Showing the new row in react-table on the current page - reactjs

I have been playing with ReactTable v7 for a while and have encountered the following problem: when the table is sorted and uses paginator sometimes adding (or editing) a row causes it to be outside the current page.
You can see the problem here:
Sort the table by First Name
Press add
Enter a record with First Name "zzzzz"
The record is added but is currently hidden which confuses users.
Is there a "standard" way to fix the issue? Am I missing something?
In v6 I have done a workaround for it:
React.useEffect(() => {
if (editedElementId && reactTable) {
const { data } = reactTable.props;
if (data && data.length > 0) {
const internal = reactTable.getResolvedState();
let position = -1;
internal.sortedData.forEach((row, i) => {
if ( === editedElementId) position = i;
if (position >= 0) {
const pageNumber = Math.floor(position / pageSize);
} else {"Element not visible");
}, [editedElementId]);
ref={(r) => {setReactTable(r);}}
But maybe there is a bulit-in way to achieve it?

There is not currently a way to only sort the elements which are currently being displayed, no.
React Table v7's useSortBy hook sorts the entirety of the input data array, so sorting by First Name descending (A->Z) naturally places 'ZZZZZZ' at the end of the list, which will be hidden due to pagination. The v7 way of doing it would probably be similar to what you are doing already, using the exposed properties from the useTable hook instead of reactTable.resolvedState() and etc. Another way to do it would be to write your own custom sortBy method and only sort the items [0...n] where n is the number of currently displayed items.
As a side note, since the autoResetSortBy property is true by default in the example you linked, the step of sorting on First Name is irrelevant -- since the function which adds a new user to the list mutates the data array, the sorting method is reset. That function appends the new user to the end of the list, so it will always be on a new page, even if the "Rows per page" option is set to "All". Both issues can be fixed by setting autoResetSortBy to false, and changing the pageSize in addUserHandler.


React hooks -to reinitialise array to empty

i do have one state written as
and i have one useEffect as
if (!isEmpty(currentData)) {
currentData.forEach(id => {
and i am showing the count as {checkboxIds} and is displaying correct
Again i do have 4 tabs like alphabets,colors,animals and cars,when i click on each tab current Data changes ,so checkboxIds count also should change. its changing, but its incrementing previous count as well
For example if i do have 10 objects in alphabets, its showing count as 10 in the initial page load and when i click on colors(it have 5 objects),its showing count as 15 (it should show only 5) and when i click on animals(it have 10 object) ,its showing count as 25(it should show its count as 10)
so i understood somwhere setCheckboxIds should be reinitiated ,but for me its not working
I think you need to update your useEffect to
if (!isEmpty(currentData)) {
const updatedCheckboxIds = [];
currentData.forEach(id => {
This way on each effect it will create a new checkboxIds array and will push the ids into it.

React.js - TODO List striking through task text and sorting not working

I am having a hard time with a React.js project. I have a TODO list and there is a function to mark a task as done. I have a button next to each and every task and if I click on it the following function will be called.
const currentTaskArray = [...this.state.task]
const deletedItems = currentTaskArray.filter(deletedItem => deletedItem.key == key);
const taskAfterDeleted = currentTaskArray.filter(deletedTask => deletedTask.key !== key);
task: [taskAfterDeleted,deletedItems]
I first need to strike this item ( just html strikethrough) so that I know it is done. After that, it should be removed from the array and should be moved to the bottom of the list and the rest of the items should be moved accordingly. The following function does not seem to contain anything inside deletedItems.
you can find the full project at
.filter() returns an array of the remaining elements. Therefore, taskAfterDeleted and deletedItems are both arrays. You'll need to spread them in your new state:
[...taskAfterDeleted, ...deletedItems]

Sort an array of objects based on another array of objects in angular 7

I know it's been asked million+1 times. But i've found no help in those questions/answers.
I have 2 arrays of 2 different objects one string property is used to uniquely identify them. This would be the key to sort about, but said object prop names are not equal (accessValue, modifiedOption). But their values are!
Object1: { ... accessValue, ... };
Object2: { ..., modifiedOption, ... };
I'd like to sort array1 based on the object indencies of array2.
So all of array1 items'd be in the same order as array2.
These two arrays are used to model a connected dropdown selection system, which can be added to are removed from. The Addition is screwing me over (lastly added item is appended to the first place and not the last) probably because of filter below?
What I use to add new dropdowns:
addFieldRow() {
this.fieldRows.push(0); // since desired selection is not known yet but need to populate the array that represents the 1st selection so a 2nd main selection dropdown will appear on screen
public onSelect() {
// if a selection is happened check the values of editOptions (contains data about all main selectable options)
this.fieldRows = this.editOptions.filter(
option => this.selectedOptions.some(el => el.modifiedOption === option.accessValue)
this.disableSelected(); // disable already selected items (not related to my issue)
this.optionSelected = true; // this is just for button disabled toggle
So either i need to figure out my addRow logic (if it has any flaws) or implement a sorting utility to make sure that the objects of fieldRows are in the same order as selectedOptions' -> since this models the selection directly.
I cannot really add a stackblitz since it's hard to model my current state.
Okay I am a complete idiot!
Since I know the current index (since i am looping through fieldRows).
All I had to do is replace this:
public onSelect() {
this.fieldRows = this.editOptions.filter(
option => this.selectedOptions.some(el => el.modifiedOption === option.accessValue)
With this:
public onSelect(index) {
this.fieldRows[index] = this.editOptions.find(option => this.selectedOptions[index].modifiedOption === option.accessValue);
this.optionSelected = true;
Now it works correctly.

extjs adding additional field to dynamic forms

I need to allow my users to submit multiple property addresses by clicking a button that will insert a fieldset with extra text fields. I can do this simply with form.insert(index, component); However, that index will change after the user adds an additional property. For example, the index to add the extra properties is after the 7th component, making the index 7. But when you insert it at 7, it's index is now 7 and the next property will be inserted above it. This effect is further compounded when you try to do this with contact emails and numbers in the same form. So my question is, how can I get the index of the component in the form that I wish to insert the extra fields after?
Or am I missing something?
not exactly straight forward, but not too bad either. take a look at the following code: the first part is the button handler to add a set of fields, the second is the actual function that creates the indexed fields.
handler:function () {
var parts = this.up('fieldset'),
index = parts.query('fieldcontainer').length, //calculate existing Part line items
fields = this.up('window').createPartFieldContainer(index);
createPartFieldContainer:function (index) {
index = index || 0;
return {
xtype:'textfield', fieldLabel:'Item',
name:'lineItem[' + index + '].itemNumber', width:100,
emptyText:'Part Number'

ExtJS: Added grid rows wont de-highlight

When adding a rows to a grid, and then clicking on it, it gets selected (and highlighted). Then, clicking elsewhere but the new row remains highlighted (so now there are to highlighted rows).
Please, does anyone know what the problem could be? How to make it behave normally, i.e. clicking a row deselects (de-highlights) the other one?
After I reload the page (so the new row is not new anymore), everything works as expected.
Edit: Here's the code for adding rows:
var rec = new store.recordType({
test: 'test'
Edit 2: The problem seems to be listful: true. If false, it works! But I need it to be true so I'm looking at this further... It looks like as if the IDs went somehow wrong... If the ID would change (I first create the record and then the server returns proper ID, that would also confuse the row selector, no?)
(Note, correct as ExtJS 3.3.1)
First of all, this is my quick and dirty hack. Coincidentally I have my CheckboxSelectionModel extended in my system:-
Kore.ux.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel, {
clearSelections : function(fast){
if(fast !== true){
var ds =,
s = this.selections;
//Hack, ds.indexOfId( is not correct.
//Inherited problem from Store.reader.realize function
}, this);
this.last = false;
And this is the place where the clearSelections fails. They try to deselect rows by using ds.indexOfId( and it will returns -1 because we do not have the index defined remapped.
And this is why we can't find the id:-
Note that the first item in the image is not properly "remapped". This is because we have a problem in the "reMap" function in our, read as follow:-
// remap record ids in MixedCollection after records have been realized. #see Store#onCreateRecords, #see DataReader#realize
reMap : function(record) {
if (Ext.isArray(record)) {
for (var i = 0, len = record.length; i < len; i++) {
} else {
delete[record._phid];[] = record;
var index =;, 1,;
delete record._phid;
Apparently, this method fails to get fired (or buggy). Traced further up, this method is called by
this.reader.realize(rs, data);
It does look fine on the first look, but when I trace rs and data, these data magically set to undefined after this.reader.realize function, and hence reMap could not map the phantom record back to the normal record.
I don't know what is wrong with this function, and I don't know how should I overwrite this function in my JsonReader. If any of you happen to be free, do help us trace up further for the culprit that causes this problem
Looks like to have multi select enabled for you grid. You can configure the selection model of the grid by using the Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.
Set your selection model to single select by configuring the sm (selection model) in grid panel as show below:
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true})
Try reloading the grid using the load method or loadData method of the grid's store. Are you updating the grid on the client side? then maybe you can use loadData method. If you are using to get data from remote.. you can use load method. I use load method to update my grid with new records (after some user actions like add,refresh etc). Or you could simply reload as follows:
