When building my project in Azure pipeline, there is a step that does npm install.
However one of the package it requires doesn't seem to exist anymore on NPM. What are my options now?
8412 error code E404
8413 error 404 Not Found - GET https://registry.npmjs.org/angular-appinsights/-/angular-appinsights-0.0.4.tgz
8414 error 404
8415 error 404 'angular-appinsights#0.0.4' is not in the npm registry.
8416 error 404 You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)
Edit I have added this package privately to Azure Artifact feed, and all other NPM packages (not privately) as well, would this mean that if in the future someone removes there package from NPM I would still have the (artifact feed) as backup?
Caution: this might not be the best practice
I had a similar issue with some legacy app that was built upon the beta of Material UI. When putting the application on a CI/CD pipeline what we had to do was before launching npm install have a script move the node_modules folder to where the application was being built and then launch npm run build because in this case it was a React App (I'm guessing it is similar for Angular).
What I would suggest is that you have a copy of that package from the node_modules folder copied into a node_modules folder while deploying before running npm install because npm won't install packages it finds are already there.
Of course best practice would be to update that package but I'm guessing that is not up to you. If you could, I would suggest you ask the developers to review the dependencies or to tell you how they deploy that application locally because, from the little research I've done it seems to me that there other up-to-date packages available. They might have installed the newest package but forgotten to remove the old one and since they have never had to redeploy simply didn't stumble upon that error, other possibility is they're passing the node_modules folder around.
I recently started using vite to make my react apps as I grew tired of the excruciatingly long install times for create-react-app. However, as I looked online, I found different ways of making a vite app. On the official documentation, it says to use npm init vite#latest while other tutorials use npm init vite. Both require you to install different dependencies on your machine before you can run the commands. However, it appears that they both do essentially the same thing. Can anyone explain the difference between the 2 commands?
The difference between the two, is, npm init vite#latest will download the latest version - and npm init vite will use create-vite if you had it previously globally installed, or it will fetch the latest version. that's it. Read below 👇
When you get #latest on some tutorials, you can see it as an explicit information in order to not confuse the reader, but they should stipulate the following note.
IF you had already the create-vite package globally
installed, and for example, a older version, it will be what npm init uses.
npm init foo fetches and runs the already installed create-foo OR the latest create-foo from the registry if not.
npm init foo#latest fetches and runs the latest create-foo from the registry.
npm init foo#1.2.3 runs create-foo#1.2.3 to install the package version 1.2.3 specifically.
I'm trying to create a webpage using Reactjs (for learning react js).
After I run the command npx create-react-app cars, I'm getting errors as follows:
npm WARN deprecated tar#2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap.
added 64 packages, and audited 107 packages in 15s
3 high severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues, run:
npm audit fix
Run "npm audit" for details.
After running npm audit, it says:
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force
which gave the result as:
found 0 vulnerabilities
After following all these steps, when I try to create a project starting from create-react-app I'm getting same errors like:
x high severity vulnerabilities to address all issues, run: npm audit
I don't understand what I'm missing here. By all these I ended up creating 4 folders which has a subfolder node-modules and two JSON files named package and package-lock
Can anybody please direct me how do I proceed with all these?
npm version: 7.21.0
node version: v16.7.0
windows: 10
Below are the steps I followed to create my react environment and get ride of these warnings/errors are:
As per this answer, I have uninstalled ByteFence since as I mentioned here in the comments that there a threat detection and
Used this command npm set audit false from this answer
Apart from these steps, I made sure that I have latest versions of Node and npm installed
When I want to create a react app I'm encountering the following error:
npm ERR! Response timeout while trying to fetch https://registry.npmjs.org/react-is (over 30000ms)
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\info\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2020-04-23T02_54_45_865Z-debug.log
Aborting installation.
npm install --save --save-exact --loglevel error react react-dom react-scripts cra-template has failed.
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting app2/ from C:\Users\info
Sounds like you have a slow connection. Try increasing the timeout from 30s to 60s by adding this to your .npmrc file:
You could also try adding
if you are trying to save bandwidth or have a slow connection
Note: if you don't have an .npmrc file setup yet, you can create one here
for Windows: C:\Users\{username}\.npmrc
for Mac/Linux ~/.npmrc
Or you can create one in the same directory as your project's package.json file.
I had a slow connection and I updated the timeout value to .npmrc using:
npm set timeout=100000
And to check if the value is updated (Mac): vi ~/.npmrc
Users are extremely likely to face this issue if they are on a slow internet connection. To counter this, you need to increase the timeout in the npm's config file. And here's how to do it:
Find the .npmrc file (located in the nodejs installation folder; in my case, it's in F:\Installations\nodejs\node_modules\npm folder. But for you, it might be in C:\program files folder).
Open the .npmrc file and append this line: timeout=240000 (usually it is 60 seconds I suppose, but since my connection was way slower therefore, I had to increase it to 240 seconds or 4 minutes, you can keep it 120000 for 120seconds)
Save the file
Since create-react-app fails midway, it can easily break npm's package.json file thus leading to this sort of issue:
Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near
Therefore, before running the npx create-react-app, run the following command: npm cache clean --force as it cleans the cache and (i think) repairs the package.json file.
I was facing the same issue. I Solved it like this:
create a new file with no name just an extinction of .npmrc
open this file in any editor and type timeout = 90000
save the file and in you terminal type
npm cache clean --force
npm install create-react-app
npx create-react-app ./
Note: this error occurs because of slow internet speed
This error occurs due to slow internet connection. Try installing when you get a better speed. If better speed doesn't solve your problem try this.
npm cache verify
npm cache clean --force
I enabled IIS and the issue was solved for me:
do to Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features
click on Turn Windows features on and off
make sure the Internet Information Services is checked
click OK and wait for some minutes
I was facing the same issue when create a react-app using npx create-react app . And i fixed my problem by running the following command.
npm cache clean --force
I hope you find this helpful
I fixed the problem by setting timeout in user local .npmrc file to
90000 is not enough for downloading many packages for projects with lot dependencies in package.json
In case you are still running into this issue below with the error:
Invalid response body while trying to fetch
https://registry.npmjs.org/eslint-config-react-app: Socket timeout
Run this script: npm install react --registry=https://registry.npmjs.org
and then npx create-react-app mypp
for your react app installation. Happy coding
I fixed the problem by running:
npm config set registry "http://registry.npmjs.org" --global
It appears the problem is related to the following post:
npm install gets stuck at fetchMetadata
And #CptUnlucky's solution worked for me on macOS Catalina 10.15.7, node v16.0.0, npm v7.12.2, nvm v0.38.0
I was facing the same issue and I solved it by enabling the Internet Information service (IIS) feature of the window.
Enabling the IIS
Windown + r
Type appwiz.cpl and click OK
click on Turn window features on or off (on the Left top side)
wait some seconds and check the Internet information service option
Now wait until window apply changes.
create project again.
I have faced the same issue. I tried all solutions over StackOverflow or Github discussions but nothing worked.
I changed the .npmrc file under the Users folder in C in Windows and changed the timeout from 30000 to 90000. See if 60000 works!
In my case it was the issue related to npm verison 6.14*
Downgrading to npm verison 6.13.7 solved for me
npm i -g npm#6.13.7
It's also an newly opened issue
you can check more details about it at
You just need to run npm i npm#6.13.7 or npm I -g npm#6.13.7 if you wanna this to be global version.
After that, just to make sure, run " npm -version " to see what version you are using.
Downgrading to npm version 6.13.7 worked for me.
Try this:
npm cache clean --force
npm config rm proxy
npm config rm https-proxy
And remove your node_modules within your user.
In Windows, it is
I was facing the same issue when running npm install on Docker.
I had to pass the HTTP and HTTPS proxy values to the image while building it.
docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=http://<your_company_proxy> --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=http://<your_company_proxy>
It worked fine after I passed these parameters.
In my case it was the issue related to npm verison 6.14*
Downgrading to npm verison 6.13.7 solved for me
npm i -g npm#6.13.7
It's also an newly opened issue you can check more details about it at https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/1185
it is works for me
Editing the .npmrc file to 80000 works. If not, globally uninstall create-react-app:
"npm uninstall -g create-react-app" then run "npx create-react-app ./"
I recently have the same issue and following steps would help you.
npm config set registry "http://registry.npmjs.org" --global (sets registry) (Try Again)
Go to you user folder find .npmrc file there and remove content of it.
run npm cache clean --force
still errors - Remove the content of npm base folder usually inside User/AppData/roaming/npm/...
I tried everything including factory resetting my Mac. Then after reinstalling everything and still having the same issue, I typed into the terminal and ran:
npm set timeout=100000
then sat my computer next to my router and ran npx create-react-app again and it worked!
Sometimes it won't work if you use only letters in your app name e.g first I have used "myapp" and that was not working though I have done all the other stuffs correctly like set timeout = 240000 in .npmrc file and run the following commands
npm cache clean --force
npm install create-react-app
npx create-react-app myapp
but that not working for me then I have just changed my project name from myapp -> my-app and it worked perfectly. So, If you are facing the same issue try them out. Hopefully, it saves your time.
I tried many things for 3 days, then i figure out that new versions of nodejs doesn't work so fine for some computers, i downgrade to 16.0.0 and then worked
Regarding npx ...
If you have create-react-app (CRA) globally installed;
it is recommend you uninstall CRA
to ensure that npx always uses the latest version.
When using npx, the global installation isn't used.
But it may interfere (addressed below).
Don't run your React app from your desktop.
Some operating systems may throw an error.
Windows OS users ...
As administrator (for steps #1 & #2), inside your command-line ...
1) uninstall your global version of CRA.
npm uninstall -g create-react-app Mac prefix: sudo
2) Then ...
Run: npx create-react-app my-app Mac prefix: sudo
Above: This will create the latest version of
a React app named: my-app.
This app will be created wherever your command-line is pointing.
3) Open Google Chrome.
4) cd my-app (point your command-line to your project folder).
5) inside your command-line ... Run: npm start
I am just getting started with react-native. On installing this package
npm install --save react-native-validator-form
I was prompted to npm audit and I was shown 4 vulnerabilities (listed above)
After running the 2 helper commands, I was prompted with another 2 vulnerabilities (see link)
How can I fix the remaining issues?
Updating the respective npm packages didn't work.
Not sure how to proceed?
This is a result of the new npm version including the audit command.
It isn't some new issue with the Angular CLI, npm just introduced new functionality in npm to warn users about vulnerabilities in the packages they're installing - so there's no "new" vulnerability in Angular, it's just that now npm is now warning you about vulnerabilities that already existed:
Most of the issues stem from Karma, so it'd need to be fixed there for the Angular team to pull in a new Karma version karma-runner/karma#2994
If you have ran npm audit and got vulnerabilities, then you can have different scenarios:
Security vulnerabilities found with suggested updates
Run the npm audit fix subcommand to automatically install compatible updates to vulnerable dependencies.
Run the recommended commands individually to install updates to vulnerable dependencies. (Some updates may be semver-breaking changes; for more information, see "SEMVER warnings".)
Security vulnerabilities found requiring manual review
If security vulnerabilities are found, but no patches are available, the audit report will provide information about the vulnerability so you can investigate further.
Source: Reviewing and acting on the security audit report
Even after running npm audit fix if it is not fixed, then to proceed I think you should Turn off npm audit. Use below command to turn off npm audit.
when installing a single package.
npm install example-package-name --no-audit
To turn off npm audit when installing all packages
npm set audit false
it will set the audit setting to false in your user and global npmrc config files.
for reference visit : turn-off-npm-audit
Hope it will help and you can proceed to your work :) Happy codding
I had the same issue and log was like below:
Testing binary
Binary is fine
added 1166 packages from 1172 contributors and audited 39128 packages in 112.505s
found 1 high severity vulnerability
I executed the below command and it was fixed.
npm audit fix
log shows as below:
Testing binary
Binary is fine
+ #angular-devkit/build-angular#0.11.4
added 18 packages from 47 contributors, removed 14 packages and updated 52 packages in 64.529s
fixed 1 of 1 vulnerability in 39128 scanned packages
I faced the same issue while installing react-native navigation, using:
npm install react-navigation
For me, npm audit-fix didn't worked well. npm use to have some limitations. For me, yarn worked:
yarn add <package-name>
This worked for me:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-router-dom'
vulnerable dependencies:[1]: https://github.com/edjata1/Fix_Issues/blob/main/REACT%20ERROR%20vulnerable%20dependencies%20issues.txt
I had the same problem while running this command:
npm install ngx-bootstrap --save
...and solved it by running the Command Prompt as Administrator.
So Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and then try again. Hopefully it will work.