How to subscribe to Salesforce connected app webhooks? - salesforce

I want to implement a connected OAuth app in Salesforce which should trigger push events in case some entities changed, for example an opportunity was closed.
Zapier implemented something similar
Could not find something I need which is a simple way to subscribe to entity changes using the OAuth client's token and passing a webhook endpoint. I read about apex callouts, streaming API and outbound messages.

Yeah, we solved this exact problem at Fusebit and I can help you understand the process as well.
Typically speaking here's what you need to do:
Create triggers on the Salesforce Objects you want to get updates for
Upload Apex class that will send an outgoing message to a pre-determined URL
Enable Remote Site Setting for the Domain you want to send the message to
Add in Secret Verification (or other auth method) to prevent spamming of your external URL
If you're leveraging javascript, then you can use the jsforce sdk & salesforce tooling API to push the code into the salesforce instance AFTER the Auth flow has occurred AND on Salesforce Instances that have API access enabled (typically - this is enterprise and above OR professional with API enabled).
This will be helpful for you to look through:
FYI - Zapier's webhooks implementation is actually polling every 15 minutes, instead of real-time incoming events.

In which programming language?
For consuming outbound messages you just need to be able to accept an XML message and send back "Ack" message to acknowledge receiving, otherwise SF will keep trying to resend it for 24h.
For consuming platform events / streaming API / Change Data Capture (CDC) you'll need to raise the event in SF (Platform Event you could raise from code, flow, process builder, CDC would happen automatically, you just tell it which objects it should track).
And then in client app you'd need to login to SF (SOAP or REST API), subscribe to channel (any library that supports cometd should be fine). Have you seen "EMP Connector", mentioned for example in ?
Picking right messaging way is an art, there's free course that can help:
And pretty awesome PDF if you want to study for certification:


Not able to create events using Microsoft Graph SDK

I am trying to create an Event using Microsoft Graph SDK, as following the document #
1.Created "authProvider"
2.Created GraphClient with above AuthProvider
3.Creating Event using
The event is not creating also no exception/error is throwing, Could any one help me here?
This is happening because this call is being made with same transactionId frequently. It avoids unnecessary retries on the server.
It is an optional parameter , just comment out this property and try again. It should work.
Note : This identifier specified by a client app for the server , to avoid redundant POST operations in case of client retries to create the same event and also useful when low network connectivity causes the client to time out before receiving a response from the server for the client's prior create-event request.
More info is required here, as the reply from Allen Wu stated. without any details I would focus my efforts on the authprovider piece and azure app registration piece. as the rest of the example is just sending a post request to graph api.
but what is recommended really depends on what type of application you are trying to build. eg. is it a service daemon, a web app, mobile app, desktop app, single page app, etc.

Waiting for a backend process response using Spring Boot, Kafka and ReactJS

I'm using Spring Boot 2.1.4, Kafka and React as a frontend UI. I have a user registration process from the UI which requires a backend process and it's data before the registration is complete.
The flow is like this:
The frontend UI makes a request to an API which returns a token and puts a message on to a request Kafka queue
The message is processed by a backend process (which takes approximately 1 minute)
When the process is finished, a message with the token and data is written to a reply Kafka queue which indicates the process is complete
What I want is the frontend UI to make the initial API request which returns immediately, show a loading screen and display a ready message when the registration process is complete.
I have thought of a couple of options:
Attach a KafkaListener to the reply queue. Once the reply message appears, store the response and token in a datastore (e.g. Redis). Provide an API to the UI which checks the datastore for the token. The UI will poll this API every 10 seconds. If the response is not available after 2 mins, the user will be asked to check back later.
Use WebSockets with React. I've not used WebSockets before but the only thing I'm unsure of is if I have multiple instances of the registration microservice, will this cause any issues with client/api communication.
Any recommendations or any other options on the best way to handle this?
Attach a KafkaListener to the reply queue. Once the reply message appears, store the response and token in a datastore (e.g. Redis). Provide an API to the UI which checks the datastore for the token. The UI will poll this API every 10 seconds. If the response is not available after 2 mins, the user will be asked to check back later.
This will work. I would use the built in RocksDB for storage though, just for simplicity. Below is the documentation for exposing a state store to be queryable outside of kafka streams.
Use WebSockets with React. I've not used WebSockets before but the only thing I'm unsure of is if I have multiple instances of the registration microservice, will this cause any issues with client/api communication.
It can potentially cause issues. It depends on the implementation of the registration service. You won't know which instance of the registration service a client will establish a connection with. For instance session needs to be managed in a external datasource like Redis or you would have to use a laod balancer that supports sticky sessions (a bit of an archaic solution).

How do you make Salesforce ping my application?

I have data in Salesforce and run another application that works with the same data. The current workflow is that when data is entered into the custom application, it sends the information to Salesforce via SOAP. I want to establish the reverse link; when a value is changed on the Salesforce side, I want Salesforce to ping my application with the changes. Does Salesforce have a feature to do this? Something equivalent to a trigger maybe?
My current solution is mindless iteration through all Salesforce records. This is slow, hits the API limit often, and keeps data stale too long.
You can do this using Streaming API
Use Streaming API to receive notifications for changes to Salesforce data.
Use to push relevant data in realtime, instead of having to refresh the screen to get new information. Protocols Use for Connection:
The Bayeux protocol and CometD both use long polling.
Bayeux is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages, primarily over HTTP.
CometD is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses an AJAX push technology pattern known as Comet. It implements the Bayeux
protocol. The Salesforce servers use version 2.0 of CometD.
How it Works:
Create a PushTopic based on a SOQL query. This defines the channel. (PushTopic is a standard object).
Clients subscribe to the channel.
A record is created, updated, deleted, or undeleted (an event occurs). The changes to that record are evaluated.
If the record changes match the criteria of the PushTopic query, a notification is generated by the server and received by the subscribed
Please check this link :

Is it possible to set up an IPN listener using client side scripting?

I'm integrating a web payment using angularjs.
My main goal are
to let the user be able to topup or pay via paypal
upon successful redirect him back to my site
If the transaction is successful i will then update our db records.
Glad to say that after 2days I'm done with the first 2 steps. Then I've read about using PDT (Payment Data Transfer) and I used this to get the transaction details of the payer but I had read many post saying using PDT isn't reliable enough that I also must use IPN (Instant Payment Notification). So I google about it and almost all sample/tutorial about IPN are made from using server side scripting. So is it possible to perform an IPN listener using javascript alone?
No, not on the client-side. You can use server-side Javascript (nodejs) to do this. The purpose of IPN is to let your server know that a payment is completed. The IPN request comes directly from paypal behind the scenes to a URL you give it. There's no way for a client to receive this signal instead, and if it could then there'd be a big security flaw because anyone could forge it.
However, you could update your backend using IPN, then use something like (websockets) or long-polling (plain old ajax) to let your client know that payment was successful. With long-polling, you'd basically be asking your back-end every second or two whether or not payment was succesful. With sockets, you have a more direct communication. I like because it falls back to long polling (or flash) if real web sockets aren't available.

GWT Servlet-based Notification (Server Event Bus)

Can anyone think of a good way to allow the server to notify the client based upon server processing? For example, consider the following events:
A user requests a deletion of data, however, due to it's long-running time, we kick it off to a queue.
The client receives a "Yes we completed your transaction successfully".
The server deletes the item and now wants to update any local structures any clients may be using (I'd also like to notify the user).
I know this can be done by client-side polling. Is there a event bus type way to do this? Any suggestions are welcome, but please keep in mind I am using GWT with App Engine.
The standard AJAX interaction is that the client sends requests to the server and expects some sort of response back fairly quickly.
In order for the server to initiate a request to the client, you will need to use WebSockets, and experimental HTML5 feature currently only supported by Chrome.
Or, to simulate this kind of interaction, you can use Comet (long-polling), made available in GWT by the rocket-gwt project.
You want server events for GWT? Have a look at GwtEventService (they couldn't have chosen a better name):
Of course, it uses a Comet implementation, but you can't do any different when using HTTP, the client always initiates the communication. Request, response.
