I have items in a DynamoDB table. Each item has a list key words against a URL (URL is partition key in my table) from which these words has been extracted. Now I want to query the table for one keyword and determine which URL/s has/have this particular word.
One way is to loop through each item in the table and then again loop through the respective list of keywords to complete the query. Another option is that I store each word as partition key in item and place respective URLs against each. But in this case my crawler lambda will be slowed.
What you think, there can be another way to achieve the desired results?
In contrast to data modeling in relational databases, you design your DynamoDB schemas in such a way that reads are very quick and simple at the cost of more (compute-)expensive writes.
What you've done now is to design your table in a way that writes are cheap and reads are expensive.
In DynamoDB we think in terms of access patterns that your data model is supposed to serve. In your case that would be getUrlsByKeyword. The easiest solution would be to design your table like this:
keyword (Partition Key)
url (Sort Key)
This allows you to do a Query based on keyword=<keyword> which would return all your URLs that contain this keyword.
How would you update this table?
There's two cases you need to worry about under the assumption that you don't delete URLs from your table:
New URL with keywords
Existing URL with keywords
Solving 1) is easy: For each new keyword-url combination you add a record to the table above.
The update case 2) is a bit more annoying, because you need to figure out what already exists to change it. As a result of that we have a new access pattern getKeywordsByUrl which can't easily be served from the table we've defined so far, so we adjust it.
There is an easy trick we can do: we create an inverted index, meaning a Global Secondary Index that switches the partition and sort key of the base table. The GSI would look like this:
Name: GSI1
Partition key: url
Sort key: keyword
If we view GSI1, we see a table like this:
url (GSI1 Partition key)
keyword (GSI1 Sort Key)
Now we can easily fetch the keywords for a given URL using a Query on GSI1 with url=<url>. Based on it's result, you can add new keywords to the base table and delete no-longer-existing keywords as well.
I am new to DynamoDB and after reading several docs, there is a scenario in which I am not sure which would be the best approach for designing a table.
Consider that we have some JobOffers and we should support the following data access:
get a specific JobOffer
get all JobOffers from a specific Company sorted by different criteria (newest/oldest/wage)
get JobOffers from a specific Company filtered by a specific city sorted by different criteria (newest/oldest/wage)
get all JobOffers (regardless of any Company !!!) sorted by different criteria (newest/oldest/wage)
get JobOffers (regardless of any Company !!!) filtered by a specific city sorted by different criteria (newest/oldest/wage)
Since we need to support sorting, my understanding is that we should use Query instead of Scan. In order to use Query, we need to use a primary key. Because we need to support a search like "get all JobOffers without any filters sorted somehow", which would be a good candidate for partition key?
As a workaround, I was thinking to use a new attribute "country" which can be used as the partition key, but since all JobOffers are specified in one country, all these items fall under the same partition, so it might be a bit redundant until we will have support for JobOffers from different countries.
Any suggestion on how to design JobOffer table (with PK and GSI/LSI) for such a scenario?
Design of a Dynamodb table is best done with an Access approach - that is - how are you going to be accessing the data in here. You have information X, you need Y.
Also remember that a dynamo is NOT an sql, and it is not restricted that every item has to be the same - consider each entry a document, with its PK/SK as directory/item structure in a file system almost.
So for example:
You have user data. You have things like : Avatar data (image name, image size, image type) Login data (salt/pepper hashes, email address, username), Post history (post title, identifier, content, replies). Each user will only have 1 Avatar item and 1 Login item, but have many Post items
You know that from the user page you are always going to have the user ID. 100% of the time. This should then be your PK - your Hash Key, PartitionKey. Then you have the rest of the things you need inform your sort key/range key.
AVATAR - Attributes: (image name, image size, image type)
LOGIN - Attributes: (salt/pepper hashes, email address, username)
POST#123 - Attributes: (post title, identifier, content, replies)
POST#125 - Attributes: (post title, identifier, content, replies)
POST#193 - Attributes: (post title, identifier, content, replies)
This way you can do a query with the User ID and get ALL the user data back. Or if you are on a page that just displays their post history, you can do a query against User ID # SK Begins With POST and get back all t heir posts.
You can put in an inverted index (SK -> PK and vice versa) and then do a query on POST#193 and get back the user ID. Or if you have other PK types with POST#193 as the SK, you get more information there (like a REPLIES#193 PK or something)
The idea here is that you have X bits of information, and you need to craft your dynamo to be able to retrieve as much as possible with just that information, and using prefix's on your SKs you can then narrow the fields a little.
Sometimes this means a duplication of information! That you may have the same information under two sets of keys. This is ok and kind of expected when you start getting into really complex relationships. You can mitigate it somewhat with index's, but you should aim to avoid them where possible as they do introduce a bit of lag in terms of data propagation (its tiny, but it can add up)
So you have your list of things you want to get for your dynamo. What will you always have to tie them together? What piece of data do you have that will work?
You can do the first 3 with a company PK identifier and a reverse index. That will let you look up and get all a companies jobs, or using the reverse index all a specific job. Or if you can always know the company when looking up a specific job, then it uses the general first index.
Company# - Job# - data data data
You then do the sorting on your own, OR you add some sort of sort valuye to the Job# key - Sort Keys are inherently sorted after all. Company# - Job#1234#UNITED_STATES
of course this will only work for one sort at a time. You can make more than one index, but again - data sync lag is a real possibility.
But how to do this regardless of Company? Well you can have another index with your searchable attribute (Country for example) as the PK then you can query that.
Or do you have another set of data that can tie this all together? Do you have another thing that can reach it all?
If not, you may just have two items in your dynamo:
Company#1234 - Job#321 - details
Company#1234 - Country#United_states - job#321, job#456, job#1234
Company#1234 - Country#England - job#992, job#123, job#19231
your reverse index here would apply - you could do a query on PK: Contry#UnitedStates and you'd get back:
Country#United_states - Company#1234 - job#321, job #456, job31234
Country#United_states - Company#4556
Country#United_States - Comapny#8322
this isnt a relational database however! So either you have to do one of two things - use t hose job#s to then query that company and get the filter the jobs by what you want (bad - trying to avoid multiple queries!) or each job# is an attribute on country sk's, and it contains a copy of that relevant data in a map format {job title, job#, country, company, salary}. Then when they click on that job to go to the details, it makes a direct call straight to the job query, gets the details to display,and its good.
Again, it all comes down to access patterns. What do you have, and how can you arrange it in a way that lets you get what you need fast
New to this community. I need some help in designing the Amazon Dynamo DB table for my personal projects.
Overview, this is a simple photo gallery application with following attributes.
List item
I wish to perform the following queries:
For a given user, fetch 'N' most recent posts
For a given user, fetch 'N' most liked posts
Give 'N' most recent posts (Newsfeed)
Give 'N' most liked posts (Newsfeed)
My solution:
Keeping UserID as the partition key, PostID as the sort key, likes and UploadTime as the local secondary index, I can solve the first two query.
I'm confused on how to perform query operation for 3 and 4 (Newsfeed). I know without partition ket I cannot query and scan is not an effective solution. Any workaround for operatoin 3 and 4 ?
Any idea on how should I design my DB ?
It looks like you're off to a great start with your current design, well done!
For access pattern #3, you want to fetch the most recent posts. One way to approach this is to create a global secondary index (GSI) to aggregate posts by their creation time. For example, you could create a variable named GSI1PK on your main table and assign it a value of POSTS and use the upload_time field as the sort key. That would look something like this:
Viewing the secondary index (I've named it GSI1), your data would look like this:
This would allow you to query for Posts and sort by upload_time. This is a great start. However, your POSTS partition will grow quite large over time. Instead of choosing POSTS as the partition key for your secondary index, consider using a truncated timestamp to group posts by date. For example, here's how you could store posts by the month they were created:
Storing posts using a truncated timestamp will help you distribute your data across partitions, which will help your DB scale. If a month is too long, you could use truncated timestamps for a week/day/hour/etc. Whatever makes sense.
To fetch the N most recent posts, you'd simply query your secondary index for POSTS in the current month (e.g. POSTS#2021-01-00). If you don't get enough results, run the same query against the prior month (e.g. POSTS#2020-12-00). Keep doing this until your application has enough posts to show the client.
For the fourth access pattern, you'd like to fetch the most liked posts. One way to implement this access pattern is to define another GSI with "LIKES" as the partition key and the number of likes as the sort key.
If you intend on introducing a data range on the number of likes (e.g. most popular posts this week/month/year/etc) you could utilize the truncated timestamp approach I outlined for the previous access pattern.
When you find yourself "fetch most recent" access patterns, you may want to check out KSUIDs. KSUIDs, or K-sortable Universal Identifier, are unique identifiers that are sortable by their creation date/time/. Think of them as UUID's and timestamps combined into one attribute. This could be useful in supporting your first access pattern where you are fetching most recent posts for a user. If you were to use a KSUID for the Post ID, your table would look like this:
I've replaced the POST ID's in this example with KSUIDs. Because the KSUIDs are unique and sortable by the time they were created, you are able to support your first access pattern without any additional indexing.
There are KSUID libraries for most popular programming languages, so implementing this feature is pretty simple.
You could add two Global Secondary Indexes.
For 3):
Create a static attribute type with the value post, which serves as the Partition Key for the GSI and use the attribute UploadTime as the Sort Key. You can then query for type="post" and get the most recent items based on the sort key.
The solution for 4) is very similar:
Create another Global secondary index with the aforementioned item type as the partition key and Likes as the sort key. You can then query in a similar way as above. Note, that GSIs are eventually consistent, so it may take time until your like counters are updated.
Explanation and additional infos
Using this approach you group all posts in a single item collection, which allows for efficient queries. To save on storage space and RCUs, you can also choose to only project a subset of attributes into the index.
If you have more than 10GB of post-data, this design isn't ideal, but for a smaller application it will work fine.
If you're going for a Single Table Design, I'd recommend to use generic names for the Index attributes: PK, SK, GSI1PK, GSI1SK, GSI2PK, GSI2SK. You can then duplicate the attribute values into these items. This will make it less confusing if you store different entities in the table. Adding a type column that holds the entity type is also common.
I'm writing a small search engine in C with curl, libxml2, and mysql. The basic plan is to grab pages with curl, parse them with libxml2, then iterate over the DOM and find all the links. Then traverse each of those, and repeat, all while updating a SQL database that maintains the relationship between URLs.
My question is: how can I best represent the relationship between URLs?.
Why not have a table of base urls (ie www.google.com/) and a table of connections, with these example columns:
starting page id (from url table)
ending page id (from url table)
the trailing directory of the urls as strings in two more columns
This will allow you to join on certain urls and pick out information you want.
Your solution seems like it would be better suited to a non relational datastore, such as a column store.
Most search engine indices aren't stored in relational databases, but stored in memory as to minimize retrieval time.
Add two fields to table - 'id' and 'parent_id'.
id - unique identifier for URL
parent_id - link between URL's
If you want to have a single entry for each URL then you should create another table that maps the relationships.
You then lookup the URL table to see if it exists. If not create it.
The relationship table would have
Where the SourceUrlId is the page and the UrlId is the url it points to. That way you can have multiple relationships for the same URL and you won't need to have a new entry in the Url table for every link to that url. Will also mean only 1 copy of any other info you are storing.
Why are you interested in representing pages graph?
If you want to compute the ranking, then it's better to have a more succinct and efficient representation (e.g., matricial form if you want to compute something similar to PageRank).
How to design data storage for huge tagging system (like digg or delicious)?
There is already discussion about it, but it is about centralized database. Since the data is supposed to grow, we'll need to partition the data into multiple shards soon or later. So, the question turns to be: How to design data storage for partitioned tagging system?
The tagging system basically has 3 tables:
Item (item_id, item_content)
Tag (tag_id, tag_title)
TagMapping(map_id, tag_id, item_id)
That works fine for finding all items for given tag and finding all tags for given item, if the table is stored in one database instance. If we need to partition the data into multiple database instances, it is not that easy.
For table Item, we can partition its content with its key item_id. For table Tag, we can partition its content with its key tag_id. For example, we want to partition table Tag into K databases. We can simply choose number (tag_id % K) database to store given tag.
But, how to partition table TagMapping?
The TagMapping table represents the many-to-many relationship. I can only image to have duplication. That is, same content of TagMappping has two copies. One is partitioned with tag_id and the other is partitioned with item_id. In scenario to find tags for given item, we use partition with tag_id. If scenario to find items for given tag, we use partition with item_id.
As a result, there is data redundancy. And, the application level should keep the consistency of all tables. It looks hard.
Is there any better solution to solve this many-to-many partition problem?
I doubt there is a single approach that optimizes all possible usage scenarios. As you said, there are two main scenarios that the TagMapping table supports: finding tags for a given item, and finding items with a given tag. I think there are some differences in how you will use the TagMapping table for each scenario that may be of interest. I can only make reasonable assumptions based on typical tagging applications, so forgive me if this is way off base!
Finding Tags for a Given Item
A1. You're going to display all of the tags for a given item at once
A2. You're going to ensure that all of an item's tags are unique
Finding Items for a Given Tag
B1. You're going to need some of the items for a given tag at a time (to fill a page of search results)
B2. You might allow users to specify multiple tags, so you'd need to find some of the items matching multiple tags
B3. You're going to sort the items for a given tag (or tags) by some measure of popularity
Given the above, I think a good approach would be to partition TagMapping by item. This way, all of the tags for a given item are on one partition. Partitioning can be more granular, since there are likely far more items than tags and each item has only a handful of tags. This makes retrieval easy (A1) and uniqueness can be enforced within a single partition (A2). Additionally, that single partition can tell you if an item matches multiple tags (B2).
Since you only need some of the items for a given tag (or tags) at a time (B1), you can query partitions one at a time in some order until you have as many records needed to fill a page of results. How many partitions you will have to query will depend on how many partitions you have, how many results you want to display and how frequently the tag is used. Each partition would have its own index on tag_id to answer this query efficiently.
The order you pick partitions in will be important as it will affect how search results are grouped. If ordering isn't important (i.e. B3 doesn't matter), pick partitions randomly so that none of your partitions get too hot. If ordering is important, you could construct the item id so that it encodes information relevant to the order in which results are to be sorted. An appropriate partitioning scheme would then be mindful of this encoding. For example, if results are URLs that are sorted by popularity, then you could combine a sequential item id with the Google Page Rank score for that URL (or anything similar). The partitioning scheme must ensure that all of the items within a given partition have the same score. Queries would pick partitions in score order to ensure more popular items are returned first (B3). Obviously, this only allows for one kind of sorting and the properties involved should be constant since they are now part of a key and determine the record's partition. This isn't really a new limitation though, as it isn't easy to support a variety of sorts, or sorts on volatile properties, with partitioned data anyways.
The rule is that you partition by field that you are going to query by. Otherwise you'll have to look through all partitions. Are you sure you'll need to query Tag table by tag_id only? I believe not, you'll also need to query by tag title. It's no so obvious for Item table, but probably you also would like to query by something like URL to find item_id for it when other user will assign tags for it.
But note, that Tag and Item tables has immutable title and URL. That means you can use the following technique:
Choose partition from title (for Tag) or URL (for Item).
Choose sequence for this partition to generate id.
You either use partition-localID pair as global identifier or use non-overlapping number sets. Anyway, now you can compute partition from both id and title/URL fields. Don't know number of partitions in advance or worrying it might change in future? Create more of them and join in groups, so that you can regroup them in future.
Sure, you can't do the same for TagMapping table, so you have to duplicate. You need to query it by map_id, by tag_id, by item_id, right? So even without partitioning you have to duplicate data by creating 3 indexes. So the difference is that you use different partitioning (by different field) for each index. I see no reason to worry about.
Most likely your queries are going to be related to a user or a topic. Meaning that you should have all info related to those in one place.
You're talking about distribution of DB, usually this is mostly an issue of synchronization. Reading, which is about 90% of the work usually, can be done on a replicated database. The issue is how to update one DB and remain consistent will all others and without killing the performances. This depends on your scenario details.
The other possibility is to partition, like you asked, all the data without overlapping. You probably would partition by user ID or topic ID. If you partition by topic ID, one database could reference all topics and just telling which dedicated DB is holding the data. You can then query the correct one. Since you partition by ID, all info related to that topic could be on that specialized database. You could partition also by language or country for an international website.
Last but not least, you'll probably end up mixing the two: Some non-overlapping data, and some overlapping (replicated) data. First find usual operations, then find how to make those on one DB in least possible queries.
PS: Don't forget about caching, it'll save you more than distributed-DB.
What is the best way to deal with storing and indexing URL's in SQL Server 2005?
I have a WebPage table that stores metadata and content about Web Pages. I also have many other tables related to the WebPage table. They all use URL as a key.
The problem is URL's can be very large, and using them as a key makes the indexes larger and slower. How much I don't know, but I have read many times using large fields for indexing is to be avoided. Assuming a URL is nvarchar(400), they are enormous fields to use as a primary key.
What are the alternatives?
How much pain would there likely to be with using URL as a key instead of a smaller field.
I have looked into the WebPage table having a identity column, and then using this as the primary key for a WebPage. This keeps all the associated indexes smaller and more efficient but it makes importing data a bit of a pain. Each import for the associated tables has to first lookup what the id of a url is before inserting data in the tables.
I have also played around with using a hash on the URL, to create a smaller index, but am still not sure if it is the best way of doing things. It wouldn't be a unique index, and would be subject to a small number of collisions. So I am unsure what foreign key would be used in this case...
There will be millions of records about webpages stored in the database, and there will be a lot of batch updating. Also there will be a quite a lot of activity reading and aggregating the data.
Any thoughts?
I'd use a normal identity column as the primary key. You say:
This keeps all the associated indexes smaller and more efficient
but it makes importing data a bit of a pain. Each import for the
associated tables has to first lookup what the id of a url is
before inserting data in the tables.
Yes, but the pain is probably worth it, and the techniques you learn in the process will be invaluable on future projects.
On SQL Server 2005, you can create a user-defined function GetUrlId that looks something like
CREATE FUNCTION GetUrlId (#Url nvarchar(400))
DECLARE #UrlId int
SELECT #UrlId = Id FROM Url WHERE Url = #Url
This will return the ID for urls already in your URL table, and NULL for any URL not already recorded. You can then call this function inline your import statements - something like
UrlHistory(UrlId, Visited, RemoteIp)
(dbo.GetUrlId('http://www.stackoverflow.com/'), #Visited, #RemoteIp)
This is probably slower than a proper join statement, but for one-time or occasional import routines it might make things easier.
Break up the URL into columns based on the bits your concerned with and use the RFC as a guide. Reverse the host and domain info so an index can group like domains (Google does this).
stackoverflow.com -> com.stackoverflow
blog.stackoverflow.com -> com.stackoverflow.blog
Google has a paper that outlines what they do but I can't find right now.
I would stick with the hash solution. This generates a unique key with a fairly low chance of collision.
An alternative would be to create GUID and use that as the key.
I totally agree with Dylan. Use an IDENTITY column or a GUID column as surrogate key in your WebPage table. Thats a clean solution. The lookup of the id while importing isn't that painful i think.
Using a big varchar column as key column is wasting much space and affects insert and query performance.
Not so much a solution. More another perspective.
Storing the total unique URI of a page perhaps defeats part of the point of URI construction. Each forward slash is supposed to refer to a unique semantic space within the domain (whether that space is actual or logical). Unless the URIs you intend to store are something along the line of www.somedomain.com/p.aspx?id=123456789 then really it might be better to break a single URI metatable into a table representing the subdomains you have represented in your site.
For example if you're going to hold a number of "News" section URIs in the same table as the "Reviews" URIs then you're missing a trick to have a "Sections" table whose content contains meta information about the section and whose own ID acts as a parent to all those URIs within it.