I am reversing a MIPS .cgi with ghidra which has an external function call. I opened that library file to view the function decompilation and it was using the open() function with a hex value instead of path... How can I resolve that value to an exact path or a location in memory or something?
The exact line from ghidra:
local_10=open((char *)0x2060,0)
(char*)0x2060 is a pointer to memory address 0x2060. The first letter of the string should located there.
I have printed the address of the function in U-boot by adding the following print.
printf("initcall: %pS \n", (char *)*init_fnc_ptr - reloc_ofs);
Following line printed by adding debug prints. Is there anyway to know the function name from the function address.
initcall: 80809c05
When building U-Boot a file u-boot.map is written. You can look up the the addresses of the functions (before relocation) there.
This question already has answers here:
"Undefined function 'function_name' for input arguments of type 'double'."
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm a new user of Matlab, can you please help:
I have the following code in an .M file:
function f = divrat(w, C)
I have stored this file (divrat.M) in the normal Matlab path, and therefore I'm assuming that Matlab will read the function when it's starting and that this function therefore should be available to use.
However, when I type
>> divrat(w, C)
I get the following error
??? Undefined function or method 'divrat' for input arguments of type 'double'.
What is the error message telling me to do, I can't see any error in the code or the function call?
You get this error when the function isn't on the MATLAB path or in pwd.
First, make sure that you are able to find the function using:
>> which divrat
If it returns:
>> which divrat
'divrat' not found.
It is not on the MATLAB path or in PWD.
Second, make sure that the directory that contains divrat is on the MATLAB path using the PATH command. It may be that a directory that you thought was on the path isn't actually on the path.
Finally, make sure you aren't using a "private" directory. If divrat is in a directory named private, it will be accessible by functions in the parent directory, but not from the MATLAB command line:
>> foo
ans =
>> divrat(1,1)
??? Undefined function or method 'divrat' for input arguments of type 'double'.
>> which -all divrat
c:\work\divrat\private\divrat.m % Private to divrat
As others have pointed out, this is very probably a problem with the path of the function file not being in Matlab's 'path'.
One easy way to verify this is to open your function in the Editor and press the F5 key. This would make the Editor try to run the file, and in case the file is not in path, it will prompt you with a message box. Choose Add to Path in that, and you must be fine to go.
One side note: at the end of the above process, Matlab command window will give an error saying arguments missing: obviously, we didn't provide any arguments when we tried to run from the editor. But from now on you can use the function from the command line giving the correct arguments.
The most common cause of this problem is that Matlab cannot find the file on it's search path. Basically, Matlab looks for files in:
The current directory (pwd);
Directly in a directory on the path (to see the path, type path at the command line)
In a directory named #(whatever the class of the first argument is) that is in any directory above.
As someone else suggested, you can use the command which, but that is often unhelpful in this case - it tells you Matlab can't find the file, which you knew already.
So the first thing to do is make sure the file is locatable on the path.
Next thing to do is make sure that the file that matlab is finding (use which) requires the same type as the first argument you are actually passing. I.el, If w is supposed to be different class, and there is a divrat function there, but w is actually empty, [], so matlab is looking for Double/divrat, when there is only a #(yourclass)/divrat. This is just speculation on my part, but this often bites me.
The function itself is valid matlab-code. The problem must be something else.
Try calling the function from within the directory it is located or add that directory to your searchpath using addpath('pathname').
The error code indicates the function definition cannot be found. Make sure you're calling the function from the same workspace as the divrat.m file is stored. And make sure divrat function is not a subfunction, it should be first function declaration in the file. You can also try to call the function from the same divrat.m file in order to see if the problem is with workspace selection or the function.
By the way, why didn't you simply say
s = sqrt(diag(C));
Wouldn't it be the same?
Also, name it divrat.m, not divrat.M. This shouldn't matter on most OSes, but who knows...
You can also test whether matlab can find a function by using the which command, i.e.
which divrat
I am pretty sure that the reason why this problem happened is because of the license of the toolbox (package) in which this function belongs in. Write which divrat and see what will be the result. If it returns path of the function and the comment Has no license available, then the problem is related to the license. That means, license of the package is not set correctly. Mostly it happens if the package (toolbox) of this function is added later, i.e., after installation of the original matlab. Please check and solve the license issue, then it will work fine.
I have a mexfile that i succed to have it dll file to use it in a c++ program. The problem that i dont have any information about the name and parameter of functions in the dll file. I try to use dependance walker program to get information about dll file. the program give this:
Function Name Address Relative Address Ordinal
mexFunction 0x10004fc0 0x00004fc0 1 (0x1)
The problem is that i'm sure that the dll file has many function not only one, i dont know how to do to call this functions and have their parameter.
Any help please.
I have a situation where I need to get a file name so that I can call the readlink() function. All I have is an integer that was originally stored as a file descriptor via an open() command. Problem is, I don't have access to the function where the open() command executed (if I did, then I wouldn't be posting this). The return value from open() was stored in a struct that I do have access to.
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char tempFD[2]; //file descriptor number of the temporary file created
tempFD[0] = fi->fh + '0';
tempFD[1] = '\0';
char parentFD[2]; //file descriptor number of the original file
parentFD[0] = (fi->fh - 1) + '0';
parentFD[1] = '\0';
if (readlink(tempFD, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) {
log_msg("\treadlink() error\n");
perror("readlink() error");
} else
log_msg("readlink() returned '%s' for '%s'\n", buf, tempFD);
This is part of the FUSE file system. The struct is called fi, and the file descriptor is stored in fh, which is of type uint64_t. Because of the way this program executes, I know that the two linked files have file descriptor numbers that are always 1 apart. At least that's my working assumption, which I am trying to verify with this code.
This compiles, but when I run it, my log file shows a readlink error every time. My file descriptors have the correct integer values stored in them, but it's not working.
Does anyone know how I can get the file name from these integer values? Thanks!
If it's acceptable that your code becomes non portable and is tied to being run on a somewhat modern version of Linux, then you can use /proc/<pid>/fd/<fd>. However, I would recommend against adding '0' to the fd as a means to get the string representing the number, because it uses the assumption that fd < 10.
However it would be best if you were able to just pick up the filename instead of relying on /proc. At the very least, you can replace calls to the library's function with a wrapper function using a linker flag. Example of usage is gcc program.c -Wl,-wrap,theFunctionToBeOverriden -o program, all calls to the library function will be linked against __wrap_theFunctionToBeOverriden; the original function is accessible under the name __real_theFunctionToBeOverriden. See this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/617606/111160 for details.
But, back to the answer not involving linkage rerouting: you can do it something like
char fd_path[100];
snprintf("/proc/%d/fd/%d", sizeof(fd_path), getpid(), fi->fh);
You should now use this /proc/... path (it is a softlink) rather than using the path it links to.
You can call readlink to find the actual path in the filesystem. However, doing so introduces a security vulnerability and I suggest against using the path readlink returns.
When the file the descriptor points at is deleted,unlinked, then you can still access it through the /proc/... path. However, when you readlink on it, you get the original pathname (appended with a ' (deleted)' text).
If your file was /tmp/a.txt and it gets deleted, readlink on the /proc/... path returns /tmp/a.txt (deleted). If this path exists, you will be able to access it!, while you wanted to access a different file (/tmp/a.txt). An attacker may be able to provide hostile contents in the /tmp/a.txt (deleted) file.
On the other hand, if you just access the file through the /proc/... path, you will access the correct (unlinked but still alive) file, even if the path claims to be a link to something else.
I am writing a C program in Linux. Commands like execv() require a path in the form of a C string. Is there a command that will return the current path in the form of a C-style string?
#include <unistd.h>
char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size);
The getcwd() function shall place an absolute pathname of the current working directory in the array pointed to by buf, and return buf. The pathname copied to the array shall contain no components that are symbolic links. The size argument is the size in bytes of the character array pointed to by the buf argument. If buf is a null pointer, the behavior of getcwd() is unspecified.
Upon successful completion, getcwd() shall return the buf argument. Otherwise, getcwd() shall return a null pointer and set errno to indicate the error. The contents of the array pointed to by buf are then undefined....
The path argument to execv() is the path to the application you wish to execute, not the current working directory (which will be returned by getcwd()) or the shell search path (which will be returned by getenv("PATH")).
Depending on what you're doing, you may get more mileage out of the system() function in the C library rather than the lower-level exec() family.
This is not ANSI C:
#include <unistd.h>
char path[MAXPATHLEN];
getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN);
printf("pwd -> %s\n", path);
If the path can be a relative path, you should be able to use '.' or './' as the path. I'm not sure if it will work, but you could try it.
You need to grab the environment variable PWD (present working directory).
I'm not sure what the library it is in, but it is a standard Linux header.
I was thinking of getenv() which would help if you also need to run system commands and need the various bin paths located in PATH.