MediaType is always application/json in MessageBodyWriter in Quarkus with quarkus-resteasy-reactive - resteasy

Im migrating a JAX-RS application to Quarkus using the resteasy-reactive-jackson extension. One of the resource methods should return an Excel document if the Accept-header is application/ The Excel document is created in a MessageBodyWriter<>. This works as expected in the old application (KumuluzEE, Jersey).
My requests are successfully routed to the resource method, the Accept-header is present but when the response entity arrives at my implementation of isWriteable in the MessageBodyWriter<> the mediaType parameter is always application/json. I have tried implementing a ServerMessageBodyWriter<> but that did not make any difference.
Any ideas of whats going on?
Im using Quarkus v2.2.
Edit 2:
The service interface is in it's own Maven module:
public interface MyResource {
// #Produces({"application/", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) // Works
#Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "application/"}) // Does not work
Response getData(#PathParam("id") Long id);
The resource implementation and MessageBodyWriter:
public class MyResourceImpl implements MyResource {
HttpHeaders httpHeaders; // getAcceptableMediaTypes() returns mediatypes
// matching Accept-header as expected
public Response getData(#PathParam("id") Long id) {
return Response.ok().entity(new MyData()).build();
public class ExcelMessageBodyWriter implements MessageBodyWriter<MyData> {
public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> aClass, Type type,
Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType) {
// mediaType is always MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE when JSON
// is listed first in #Produces in service interface
return aClass == MyData.class && mediaType.getType().equals("application")
&& mediaType.getSubtype().equals("");
Changing #Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "application/"}) on the resource method to #Produces({"application/", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) solved my problem. This can't be the expected behaviour?


Spring Boot + React all pages return 404 except index [duplicate]

I have a single page Angular app with Spring Boot. It looks like the following:
Spring boot correctly defaults to webapp folder and serves index.html file.
What I am looking to do is:
For every local REST request not starting with /api overwrite and redirect to default webapp/index.html. I plan to serve anything /api to the spring controllers.
Is there a way to prefix all controllers with API so that I do not have to write API every time?
#RequestMapping("/api/home") can write shorthand in code #RequestMapping("/home")
#RequestMapping("/api/other-controller/:id") can write shorthand #RequestMapping("/other-controller/:id")
I'm looking for every API request, e.g. 1) http://localhost:8080/api/home keep API with API and resolve to correct controller and return JSON, however if someone enters a URL like http:///localhost/some-url or http:///localhost/some-other/123/url then it will serve the index.html page and keep the URL.
Alternative ways to do it: try adding #ErrorViewResolver:
Springboot/Angular2 - How to handle HTML5 urls?
If you're tired of trying to solve this problem by following so many conflicting solutions - look here!!
After hours upon hours trying to follow all the scattered advice from dozens of stack overflow and blog posts, I've finally found the minimum PURE spring boot + angular 6 application to always redirect to index.html after a refresh on a non-root page WHILE maintaining all your REST API endpoint paths. No #EnableWebMvc, no #ControllerAdvice, no changes to, no custom ResourceHandlerRegistry modifications, just simplicity:
Very important pre-requisite
You *must* include the output of ng build into Spring's resources/static folder. You can accomplish this via the maven-resources-plugin. Learn here: Copying multiple resource directories to independent target directories with maven
public class MyApp implements ErrorController {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
private static final String PATH = "/error";
#RequestMapping(value = PATH)
public String error() {
return "forward:/index.html";
public String getErrorPath() {
return PATH;
Including the output of ng-build into resources/static at build time allows spring view redirects ("forward:/index.html") to succeed. It seems spring cannot redirect to anything outside of the resources folder so if you're trying to access pages at the root of the site, it won't work.
With default functionality (i.e. no additions of #EnableWebMvc or changes to navigating to / automatically serves the index.html (iff it was included in the resources/static folder) so no need to make changes there.
With default functionality (as stated above), any error encountered in a spring boot app routes to /error and implementing ErrorController overrides that behavior to - you guessed it - route to index.html which allows Angular to take over the routing.
Don't settle for the HashLocationStrategy to get over this problem as it is not recommended by Angular:
For every local REST request not starting with /api overwrite and redirect to default webapp/index.html. I plan to serve anything /api to the spring controllers.
Update 15/05/2017
Let me re-phrase your query for other readers. (Correct me, if misunderstood)
Using Spring Boot and Serving static resources from classpath
All 404 non api requests should be redirected to index.html.
NON API - means Requests in which URL doesn't start with /api.
API - 404 should throw 404 as usual.
Sample Response
/api/something - will throw 404
/index.html - will server index.html
/something - will redirect to index.html
My Solution
Let the Spring MVC throw exceptions, if any handler is not available for the given resource.
Add following to
Add a ControllerAdvice as follows
public class RedirectOnResourceNotFoundException {
#ExceptionHandler(value = NoHandlerFoundException.class)
public Object handleStaticResourceNotFound(final NoHandlerFoundException ex, HttpServletRequest req, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
if (req.getRequestURI().startsWith("/api"))
return this.getApiResourceNotFoundBody(ex, req);
else {
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("errorMessage", "My Custom error message");
return "redirect:/index.html";
private ResponseEntity<String> getApiResourceNotFoundBody(NoHandlerFoundException ex, HttpServletRequest req) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Not Found !!", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
You can customize the error message as you like.
Is there a way to prefix all controllers with api so that I do not have to write api every time.
For this, you can create a BaseController and set the RequestMapping path to /api
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public abstract class BaseController {}
And extend this BaseController and make sure you do not annotate child class with #RequestMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class FirstTestController extends BaseController {
#RequestMapping(path = "/something")
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello World !!";
Previous Answer
You can create a Filter which redirects to /index.html if request path doesn't startsWith /api.
// CODE REMOVED. Check Edit History If you want.
Try this instead
class YourSpringBootApp {
// Match everything without a suffix (so not a static resource)
#RequestMapping(value = "/**/{path:[^.]*}")
public String redirect() {
// Forward to home page so that route is preserved.(i.e forward:/intex.html)
return "forward:/";
public class RedirectController {
* Redirects all routes to FrontEnd except: '/', '/index.html', '/api', '/api/**'
#RequestMapping(value = "{_:^(?!index\\.html|api).*$}")
public String redirectApi() {
return "forward:/";
Too late on this thread, but thought it might help someone
Tried many solutions, but this looked pretty straight forward and great to me
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ResourceHandlerRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.PathResourceResolver;
public class MvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
.addResolver(new PathResourceResolver() {
protected Resource getResource(String resourcePath, Resource location) throws IOException {
Resource requestedResource = location.createRelative(resourcePath);
return requestedResource.exists() && requestedResource.isReadable() ? requestedResource
: new ClassPathResource("/static/index.html");
The solution that works to me is to overwrite the BasicErrorController of Spring Boot:
public class CustomErrorController extends BasicErrorController {
public CustomErrorController(ErrorAttributes errorAttributes) {
super(errorAttributes, new ErrorProperties());
#RequestMapping(produces = "text/html")
public ModelAndView errorHtml(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
HttpStatus status = getStatus(request);
if (status == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
return new ModelAndView("forward:/");
} else {
return super.errorHtml(request, response);
The method errorHtml only intercepts not found requests and is transparent for responses 404 (not found) from the api.
Most reasonable solution, imho, for Spring Boot 2+ (code is in Kotlin):
class ForwardErrorsToIndex : ErrorViewResolver {
override fun resolveErrorView(request: HttpServletRequest?,
status: HttpStatus?,
model: MutableMap<String, Any>?): ModelAndView {
return ModelAndView("forward:/index.html")
For whole application, you can add context path in
It will append "/api" to every requested URL after http://localhost:8080/api/home
For Redirection,
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
registry.addRedirectViewController("/", "/home");
Put this bunch of code in
In the #Configuration bean you can add a ServletRegistrationBean to make the spring server for the /api/* resquest only, then in the Controller you don't need to add it.
public ServletRegistrationBean dispatcherRegistration() {
ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(
return registration;
I don't know why, but the root url "/" would not resolve without adding a little more code. This is what I ended up with.
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.http.CacheControl;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.EnableWebMvc;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ResourceHandlerRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.PathResourceResolver;
public class MvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
.addResolver(new PathResourceResolver() {
protected Resource getResource(String resourcePath, Resource location) throws IOException {
Resource requestedResource = location.createRelative(resourcePath);
return requestedResource.exists() && requestedResource.isReadable() ? requestedResource
: new ClassPathResource("/static/index.html");
.addResolver(new PathResourceResolver() {
protected Resource getResource(String resourcePath, Resource location) throws IOException {
Resource requestedResource = location.createRelative(resourcePath);
return requestedResource.exists() && requestedResource.isReadable() ? requestedResource
: new ClassPathResource("/static/index.html");
Ok, let's start with the simple part of your question:
Is there a way to prefix all controllers with api so that I do not have to write api every time?
The answer is yes, just mark your controller with a "global" #RequestMapping annotation, for example:
public class ApiController{
public String hello(){
return "hello simple controller";
public String hello2(){
return "hello2 simple controller";
In the example above you can invoke hello method with this URL: /api/hello
and the second method with this URL: /api/hello2
This is how I didn't have to mark each method with /api prefix.
Now, to the more complex part of your question:
is how to achieve a redirect if the request doesn't start with /api prefix?
You can do it by returning an HTTP status code (302) of Redirect, after all, angularJs "speaks" REST natively, thus you can't force a redirect from Java/Spring code like you use to.
Then just return an HTTP message with the status code of 302, and on your angularJS do the actual redirection.
For example:
On AngularJS:
var headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'}
var config = {
function onSuccess(response){
if(response.status == 302){
}, function onError(response){
console.log("An error occured while trying to open a new game room...");
On Spring:
public class ApiController{
public ResponseEntity<String> hello(){
HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders();
header.add("Content-Type", "application/json");
return new ResponseEntity<String>("", header, HttpStatus.FOUND);
of course, you'll need to custom it to your project.
All you need to try is put the index.html to src/main/resources/static/
See Example:
In my package.josn I try to copy it to this location.
See PackageJSON:

ASP.Net Web Api, POST multiple objects

I have this AngularJS Http Call
method: "POST",
url: Helper.ApiUrl() + '/Api/Case/SendCase',
data: { obecttype1, obj2, obj3},
}).then(function mySuccess(response) {});
Ant this Web Api method
public int SendCase(object application)
string applicantName = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)application)["applicant"].ToString();
obecttype1 obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<obecttype1>(((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)application)["obecttype1"].ToString());
return ID;
This works pretty well, but I feel it is a bit dirty because I am parsing my objects in my method, so my question is
Is the are way to send multiple objects as params in a POST method, I would prefer to avoid modifying my model, avoid creating a class for this
So my Api Method would look like this
public int SendCase(class1 obecttype1, class2 obj2, class3 obj3)
"Is the are way to send multiple objects as params in a POST method, I would prefer to avoid modifying my model, avoid creating a class for this"
By design HTTP Post can only have one body and web api will try to cast the body to the parameter defined in the method signature. So sending multiple objects in the body and trying to match these against multiple params in the method signature will not work. For that you need to define a class which holds the other classes and match the body signature.
public class postDTO
public class1 class1Data { get; set; }
public class2 class2Data { get; set; }
public class3 class3Data { get; set; }
//The api signature
public int SendCase(postDTO application)
If you still don't want to add the new class then I would use the JObject directly as the parameter as this
public int SendCase(JObject jsonData)
dynamic json = jsonData;
JObject class1DataJson = json.class1Data;
JObject class2DataJson = json.class2Data;
JObject class3DataJson = json.class3Data;
var class1Data = class1DataJson.ToObject<class1>();
var class2Data = class2DataJson.ToObject<class2>();
var class3Data = class3DataJson.ToObject<class3>();
1. Define models for the parameters
public class ClassType1
public int Num1 { get; set; }
public string Str1 { get; set; }
public class ClassType2
public double Test2 { get; set; }
2. Use the models as the parameters on the API controller method
// Sorry this example is setup on .Net Core 2.0 but I think the previous
// versions of Web Api would have similar/same behavior
public class ValuesController : Controller
public void Post(ClassType1 ct1, ClassType2 ct2)
3. When posting, your objects inside the data {} have to have the keys that match the parameter name you defined on the Controller method
jQuery ajax
method: 'post',
url: 'http://localhost:53101/api/values',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
// It takes key value pairs
ct1: {
num1: 1,
str1: 'some random string'
ct2: {
test2: 0.34
To summarize, yes you can post multiple objects back to the server, as long as
You define a key for each object and the key has to match the parameter name you define on the server method.
The object structure has to match.
-- update --
Just as a proof, here is the screenshot:
We have an app that uses DefaultHttpBatchHandler to accept multi-part POST requests. I believe it to be a bit clunky for many reasons but it is the built-in way to accept multiple objects on a single request in a structured fashion.
As for the script to create something, that I don't know about. Our callers that use this API are C# services that can create the multi-part requests using a simple client library we provide to help them do just that.

How to get different JSON content in the same $http.get

I'm using AngularJS to retrieve a list of objects from a Server. The server side is being made with Spring MVC.
So, I'd like to return a list of these objects as JSON format, but, I'd like to return an informative message object if the server coudn't retrieve the data for any reason.
Can I do it without encapsulating the List<> and the Message objects in a DTO (Data Transfer Object)?
How can I check on AngularJS the received JSON if it can be from 2 different types?
Here is a fragment of my controller class. It currently returns a list of the MyType I'd like to return. But the idea is to convert it to a generic type (Object, maybe?) and return from this request the list or the message, depending on the case.
#RequestMapping(value = RestPaths.LIST_MYTYPE_BY_OWNER, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<MyType> listByOwner(#RequestBody Owner o) {
List<MyType> myType = myService.list(o);
return myType;
This is the service that consults the controller. How could I treat the data, considering that the JSON could have different formats?
this.listMyType = function(ownerId){
var deferred = $q.defer();
.then(function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
else {
deferred.reject('Error retrieving list of myType');
return deferred.promise;
I wouldn't use an exception for flow control. If both cases (list is empty or it is not) are valid, handle both of them in your handler method. Use ResponseEntity to encapsulate your response. Return a String message in one case (empty) and a List<MyType> in the other (not empty).
#RequestMapping(value = RestPaths.LIST_MYTYPE_BY_OWNER, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<?> listByOwner(#RequestBody Owner o) {
List<MyType> myType = myService.list(o);
if (myType.isEmpty()) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("The message", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
return new ResponseEntity<>(myType, HttpStatus.OK);
All handler method return values are handled by HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler objects. The corresponding one for ResponseEntity is HttpEntityMethodProcessor. It handles the ResponseEntity's body the same way #ReponseBody would.
So a String would be written directly to the response as text/plain (or html) and the List<MyType> would be serialized to application/json by default (or whatever you have configured).
You can add response headers to the ResponseEntity which can also help determine how the content will be serialized (content-type, etc.).
My suggestion is to throw an exception, then add in a spring exception handler which sets the appropriate status code and message:
#RequestMapping(value = RestPaths.LIST_MYTYPE_BY_OWNER, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<MyType> listByOwner(#RequestBody Owner o) {
List<MyType> myType = myService.list(o);
if (myType.size() == 0) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("List was empty");
return myType;
public class ControllerExceptionHandler {
public void handleException(Exception e, HttpServletReponse response) {
Here is a pretty good write up on spring mvc exception handling:

How to get the servlet context in a Google Cloud Endpoint method?

I have a simple Google cloud endpoint. How can I access the context? I'm looking for something similar to getServletContext() from HttpServlet.
public FooEndpoint {
public String[] getFiles() {
// TODO: return files in WEB-INF/data
The servlet context is an injected type. Just include it as a method argument to an endpoint method and the server will fill it in for you. E.g.
public FooEndpoint {
public String[] getFiles(ServletContext context) {
// TODO: return files in WEB-INF/data
You don't need to annotate the argument, and it won't appear in the method stub in the generated client library.

Nancy testing GetModel<T> throws KeyNotFoundException

I'm trying to test that the model returned from my Nancy application is as expected. I have followed the docs here but whenever I call the GetModel<T> extension method it throws a KeyNotFoundException.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
I know what the error means but I'm failing to see why it's being thrown.
Here's my module
public class SanityModule : NancyModule
public SanityModule()
Get["sanity-check"] = _ => Negotiate.WithModel(new SanityViewModel { Id = 1 })
my view model
public class SanityViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
and here's my test
public class SanityModuleTests
public void Sanity_Check()
// Arrange
var browser = new Browser(with =>
// Act
var result = browser.Get("/sanity-check", with =>
with.Header("accept", "application/json");
var model = result.GetModel<SanityViewModel>();
// Asset
Debugging this test shows that the module is hit and completes just fine. Running the application shows that the response is as expected.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thanks to the lovely guys, albertjan and, in the Nancy Jabbr room we've got an explanation as to what's going on here.
TL;DR It makes sense for this to not work but the error message should be more descriptive. There is a workaround below.
The issue here is that I am requesting the response as application/json whilst using TestingViewFactory.
Let's take a look at the implementation of GetModel<T>();
public static TType GetModel<TType>(this BrowserResponse response)
return (TType)response.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWMODEL];
This is simply grabbing the view model from the NancyContext and casting it to your type. This is where the error is thrown, as there is no view model in NancyContext. This is because the view model is added to NancyContext in the RenderView method of TestingViewFactory.
public Response RenderView(string viewName, dynamic model, ViewLocationContext viewLocationContext)
// Intercept and store interesting stuff
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWMODEL] = model;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWNAME] = viewName;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.MODULENAME] = viewLocationContext.ModuleName;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.MODULEPATH] = viewLocationContext.ModulePath;
return this.decoratedViewFactory.RenderView(viewName, model, viewLocationContext);
My test is requesting json so RenderView will not be called. This means you can only use GetModel<T> if you use a html request.
My application is an api so I do not have any views so changing the line
with.Header("accept", "application/json");
with.Header("accept", "text/html");
will throw a ViewNotFoundException. To avoid this I need to implement my own IViewFactory. (this comes from
public class TestViewFactory : IViewFactory
#region IViewFactory Members
public Nancy.Response RenderView(string viewName, dynamic model, ViewLocationContext viewLocationContext)
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[Fixtures.SystemUnderTest.ViewModelKey] = model;
return new HtmlResponse();
Then it is simply a case of updating
Now GetModel<T> should work without needing a view.
