How do I update value of an array inside ref in vue 3 - arrays

I am building an application with vuejs
I have a ref which contains an array and I want to update a single value inside it
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const allQuestions = ref([{"like" => 1},{"like" => 0}]);
allQuestions.value[1].like = 1;
I want to update the second like in the ref array.

Javascript uses a different syntax than php for objects.
const allQuestions = ref([{like:1},{like:0}]);
allQuestions.value[1].like = 1


How to get or filter a bunch of childNodes by their style class name in ReactJs

I am having trouble figuring out how to get or filter a bunch of childNodes by their style class name inside my useEffect. Using ReactJs v18.
Straight after the line with: const circleElements = launcherCircle!.childNodes; I would like to get/filter the div's with the class name 'launcherPos' so I can position them in a circle formation.
const LauncherComponent = () => {
const launcherCircleRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
let modules: Module[] | null = GetModules();
const enableLauncher = (module: Module) => {
return !module.IsEnabled ? styles['not-active'] : null;
useEffect(() => {
const launcherCircle = launcherCircleRef.current;
const circleElements = launcherCircle!.childNodes;
let angle = 360 - 190;
let dangle = 360 / circleElements.length;
for (let i = 0; i < circleElements.length; i++) {
let circle = circleElements[i] as HTMLElement;
angle += dangle; = `rotate(${angle}deg) translate(${launcherCircle!.clientWidth / 2}px) rotate(-${angle}deg)`;
}, []);
if (modules == null){
return <Navigate replace to={'/noaccess'} />
} else {
return (
<div data-testid="Launcher" className={styles['launcherContainer']} >
<div className={styles['launcherCircle']} ref={launcherCircleRef}>
{ (module: Module, idx) {
return (
<div key={idx} className={styles['launcherPos']} ><div className={`${styles['launcherButton']} ${enableLauncher(module)}`}><img src={module.ImagePath} alt={module.Prefix} /></div></div>
<div className={styles['launcherTextDiv']}>
export default LauncherComponent;
From what I've read getElementsByClassName() is not advisable practise because of the nature of ReactJs and it's virtual DOM.
I tried the following filter but I think with React garburling the class name I didn't get anything back.
const launcherChildren = launcherCircle!.children;
const circleElements = [...launcherChildren].filter(element => element.classList.contains('launcherPos'));
Maybe there's a way to ref an array of the just the children with the launcherPos class???
There must be a couple of different ways, but, they are eluding me.
When you filter/map an array of HTMLElements, the results are in the form of objects, which contains properties like, props, ref etc.
Since className is a prop on the element, you should try looking for the class name by digging into the props key.
Simply put, all the props that you pass to the element, like onClick, onChange, value, className are stored under the props property.
You can filter the results by converting the class name into an array and further checking if it contains the target string (launcherPos in this case).
Your code should look something like this:
const circleElements = [...launcherChildren].filter(element=>element.props.className.split(' ').includes('launcherPos'))
The above method could be used when an array directly holds elements. E.g: [<div></div>,<div></div>...].
The approach that you've followed is correct, except for the way you are selecting the elements by their class names. I can see that you are using CSS modules in this component, meaning all the class names exist as properties on the imported object(styles in this case), so when you use contains('launcherPos') you are essentially checking for the presence of a string, but when using CSS modules, class names are available only as object properties, that's the reason you are getting an empty array. Simply update launcherPos to styles.launcherPos and that shall fix the issue.
All-in-all your useEffect function should look something like this:
useEffect(() => {
const launcherCircle = launcherCircleRef.current;
const launcherChildren = launcherCircle!.children;
const circleElements = [...launcherChildren].filter(element => element.classList.contains(styles.launcherPos)); //change launcherPos to styles.launcherPos
let angle = 360 - 190;
let dangle = 360 / circleElements.length;
for (let i = 0; i < circleElements.length; i++) {
let circle = circleElements[i] as HTMLElement;
angle += dangle; = `rotate(${angle}deg) translate(${launcherCircle!.clientWidth / 2}px) rotate(-${angle}deg)`;
}, []);

React - useState appending to the array changes previously appended objects

Hi all,
I have a small react app that is creating (mapping from an array) new tabs (and panels) when there is a new message over the websocket.
There is an initial setup, that is hardcoded for the test purposes which sets up 2 tabs on load, any new ones should be appended to these two.
id: 1,
child_component_config: {...}
id: 2,
child_component_config: {...}
const template = {
child_component_config: {...}
The code, simplifed:
const [current_array, setNewArray] = useState( INITIAL_ARRAY);
export default function ParentComponent() {
useEffect(() => {
const client = new ws...
client.onConnect = function (frame) {
var message = clientDesk.subscribe( '/topic/desks/4', function (message) {
// on message
var new_tab = TEMPLATE; = Math.max( elem => ) ) + 1;
setNewArray([...current_array, new_tab]);
}, [ current_array ]);
const tabs = map tabs
cosnt panels = map panels
The problem:
On first message from the WS the third element is added to the array properly (example-1)
, fourth one is added properly but it also overwrites the third element (example-2)
making them exactly the same. After fourth it gets strange, where some are overwritten and some are not.
I've tried:
Moving the state updating out of useEffect or removing useEffect completly
Storing current_array in a temp var before any logic
Adding a counter to track which tab's id is the latest -> tracking state of just one number works
const [tab_count, setTabCount] = useState( INITIAL_ARRAY.lenght );
Using counter to try to force rendering
Setting up a fixed number of objects in the initial array and just update which ever is needed (with and without counter)
Updating based on the previous value
setNewArray( prevArray => {
return [...prevArray, new_tab];
After the first WS message, if the code is changed/saved and webpack compiled, the next message will add a new element to the array properly.
EDIT - Solved:
Managed to solve this by building a new object (instead of using the template) before adding it to the array.

Firestore navigation for onUpdate and shuffle an array

I have this Firebase structure:
Firebase Structure.
Then I have a function in my Code, which adds a map called "set".
My Structure is looking like this after: New structure.
Now i want an onUpdate Firebase function, which is called after the map "set" is added in any document.
This function should shuffle my "question" array.
I tried something like this:
exports.shuffleSet = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const data =;
const previousData =;
if ( == {
return null;
//shuffle code here
But Im not sure if .document('duell/{duell_id}/set/questions') is the correct way to navigate to the question array. And at the beginning the "set" is not even existing as explained at the top.
How do I navigate to the question array correctly, that I can pull it & update it shuffled?
You should pass a document path to functions.firestore.document(). You cannot pass a field name, since Firestore Cloud Functions are triggered by documents events.
So you should do as follows:
exports.shuffleSet = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
if (! {
const data =;
const question = data.set.question; // get the value of the question field
const shuffledSet = shuffle(question); // generate the new, suffled set. It’s up to you to write this function
return change.after.ref.update({shuffledSet});
} else {
return null; // Nothing to do, the shuffled field is already calculated

unable to set record in react usestate array from sqlite

I am using sqlite for local storage in react native but when I tried to fetch record and set it into the useState , it doesn't update the state
here is the code
const SelectQuery=async()=>{
const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('docToken')
let selectQuery = await ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM DoctorConversations where d_phone=?",[token]);
var rows = selectQuery.rows;
var temp = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
return temp;
This is how I am calling
I guess that you have:
const [flatListItem, setFlatListItem] = useState([]);
setFlatListItem changes internal state and schedules a rerender. flatListItem gets a new value only on the next render.
You need to use functional updates to modify the current internal state:
setFlatListItem(state => [...state, item])
If you want to replace the whole list, you do not need to map individual items:
SelectQuery().then(res=> setFlatListItem(res))
Note that flatListItem is a bad name in your case since it holds an array. You should probably rename it to just [flatList, setFlatList].

ES6 Add new elements to an array in state

createNewList = (id, input) => {
const foundCard = { => id ===};
this.setState(foundCard.list = [...foundCard.list, input]);
Hello everyone
There is an array of data (list), which is stored in the state for each object (card).
Problem: I can’t seem to add a new element to this array.
The way it is set up creates only one element and change it every time. But I need to create a new one every time. I tried to create a separate array, add to it using newArray.push (input) and then do this.setState (foundCard.list = [... foundCard.list, ... newArray])`, but have the same result.
I don’t use Redux, because I just started to learn React and I store everything in state yet.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
createNewList = (id, input) => {
const newCards = => {
if ( === id) card.list = [...card.list, input];
return card;
cards: newCards
