Querytype=Full and searching for stop words returns no results - azure-cognitive-search

When using azure cognitive search, we are using full query syntax. When searching for something like: the document we create a query like this (this is a simplified example):
(Title:the OR Contents:the) AND (Title:document OR Contents:document)
(we need to split up the query for unrelated reasons)
The problem is that the could be a stopword in the language we are searching in (we search in several languages), causing the entire query to fail. We would like to be able to ignore stop words in generating queries like this, of have the search engine simply return true for the specific stop word search parts
I figure the latter is not possible. (or is it?). Might there be a way to query the stop words for specific language analyzers so we can exclude the stop words ourselves? Or is there a way to alter out query to be able to handle stop words better?

If you want to strip stop words from your search query the only thing I can think of is calling the analyzer with the search query and check the returned tokens.
In this example you would call the en.microsoft analyzer with the search query "the document".
The tokens returned only contain "document", so you know "the" is considered a stop word by the analyzer. But when searching multiple languages you might need to call multiple analyzers and strip stop words for all those languages.


Azure search: Wild card queries does not work with japanese/chinese characters

I used icu_tokenizer using custom analyzer to create a search index for Japanese words. Index was created successfully. Using icu_tokenizer as for asian languages it works better than the default azure search tokenizer.
Now when I use query for string Ex:- 赤城 I see multiple search results (total 131) from the index. But when I use the wild card search with the same word, Ex: 赤城* (adding * at the end of the word) or /赤城.*/ (using regex search query) i see 0 search results. The weird part is that * seems to work with single japanese character 赤* gives me same number of search results as 赤 gives. But as soon as I increase the number of japanese characters from 1, wild card queries with * stops working and returns 0 search result. All of these queries I am testing it on search explorer on Azure portal using querytype=full (lucene syntax query)
In my application search terms are normally used as prefix search so normally we append * at the end of the search string to fetch search results but looks like these lucene wildcard queries with japanse characters just do not work. Any idea, how can I make these prefix queries (using wildcard * at end of search strings) work when search strings are given in japanese characters?
Any quick help will be much appreciated!!
I tested with my installation now and I can confirm that wildcards only work with Japanese content when you use a Japanese analyzer.
In my example I set up one index using a property Body that does not have a specific analyzer defined. Then I set up another index where Body uses the ja.microsoft language analyzer. The content in both indexes are identical. I then tried to search for 自動車 (automobile) with a trailing wildcard.
自動車* returns multiple hits from my index using the japanese analyzer. No hits are returned from the index without a specific analyzer defined.
sorry for the late reply.
Have you tried using one of the Japanese language analyzers? For example, ja.microsoft
Also, if you want to use prefix search, you can try experimenting with the suggester feature which is designed to be efficient for this scenario.

Using solr shingle filter at query time

I am trying to build a field in my Solr Schema which will be able to join words together at query time and then search for this new joined word in the index.
Lets say I have the word "bluetooth" in my index and I want this to come up in results when I search "blue tooth".
So far I have been unsuccessful in trying varying combinations of shinglefilterfactory and positionfilterfactory as well as keyword, standard and whitespace tokenizers.
I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction to solve this!
Your goal is looking obscure to me and strange a little bit. But for your specific use-case the following filter can be used:
It will make "blue tooth" to be replaced into "bluetooth". And also you can specify that field-analysis for query-time only.
But let me tell you that usually tokenization is used instead of concatenation. And let me also offer you the following filter - WordDelimiterFilter. In such case this guy can split "BlueTooth" into "blue" and "tooth" based on cases.

Solr/Lucene query lemmatization with context

I have successfully implemented a Czech lemmatizer for Lucene. I'm testing it with Solr and it woks nice at the index time. But it doesn't work so well when used for queries, because the query parser doesn't provide any context (words before or after) to the lemmatizer.
For example the phrase pila vodu is analyzed differently at index time than at query time. It uses the ambiguous word pila, which could mean pila (saw e.g. chainsaw) or pít (the past tense of the verb "to drink").
pila vodu ->
Index time: pít voda
Query time: pila voda
.. so the word pila is not found and not highlighted in a document snippet.
This behaviour is documented at the solr wiki (quoted bellow) and I can confirm it by debugging my code (only isolated strings "pila" and "vodu" are passed to the lemmatizer).
... The Lucene QueryParser tokenizes on white space before giving any text to the Analyzer, so if a person searches for the words sea biscit the analyzer will be given the words "sea" and "biscit" seperately, ...
So my question is:
Is it possible to somehow change, configure or adapt the query parser so the lemmatizer would see the whole query string, or at least some context of individual words? I would like to have a solution also for different solr query parsers like dismax or edismax.
I know that there is no such issue with phrase queries like "pila vodu" (quotes), but then I would lose the documents without the exact phrase (e.g. documents with "pila víno" or even "pila dobrou vodu").
Edit - trying to explain / answer following question (thank you #femtoRgon):
If the two terms aren't a phrase, and so don't necessarily come together, then why would they be analyzed in context to one another?
For sure it would be better to analyze only terms coming together. For example at the indexing time, the lemmatizer detects sentences in the input text and it analyzes together only words from a single sentence. But how to achieve a similar thing at the query time? Is implementing my own query parser the only option? I quite like the pf2 and pf3 options of the edismax parser, would I have to implement them again in case of my own parser?
The idea behind is in fact a bit deeper because the lemmatizer is doing word-sense-disambiguation even for words that has the same lexical base. For example the word bow has about 7 different senses in English (see at wikipedia) and the lemmatizer is distinguishing such senses. So I would like to exploit this potential to make searches more precise -- to return only documents containing the word bow in the concrete sense required by the query. So my question could be extended to: How to get the correct <lemma;sense>-pair for a query term? The lemmatizer is very often able to assign the correct sense if the word is presented in its common context, but it has no chance when there is no context.
Finally, I implemented my own query parser.
It wasn't that difficult thanks to the edismax sources as a guide and a reference implementation. I could easily compare my parser results with the results of edismax...
Solution :
First, I analyze the whole query string together. This gives me the list of "tokens".
There is a little clash with stop words - it is not that easy to get tokens for stop words as they are omitted by the analyzer, but you can detect them from PositionIncrementAttribute.
From "tokens" I construct the query in the same way as edismax do (e.g. creating all 2-token and/or 3-token phrase queries combined in DisjunctionMaxQuery instances).

Does GAE Search API do spell checks

I'm talking about this API:
Does it allow spell checks? For example: if I create an index of documents, and in those documents I have words like "iphone", "android", etc. If I search for "iphoen" instead can it still return the correct results?
No, it cannot. It is just an index - what you put it, you get back.
You need to implement your own logic for spelling errors. If a user searches for "iphoen", you either return all results for "iphoen" and suggest "iphone" query instead, or, if you are very confident that a search term was mis-spelled, do a search for "iphone" right away and ask a user if a "iphoen" should be used. This is how Google search works. This is, obviously, not a trivial task.
No, it will not do this. It does direct text matching. Taken from the link you provided:
The simplest query, sometimes called a "global search" is a string that contains only field values. This search uses a string that searches for documents that contain the words "rose" and "water":
index.search("rose water");
Based on this, it's implied reasonably well that it will not do fuzzy matches for you. However, you could write an extension class that takes a string and tests variants against the Search API. You could then return any successful queries and report the fuzzy match. In this way, your class would take "ipohne" and eventually try "iphone" and return a successful query.

Does google search API eliminate stop words?

Consider if your search query in google search API is "I Love you".
In this query, "I" and "you" are stop words and they occur in almost every document. The keyword(s) present in this search is "Love" which should be searched for. So, there must be a process to detect the stop words and eliminate them from the document list we feed to the API. Does google do it automatically in their search API or do we have to process the search query before firing the query? If google already uses the IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) table to eliminate (or less - prioritise) the stop words, how do they do it? If not, how can we eliminate those stop words? Does the algorithm (if any) works for other (vernacular) languages too?
Link to Google search API here
Google full text search api does not eliminate stop words.
If you perform a global search with search query "I Love you", you will only get documents which will have all the 3 words and not just stop words
The white space between words, quoted strings, numbers, and dates is
treated as an implicit AND operator.
If you want the same functionality while searching within a field here is one approach to look for:
If you enclose your query between parentheses then search will only return documents that contains all the words in the query.
For the case "I Love you", search query should be:
field_name = "(I Love You)"
field_name = "(I AND Love AND You)"
This way you will only get documents that contain all the words and not just stop words.
You can just search for the word "Love" in the index.
If you want to search for the word anywhere in the text, you can use wild card operator *
field_name = "Love*"
