Shorter way to use SCSS #exported classNames in React (Next.js + css-modules) - reactjs

I have a set of semantic color classes in SCSS, which should be applied to components based on their props. I'm using React + Next.js + css-modules.
What I Want:
The current code I wrote below works correctly, but I want a simpler approach... declaring a bunch of classNames for every component to #extend something else is overkill! I want to write the extension directly in jsx part. Is there a better (more dynamic) way to do this? maybe inline extends?
Not a valid code, but I'm looking for something like this:
export default function Component({ status }) {
return (
<div style={#extend %{status}}>
This is the semantics file. I import it inside other scss files to extend the classes:
/* _semantics.scss */
%warning {
background: orange;
color: red;
%error {
background: red;
color: black;
Example Component
/* component.module.scss */
#use "semantics" as *;
.warning {
#extend %warning;
.error {
#extend %error;
.success {
#extend %success;
// component.jsx
import css from "./component.module.scss"
export default function Component({ status }) {
return (
<div className={css[status]}>
// index.jsx
<Component status="warning">...</Component>
I am looking for an alternative way, so:
Using a package is fine
Using #include (mixins) instead of #extend is fine
Using .semantic-class instead of %semantic-class is fine

you can use global css to achieve this purpose


Angular using wrapper component for primeng p-inputnumber not able to style

I am new to PrimeNg with Angular. I have a simple primeng p-inputnumber component as below:
incrementButtonIcon="fal fa-plus"
decrementButtonIcon="fal fa-minus"
[minFractionDigits]="_config?.integer ? 0 : 1"
And have created a wrapper to this component i.e is the wrapper to the above component and using it in a homepage component. Now i want to apply style to this wrapper component which in turn should apply style to primeng component. Right now it is not setting.
---<app-number-input class="disabled">
i set the below style in homepagecomponent.scss
:host ::ng-deep .disabled {
background: red;
But the above is not being set. Can anyone help me how to achieve my expected?
You would need something like this in your CSS
:host ::ng-deep {
// you may want to specify your app element or something here to be more specific than just .disabled class
.disabled {
// tweak this list to whichever pieces of the p-inputnumber you want to have red background
.p-inputnumber-button-icon {
background-color: red;

Using nested pseudo css selectors with react-emotion

Running on a strange problem.
Following are two blocks of code. One of them works well and another just don't.
This work
const StyledButton = styled('button')`
// Some styles here
:first-child {
// Some other styles
:first-child:after {
content: 'F';
// After get applied succesfully to the first child
This doesn't
const StyledButton = styled('button')`
// Some styles here
:first-child {
// some other styles
:after {
content: 'F';
// After get applied to all nth child.
I'm using react-emotion.
Is this behavior intended or am I missing something? I want to achieve that :after should get applied to first-child only by using a similar approach to the second one.
I think there's an error in the code on the nested :after
The change that would, if I'm correct, solve your issue it to change the nested :after to &:after like so:
const StyledButton = styled('button')`
// Some styles here
&:first-child {//<====== note the & here
// some other styles
&:after { //<====== note the & here
content: 'F';
The & is a placeholder for the parent selector, thus the code above will compile to:
button:first-child {
// some other styles
button:first-child:after {
content: 'F';
EDIT: Sandbox with working example
Hope this helps!

Overwriting global CSS style in modules is not working

I'm having a problem with overwriting CSS styles using composing in modules.
My current setup:
I have a thirdparty grid library file which I insert into my application in the entry JS file:
import './css/thirdparty/file.css';
I'm also using CSS modules for my components like this:
import styles from './component.module.css';
const Component = () => {
// component code omitted
// in render
<div className={styles.col14}></div>
In webpack config, I have two rules setup to load the file.css using plain css-loader and the *.module.css files using css-loader with modules.
All of these files are loaded correctly and the styles are all present. Here's the problem:
file.css contains:
.col-1-4 /* and all other col-1-* variations*/ {
float: left;
min-height: 1px;
padding-right: 20px;
.col-1-4 {
width: 25%;
component.module.css contains:
.col14 {
composes: col-1-4 from global;
padding-right: 0;
Current output of the component:
<div class="col14__3bA8W col-1-4">
So the style is supposedly overwritten, but what I see in the browser is that the padding-right is still 20px. It seems to only happen when I try to compose from a global style, because if I compose two classes from the same component CSS file, it works as expected.
Does anyone know why this is not working?
You can try with
.col14 {
composes: col-1-4 from global;
padding-right: 0!important;

how to use common less variable with styled component?

Say I have a styled component, in index.jsx
import './index.less';
class Input extends React.Component {
and my index.less files looks:
color: #whiteColor;
This index.less has to work with the mixin.less that imported in the root project.
So my question is, even though I imported the mixin.less, it prompts variable #whiteColor not found. Any idea to solve this?
I have felt the same pain, why isn't my styled component resolving less variables?
The syntax is simple JavaScript, just do:
color: ${props => props.whiteColor};
// or
color: ${props => props.theme.whiteColor};
But, at my company, we had thousands of less components, and we really thought that the less syntax was cleaner and definitely faster to write. We developed Styless.
It is a babel plugin that parses less and generates javascript code. Add it to your .babelrc file.
"plugins": ["babel-plugin-styless"]
Then, we can do!!
const Input = styled.input`
#highlight: blue; // can be overwritten by theme or props
background: darken(#highlight, 5%); // make green darken by 5%
Check here to see how to use the theme provider and load variable from your index.less!
You can try import the mixin.less in index.less
I have been trying the same than you.
But then I thought.. it is that what I really want? Because styled-components propose a different approach to having a modular structure for your styles. Check theming, is amazing powerful.
Because in styled components you define the variables with javascript.
And if you want color manipulation like less, sass, you can check
Its like forgetting about less, and sass and moving it to a new style modules.
Still, if you want to keep your defined style classes, you can do that:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
// Attach the passed-in className to the DOM node
return <div className={`some-global-class ${this.props.className}`} />;
Check the existing CSS usage from docs:

Global Utility Classes with PostCSS / CSS Modules

Using CSS Modules, how can I apply a global utility class to multiple elements without duplicating the style declaration?
For example, here is a React component without CSS Modules. The relevant line is the div with two classes: widget and clearfix...
/* components/widget.jsx */
class Widget extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="widget clearfix">
<div className="widget-alpha">Alpha</div>
<div className="widget-beta">Beta</div>
.clearfix is a global utility class that I want to apply to many elements throughout my app:
/* util/clearfix.scss */
.clearfix {
&:before, &:after { content: " "; display: table; }
&:after { clear: both; }
I've seen various ways of importing .clearfix into a CSS Module, but in each case the style declarations are redefined for each occurrence where the class is applied. Here's one example:
/* widget.scss */
.widget {
// other styles
composes: clearfix from '../util/clearfix.scss';
Through trial and error, I found that you can declare :global in the selector where the utility class is employed (not where it's defined):
.widget {
// other styles
:global {
composes: clearfix;
To avoid messy and repetitive import and from statements, I used an index.scss file to import the utility files and then import that in any partial where a utility class is needed.
