that do not use them will ignore them. They are
// only on this view in this sample to demonstrate how they can be easily customized per view.
// Hide the half-hour marker line
showHourSeparator: false,
// Start the view at 6:00
viewStartHour: 6,
// End the view at 8:00pm / 20:00
viewEndHour: 20,
// Default the scroll position on load to 8:00 if the body is overflowed
scrollStartHour: 8,
// Customize the hour (and event) heights. See the docs for details on setting this.
// This example will be double-height (the default is 42)
hourHeight: 84,
// Allow drag-drop, drag-create and resize of events in 10-minute increments
ddIncrement: 10,
// Since the hour blocks are double-height, we can shorten the minimum event display
// height to match the ddIncrement
minEventDisplayMinutes: 10
And then I load in events from a store
var x = 1;
var u = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('calendar.calendar_s');
callback: function () {
Ext.each(Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('calendar.calendar_s').data.items, function (value) {
CalendarId: (x + 1),
EndDate: value.data.date,
IsAllDay: true,
Location: "",
Notes: notes,
RecurRule: "",
Reminder: "",
StartDate: value.data.date,
Title: "",
Url: "sumpnsumpn"
I have a GridPanel with ExtJS 4. One of the columns returns a timestamp in the following format:
1900-01-01 14:00:00.0
This is my column from my JsonStore
name: 'clockOut',
mapping: 'clockOut',
dateFormat: 'H:i A',
type: 'date'
I just want to show the time section but all I get back is a blank column.
When I remove the type: 'data' I get the data but in the above format.
Any suggestions?
You could add a renderer to the column that formats it the way you want:
name: 'clockOut',
mapping: 'clockOut',
renderer: dateRenderer
And then a function for dateRenderer:
function dateRenderer(value, id, r) {
var d = new Date(r.data['clockOut']);
return d.format('H:i A');
You could even use ExtJS built in renderer instead of defining your own function:
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('H:i A')