find longest line between 2 bars without any in between bar intersection in amibroker - amibroker

I am looking AFL code WITHOUT using LOOPS to find longest line between 2 bars without any in between bar intersection. See picture links in comment below, it explains the problem clearly.
code for high to high and low to low.
In high to high shifting happens from right to left (future to past)
In low to low shifting happens from left to right (past to future)
Can this be done without loops?


how to move in a matrix to reach a goal using the least number of moves

I have recently started programming in c, I would have a problem to solve, in practice I am developing a small game where in a first phase, I randomly place a number of pawns on a matrix, and in a second time I place the flags to conquer
Each pawn has a target index, which corresponds to a placed flag, and has a number of moves to reach it
How can I find an optimal path that from the starting index leads me to a goal with a number of moves <= number of moves for each piece?
How can I find an optimal path that from the starting index leads me to a goal with a number of moves <= number of moves for each piece?
If I understand correctly you are looking for pathfinding algorithm(s) for determine the optimal path.
You can use BFS (Breadth First Search) or DFS (Depth-First Search) but there's a lot more algorithms, find info here and if you want to test in you browser I recommend you this github page
In term of code you will find implementations of these algorithms on internet, and lots of information directly on stackoverflow.
When there is a matrix involved, you usually can use nested for loops to iterate throughout all the points of the matrix. Since every pawn has its own target flag, you should have the position in the matrix for each pawn and flag. If, for example, its a 6 by 6 matrix, your pawn is at position 5,0 and the target flag is at position 0,0 you have to decrement the y for your pawn. However if the number of moves for this pawn is 3 its somehow imposible to reach the flag. I guess that's a start and then you build up from there?

constant-time implementation of variable rotation RC6 cipher

RC6 wiki uses variable left rotation value that depends on logarithmic value. Iam interested in finding a way to implement constant time c code of RC6. Is there open-source or an idea of how to implement the variable left rotation in constant-time code.
This point is addressed in section 4.1 of . The short summary is:
Most processors take constant time for rotations including data dependent rotations (that was the case when rc6 was proposed anyway)
Even if the run time to shift k bits is proportional to k cycles, then to do a circular left rotation you need to shift left k-bits followed by shift right 32-k bits, so that results in a constant time of 32 cycles.
I don't know fine details of modern architectures, but I suppose I would turn the question around and ask for an example where that logic is not true.

How to account for move order in chess board evaluation

I am programming a Chess AI using an alpha-beta pruning algorithm that works at fixed depth. I was quite surprised to see that by setting the AI to a higher depth, it played even worse. But I think I figured it why so.
It currently works that way : All positions are listed, and for each of them, every other positions from that move is listed and so on... Until the fixed depth is reached : the board is evaluated by checking what pieces are present and by setting a value for every piece types. Then, the value bubbles up to the root using the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta.
But I need to account for the move order. For instance, there is two options, a checkmate in 2 moves, and another in 7 moves, then the first one has to be chosen. The same thing goes to taking a queen in whether 3 or 6 moves.
But since I only evaluate the board at the deepest nodes and that I only check the board as the evaluation result, it doesn't know what was the previous moves were.
I'm sure there is a better way to evaluate the game that can account for the way the pieces moved through the search.
EDIT: I figured out why it was playing weird. When I searched for moves (depth 5), it ended with a AI move (a MAX node level). By doing so, it counted moves such as taking a knight with a rook, even if it made the latter vulnerable (the algorithm cannot see it because it doesn't search deeper than that).
So I changed that and I set depth to 6, so it ends with a MIN node level.
Its moves now make more sense as it actually takes revenge when attacked (what it sometimes didn't do and instead played a dumb move).
However, it is now more defensive than ever and does not play : it moves its knight, then moves it back to the place it was before, and therefore, it ends up losing.
My evaluation is very standard, only the presence of pieces matters to the node value so it is free to pick the strategy it wants without forcing it to do stuff it doesn't need to.
Consedering that, is that a normal behaviour for my algorithm ? Is it a sign that my alpha-beta algorithm is badly implemented or is it perfectly normal with such an evaluation function ?
If you want to select the shortest path to a win, you probably also want to select the longest path to a loss. If you were to try to account for this in the evaluation function, you would have to the path length along with the score and have separate evaluation functions for min and max. It's a lot of complex and confusing overhead.
The standard way to solve this problem is with an iterative deepening approach to the evaluation. First you search deep enough for 1 move for all players, then you run the entire search again searching 2 moves for each player, etc until you run out of time. If you find a win in 2 moves, you stop searching and you'll never run into the 7 moves situation. This also solves your problem of searching odd depths and getting strange evaluations. It has many other benefits, like always having a move ready to go when you run out of time, and some significant algorithmic improvements because you won't need the overhead of tracking visited states.
As for the defensive play, that is a little bit of the horizon effect and a little bit of the evaluation function. If you have a perfect evaluation function, the algorithm only needs to see one move deep. If it's not perfect (and it's not), then you'll need to get much deeper into search. Last I checked, algorithms that can run on your laptop and see about 8 plys deep (a ply is 1 move for each player) can compete with strong humans.
In order to let the program choose the shortest checkmate, the standard approach is to give a higher value to mates that occur closer to the root. Of course, you must detect checkmates, and give them some score.
Also, from what you describe, you need a quiescence search.
All of this (and much more) is explained in the chess programming wiki. You should check it out:

Subtle Lack of Randomness in Maze Generation Algorithm in C

This concerns what I can only surmise is a flaw in somebody's code used to generate random mazes. The code is somewhat long, but most of it is commented-out options and/or not concerned specifically with the randomization.
I got the 2001x2001 maze from the link dllu put up and saved as a png here. From that, I have created this. To get the blue pattern, I started filling in dead ends starting in the bottom left-hand corner of the maze. According to the backtracker algorithm he used, that's the point at which the maze begins to be generated: so if you following the trail of dead ends created by that, you can systematically fill in all the dead ends on that side of the maze. In other words, the central blue mass represents the total accessible area starting from the bottom left, up to the sole frontier pixel at 2678 x 1086.
But there's something immediately anomalous, in that the blue "fractal" seems to repeat itself. Indeed, by overlaying one part of the fractal, rotated and mirrored, you can see there is an exact correspondence of shape. Another anomaly from this overlay maps part of one of the continents onto another, but strangely only a sliver of the landmass this time. Evidently these aren't the only auto-correspondences.
But besides the shape of the dead-end components, there is repetition of the actual pattern of the walls when you zoom in. Strangest of all, the repetition isn't exact, but only maybe 50-60% of the walls correspond. Zoomed and constrasted sample of a region:
Long question short, what in the code is causing this obscure lack of randomness?
The standard library function rand is often horribly implemented and your code is doing rand()%4 which exacerbates the problem because poor implementations tend to have even less randomness in the lower bits. Try replacing rand with a different random number generator.
Anonymous has properly indicated that rand is poorly implemented and that it has poor entropy in its lower bits.
To alleviate this issue, you could use a stronger pseudo-random number generator (like one suitable for cryptographic methods); however, the higher quality of the randomness tends to lead to longer time in the random number generating function.
I would initially attempt to pull out some of the upper level bits from your random generator. It might be sufficient to improve the result with a less-than perfectly random generator. As they are pulled from a different region of the result, and shifted to the 0-3 values you need, their distribution should be different (and hopefully a bit more random)

Is the board game "Go" NP complete?

There are plenty of Chess AI's around, and evidently some are good enough to beat some of the world's greatest players.
I've heard that many attempts have been made to write successful AI's for the board game Go, but so far nothing has been conceived beyond average amateur level.
Could it be that the task of mathematically calculating the optimal move at any given time in Go is an NP-complete problem?
Chess and Go are both EXPTIME complete. IIRC, Go has more possible moves, so I think it a higher multiple of that complexity class than chess. Wikipedia has a good article on the complexity of Go.
Even if Go is merely in P it could still be something horrendous like O(n^m) where n is the number of spaces and m is some (large) fixed number. Even being in P doesn't make something reasonable to compute.
Neither Chess or Go AIs completely evaluate all possibilities before deciding on a move.
Chess AIs use various heuristics to narrow down the search space, and to quantify how 'good' a given position on the board happens to be. This can be done recursively by evaluating possible board positions 14-15 moves ahead and choosing a path that leads to a good position.
There's a bit of 'magic' in how a board position is quantified so the that at the top level, the AI can simply go Move A > Move B therefore lets do Move A. But since there's a limited number of pieces and they all have quantifiable value a 'good enough' algorithm can be implemented.
But it turns out to be a lot harder for a program to evaluate two possible board positions in Go and make that A > B calculation. Without that critical piece its a little hard to make the rest of the AI work.
