Attach correct data format to draw a chart - arrays

I'm new to Vuejs, vue-Chartkick, and Chartjs. I was trying to insert the restructured data into an object to draw a multiple-series chart. But it did not work.
<line-chart :data="data"></line-chart>
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: 'SummaryGraph',
data () {
return {
data: [
{name: 'A', data: {}},
{name: 'B', data: {}}
created() {
let apiURL_1 = axios.get('http://localhost:3000/MyfirstData');
let apiURL_2 = axios.get('http://localhost:3000/MysecondData');
axios.all([apiURL_1, apiURL_2]).then(axios.spread((first_response, second_response) => {[0]['data'] =, current) {return Object.assign(result, current);}, {});[1]['data'] =, current) {return Object.assign(result, current);}, {});
})).catch(error => {
The 1st original returned data:
The 2nd original returned data:
The 1st data after restructured by using reduce method.
{"A": 6,"B": 6,"C": 4}
The 2nd data after restructured by using reduce method.
{"A": 1,"B": 2,"C": 2}
If I directly insert the 1st and 2nd restructured data into the Vue instance
Like this:
export default {
name: 'SummaryGraph',
data () {
return {
data: [
{name: 'A', data: {"A": 6,"B": 6,"C": 4}},
{name: 'B', data: {"A": 1,"B": 2,"C": 2}}
It worked. The graph showed up. I don't know why.


Saving string array in MongoDB - throws me a CastError

I get a CastError when trying to save items to MongoDB using $each . I use FormData to send the array. If I display the array in the backend, everything is correct. I just can't store it in MongoDB
let array = ["ONE","TWO","THREE"]
let data = new FormData();
data.append("tags", JSON.stringify(array));
const update = await newArt.updateOne(
$push: {
tags: {
$each: [JSON.parse(req.body.tags)],
{ new: true }
CastError: Cast to string failed for value "[
]" (type Array) at path "tags"
tags: {
type: [String],
require: true
You are using 2 arrays; one inside the req.body.tags and one around the JSON.parse, Try removing the external one:
const update = await newArt.updateOne(
$push: {
tags: {
$each: JSON.parse(req.body.tags),
{ new: true }
See how it works on the playground example

Insert list data over the iteration(map)

Here I am trying to modify my data over the iteration and send some result to API call.
The API Call receives a request with a structured data format which is
{ list: [{ id: "1", name: "Hello" }, ... ] }
Somehow I managed to call the API with single data ( const params in my current code, it only accepts single data).
But now it has to be done with multiple data something like this:
{ list: [{ id: "1", name: "Hello" }, { id: "22", name: "Ed" }, { id: "36", name: "Jason" } ... ] }
Here is my current code
const [table, setTalbe] = useState(..); // assume, we have some table data here
const processNow = () => {
let id = 0;
let name = '';
// if table length is greater than 1, we go for the loop.
if (table.length >= 1) { => {
id = data.userId;
name = data.userName;
//insert table data to params, here I want to add whole table data into "list"
//the final result of this list should be something like this
//ex ) list: [{ id: '123', name: 'Josh' }, { id: '125', name: 'Sue' }, { id: '2222', name: 'Paker' } ...],
// but how??
const params: any = {
list: [
id: id,
name: name
//send PUT reqeust with params
.then(res => {
console.log('The response', res);
.catch(err => {
console.log('The error: ', err);
but I'm stuck with it, please help me to finish this code to work properly.
need your kind advice. returns a new array with the function you pass applied to every element. You should study the MDN documentation on map to understand its use.
Your current code does nothing with the map return value: => {
id = data.userId;
name = data.userName;
You probably assumed .map would mutate the data, as in change it in place. Instead, the whole operation returns a new array.
It looks like you want to do:
const list = => {
return {
id: data.userId,
name: data.userName
This is applying a function to every element in the array that will map each element to a new object, matching your question, with an id and name key. Then it looks like you want to pass the returned value of map (which we named list above) to your call:
const params: any = {
list: list

How to mapping variable data for pie chart (react.js)

I want make pie chart using state value in react with '#toast-ui/react-chart'.
I tried this and that after looking at the examples, but it's hard to me.
This is a example.
//chart data
var data = {
categories: ['June, 2015'],
series: [
name: 'Budget',
data: [5000]
name: 'Income',
data: [8000]
name: 'Expenses',
data: [4000]
name: 'Debt',
data: [6000]
var options = {
chart: {
width: 660,
height: 560,
title: 'Today's Channel & Value.'
tooltip: {
suffix: 'value'
var theme = {
series: {
colors: [
'#83b14e', '#458a3f', '#295ba0', '#2a4175', '#289399',
'#289399', '#617178', '#8a9a9a', '#516f7d', '#dddddd'
//render part
and document is here.
What's in the document is how to make a chart with a fixed number, but I want to change it using the state.
So, How can I mapping series data like this and how to add data length flexible?
I have list of object like ...
this.state.list =[{"channel_name":"A","channel_number":17,"VALUE":3,"num":1},
The length of the list is between 1 and 7 depending on the results of the query.
I want to do like this.
name: this.state.list[0].channel_name+this.state.list[0].channel_num
data: this.state.list[0].VALUE
name: this.state.list[1].channel_name+this.state.list[1].channel_num
data: this.state.list[1].VALUE
name: this.state.list[2].channel_name+this.state.list[2].channel_num
data: this.state.list[2].VALUE
name: this.state.list[3].channel_name+this.state.list[3].channel_num
data: this.state.list[3].VALUE
How can I implement it however I want?
Since this.state.list is a list of objects, so you can simply use map method to loop through each object Then create new object with custom value.
let new_series = []; => {
let info = {
name: obj.channel_name + obj.channel_number, //from your code
data: obj.VALUE //from your code
Then assign new list to your chart.
//chart data
var data = {
categories: ['June, 2015'],
series: new_series

How can I use .map on an array to create a new JSON object for each item?

how can I use map on an array to map each item to a new JSON structure?
For example my original array looks like this:
result= [
"cssConfiguration":"fa fa-home"
}, ...]
And I want to use .map to create a different structure for the JSON objects, for example:
modifiedResult = [
I've tried to do something like this: => { name: resultItem["pageName"], id:resultItem["pageIndex"]});
But it doesn't work :(
In your approach are missing the parentheses within the handler: => { name: resultItem["pageName"], id:resultItem["pageIndex"]});
You can use the function map and destructuring-assignment as follow:
let arr = [ { "pageIndex":1, "pageName":"home", "cssConfiguration":"fa fa-home" }],
result ={pageIndex: id, pageName: name}) => ({id, name}));
You can use map:
const result ={pageIndex, pageName}) => ({id: pageIndex, name: pageName}))
An example:
let arr = [
"cssConfiguration":"fa fa-home"
const result ={pageIndex, pageName}) => ({id: pageIndex, name: pageName}))

How can I Add and Delete nested Object in array in Angularjs

heres my output Image html How can I delete Object in array and push when adding some Data
angular.module('myApp.Tree_Service', [])
.factory('TreeService', function() {
var svc = {};
var treeDirectories = [
name: 'Project1',
id: "1",
type: 'folder',
collapse: true,
children: [
name: 'CSS',
id: "1-1",
type: 'folder',
collapse: false,
children: [
name: 'style1.css',
id: "1-1-1",
type: 'file'
name: 'style2.css',
id: "1-1-2",
type: 'file'
svc.add = function () {}
svc.delete = function (item, index) { }
svc.getItem = function () { return treeDirectories; }
return svc;
I'm Newbee in Angularjs and I don't know how much to play it.
Hopefully someone can help me. Im Stucked.
Well you can delete any object by just usingdelete
So for example you want to delete Children in treeDirectories first index object you can use delete treeDirectories[0].children if you want to delete children inside children then delete treeDirectories[0].children[0].children
if you want to remove an index from an array in lowest level children then
for pushing data is for object you can directly assign value to the property you want
treeDirectories[0].children[0].newproperty = "check"
And for array you can
