Frontend framework change [closed] - reactjs

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Closed 1 year ago.
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We are a small company, using emberjs as the main frontend framework for our projects. The frontend architect sticks to it like liquid glue sticks to paper, because he doesn't know any other frameworks. The main reason that is forced is the slogan: 'convention over configuration'. And there are reasons like emberjs is faster in larger scale applications.
Anyone can reason pro-contra for emberjs, angular, react etc.. (hopefully someone who knows all of them, at least emberjs, and another)? We are having meeting sessions about this, where junior frontend devs try to convince the architect about the other frameworks. In my opinion this should not be a technical issue, all of the frameworks are capable of developing 'larger scale' applications. The real reason should be the recruiting, we would find react/angular devs more easily.

I was in the same situation and managed to migrate to react+redux toolkit+nextjs.
The way I started my introduction is by explaining what is react. React is a rendering engine. I compared it to glimmer components and ember components. I then explained that most of our components were ember components wich are deprecated and need to be migrated anyway
I then explained that we could just live with ember data, ember cli and react.
Then I showed why ember cli was old and there was this new cool kid embroider that we will need to migrate in the future. I explained what was embroider and how it compared with nextjs. I pointed out that I had experience with react and nextjs but not with embroider.
Then I pitched that Ember Data along with nextjs and react was a viable solution. I also showed that the standard stack with nextjs and react was to use in place of ember data: redux toolkit (you could choose react-query depending on your needs)
At the end of this meeting, people were excited but still had questions.
I then had to do different presentations and discussions about architecture and costs. I produced swot analysis, risk analysis, benchmarks on component libraries (we went with zendesk garden), cost of development per feature..
It's a long process but if you take time to discuss. Remove any passion from the discussions and at the end focus on reducing costs, you'll get your migration.. and yeah the fact we were struggling to recruit ember experts helped with my arguments :D
I should write a blog post about that xD
PS: regarding "convention over configuration", you can find this concept applied by nextjs and redux toolkit


Real world React.js And Vue.js applications / tutorial [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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can somebody suggest real world tutorials / example on react.js vue.js applications. The ones I find on youtube are too basic and lack logic. A real-world application consists of an admin dashboard and frontend. The tutorials you find on youtube are just basic crud applications.
is it just me or the kind of tutorials you find youtube are too basic and they lack logic ? because of this I find it really hard to learn and master new technologies. I struggled to learn and master web development even, coz there was too much basic tutorials out there but none of them were based on real world applications. It took me some time, and combining information from different sources to be able to build real world applications in php and be job ready.
Like when you work as a web developer you won't be building crud applications. You'll be building real applications with admin backend and frontend with business logic. I'm not roasting what programming channels do though. I think they they are doing a wonderful job and they still help us in a way. But I feel like there're few tutorials online that are based on real world projects. I'd like to hear somebody's opinion on this.
I'm even thinking of starting my own youtube channel that will strictly be based on real world applications like e-commerce stores, Item ordering sites, classifieds sites, property listing sites etc
The React website has a few good examples listed, the University of Helsinki also released a pretty solid introduction to web development website.
However, with those two basic examples listed, that's exactly what they are: basic. They're very simple examples to get people started with React (there are a ton of equivalents for Vue as well) and React alone. I think the issue you may be facing here is that the scope of the projects you're looking to see is a bit out of scale for what a basic React or Vue tutorial would have. This could even just be a problem with the specific wording that you're using, as there are a ton of great full stack projects utilizing React or Vue that you can find online. Examples of that may include looking through resources like Awesome Open Source's full stack open source projects list or some projects like Free Code Camp's full stack blog may be up your alley if you're looking for something to take you through piece by piece.

How should I learn Ext JS 4.2? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been assigned to a legacy project which runs on Ext JS 4.2. I know JavaScript but I'm totally unaware of Ext JS and I'm having trouble in understanding it. Can someone please guide me on how to learn Ext JS, what approach should be followed and the important topics to be covered? Or what sequence should be followed?
I have been using ExtJS (7.2.0) in a corporate project for six months, these are some tips I would have needed some time ago.
You should start from the official docs and examples given by Sencha:
guide --> the main topics are The Class Systems, MVC Application Architecture and Components, which are the basis of ExtJS;
examples --> I find the KitchenSink example very useful, since you can briefly overview all the components available in the system - you can also give a look to MVC examples, in order to see more complex architectures;
forum --> you can also check out the Sencha forum, which has many interesting topics (many more that you can find here on Stack Overflow).
Since you are using an older version of ExtJS, you will find many materials on the internet, because it was widely used several years ago, while now it is difficult to find updated sources.
You can check out Saki website or fiddle explorer sorting by created date ASC:
I used to be a trainer for Sencha, and I left the company in 2013 right around the time when ExtJS 4.2 was the main version.
The fastest way to get up to speed on the framework is to take a training class from Sencha. I haven't worked for Sencha for 8 years, and many of my colleagues (who I respected highly as trainers) aren't there any more, so this is not a plug for their services, but it's the fastest way. You will learn shortcuts that will take you much longer if you were to do it yourself. The framework is huge an complicated, and it's nice to get an overview of how it works from an experienced guide.
Before I was hired as a trainer, I took both the ExtJS and Sencha Touch classes that they had available, and the difference between the "before" and "after" in my understanding was huge. Yes, it's a week of your time, and yes, it's $2500, so your manager may not agree with my recommendation, but like I said, it's the fastest way to get up to speed.
If you do decide to take the class, spend some time with your legacy app and write down where you're getting stuck, and ask those questions in class. Part of the class value is that you can get some free light consulting for any issues you may be having.
The fact that you know Javascript is a big plus. I've had people in my classes who were new to Javascript, and that was another hurdle that they had to get over.
Good luck with your app!

Has angular been replaced with typescript? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So I went through a good tutorial of Angular 1.x.
I visited to have a look at Angular 2.
All I can see is Typescript, Javascript, and Dart references.
Is what I learnt about Angular pointless now and should I start learning Typescript?
TypeScript is only a superset of Javascript. So everything you can do in JS, you can automatically do with TypeScript, too.
With Angular 2 the whole framework changed. Things that partially stayed similar is the template rendering, where only a few keywords changed their name, but the overall concept stayed the same.
The approach for building the app however changed completely.
I'd suggest this article. Be careful though, since a few things stated on that page are already outdated again.
Yes, of course you should start learning Angular2 with Typescript(or any other available platform).
Angular2 framework has been written from the scratch in Typescript.
Believe me by far its one of the best frameworks available nowadays.It provides many features(You'll come to know once you start learning it). Testing components has become so easy.
You can use javascript, dart & typescript with Angular2. I prefer to use Typescript with Angular2. Compare to Javascript, typescript is easy and helpful. There is a separate process which converts your typescript code to javascript code.
while coming from Angular1.x(with JS) background, I understand it is not easy as Angular2.0 is not directly related to Angular1.x.
But soon Angular1.x will be replaced by Angular2.0 and then you will have to learn it so better to start learning now.
Additionally, you can migrate your Angular1.x apps to Angular2.0 with upgrade process
I have so many things to say but I think this much will help to go ahead.

Why should I use Angular 2? What are it's advantages over Angular 1? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Angular 1 excels in data binding and provided a structued MVC MVW framework.
It fails in providing built-in modularity.
What are the core selling points of Angular 2? Im not looking for opinion, just plain simple bullet point facts and Im only interested in core selling points.
Also what other libraries such as bootstrap / polymer gel well with angular 2?
For me? Just off the top of my head:
Support for Functional Reactive Programming using RxJS Observables.
Built from the ground up with Typescript, meaning Types are a first class construct.
Unidirectional data flow.
Native ES6 Modules, no more endless script tags.
Fully component based.
Better template syntax.
An even better Router.
Much better Dependency Injection.
Support for sped up initial loads thanks to server-side prerendering.
ZoneJS Support, no more digest loop!
Of those my favorite feature is definitely the FRP support. We can drastically enhance performance by using Immutable Objects or Observables for our change detection.
The Formbuilder API as well as the HTTP API is fully compatible with RxJS making it very very powerful.
As for libraries, Angular-Material is obviously a big one. Another favorite of mine is NativeScript, which aims to create fully native mobile applications from your Angular 2 App. I'm sure there'll be tons more once it actually releases.

Is AngularJS a good option for building a catalog page of E-Commerce site based on CakePHP [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am considering to use AngularJS for building my catalog on my E-Commerce platform based on CakePHP. I plan to query database using Slim REST API in CakePHP. This is what the catalog would look like.
I am not sure if I should use AngularJS. If I should can someone please help me to know why I should use it and how it shall be a benefit to use AngularJS in building such catalog page?
I personally have used AngularJS, EmberJS, HandlebarsJS and dabbled in some other things. In my humble opinion AngularJS is one of the best frameworks to use. It is backed by Google and heavily used in the web development community. After getting stuck once on a bug in Angular, I emailed one of the AngularJS creators, and received a response from him within a couple days. I've found that although the learning curve isn't the easiest, its easier to learn than many of the other frameworks I've played with.
I quote angular's website:
HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
Personally I have found that using angular has drastically reduced the amount of code that I've had to write to get a web-application to work in JavaScript. The current company I work at uses Angular to run one of their e-commerce sites. Mobile integration is excellent.
Just looking at your link quickly, that is a very doable application in angular. You'll need a RESTful webservice to get the data, but everything else can be rather easily handled using Angular on the front end. Here is a robust tutorial making a full featured app in angular, I think it should give you a good idea of what is possible with angular.
