Ag-Grid keep custom filter open during interaction with dropdown - reactjs

I have a custom filter component I'm giving Ag grid for each column. The component contains a dropdown. When user selects an option from dropdown, the filter closes immediately on selection rather than staying open like it should.
How can I keep the filter component to stay open on selection of option from dropdown?

Reading the docs more, I found the answer here:
Custom Filters Containing a Popup Element
Sometimes you will need to create custom components for your filters that also contain popup elements. This is the case for Date Filter as it pops up a Date Picker. If the library you use anchors the popup element outside of the parent filter, then when you click on it the grid will think you clicked outside of the filter and hence close the column menu.
There are two ways you can get fix this problem:
Add a mouse click listener to your floating element and set it to
preventDefault(). This way, the click event will not bubble up to the
grid. This is the best solution, but you can only do this if you are
writing the component yourself.
Add the ag-custom-component-popup CSS
class to your floating element. An example of this usage can be found
here: Custom Date Component


Inovua ReactDataGrid column filter context menu does not always open with one click on the column filter icon

I used Inovua ReactDataGrid to display a data table with a header row and column filters. Each column filter has a filter icon, and a click on each normally displays a column filter context menu which allows to select the type of filter (e.g. for a string filter one can choose between "contains", "starts with", "ends with", ...).
A problem arises when one clicks on a filter icon, selects a filter type (e.g. "contains" for a string filter), and after that clicks on the same filter icon again. In that case, the filter context menu does no open. One needs to click once again on the filter icon (so in total twice) to open the filter context menu once again.
Does anyone how why this happens or how to change the behaviour such that one needs to click only once on the filter icon to display the filter context menu once again?
It would also help to know how to open the filter context menu programmatically. In that case, I would be able to write a workaround. Does anyone know how to do that?
I was able to render a custom filter icon and use an event handler for the custom filter icon to know when one clicks on the icon but I was not able to open the filter context menu programmatically after that.
In the meantime I found a solution for the problem. There already exists an issue in the reactdatagrid Github repository which describes the problem I had and which is solved in reactdatagrid 5.x.x. As I used reactdatagrid 4.x the problem arosed to me. I simply updated to the current version 5.8.0 and the problem was gone.

Ag-grid React Multiple Selection with Checkbox not getting selection change with Api

I want to basically know if I am having rows selected to activate an input, the thing is
"selectionChange" event is not capturing when the selection is being changed I have a small example.
What id expect to happen is to get the alert to show when something is selected on this example.
Turns out in React this property is onSelectionChange, following react pattern

clearing a material-UI autocomplete field on the press of a button

I am using material-UI autocomplete for a project that involves rendering a dynamic array based on what you select from the menu. I am finished with the project and now trying to implement multi-select to make choosing things from the menu easier. When you have everything you want from the menu, you click an "Add" button that takes everything you currently have selected and adds it to a table (and adds the properly formatted text into a query on the side, the goal is to build queries for users without them worrying about syntax). When I was not using multiselect, and only adding one thing at a time to the query, I was easily able to clear the autocomplete field by changing the value prop to null. This prevents users from adding the same fields to the query over and over (when add is clicked the options that were added are popped from the list of options). When using multi the rules seem to change and now changing value directly causes an error. My question is, does anyone know of a way to programattically click the x button built in to material-ui autocomplete fields to clear that text field in an event handler? Or is there any reliable way of clearing that on my end?

How to implement material-ui tabs with More dropdown (as shown in documentation screenshot)

I am looking to implement a Tabs component containing lots (7-9) Tab components for a desktop view. I do not want to use the scrollable tabs when it exceeds the viewport width on the Tabs, instead I want the extra Tab items to be in a More dropdown menu just like the example docs show below:
What is the intended implementation to achieve this? I actually would like the exact same functionality they describe as well where when I click an item from the dropdown above (for example, books), that will swap positions with the Tab directly to the left of the More dropdown, as shown in this screenshot from the doc:
Specifically, is the More dropdown a Tab component, or a Dropdown Menu component?
When using, how does selecting a tab/option from the More Dropdown work by default? (ex: will the selected tab then get moved to the visible tab portion, just like the screenshots?). Or does this need to be done manually to achieve that result?
Lastly, are there links to any examples of this usage?
Late, but it may help someone.
I was able to achieve dropdown within tabs by using the popover component.
It has three tabs - One, Two and Three. Clicking on Tab 'Three' will perform the normal tab change. Clicking on the dropdown arrow next to tab 'Three' will provide the additional options.
It is not an exact solution to the question but can be achieved with a similar approach.
I created logic with MUI List, u can customize it with MUI tabs.
I calculate the width al all items and check if we have enough space, if not I added more button with dropdown and added the rest inside. Be aware that now it does not recalculate if the width or length of items changed

Apex radio button check from controller

I have a scenario and i ma getting no where:
I am having 20 record and i m using pagination via standartcontroller and my page size is 1.
one by one record are displayed on the screen and i am having a list or radio button to select options.
When user select a radio button i am getting its value and fill a map with record,value for some processing.
What i want to do is that when a user hits back button the option he has selected in radio button must be visible there. But its not coz every time i m filling new values in the radiobutton list so old values are not sustained.
What i want is when user hits back button he should be able to see the old radio button selected.
How can i achive this:
1.Is there any way to make a radio button list's values be checked through controller.
2.Do I need to use wrapperclass to do this.
Help needed.! Thanks
It will be easier to put this field into object. If you don't have such field in you sObject than I would suggest to create wrapper class in your controller and display list of this wrappers instead of your native sObject.
If your radio button field is already part of the object, then there's no need for a wrapper class, but if the radio button doesn't need to be part of the object then use a wrapper class to keep the object simple.
Check out this example of a wrapper class with check boxes.
Wrapper classes don't have to be complex.
