Change table data set based on Google Maps API results - reactjs

I am trying to implement a filter which allows me to filter users based on the distance between a location and their address. Data is provided to the table using useMemo, basically like this:
const data = useMemo(
() =>
contacts.filter(contact => {
var shouldReturn = true;, i) => {
if (filter.condition === 'max_10km') {
const originAddress = `${contact['street']} ${contact['number']}, ${contact['zip']} ${contact['city']}, ${contact['country']}`;
calculateDistance(originAddress, filter.value, function(distance) {
console.log('distance is calculated: ', distance);
if (distance > 10000) {
console.log('distance is > for', contact['name']);
shouldReturn = false;
return shouldReturn;
This works fine, in console the results return as I expect them to be. However, my table doesn't update. I suspect it is because the result of the API calls are async, and thus the table is re-rendered before the results are in.
I have tried updating the data using useEffect, but this brings me in a loop which constant re-renders, and thus exceeding the maximum (Maximum update depth exceeded.).
How should I go about this? Should I try async functions? If so, how can I wait to update my data until all promises are resolved?
So, I have been looking further into this today. I have managed to switch the filtering to useEffect() instead of useMemo(), so currently, it looks like this:
const [filteredContacts, setFilteredContacts] = useState(contacts);
const data = useMemo(() => filteredContacts, [filteredContacts]);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Log: In useEffect()');
if (!isLoading) {
(async () => {
console.log('Log: State has changed, filtering will start');
filterContacts().then(() => setIsLoading(false));
}, [clientFilter]);
async function filterContacts() {
contacts.filter(contact => {
var shouldReturn = true;, i) => {
if (
filter.condition === 'equal' &&
contact[filter.field] != filter.value &&
) {
shouldReturn = false;
if (filter.condition === 'max_10km' && shouldReturn) {
const originAddress = `${contact['street']} ${contact['number']}, ${contact['zip']} ${contact['city']}, ${contact['country']}`;
calculateDistance(originAddress, filter.value, async function(
) {
console.log('Log: Distance is calculated: ', distance);
if (distance > 10000) {
'Log: Distance is further away for',
shouldReturn = false;
console.log('Log: About to return shouldReturn value');
return shouldReturn;
Now, this works for my other filters, but the async distance calculation still runs after the return of shouldReturn has been done. So my logs look like this (I have 16 contacts/users currently):
Log: In useEffect()
Log: State has changed, filtering will start
(16) Log: About to return shouldReturn value
Log: Distance is calculated: 1324
Log: Distance is calculated: 4326
So basically, it still ignores the async state of my function calculateDistance. Any ideas?
EDIT 15/11
Might be useful as well, this is my calculateDistance() function:
function calculateDistance(origin, destination, callback) {
const google =;
const directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
origin: origin,
destination: destination,
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING
(result, status) => {
if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
} else {
console.error('Google Maps API error: ', status);
EDIT 18/11
After #Secret's suggestion, I changed the code to:
const shouldRemoveContact = await(filters, contact) = () => {
for (const filter of filters) {
if (
filter.condition === 'equal' &&
contact[filter.field] != filter.value
) {
return true
if (filter.condition === 'max_10km') {
const originAddress = `${contact['street']} ${contact['number']}, ${contact['zip']} ${contact['city']}, ${contact['country']}`
// please update calculateDistance to return a promise
const distance = await calculateDistance(originAddress, filter.value)
return distance > 10000
return false
async function filterContacts (filters, contact) {
// for every contact, run them to shouldRemoveContact
// since shouldRemoveContact is async, we use Promise.all
// to wait for the array of removeables to be ready
const shouldRemove = await Promise.all( => shouldRemoveContact(filters, c))
// use shouldRemove to check if contact should be removed
// and voila!
return contacts.filter((c, i) => !shouldRemove[i])
This results in:
Syntax error: Unexpected reserved word 'await'.
on the line:
const shouldRemoveContact = await(filters, contact) = () => {

You are correct in your mistake - your calculateDistance is async and therefore you can't filter your data properly. Essentially, your code can be boiled down to:
contacts.filter(contact => {
var shouldReturn = true;
// but it doesn't do anything because it is async
// so effectively, it does nothing like a comment
console.log('Log: About to return shouldReturn value');
return shouldReturn;
As you can see, your contacts will never be filtered out as shouldReturn will always return true - it never changes in the middle of that function!
What you can do is calculate the list of filterables beforehand, and then use that to run your filter. Something like this (psuedocode):
// given a contact and a list of filters
// asynchronously return if it should or should not be filtered
const shouldRemoveContact = async () => {}
// THEN, in the filterContacts part:
// let's generate an array of calls to shouldRemoveContact
// i.e. [true, true, false, true], where `true` means it should be removed:
// note that we use await Promise.all here, waiting for all the data to be finished.
const shouldRemove = await Promise.all( => shouldRemoveContact(filters, c))
// we then simply shouldRemove to filter it all out
return contacts.filter((c, i) => !shouldRemove[i])
All together:
// given a list of filters and one contact
// asynchronously returns true or false depending on wheter or not
// the contact should be removed
const shouldRemoveContact = async (filters, contact) => {
for (const filter of filters) {
if (
filter.condition === 'equal' &&
contact[filter.field] != filter.value
) {
return true
if (filter.condition === 'max_10km') {
const originAddress = `${contact['street']} ${contact['number']}, ${contact['zip']} ${contact['city']}, ${contact['country']}`
// please update calculateDistance to return a promise
const distance = await calculateDistance(originAddress, filter.value)
return distance > 10000
, async function(
) {
console.log('Log: Distance is calculated: ', distance);
if (distance > 10000) {
'Log: Distance is further away for',
shouldReturn = false;
return false
async function filterContacts (filters, contact) {
// for every contact, run them to shouldRemoveContact
// since shouldRemoveContact is async, we use Promise.all
// to wait for the array of removeables to be ready
const shouldRemove = await Promise.all( => shouldRemoveContact(filters, c))
// use shouldRemove to check if contact should be removed
// and voila!
return contacts.filter((c, i) => !shouldRemove[i])


Why doesn't the parser wait for Promise.resolve?

I am using React and I do not understand why in the useEffect when running a map function the second part of the code runs before the first part (which is a promise resolve).
Shouldn't the parser wait for the promise to resolve and then run the second part of the code?
useEffect(() => {
const pools = => {
// part 1
const [tokenZeroSymbol, tokenOneSymbol] =' LP', '').split('-');
const prices = fetchTokenPrice(tokenZeroSymbol.toLowerCase(), tokenOneSymbol.toLowerCase());
Promise.resolve(prices).then((values) => {
const [priceTokenZero, priceTokenOne] = values;
filteredFarmPools.find((pool) => {
if (' LP', '') === {
pool.priceTokenZero = values[0].usd;
pool.priceTokenOne = values[1].usd;
console.log('inside the fethcprice promise');
// part 2
filteredFarmPools.find((pool) => {
if (' LP', '') === {
const tvl0 = (pool.reserveTokenZero / 10 ** 18) * pool.priceTokenZero;
const tvl1 = (pool.reserveTokenOne / 10 ** 18) * pool.priceTokenOne;
pool.tvl = tvl0 + tvl1;
console.log('inside the tvl calc');
Promises give you an object that you can pass around and call then on.
They do not turn asynchronous code into blocking code.
The second part of the code isn't inside the then callback so it runs while the asynchronous code (that will trigger the first promise to resolve) is running in the background.
That said, see the await keyword for asyntax that can give the illusion that a promise is blocking.
useEffect(() => {
const processPools = async () => {
for (let lpPool of mainnet.Exchanges.Pancakeswap.LpTokens) {
const [tokenZeroSymbol, tokenOneSymbol] =' LP', '').split('-');
const values = await fetchTokenPrice(tokenZeroSymbol.toLowerCase(), tokenOneSymbol.toLowerCase());
// Promise.resolve(prices).then((values) => {
const [priceTokenZero, priceTokenOne] = values;
filteredFarmPools.find((pool) => {
if (' LP', '') === {
pool.priceTokenZero = values[0].usd;
pool.priceTokenOne = values[1].usd;
console.log('inside the fethcprice promise');
// });
Original does not support async
Promise.resolve return immediately, no difference with Promise.then

Lifecycle of useState hook in React.js

I have the following synchronism problem. Given that I know that the React useState hook is asynchronous, I run into the following: I'm downloading some images from Amazon S3, I manage to save it correctly in my hook: defaultSelfiePicture and depending on the weight of the image (or so I think) sometimes I get the images loaded correctly and sometimes not. I have tried to force state changes after I finish saving the object in my hook but it never renders the image, only if I change component and come back is when it is shown in the cases that it takes longer to load.
const [defaultSelfiePictures, setDefaultSelfiePictures] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
if ( !== undefined) {
}, [])
const loadAllPictures = () => {
let p1 = loadUrlDefaultFrontPictures()
let p2 = loadUrlDefaultBackPictures()
let p3 = loadUrlDefaultSelfiePictures()
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]).then(result => {
console.log('end all promises')
const loadUrlDefaultSelfiePictures = async () => {
if ( > 0) {
let readedPictures = []
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
if ([i].type === 'SELFIE'
//&&[i].side === 'FRONT'
) {
if ([i].s3Href !== null &&[i].s3Href !== undefined
) {
const paramsKeyArray =[i].s3Href.split('')
let paramsKey = paramsKeyArray.pop()
let params = {
Bucket: process.env.REACT_APP_S3_BUCKET,
Key: paramsKey
await s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, function (err, url) {
name: 'selfie.jpeg',
url: url
} else {
let urlPicture =[i].localHref
let response = await axios.get(`${URL_IMG}${urlPicture}`, {
responseType: 'blob'
function readAsDataURL(data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = () => {
const base64Data = await readAsDataURL(
name: 'selfie.jpeg',
url: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64Data.slice(21)}`
And I obtain this :
I can see that the hook has content, but that content is not updated until the next rendering of the component, also if I try to make any changes when I detect that the .length has changed it tells me that it is 0...
And right after the next render I get this:

How can I await for state to be set if it doesn't return a promise?

I am trying to set state to my setStockInfo hook and wait for the for it to be set before I run props.onInitialSet(). I tried passing setStockInfo as a dependency in the useEffect, but getting no luck. I need the information from stockInfo before I set to the global store. Is there a way I can use a callback since useState doesn't return a promise? The error returning is "cannot read property symbol of undefined" from the props.initialSet()
function TopStocks(props) {
const [stockInfo, setStockInfo] = useState([]);
const symbols = ["AAPL", "NFLX", "GOOGL", "TSLA"];
let temp = [];
useEffect(() => {
}, [setStockInfo]);
async function fetchSymbols() {
for (let i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
await fetch(
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((allStocks) => {
try {
let metaDataEntries = allStocks["Meta Data"];
let symbol = metaDataEntries["2. Symbol"].toUpperCase();
let pastDataEntries = allStocks["Time Series (Daily)"];
let pastDataValues = Object.values(pastDataEntries);
let mostRecentValue = pastDataValues[0];
let x = Object.values(mostRecentValue);
let open = parseFloat(x[0]).toFixed(2);
let high = parseFloat(x[1]).toFixed(2);
let low = parseFloat(x[2]).toFixed(2);
let close = parseFloat(x[3]).toFixed(2);
let colorToSend;
let percentage = close - open;
if (percentage < 0) {
colorToSend = "red";
} else {
colorToSend = "rgb(30, 216, 139)";
let result = parseFloat(percentage).toFixed(2);
symbol: symbol,
high: high,
low: low,
close: close,
open: open,
percentage: result,
color: colorToSend,
} catch {
console.log("surpassed the limit of 4 requests in under a minute");
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
onInitialSet: (symbol, percentage, price) => {
value: {
price: price,
symbol: symbol,
percentage: percentage,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TopStocks);
stockInfo is the value that will change, not the state setter. Inside the useEffect, check to see if the array has been populated:
// Run once, on mount:
useEffect(fetchSymbols, []);
// Run after fetchSymbols finishes:
useEffect(() => {
if (stockInfo.length) {
}, [stockInfo]);
You should also put a try/catch around the await fetch so you can catch possible network errors.
Given that useEffect runs after every render, the fetched stockInfo is not reflected until after the current rendering process.
Thus, stockInfo is undefined when passed to onInitialSet.
To solve this, follow the Single Responsibility Principle by simply splitting to two effects:
First effect is to fetch symbols
Set initial set
const [stockInfo, setStockInfo] = useState([]);
// First effect: to fetch
useEffect(async () => {
let temp;
for (let i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
await fetch(`api${symbols[i]}`);
// TODO: add rest of code
}, []);
// 2nd effect: call onInitialSet
useEffect(() => {
if (stockInfo.length === 0) {
}, [stockInfo]);

(Refactor/Improve) Loop to make API calls and manupilate Array following the "no-loop-func"

Despite looking and following numerous answers here at stackoverflow,I have still failed to refactor this code to abide by the ESLint no-loop-func.
I keep getting the following warning, despite my efforts to refactor the code:
Compiled with warnings.
Function declared in a loop contains unsafe references to variable(s) 'lastResult', 'biologyBooks', 'page' no-loop-func
Here's the code:
import React from 'react';
import { apiFullCall } from '../../apiHelper';
const MyComponent = props => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState({ total: 0, biologyBooksByAuthor: [] });
let isLoaded = React.useRef(true);
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('token');
const authorID = sessionStorage.getItem('author_id');
const getBooks = async() => { // fetch items
let page = 1;
let scienceBooks, biologyBooks;
// create empty arrays to store book objects for each loop
let scienceBooks = biologyBooks = [];
// create a lastResult object to help check if there is a next page
let lastResult = { next: null };
do { // the looping - this is what I have failed to refactor
try {
await apiFullCall( // Make API calls over paginated records
).then(res => {
if (res) {
const { status, body } = res;
if (status === 200 || status === 201) {
lastResult = body; // assign lastResult to pick "next"
body &&
body.results && => { // we map() over the returned "results" array
// the author with queried "author_id" writes science books;
// so we add each book (an object) into the science category
// We then filter the author's biology books (from other science books)
biologyBooks = scienceBooks.filter(
({ is_biology }) =>
typeof(is_biology) === "boolean" && is_biology === true
return null;
// increment the page with 1 on each loop
}).catch(error => console.error('Error while fetching data:', error));
} catch (err) { console.error(`Oops, something went wrong ${err}`); }
// keep running until there's no next page
} while ( !== null);
// update the state
setState(prevState => ({
...prevState, total: scienceBooks.length, biologyBooksByAuthor: biologyBooks,
React.useEffect(() => { // fetch science books by author (logged in)
if (isLoaded && authorID) {
return function cleanup() {...}; // clean up API call, on unmount
}, [isLoaded, authorID]);
return (
// render the JSX code
Please note that I actually declared the said variables lastResult, biologyBooks and page outside the "do-while".
Any help or clues will be greatly appreciated.
The function the warning is referring to is the .then callback, if you're using async/await stick to it, try removing the .then part by assigning the result to a variable instead and remove the unnecessary .map, you can concatenate previous results with spread operator or .concat.
import React from 'react';
import { apiFullCall } from '../../apiHelper';
const MyComponent = props => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState({
total: 0,
scienceBooksByAuthor: [],
const isLoaded = React.useRef(true);
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('token');
const authorID = sessionStorage.getItem('author_id');
const getBooks = async () => {
// fetch items
let page = 1;
let scienceBooks = [];
// create a lastResult object to help check if there is a next page
let lastResult = { next: null };
do {
// the looping - this is what I have failed to refactor
try {
const res = await apiFullCall(
// Make API calls over paginated records
if (res) {
const { status, body } = res;
if (status === 200 || status === 201) {
lastResult = body; // assign lastResult to pick "next"
// concatenate new results
scienceBooks = [
...((lastResult && lastResult.results) || []),
// increment the page with 1 on each loop
page += 1;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Oops, something went wrong ${err}`);
// keep running until there's no next page
} while ( !== null);
const biologyBooks = scienceBooks.filter(
({ is_biology }) =>
typeof is_biology === 'boolean' && is_biology === true,
// update the state
setState(prevState => ({
total: scienceBooks.length,
scienceBooksByAuthor: scienceBooks,
React.useEffect(() => {
// fetch science books by author (logged in)
if (isLoaded && authorID) {
return function cleanup() {...}; // clean up API call, on unmount
}, [isLoaded, authorID]);
return (
// render the JSX code

React State is not updated with

When page loaded first time, I need to get all information, that is why I am calling a fetch request and set results into State [singleCall function doing that work]
Along with that, I am connecting websocket using and listening to two events (odds_insert_one_two, odds_update_one_two), When I got notify event, I have to
check with previous state and modify some content and update the state without calling again fetch request. But that previous state is still [] (Initial).
How to get that updated state?
const [leagues, setLeagues] = useState([]);
const singleCall = (page = 1, params=null) => {
let path = `${apiPath.getLeaguesMatches}`;
Helper.getData({path, page, params, session}).then(response => {
if(response) {
} else {
toast("Something went wrong, please try again");
}).catch(err => {
const updateData = (record) => {
for(const data of record) {
var {matchId, pivotType, rateOver, rateUnder, rateEqual} = data;
const old_leagues = [...leagues]; // [] becuase of initial state value, that is not updated
const obj_index = old_leagues.findIndex(x => x.match_id == matchId);
if(obj_index > -1) {
old_leagues[obj_index] = { ...old_leagues[obj_index], pivotType, rateOver: rateOver, rateUnder:rateUnder, rateEqual:rateEqual};
useEffect(() => {
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3001', {transports: ['websocket']});
socket.on('connect', () => {
console.log('socket connected:', socket.connected);
socket.on('odds_insert_one_two', function (record) {
socket.on('odds_update_one_two', function (record) {
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log('socket disconnected, reconnecting...');
return () => {
console.log('websocket unmounting!!!!!');;
}, []);
The useEffect hook is created with an empty dependency array so that it only gets called once, at the initialization stage. Therefore, if league state is updated, its value will never be visible in the updateData() func.
What you can do is assign the league value to a ref, and create a new hook, which will be updated each time.
const leaguesRef = React.useRef(leagues);
React.useEffect(() => {
leaguesRef.current = leagues;
Update leagues to leaguesRef.current instead.
const updateData = (record) => {
for(const data of record) {
var {matchId, pivotType, rateOver, rateUnder, rateEqual} = data;
const old_leagues = [...leaguesRef.current]; // [] becuase of initial state value, that is not updated
const obj_index = old_leagues.findIndex(x => x.match_id == matchId);
if(obj_index > -1) {
old_leagues[obj_index] = { ...old_leagues[obj_index], pivotType, rateOver:
rateOver, rateUnder:rateUnder, rateEqual:rateEqual};
