PubSub Emulator - ( Support Proto Buffer publish/receive msg) - google-cloud-pubsub

I am developing a solution to use a common Proto Buffer library to send and receive msg using directly proto buffer serialized (ByteString) and deserialization from a (ByteString) directly into the same Proto Buffer Class. My solution until now it is not working. Just when I use a real PubSub.
Based on The doc: Testing apps locally with the emulator information and more specific in the section knowing limitations:
Emulator doesn't provide Schema support for protocol buffers.
Although, I am not using any schema definition in Topic/Subscription. Just using a common proto buffer library programmatically. I'm afraid there is a Pubsub emulation limitation and for this reason my solution doesn't work with the Emulator.
Bellow my Test Class any clarification we be very welcome.
package com.example.pubsubgcpspringapplications;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import com.alpian.common.pubsub.messages.OnfidoVerificationEvent;
import com.example.pubsubgcpspringapplications.config.PubSubTestConfig;
import com.example.pubsubgcpspringapplications.util.DataGenerationUtils;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles;
public class EmulatorPubSubWithSpringTest {
static void startUpTests() throws IOException {
void successfulTest() throws InterruptedException {
var status = DataGenerationUtils.STATUS_COMPLETE;
var result = DataGenerationUtils.RESULT_CLEAR;
var subResult = DataGenerationUtils.SUB_RESULT_CLEAR;
var documentReport = DataGenerationUtils.generateOnfidoDocumentReport(status, result, subResult);
var facialSimilarityReport = DataGenerationUtils
.generateOnfidoFacialSimiliratyVideoReport(status, result, subResult);
OnfidoVerificationEvent.Builder builder = OnfidoVerificationEvent.newBuilder();
OnfidoVerificationEvent onfidoVerificationEvent =;
MessageReceiver receiver =
(PubsubMessage message, AckReplyConsumer consumer) -> {
ByteString data = message.getData();
// Get the schema encoding type.
String encoding = message.getAttributesMap().get("googclient_schemaencoding");
try {
switch (encoding) {
case "BINARY":
// Obtain an object of the generated proto class.
OnfidoVerificationEvent state = OnfidoVerificationEvent.parseFrom(data);
System.out.println("Received a BINARY-formatted message: " + state);
case "JSON":
OnfidoVerificationEvent.Builder stateBuilder = OnfidoVerificationEvent.newBuilder();
JsonFormat.parser().merge(data.toStringUtf8(), stateBuilder);
System.out.println("Received a JSON-formatted message:" +;
break block;
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
System.out.println("Ack'ed the message");
ProjectSubscriptionName subscriptionName =
ProjectSubscriptionName.of(PubSubTestConfig.PROJECT_ID, PubSubTestConfig.SUBSCRIPTION_NAME);
// Create subscriber client.
Subscriber subscriber = Subscriber.newBuilder(subscriptionName, receiver).build();
try {
System.out.printf("Listening for messages on %s:\n", subscriptionName);
subscriber.awaitTerminated(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException timeoutException) {
public static void publishProtoMessageTest(OnfidoVerificationEvent onfidoVerificationEvent)
throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
Publisher publisher = null;
try {
publisher = Publisher.newBuilder("projects/my-project-id/topics/topic-one").build();
PubsubMessage.Builder message = PubsubMessage.newBuilder();
// Prepare an appropriately formatted message based on topic encoding.
System.out.println("Publishing a BINARY-formatted message:\n" + message);
// Publish the message.
ApiFuture<String> future = publisher.publish(;
//System.out.println("Published message ID: " + future.get());
} finally {
if (publisher != null) {
publisher.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
Note: Please, I just copied some sniped code from google tutorial and modified it. I don't want to use JSON just publish and receive msg using proto files.
Many Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Better clarification about the simulator in comments and in another posted answer.
As you pointed, the PubSub emulator currently not support the use os protobuffer messages, and that's what you are using in your code (Snippets from Publish / Receive messages of protobuf schema type), and its not supported currently. You can try to use Avro schema type or open a feature request on Google issue tracker for work with protobuffer schemas in PubSub emulator.

The "resource not found" issue would not have anything to do with Pub/Sub the emulator not supporting Protocol Buffer schemas. If you tried to use Protocol Buffers in an unsupported way (which would be creating a Schema object that uses PROTCOL_BUFFER as its type), then you'd get back an error specifically about the lack of support for Protocol Buffer schemas in the emulator.
Your issue looks more like one of the following:
The name of the subscription does not match the name of the subscription you created.
You did not actually create the subscription in the emulator, but instead created it in the actual Pub/Sub service.
You did not point your subscriber to the emulator by setting the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable.
You should verify the subscription exists in the emulator. You can do this by running the gcloud tool against it. Let's assume you started up your emulator with the following command:
gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=my-test-project
If this starts up your emulator on port 8085, you can check that your subscription exists by running:
> CLOUDSDK_API_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDES_PUBSUB=http://localhost:8085/ gcloud --project my-test-topic pubsub subscriptions list
If your subscription does not exist when you run that command, then it means that you likely didn't create the subscription in the emulator, but instead created it in the actual service. If you do see it, then it likely means your subscriber isn't sending requests to the emulator, but is actually sending requests the Pub/Sub service itself.


Why does Akka TCP stream server disconnect client when there is no flow for the connection.handlewith?

I am looking for an explanation for the behavior I see with the following code. When the
conn.handleWith is commented out, the TCP client connection that I make with netcat, connects, and in a couple of seconds shows disconnected by peer (i.e. the server disconnected the connection). When the conn.handleWith is present in the code I see no disconnection. I initially though it had to do with the idletimeout set up for the server, but that wasn't the case.
So why does the server disconnect the client when there is no flow to handle the connection?
package com.example;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import akka.Done;
import akka.NotUsed;
public class SimpleStream00 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.create(Behaviors.empty(), "actorSystem");
final Sink<IncomingConnection, CompletionStage<Done>> handler = Sink.foreach(conn -> {
System.out.println("Client connected from: " + conn.remoteAddress());
// conn.handleWith(Flow.of(ByteString.class), actorSystem);
// Server does not drop the connection when previous line is uncommented
Source<IncomingConnection, CompletionStage<ServerBinding>> source = Tcp.get(actorSystem).bind("",
8888); // .idleTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(60));
CompletionStage<ServerBinding> bindingFuture =;
bindingFuture.handle((binding, throwable) -> {
if (binding != null) {
System.out.println("Server started, listening on: " + binding.localAddress());
} else {
System.err.println("Server could not bind to : " + throwable.getMessage());
return NotUsed.getInstance();
A general principle in Akka Streams is that if there's no demand, the stream should consume as few resources as possible. Since without handleWith, your stream never signals demand for the ByteStrings from the connection, Akka's TCP layer disconnects the connection to save resources.

Codename One "out of memory" when using Object-C native interface (HEIC to JPEG conversion)

Since I'm implementing a custom gallery for Android and iOS, I have to access directly to the gallery files stored in the FileSystemStorage through native interfaces.
The basic idea is to retrieve the file list through a native interface, and then make a cross-platform GUI in Codename One. This works on Android, I had to make the thumbs generation (in the Codename One side, not in the native interface side) as fast as possible and the overall result is quite acceptable.
On iOS, I have an additional issue, that is the HEIC image file format, that needs to be converted in JPEG to become usable in Codename One. Basically, I get the file list through the code in this question (I'm waiting for an answer...), then I have to convert each HEIC file to a temporary JPEG file, but my HEICtoJPEG native interface makes the app crashing after few images with an "out of memory" Xcode message...
I suspect that the problematic code is the following, maybe the UIImage* image and/or the NSData* mediaData are never released:
#import "myapp_utilities_HEICtoJPEGNativeImpl.h"
#implementation myapp_utilities_HEICtoJPEGNativeImpl
UIImage* image = [UIImage imageWithData:param];
NSData* mediaData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.9);
return mediaData;
return YES;
This is the Java native interface:
import com.codename1.system.NativeInterface;
* #deprecated
public interface HEICtoJPEGNative extends NativeInterface {
public byte[] heicToJpeg(byte[] heicInput);
and this the Java public API:
import com.codename1.system.NativeLookup;
public class HEICtoJPEG {
private static HEICtoJPEGNative nativeInterface = NativeLookup.create(HEICtoJPEGNative.class);
* Public API to convert an HEIC file to a new JPEG file (placed in /heic)
* #param heicFile in the FileSystemStorage
* #return a new file (with unique name)
public static String convertToJPEG(String heicFile) throws IOException {
if (nativeInterface != null && nativeInterface.isSupported()) {
// It ensures that the directory exists.
FileSystemStorage fss = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
String heicDir = fss.getAppHomePath() + "/heic";
if (!fss.isDirectory(heicDir)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream outHeic = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
InputStream inHeic = fss.openInputStream(heicFile);
Util.copy(inHeic, outHeic);
byte[] heicData = outHeic.toByteArray();
byte[] jpegData = nativeInterface.heicToJpeg(heicData);
String jpegFile = heicDir + "/" + DeviceUtilities.getUniqueId() + ".jpg";
OutputStream outJpeg = fss.openOutputStream(jpegFile);
ByteArrayInputStream inJpeg = new ByteArrayInputStream(jpegData);
Util.copy(inJpeg, outJpeg);
return jpegFile;
} else {
return null;
Since the Android counterpart works, I hope that the rest of my custom gallery code is fine and that this out-of-memory issue is inside code I posted here.
I hope you can indicate me a working solution. Thank you
There was a memory leak in the way that the iOS port invoked native interface methods which received or returned primitive arrays (byte[], int[], etc..).
I have just committed a fix for this (native interface invocations are now wrapped in an autorelease pool) which will be available on the build server next Friday (October 9, 2020).
EDIT: (Friday October 2, 2020)
This fix has been deployed to the build server already so it you should be able to build it again immediately and see if it fixes your issue.

Unable to get google bigquery and google app engine to work

Found the answer to my question: For those having the same problem.
ANSWER: When working with HTTP servlets i needed to have the jars within the WEB-INF/lib directory. Else i could just keep them under the java build path (libraries). Thus in eclispe, right click on lib, then Add Google API's and the select BigQuery.
I am testing out google app engine with big query.
I am able to run big query fine in eclipse when I run it as an app, however when i run it as an HttpServlet i keep getting the following error!
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/api/client/json/JsonFactory
Below is the exact code I am using.
package com.hw3.test;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HelloWord3Servlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
Bigquery bigquery = createAuthorizedClient(); //If i comment this out i will get the text below, else i get the error from the title.
resp.getWriter().println("\nQuery Results:\n------------\n");
private static List<TableRow> executeQuery(String querySql, Bigquery bigquery, String projectId)
throws IOException {
QueryResponse query =, new QueryRequest().setQuery(querySql)).execute();
// Execute it
GetQueryResultsResponse queryResult =
.getQueryResults(query.getJobReference().getProjectId(), query.getJobReference().getJobId()).execute();
return queryResult.getRows();
public static Bigquery createAuthorizedClient() throws IOException {
// Create the credential
HttpTransport transport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(transport, jsonFactory);
// Depending on the environment that provides the default credentials
// (e.g. Compute Engine, App
// Engine), the credentials may require us to specify the scopes we need
// explicitly.
// Check for this case, and inject the Bigquery scope if required.
if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
credential = credential.createScoped(BigqueryScopes.all());
return new Bigquery.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential).setApplicationName("Bigquery Samples").build();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Scanner sc;
if (args.length == 0) {
// Prompt the user to enter the id of the project to run the queries
// under
System.out.print("Enter the project ID: ");
sc = new Scanner(;
} else {
sc = new Scanner(args[0]);
String projectId = sc.nextLine();
// Create a new Bigquery client authorized via Application Default
// Credentials.
Bigquery bigquery = createAuthorizedClient();
List<TableRow> rows = executeQuery(
"SELECT TOP(corpus, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words " + "FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare]",
bigquery, projectId);
private static void printResults(List<TableRow> rows) {
System.out.print("\nQuery Results:\n------------\n");
for (TableRow row : rows) {
for (TableCell field : row.getF()) {
System.out.printf("%-50s", field.getV());
I got this code directly from the google website although i did modify it slightly so that i can test out app engine. However it will not work when using app engine.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
It sounds like dependencies aren't configured correctly when you are running as an HttpServlet. How do you tell your app which dependencies to use? What version are you trying to load? Is that version available in Google App Engine?
Note that the specific version of the jackson libraries you require change depending on what environment you are running in. See for a list of dependencies you need in various environments.
ANSWER: When working with HTTP servlets i needed to have the jars within the WEB-INF/lib directory. Else i could just keep them under the java build path (libraries). Thus in eclispe, right click on lib, then Add Google API's and the select BigQuery.

(Android Studio) Connecting an app to Google Endpoints Module

I'm having trouble following the second step here.
I really don't understand how this sample does anything other than return a simple toast message. How does it utilize the API to display that message?
class EndpointsAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Pair<Context, String>, Void, String> {
private static MyApi myApiService = null;
private Context context;
protected String doInBackground(Pair<Context, String>... params) {
if(myApiService == null) { // Only do this once
MyApi.Builder builder = new MyApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)
// options for running against local devappserver
// - is localhost's IP address in Android emulator
// - turn off compression when running against local devappserver
.setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new GoogleClientRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(AbstractGoogleClientRequest<?> abstractGoogleClientRequest) throws IOException {
// end options for devappserver
myApiService =;
context = params[0].first;
String name = params[0].second;
try {
return myApiService.sayHi(name).execute().getData();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e.getMessage();
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Toast.makeText(context, result, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
I'm afraid my this sample is too complex for my limited knowledge. How exactly do I "talk" to the Google Endpoints Module when running an app? Specifically, What is EndpointsAsyncTask();?
Are there any resources listing all the methods available to me? Is there a simpler example of an app communicating with a Google Cloud Endpoint?
The service methods available to you are defined by the backend source in section 1.
In the example you posted, this line: myApiService.sayHi(name).execute()
is an actual invocation call to the backend that you defined by annotating #ApiMethod("sayHi") on the method in the class of your backend module.
The reason your Android app defines an EndpointsAsyncTask is because slow operations such as calls that hit the network need to happen off of the UI thread to avoid locking the UI. The demo simply puts the returned value into a Toast but you could modify onPostExecute() to do whatever you'd like with the result.
For more info on Google Endpoints check out:
And for info about using an Android AsyncTask look here:

NoClassDefFoundError: is a restricted class. Using CCS (GCM) in Google App Engine

Im trying to implement google's Cloud Connection Server with Google App Engine following this tutorial -
Implementing an XMPP-based App Server. I copied latest smack jars from (smack.jar and smackx.jar), put them in WEB-INF/lib and added them to the classpath (im using eclipse).
In the code sample in the first link i posted, the XMPPConnection is initiated in a 'main' method. Since this is not really suitable to GAE i created a ServletContextListener and added it to web.xml.
public class GCMContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private static final String GCM_SENDER_ID = "*GCM_SENDER_ID*";
private static final String API_KEY = "*API_KEY*";
private SmackCcsClient ccsClient;
public GCMContextListener() {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
final String userName = GCM_SENDER_ID + "";
final String password = API_KEY;
ccsClient = new SmackCcsClient();
try {
ccsClient.connect(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
try {
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Now, when i start the GAE server i get the following exception :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine developer's guide for more details.
i searched the "Google App Engine developer's guide for more details" but couldnt find anything about this. can you please help me ?
Google App Engine restricts access to certain JRE classes. In fact they published a whitelist that shows you which classes are useable. It seems to me that the Smack library might require some reference to a directory context (maybe to create the XMPP messages?) and that is why your servlet causes this exception. The is not in the whitelist.
I'm currently working on setting up a GCM Server as well. It seems to me that you need to read through the example and see what that main method is doing. What I see is a connection to the GCM server:
try {
ccsClient.connect(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Then a downstream message being sent to a device:
// Send a sample hello downstream message to a device.
String toRegId = "RegistrationIdOfTheTargetDevice";
String messageId = ccsClient.getRandomMessageId();
Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap<String, String>();
payload.put("Hello", "World");
payload.put("CCS", "Dummy Message");
payload.put("EmbeddedMessageId", messageId);
String collapseKey = "sample";
Long timeToLive = 10000L;
Boolean delayWhileIdle = true;
ccsClient.send(createJsonMessage(toRegId, messageId, payload, collapseKey,
timeToLive, delayWhileIdle));
These operations would be completed at some point during your application's lifecycle, so your servlet should support them by providing the methods the example is implementing, such as the connect method that appears in the first piece of code that I pasted here. It's implementation is in the example at line 235 if I'm not mistaken.
As the documentation says, the 3rd party application server, which is what you're trying to implement using GAE, should be:
Able to communicate with your client.
Able to fire off properly formatted requests to the GCM server.
Able to handle requests and resend them as needed, using exponential back-off.
Able to store the API key and client registration IDs. The API key is included in the header of POST requests that send messages.
Able to store the API key and client registration IDs.
Able to generate message IDs to uniquely identify each message it sends.
