Why are certain manufacturing locations being yellowish and blurred in azure maps? - azure-maps

I'm working in IOT map visualization project. Some of our manufacturing locations are appearing yellowish and blurred upon zoom. What is the reason ? We rely on the maps clarity upon zoom to identify the exact locations of the IOT devices.


Bing Map : generate local map tiles for US zip codes, counties, states in C# WPF Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to generate local map tiles for US states, counties and zipcodes so that I can mark them as polygons on Bing Map from C# Visual Studio 2013 WPF on win 7.
I am following the instructions at:
I am tring to use thr MapCruncher make the tiles. But, I do not know how to get an image for a state, county, or zip code such that I can use the MapCruncher to get the map tiles.
I need images of them without borders because an image is normally a square with some white bounds around the state , county, or zip code polygon area.
Also, because I need to make all local map tiles for all US states, counties and zip codes. It is impossible to make them manually by the MapCruncher tool.
How to make them by MapCruncher code ? Or are there C# codes that can do these ?
Any help would be appreciated.
From the link of
I have found the example in Section of "Thematic Maps from Bing SDS" at page 28.
But, the code example at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Managing-and-Visualizing-f42fdd5c
requires Visual Studio 2015, Windows Azure Storage, Apache Cordova, Bing Spatial Data Services .
These are not available in my working environment. Are there examples of Visual Studio 2013 ?
Also, how to use your techniques in Section of "Thematic Maps from Bing SDS" for OpenStreetmap ?
There are a lot of different ways to do what you want to do. If you want to overlay raw boundaries on top of the map you likely will run into performance issues if you try to render more then a few hundred detailed polygons such as counties or Zip codes. If you only want to view this data when zoomed in close you could load in the data as needed for where the user is viewing. You could upload the boundary data into the Bing Spatial Data Services and easily retrieve it from there.
If you want to be able to view the data at all zoom levels, then turning your data into a tile layer would be the best option. Since the data you will be working with is in vector form (raw data, not an image), MapCruncher won't work for you. Instead you will need to do one of the following:
Dynamically generate the tiles from the raw data on the fly. This will allow you to support all zoom levels without needing Petabyte's worth of storage. This is a great approach to use when you need tiles that cover a large area, or when the data changes regularly. In fact, the tiles used in Bing Maps do this as the storage requirements for 117 languages and all zoom levels would be in the 1000's of petabytes. I have a white paper outlining how to do this and code samples here:
Use a tool to generate tiles from raw data. I have a code sample that does this here: http://mapstoolbox.codeplex.com/ Take a look at the WPF Spatial Data viewer. It allows you to load spatial data from different file formats and then generate map tiles out of it. Note that each zoom level has 4 times the map tiles as the zoom level before it. If you are looking to generate map tiles over the US, you will likely find that once you get to zoom level 8 or 9 you will need a lot of storage and the file system will likely be really slow. At that point you would need to look at storing the tiles in a database system to speed up querying the tiles. I would only recommend this approach if you only wanted tiles for a small area and a few zoom levels, otherwise the storage requirements will likely make this an unusable solution. If you do go this route you might want to look at storing the tiles in Azure blob storage as it is cheap and would allow you to store a lot of tiles much easier than you could on your local machine.
The dynamic tile approach would likely be your best option. You could try taking it a step further if you are only using WPF and generate the tiles in the app rather than in a web service, although using a web service would make it much easier to migrate your app to another platform in the future, such as Windows 10, or web. If you want to generate the tiles in the app, you can take the code from the white paper and integrate it with the code sample here: https://blogs.bing.com/maps/2015/08/24/local-tile-layers-in-bing-maps-wpf/

Mobile games how to handle different resolutions in Unity and NGUI?

I have a mobile game developed by U3D and NGUI and targeted to platforms such as android and IOS, but there are so many mobile resolutions and aspect ratios change from 1.3 to event 2. My UI are designed under resolution 1136x640, and UIRoot Scaling style is FixedSize, Manual Height is 640.
I am not going to use anchors in NGUI widgets because distance is defined in pixels but not in percentages, when resolutions are changed, relative position of widgets are also changed, this is not what I want.
I refer this but still have no idea to handle this tricky problem perfectly, I need some suggestions on how to use NGUI in right way to handle different mobile resolutions.
The newest (3.x.x) NGUI allows you to use their new anchoring system. As you said, it is specified in pixels, however you can specify different targets and distances to different edges, and it will behave similarly to percentages.
Are you familiar with NGUI team videos explaining their new releases?
Some of the information there could be helpful, and playing with Custom settings of anchors either.
Another useful things is to create scaling script attached to root, which scales all elements down, basing on the detected dpi. If your UI is prepared for phones, you probably won't need all the buttons to take the same percent of the screen on tablets.

What is the maximum width of current mobile browsers?

I am using a script from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ to detect whether a site is being viewed on a mobile browser.
If the site is on a mobile browser, I show a pared down, simple slideshow. If it is a regular browser, I show a whiz-bang super slideshow. I'd like to optimize my images, making them as small as possible on the mobile slideshow. My mobile slideshow is responsive, so it will shrink to fit in whatever window, but I don't want to make it any larger initially than it absolutely has to be.
Does anyone know what the maximum width is on the current array of mobile browsers? Or rather, the maximum width of mobile devices that are detected with the http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ script?
BTW, I'm not asking how to detect the width once the page is loaded in a browser.
Thank you!!
I think you guys misunderstood my question. I AM using max-width:100%. My images DO scale to fit any screen-size. And, I DO determine whether to show a simple slideshow or a complex one. Here's my logic:
If the user is using a mobile device (based on the device detector)
show a simple slideshow
Else the use is NOT using a mobile device (based on the device detector)
If this is a small screen (based on media queries)
show a simple slideshow
Else this is a large screen (based on media queries)
show a complex slideshow
End If (based on media queries)
End If (based on the device detector)
Why bother using mobile detection at all? Because even though for small screens I am only showing the simple, low-filesize slideshow on small screens, the images from the complex, image-heavy, high-filesize slideshow ARE STILL DOWNLOADED (http://cloudfour.com/examples/mediaqueries/image-test/). My media query determination of which slideshow to show doesn't save the user from having to download the images of the slideshow that's currently not shown. It's only used because the simple slideshow looks better on small screens than the complex one. Using the mobile detection screen makes sure that images that aren't shown, aren't downloaded.
Why do I care what the maximum width is on current mobile devices, when my images are set to 100% width and will scale down to fit any size? Because a 900px wide image has a larger filesize than a 600px wide image. If I know what the max width is that the image needs to be, I can save the slide down to that size initially, saving some additional bandwidth. Have you guys ever viewed a slideshow on a mobile device? Slow!
I would really appreciate if anyone can point me towards the proper stats. I googled, but couldn't find what I needed.
The answer is almost certain to change as soon as you deploy the software.
It also depends on whether you mean pixels or screen-resolution-pixels (the Retina displays define them differently).
Perhaps it's best to stick with detecting mobile browsers (if you don't like the scripts you're using, see , e.g.:
Detecting mobile browsers on the web?)
and then let users opt into higher-rez images.
Alternately, you could try to detect bandwidth, which is really what you're optimizing for; 'mobile' is just a proxy for this, and only moderately correlated with it.

Why does my virtual cam (using e2eVcam directshow filter) doesn't display in Skype or Lync correctly?

I'm using e2eSoft's VcamSDK to create a virtual cam and put image overlay over it programmatically on a WPF application.
Everything seems to work as I want when viewing the graph using GraphEdit.exe. But Lync doesn't display any video or image i push, and Skype only displays the half of the webcam stream i see from GraphEdit. Lync can display the stream perfect on video device settings tab, but can't display it on a video conversation, just blank screen.
I'm just pushing some image as overlay on codebehind, and can't seem to work on these both. The Resolution of virtual webcam is 1280x1024 and the Image I'm pushing as overlay is also the same.
Here is my graph on GraphEdit;
I'm not very experienced with these subjects so I don't even know where to start, any help is extremely appreciated. Thanks!
Skype does not like high resolution and, is generally, not so much DirectShow friendly. IIRC it will grab 640x480 from the center of the image and will ignore the rest. There is nothing wrong with the camera filter, it's Skype's choice to propagate the motto "640x480 is enough for everyone".

How to handle screen motion of silverlight Windows phone 7 programmatically?

How to handle screen motion of silverlight Windows phone 7 programmatically?
The motion of the phone screen is controlled entirely by the user. Whilst the device has an accelerometer which can be used to gauge motion in all three axes, it does not have any means of powering its own motion.
I would consider a couple of solutions:
Modify the hardware, perhaps add propellers to the handset. Quadrocopters are a popular configuration, giving both stability and maneuverability (they can even juggle!)
If hardware modification is not an option, you are going to have to rely on the user. I would suggest displaying a large arrow indicating to the user the direction you wish to move the handset in. You can achieve this with a single arrow image using a RotateTransform.
Hope that help.
