Apache Flink vs Apache storm benchmark - apache-flink

Is there any real benchmarks between Apache Flink and apache storm in real time processing based on performance comparison ?
Also if I want to make this performance comparison and implement it by myself, is there any stream API (like twitter API) that offers high throughput than twitter and which is open source ?
Thank you !

There are some benchmarks for Stream Processing in general - but they are not always broadly applicable or accessible than the ones you can find for RDBMS.
A main question that you should answer for yourself at first is: What exactly do you mean with performance? There are different metrics how to benchmark such a system.
However, I will try here to list some benchmarking works, that helped me:
A recent benchmarking framework that is implemented for Storm & Flink is the Yahoo Streaming Benchmark. It has a fixed internal architecture using Kafka & Redis and a predefined query/topology. Anyways, it is a good starting point.
Karimov et al have a nice paper regarding benchmarking of these systems. It is worth a read since it really helps to understand possible metrics. Unfortunately, I can not find any implementation or further information on their workload (data and queries) that they use - so it is more helpful for understanding, I would say.
van Dongen et al are doing a more in-depth analysis of several stream processing systems and offer their source code at github. Unfortunately, there is no implementation for Storm. But anyways, there are some interesting ideas & contributions on how to build such a framework.
As you see, Stream Processing has a high diversity in the way you can set-up and benchmark your systems...


Apache flink vs Apache Beam (With flink runner)

I am considering using Flink or Apache Beam (with the flink runner) for different stream processing applications. I am trying to compare the two options and make the better choice. Here are the criteria I am looking into and for which I am struggling to find info for the flink runner (I found basically all the info for flink standalone already) :
Ease of use
Metrics generation
Can deploy with Kubernetes (easily)
Here are the other criteria which I think I already know the answers too:
Ability to do stateful operations: Yes for both
Exactly-once guarantees: Yes for both
Integrates well with Kafka: Yes for both (might be a little harder with beam)
Language supported:
Flink: Java, Scala, Python, SQL
Beam: Java, Python, GO
If you have any insight on these criteria for the flink runner please let me know! I will update the post if I find answers!
Update: Good article I found on the advantage of using Beam (don't look at the airflow part):
Similar to OneCricketeer's comment, it's quite subjective to compare these 2.
If you are absolutely sure that you are going to use FlinkRunner, you could just cut the middle man and directly use Flink. And it saves you trouble in case Beam is not compatible with a specific FlinkRunner version you want to use in the future (or if there is a bug). And if you are sure all the I/Os you are going to use are well supported by Flink and you know where/how to set up your FlinkRunner (in different modes), it makes sense to just use Flink.
If you consider moving to other languages/runners in the future, Beam offers language and runner portabilities for you to write a pipeline once and run everywhere.
Beam supports more than Java, Python and Go:
JavaScript: https://github.com/robertwb/beam-javascript
Scala: https://github.com/spotify/scio
Euphoria API
Details can be found on https://beam.apache.org/roadmap/.

follow up blogs for Flink Serialization Tuning Vol. 1

I am reading at https://flink.apache.org/news/2020/04/15/flink-serialization-tuning-vol-1.html. It is very helpful material about flink type system. At the end,it ways:
The next article in this series will use this finding as a starting point to look into a few common pitfalls and obstacles of avoiding Kryo, how to get the most out of the PojoSerializer, and a few more tuning techniques with respect to serialization. Stay tuned for more.
But I didn't find the next articles...looks the author didn't publish the next article?
(So far) there is no part 2, but you might enjoy A Journey to Beating Flink's SQL Performance from the same author.

Apache Flink Dev documentation?

I am interested in learning about how Flink works internally, but I am struggling to find documentation on the internal code (like where is a start point of a job) so I am unable to understand the codebase. Is there documentation or some walkthrough for those who want to contribute to Flink itself?
I find that if you understand how some part of Flink works, the source code is generally understandable. The initial challenge then is to have a correct understanding of the expected behavior of the code. To that end, here are some helpful resources:
The best starting point is Stream Processing with Apache Flink by Fabian Hueske and Vasiliki Kalavri.
Any significant development work done on Flink in recent years has been preceded by a Flink Improvement Proposal. These are probably the best available resource for getting a deeper understanding of specific topics and areas of the code.
The documentation has a section on "Internals" that covers some topics.
And there have been some excellent Flink Forward talks describing how some of the internals work, such as Aljoscha Krettek's talk on the ongoing work to unify batch and streaming, Nico Kruber's talk on the network stack, Stefan Richter's talks on state and checkpointing, Piotr Nowojski's talk on two phase commit sinks, and Addison Higham's talk on operators, among many others.

hadoop vs teradata what is the difference

I've touched a Teradata. I've never touched hadoop, but since yesterday, I am doing some research on that. By description of both, they seem quite interchangable, but in some papers it is written that they serve for different purposes. But all I found is vague. I am confused.
Has anybody experience with both of them? What is the serious difference between them?
Simple Example: I want to build ETL which will transform billions rows of raw data and organize them to DWH. Then do some resources expensive analysis on them. Why use TD? Why Hadoop? or why not?
I think this article titled 'MapReduce and Parallel DBMSs: Friends or Foes' does quite a good job describing the situations where each technology works best. In a nutshell, Hadoop is excellent for storing unstructured data and running parallel transformations to 'sanitize' incoming data, where DBMSs excel at executing complex queries quickly.
Hadoop, Hadoop with Extensions, RDBMS Feature/Property Comparison
I am not an expert in this area, but in the coursera.com course, Introduction to Data Science, there is a lecture titled: Comparing MapReduce and Databases as well as a lecture on Parallel databases within the map reduce section of the course.
Here is a summary from these lectures on the comparison of MapReduce vs. RDBMS (not necessarily parallel RDMBS).
One point to remember is that the comparison is different if you include extensions to Hadoop like PIG, Hive, etc. I will put in () MapReduce extensions that add some of these functionality/properties.
Some functionality/properties that RDBMS have but not native MapReduce:
Declaritive query languages -(Pig, HIVE)
Schemas (Hive, Pig, DyradLINQ, Hadapt)
Logical Data Independence
Indexing (Hbase)
Algebraic Optimization (Pig, Dryad, HIVE)
Caching/Materialized Views
MapReduce (relative to regular RDBMS not necessarily Parallel RDMBS)
High Scalability
“One-person deployment”
I've been asked this question several times, the answer that I usually give is a car analogy (which is pretty silly because I'm not a car person - but it seems to work)
Teradata is the car/dbms for the masses - it is reliable, mature, works well and is there when you need it. It is difficult (compared to Hadoop) to customise and add functionality to the base product.
Hadoop is the car/dbms for the enthusiast - it isn't as reliable or mature, it works well so long as you attend to it. It is easy (compared to Teradata) to customise and add functionality to the base product.
Put another way, Teradata is the reliable workhorse where you put your mission critical process (operational reporting, enterprise reporting, decision support etc).
Hadoop is the place where you can do alot of this stuff, but don't be surprised if you come in one morning and find that your regulatory reports can't be produced because someone applied a patch or you've suddenly got a "too many small files" problem.
To loop back into the analogy, if you don't want to be too techy and the manufacturers product (dbms and/or car) works for you out of the box, Teradata is a good option.
On the other hand, if you like to tinker under the hood, swap out the carburettor (or whatever), adjust the gear ratios, tweak the fuel air mixture depending on whether you are country or city driving, bolt on a Turbo charger and/or your family complain about how long you spend in the garage on weekends - Hadoop is the place for you.
IMHO, Most, if not all organisations need both.
I hope this helps :-)
To Begin with, Vanilla Apache Hadoop is 100% open source. But if you need commercial support along with consultancy there are companies like Cloudera, MapR, HortonWorks, etc.
Hadoop is backed by a growing community fixing bugs and making improvements on a consistent basis. Hadoop storage model HDFS is based on Google's GFS architecture which is proven to handle large quantities of data. Furthermore Hadoop analysis model Map Reduce is based on Google's Map Reduce Model.
Hadoop is used by Tech Giants like Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, EBay etc to store and analysis they high volume of data real time as well as passively.
For your question ETL systems read these slides where you will see.
Ok now Why Hadoop?
Open Source
Proven Storage and Analysis model for Large Quantities of data
Minimum Hardware Requirement to setup and run.
Ok now Why TD?
Commercial Support

How to design and verify distributed systems?

I've been working on a project, which is a combination of an application server and an object database, and is currently running on a single machine only. Some time ago I read a paper which describes a distributed relational database, and got some ideas on how to apply the ideas in that paper to my project, so that I could make a high-availability version of it running on a cluster using a shared-nothing architecture.
My problem is, that I don't have experience on designing distributed systems and their protocols - I did not take the advanced CS courses about distributed systems at university. So I'm worried about being able to design a protocol, which does not cause deadlock, starvation, split brain and other problems.
Question: Where can I find good material about designing distributed systems? What methods there are for verifying that a distributed protocol works right? Recommendations of books, academic articles and others are welcome.
I learned a lot by looking at what is published about really huge web-based plattforms, and especially how their systems evolved over time to meet their growth.
Here a some examples I found enlightening:
eBay Architecture: Nice history of their architecture and the issues they had. Obviously they can't use a lot of caching for the auctions and bids, so their story is different in that point from many others. As of 2006, they deployed 100,000 new lines of code every two weeks - and are able to roll back an ongoing deployment if issues arise.
Paper on Google File System: Nice analysis of what they needed, how they implemented it and how it performs in production use. After reading this, I found it less scary to build parts of the infrastructure myself to meet exactly my needs, if necessary, and that such a solution can and probably should be quite simple and straight-forward. There is also a lot of interesting stuff on the net (including YouTube videos) on BigTable and MapReduce, other important parts of Google's architecture.
Inside MySpace: One of the few really huge sites build on the Microsoft stack. You can learn a lot of what not to do with your data layer.
A great start for finding much more resources on this topic is the Real Life Architectures section on the "High Scalability" web site. For example they a good summary on Amazons architecture.
Learning distributed computing isn't easy. Its really a very vast field covering areas on communication, security, reliability, concurrency etc., each of which would take years to master. Understanding will eventually come through a lot of reading and practical experience. You seem to have a challenging project to start with, so heres your chance :)
The two most popular books on distributed computing are, I believe:
1) Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design - George Coulouris et al.
2) Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - A. S. Tanenbaum and M. Van Steen
Both these books give a very good introduction to current approaches (including communication protocols) that are being used to build successful distributed systems. I've personally used the latter mostly and I've found it to be an excellent text. If you think the reviews on Amazon aren't very good, its because most readers compare this book to other books written by A.S. Tanenbaum (who IMO is one of the best authors in the field of Computer Science) which are quite frankly better written.
PS: I really question your need to design and verify a new protocol. If you are working with application servers and databases, what you need is probably already available.
I liked the book Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen.
At a more abstract and formal level, Communicating and Mobile Systems: The Pi-Calculus by Robin Milner gives a calculus for verifying systems. There are variants of pi-calculus for verifying protocols, such as SPI-calculus (the wikipedia page for which has disappeared since I last looked), and implementations, some of which are also verification tools.
Where can I find good material about designing distributed systems?
I have never been able to finish the famous book from Nancy Lynch. However, I find that the book from Sukumar Ghosh Distributed Systems: An Algorithmic Approach is much easier to read, and it points to the original papers if needed.
It is nevertheless true that I didn't read the books from Gerard Tel and Nicola Santoro. Perhaps they are still easier to read...
What methods there are for verifying that a distributed protocol works right?
In order to survey the possibilities (and also in order to understand the question), I think that it is useful to get an overview of the possible tools from the book Software Specification Methods.
My final decision was to learn TLA+. Why? Even if the language and tools seem better, I really decided to try TLA+ because the guy behind it is Leslie Lamport. That is, not just a prominent figure on distributed systems, but also the author of Latex!
You can get the TLA+ book and several examples for free.
There are many classic papers written by Leslie Lamport :
(http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/lamport/pubs/pubs.html) and Edsger Dijkstra
for the database side.
A main stream is NoSQL movement,many project are appearing in the market including CouchDb( couchdb.apache.org) , MongoDB ,Cassandra. These all have the promise of scalability and managability (replication, fault tolerance, high-availability).
One good book is Birman's Reliable Distributed Systems, although it has its detractors.
If you want to formally verify your protocol you could look at some of the techniques in Lynch's Distributed Algorithms.
It is likely that whatever protocol you are trying to implement has been designed and analysed before. I'll just plug my own blog, which covers e.g. consensus algorithms.
