OnClick fires for another buttons click event - reactjs

For some reason, in my code the onClick event for the disableAccount button gets activated whenever I click the cancel button. So cancel sets isEditMode to false but disableAccount sets it back to true thus preventing me from seeing any noticeable change in my UI. This is a next.js project.
import React from 'react';
import TextInput from '../Input/TextInput';
import SmallButton from '../Buttons/SmallButton';
const DisableAccountForm = ({t, tc, onSubmit, password, setPassword, isEditMode, setIsEditMode}) => {
return (
<label className="block w-full max-w-xl text-2xl mb-4">
<form onSubmit={onSubmit} className="w-full max-w-xl text-base mt-2">
<p className="mb-4">
{isEditMode ?
<p className="mb-4">
<p className="text-sm mb-4">
: null
{isEditMode ?
<label className="flex-col">
onClick={() => {console.log("cancel"); setIsEditMode(false)}}
onClick={() => {console.log("why"); setIsEditMode(true)}}
export default DisableAccountForm;
This is the controller for the code above.
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import DisableAccountForm from '../components/DisableAccountForm/DisableAccountForm';
const DisableAccountController = ({t, tc, onSubmit}) => {
const [password, setPassword] = useState("");
const [isEditMode, setIsEditMode] = useState(false);
const disableAccount = (e) => {
return (
export default DisableAccountController;
import React from 'react';
const SmallButton = ({type, label, color, textColor, style, onClick}) => {
return (
className={`m-1 ${color} hover:ring-2 rounded-md px-2 py-1 min-w-20 ${textColor} ${style}`}
export default SmallButton;

The problem is that the label wrapper "clicks" the Disable account button right after the form is switched from edit to display mode. It is the default behaviour of HTML label elements. You can solve it by changing the label to div or fragment or any other wrapper that does not click your buttons.
Explain In Details
Go to the sandbox you have posted. It opens in display mode (not edit mode). Now, press the text "Admin" on the top. As you can see, the "Disable account" button is pressed - surely not the expected behaviour.
This unexpected behaviour happens for the same reason that the cancel button switches back to edit mode. the whole problem is about the label that wraps the form. The HTML native label element attaches the click event of one of the clickable elements nearby or inside the label to the content inside the label. In-display mode, the label detect the "Disable account" button and attach its click event to the whole component.
So, when you click the "cancel" button - the component switches to edit mode, and the label wrapper "clicks" the "Disable account" button and switches it back to edit mode. You don't see it when submitting the form, because you prevent the label's default behaviour in onSubmit callback. A partial solution for your problem can be to preventDefault in the cancel callback too - but it will leave the texts clickable. Another solution might be to change the label to div or fragment or any other wrapper that does not click your buttons.


React-Bootstrap input text lose focus when opened from a OverlayTrigger in a Modal

I have a button in a modal that on click opens a popover component, in the popover I have an input text field.
The problem I have is that the input lose focus instantly, I can't type in it because something else is hijacking the focus out of it and I can't figure out what is, here is a working example of the problem.
And here is the code in question:
import "./styles.css";
import { Fragment, useState } from "react";
import { Button, Modal, OverlayTrigger, Popover, Form } from "react-bootstrap";
export default function App() {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
const popover = (
<Popover id="popover-basic">
onChange={(e) => setInputValue(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Enter value"
return (
<div className="App">
<Button variant="primary" onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>
{showModal && (
onHide={() => setShowModal(false)}
<Modal.Header closeButton>modal</Modal.Header>
<Button variant="secondary">Open Popover</Button>
Modal has a property "enforceFocus", which keeps focus on the Modal component. The property value is set to true per default. Set it to false and you will be able to use your input.
Disabling the enforceFocus works, but I'm not sure it is the best alternative. If the user navigates the fields using the tab key, he might focus elements outside of the modal, which could create confusion.
Instead, I suggest you play with the overlay's container prop. You could use a ref to the modal itself, or to a container inside the modal. This way, the overlay will be "inside" the modal and won't lose focus.
I created an example to demonstrate it works.

Involuntary form submit when rendering submit button in ReactJS

I'm getting trouble to understand the following situation in ReactJS.
I have a conditional rendering between two buttons: a button which shows another, basically. The second button is a submit type, and both buttons are inside the form. When I click at the first button to show/render the second one, in my understanding, it should just show the second button, and not submit the form automatically.
I reproduced the case with the create react app:
function App() {
const [showSubmit, setShowSubmit] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
Edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
<form method="POST" action="#">
{showSubmit ? (<button type="submit">Send</button>)
(<button type="button" onClick={() => setShowSubmit(true)}>
Show Submit
Why does the ReactJS automatically fires the submit event if I just want to show/render the submit button?
Posting here for anyone in the future who encounters this issue (probably me) - the issue you've described can be remedied by adding a key prop to the button elements, to let react distinguish between the button elements you're replacing.
Handle the form onSubmit function prevent the default function call, when ever you try to click on any button inside the form it will try to submit the form so use the e.preventDefault() to prevent it from submitting.
You can try handling the submission yourself using the onSubmit on the form tag instead of letting the browser do it for you.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './style.css';
function App() {
const [showSubmit, setShowSubmit] = useState(false);
console.log('state', showSubmit);
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={'logo'} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
Edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
<form method="POST" action="#" onSubmit={(e) => e.preventDefault()}>
{showSubmit ? (
<button type="submit">Send</button>
) : (
<button type="button" onClick={(e) => setShowSubmit(true)}>
Show Submit
export default App;

React set multiple states on an event

I have a modal that when it is closed updates a state. The modal also has a div which will be replaced if a button is clicked. The button is replaced with a text area and 2 buttons (one of them a cancel.) If the cancel is clicked, the state updates and the text area hides. All good. However, if the user closes the modal, then the state is not updated and the div is shown next time.
I am unsure of how to set 2 states on close for the modal, I think this could sort this issue.
Code has been updated as per #jsNoob suggestion:
Hint component has
const [showModalProblemS_vid, setShowModalProblemS_vid] = useState(false);
<VideoModal showModal={showModalProblemS_vid} closeHandler={() => setShowModalProblemS_vid(false)} videoMessage={props.prob_s_vid} size='med'/>
So how to set a state which is not in the file is the issue
Modal Code below:
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/Modal';
import { useState } from 'react';
function VideoModal({showModal = false, closeHandler = () =>{}, videoMessage, content, size}) {
const [confused, setConfused] = useState(false)
return (
onClose={()=> {setConfused(false); closeHandler()}}
<video src={videoMessage} controls autoPlay></video>
{confused ? (
What have you found confusing about this video?
<textarea className='confusedText' rows="2"></textarea>
<Button className="confusedBtnSave">
<Button className="confusedBtnCancel" onClick={()=>setConfused(false)}>
) : (
<Button className="confusedBtn" onClick={()=>setConfused(true)}>
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={closeHandler}>
export default VideoModal
Well to set multiple states you can do that inline
<Button onClick={() => {setState1(foo); setState2(bar)}}></Button
Or you could add them to a function and then call the function inline
function multipleStates(foo, bar){
<Button onClick={() => multipleState(foo, bar)}></Button>
I'm not sure if that is too broad of an answer for you, hopefully I haven't misinterpreted your question.
Got this working. I had to use the following:
onClick={() => {onClose(); setConfused(false)}}
note the semi-colon between the states

Material UI - closing modal leaves focus state on button that opened it

Let's say I have a button that opens a Dialog component. The button has custom theming/styling to specify various states, one of them being the :focus state:
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
"&:focus": {
backgroundColor: "#3A7DA9"
export default function App() {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<div className="App">
onClick={() => setOpen(true)}
Open the modal
<Dialog open={open}>
<h3>This is the modal</h3>
<Button onClick={() => setOpen(false)}>
What I've noticed is that every time I have this pattern, (where a button opens a dialog modal), when the modal is closed, the #button-that-opens-modal is left with a :focus state, which looks bad in terms of styling. Here's a quick gif:
Codesandbox demonstrating the issue
Is this a known issue? I don't see why the :focus should be automatically applied to the button when the modal closes. How can I stop this?
I tried this:
I can add a ref to the button, and make sure to manually unfocus the button in various places. Adding it in the onExited method of the Dialog works, but flashes the focus state for a second:
export default function App() {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const buttonRef = useRef();
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<div className="App">
onClick={() => setOpen(true)}
Open the modal
onExited: () => {
buttonRef.current?.blur(); // helps but creates a flash
<h3>This is the modal</h3>
<Button onClick={() => {setOpen(false)}}>
sandbox showing this very imperfect solution
And even if I found exactly the right event handler to blur the button such the styling looks correct, this is not something I want to do for every Dialog in an app that has many Button - Dialog pairs. Is there a Material-UI prop I can use to disable this 'auto-focus' back on the button, rather than having to create a ref and manually .blur it for every Dialog?
This is for accessibilty purpose. You can disable it by adding prop disableRestoreFocus on your Dialog :)

React - execute javascript after bootstrap modal is completely rendered and visible

I'm working on a React front-end that uses Reactstrap, in which I'm creating my own reusable modal component. Whenever there is too much content for the modal, it becomes scrollable and to make that clear to the user, I created an indicator at the bottom of the modal. (example screenshot)
The indicator sticks at the bottom of the modal while scrolling and I make it disappear when the user reaches the end (check onscroll event and moreContent state in code below).
So far so good, but my problem is that I can't find a way to check if I initially have to show the indicator when rendering the modal. Right now the moreContent state is initially set to true, but that should depend on whether the modal is scrollable or not.
I tried:
to find an event like onScroll that fires when Modal is rendered so that I can check if event.target.scrollHeight == event.target.clientHeight
useEffect hook with a reference to the modal. This fires too soon because scrollHeight and clientHeight are still 0.
The code for my modal component:
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {Button, Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader} from "reactstrap";
const MyModal = (props) => {
const [moreContent, setMoreContent] = useState(true);
const ref = React.useRef();
useEffect(() => {
console.log("scrollHeight", ref.current._element.scrollHeight);
console.log("scrollTop", ref.current._element.scrollTop);
console.log("clientHeight", ref.current._element.clientHeight);
const onScroll = (event) => {
if (moreContent) {
setMoreContent(event.target.scrollHeight - event.target.scrollTop !== event.target.clientHeight);
return (
<Modal isOpen={props.isOpen} toggle={props.closeHandler} centered={true} scrollable={true} className="my-modal" onScroll={onScroll} ref={ref}>
<ModalHeader tag="div" toggle={props.closeHandler}>
{moreContent &&
<div className="modal-scroll-down">
<i className="fa fa-arrow-down mr-4"></i> MEER <i className="fa fa-arrow-down ml-4"></i>
MyModal.defaultProps = {
showCloseButton : true
export default MyModal;
Any tip, advice, workaround is welcome.
Thanks in advance!
The issue here is that you are attaching ref to a Modal which is not a DOM element and therefore will not have these properties scrollHeight, scrollTop, and clientHeight. Furthermore even if it was a DOM element, it is not the element with the scrollbar - it is actually ModalBody. But, to make matters worst, it looks like Reactstrap does not really expose a prop for you attach a forwarded ref to the ModalBody.
To solve this you can replace ModalBody with a div - this is where we can attach a ref to.
<ModalHeader tag="div" toggle={props.closeHandler}>
modal header
<div ref={ref} style={{ overflowY: "auto", padding: "16px" }}>
{moreContent && (
<div className="modal-scroll-down">
<i className="fa fa-arrow-down mr-4"></i> MEER{" "}
<i className="fa fa-arrow-down ml-4"></i>
Pay attention to the onOpened prop I attached to <Modal>, this answers what you sought:
execute javascript after bootstrap modal is completely rendered and
const onOpened = () => {
ref.current.scrollHeight - ref.current.scrollTop !==
