abp.io - extend user profile - abp

Working with abp.io (free framework version), how to add custom properties to User profile ?
Such a BirthDate, Gender etc.
I saw this doc about ExtraProperties, but it does not explain when/how to use it, and I'd rather have a Custom User class with my properties :
I saw another doc stating that you want to extend the "AppUser" class, but in my template (v5.0-rc), there is no such a class in the *.Domain project.
What would be the "preferred" way ?

A separate article will be written for this soon, but until then, you can read the parts of this article after the "The AppUser Entity & Custom Properties" heading.
On GitHub:
On Community:
Also, this article shows how you can query on custom properties added under the heading "Querying Based on a Custom Property".
In fact, as you will see, the absence of AppUser means almost nothing. Almost all the written codes are the same :)


Is there a way to show images in a Wagtail Model Admin Record Listing page?

I have reviewed the question on Is there any way to show a field on a listing page in Wagtail admin? but my situation seems to similar but also different enough that that particular solution won't work for me. Instead of on the Page listing I wish to achieve a similar thing on the Model Admin listing and I would think this should be such a common requirement that I am picking that someone must have done this before I have attempted it.
I haven't really figured out how to even try anything to get started but what I have looked at is the modeladmin template tags under wagtail.contrib.modeladmin on GitHub but I am completely guessing.
Can anyone point me to which templates I need to modify and whether I need to modify any of the template tags and how to override anything I need to override?
There's no need to override templates for this - this is standard functionality in ModelAdmin. Adding extra fields to the listing is done by setting list_display on the ModelAdmin class:
class BookAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = Book
list_display = ('title', 'author')
For displaying images, ModelAdmin provides ThumbnailMixin:
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.mixins import ThumbnailMixin
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin
class BookAdmin(ThumbnailMixin, ModelAdmin):
model = Book
thumb_image_field_name = 'cover_image'
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'admin_thumb')
('admin_thumb' is a special-purpose field name provided by ThumbnailMixin, and should be used rather than the actual image field on your model - cover_image in this example.)

wagtail modeladmin: is it possible to add "explore child pages" column?

I've been using wagtail-modeladmin to create custom lists of certain page types. That gives me the ability to edit those pages. But I'd also like to be able to click through somehow to the "normal" admin explorer version of those pages, and be able to view/add child pages to them.
essentially giving myself a column with the little arrows in on the right, just like in the normal wagtail admin page explorer...
OK I know it's bad form to answer your own question, but I've got this working by using a custom method on the model admin object that reverse wagtails admin urls:
class MySpecialPageModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
def view_children(self, obj):
url = reverse('wagtailadmin_explore', args=[obj.id])
return format_html(f'View Children')
list_display = ('title', 'live', 'view_children')
but actually, I think I'm not going to end up using this, just replacing this particular modeladmin with a direct link to the right place in the explorer.

How to add extra attributes to UserProfile table in asp.net MVC 4

I made a search for this for about 4 days and I couldn't find anything by any means that describe this step by step. I had found this article which describe how to add Email field to UserProfile table, the first step in this tutorial requires you to open DefaultConnection Database but I don't know how to do that.
So my question is:
1- how to add extra attributes in UserProfile database (using WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection method).
2- What If I want to make my own database and let MVC to create UserProfile table with the extra attributes ?
If you have any questions let me know in the comments below.
I tried to add these extra attributes to UserProfile Class which I believe that it follows code first technique, after that I had changed the connection string to my own database then after building the project Tables (UserProfile, webpages_Membership, webpages_OAuthMembership, etc..) created successfully but with no extra attribute that I already added to UserProfile class before building.
If you use Entity Framework do that:
First you must enable migrations if you didn't did it.
After that look for 'ApplicatinUser' class and add property that you want(e.g FullName).

Show Opportunity related Contacts in Custom Object Field

I have the next issue.
I have a custom object called 'Application', and I have this requirement:
"Show all Contacts related to an Application. Create a field on Application object, must be read only".
I solve it with apex code. 'Application' has a lookup to Opportunity, Opportunity to Account, and all my contacts have AccountId, so this way, I get all the contacts using apex code in a trigger.
But, I've been ask to change this to a Formula field in Application object.
So, my issue is next. I'm not able to get all contacts with advance formula editor, because they're not part of any object. I have no master-detail relationship.
Does any one know how can I achieve this using configuration? I should not use apex code for this req.
Thank in advance guys.
I don't think you can do it.
In formulas / merge fields syntax there's no way to go "up, up then down" (Application -> Opportunity -> Account -> down to Contacts related list). There's also nothing that would let you loop through Contacts (and display what? Ids? Names? Emails?). Roughly speaking you can only go up through dots.
You might want to explore path of "cross object workflow" rules but I imagine that when I add a new Contact to Account it should somehow "spread itself" to all related Applications? There's no straight way to fire a workflow on delete too - so you'd eventually end up with inaccurate list.
I'd say trigger was a good solution. Maybe it ws unoptimized but if it has to be in a field - tough.
There might be a fairly simple way of achieving that by embedding a visualforce page within Application page layout.
This should be doable with pure Visualforce (so technically there will be no Apex code ;))
Something as simple as
<apex:relatedList list="Contacts" subject="Application__c.Opportunity__r.AccountId" />
would be a good start (if you want your own layout and not a rel. list - you should be still able to pull it off with <apex:repeat> or <apex:pageBlockTable>.
There's one BUT here: it's not a field, just a display trick. Forget about using it in reports, mobile applications etc.
Another way - would it be acceptable to be 1 click away from these contacts? You could make a report "Account with Contacts", filter it by Id of one Account and later use "URL hacking" to change the filter depending on from which Application you'll click it. This link could be either a formula field or a real custom button/link. Technically - it's pure config, no apex & VF.
You can read more about URL hacking at Ray Dehler's excellent post and specifically about dynamic Reports here or here.

Dynamically passing a model name to a CakePHP Plugin

I'm having trouble wording my problem, so it's been tough to search for an answer. Hopefully you'll know how to help.
I am creating a CakePHP 2.1 Plugin that will interact with a series of its own Models:
- Friend
- Group
- User
Friend and Group are models that are created specifically for the Plugin, and they function within the plugin normally. However, the User model is really just an alias for some other table in the parent app.
So, if "My Awesome Application" decides to use "My Awesome Plugin", it will have to have its own "users" table (though it may called something else). Let's say "My Awesome Application" has a Model called MyUser. "My Awesome Plugin" wants to dynamically tell its internal User model to $useTable = "my_users".
My question is, how do I pass that data to the Plugin? How do I configure "My Awesome Plugin" to understand that User should $useTable "my_users";
As I understand you would like a Model in a PlugIn to use a table that would typically belong to a Model in your Application - by the conventions. Have you tried statically setting:
public $useTable = "my_users";
in the plugin? All plugins usually get initialized when Cake starts up, so all configurations should be loaded then. Why do you need this - it does really restrict you a lot? Will the table being used by the Plugin model change runtime?
The Model class also has some goodies you may find useful:
holds the table name for the model - the table that is currently being used that is**.
Also you can set the source table for the Model (inside a Controller) with:
** I am not sure if this applies when you use Model::setSource(). It would be interesting to check out what $this->User->table; holds after a Model::setSource() call.
I've figured out a way to accomplish this, but it might not work in all scenarios for all people.
I created a Component in my Plugin, and then I call the Component in my Controller. I pass the name of the users Model through the Component. This way, I can get information about the users Model, and I can set it as the useTable to my Plugin for use in the Plugin.
Of course, this method restricts me to using the Component to utilize the Plugin, but that's probably for the best.
Here's an example of how I did it:
// in the AppController
public $components = array(
'MyPlugin.MyPluginComponent' => array('userModel'=>'UserModelName')
// in the Plugin's Component
class MyPluginComponent extends Component {
function initialize($controller) {
//get the base user model
$this->UserModel = ClassRegistry::init($this->settings['userModel']);
//set the useTable for our plugin's user model
$this->PluginUser = ClassRegistry::init('MyPlugin.PluginUser');
//set the useTable value for this model
That seems to work for me. Hope this helps someone else.
