Adding serial number to the react bootstrap table - reactjs

I am using a React-bootstrap table in my project, I want to add a column in my table with a serial number but am unable to generate the serial number so kindly guide me on how to do it.
Currently am writing the below code to generate serial number but not getting the numbers in the columns.
const columns = [
{ text: 'Sn',
cell: (row, index) => index + 1 ,
headerAttrs: { width: "50px" }
text: "Customer Id",
dataField: "customerId",
classes: "alignment"
text: "Email",
dataField: "email",
classes: "alignment",
headerAttrs: { width: "200px" }
text: "Role",
dataField: "role"
text: "Date Created",
dataField: "dateCreated",
formatter: dateFormatter
text: "Customer Type",
dataField: "plan"

You can use the following formatter property to get the respective serial number.
dataField: '',
text: 'Sl no.',
formatter: (cell, row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
return rowIndex + 1;
sort: true,

👎The counter restarts in the next page.


How can I get the Material-UI DataGrid valueGetter to read data from a distinct object in an array?

I am developing a React Admin Page for Woocommerce. I want to retrieve the 'option' value from a specific object (product attribute with name = "Farbe") to display in a MUI DataGrid. I think that valueGetter would be the right approach, but can't get it to work.
Here's what I have:
The Woocommerce Product (row record):
"id": 232,
"date_created": "2022-08-14T08:02:18",
"attributes": [
"id": 0,
"name": "Farbe",
"option": "0045"
"id": 1,
"name": "Material",
"option": "Cotton"
The DataGrid column:
I am trying to select the object that has the value 'Farbe' on the key 'name' and access the value of the property 'option'
export const VariationColumns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'Id', type: 'int', width: 100},
{ field: 'sku', headerName: 'SKU', type: 'string', width: 200},
{ field: 'name', headerName: 'Name', type: 'string', width: 500,
valueGetter: ( params ) => { return params.row.attributes[name =>'Farbe'].option }},
But it can't find the 'option' property:
"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'option')"
Also tried:
valueGetter: ( params ) => { return params.row.attributes[name =>'Farbe'].option.value
valueGetter: ( params ) => { return['Farbe'].option
valueGetter: ( params ) => { return['Farbe'].option.value
Is there maybe a completely different approach needed to achieve this?
Any hint is greatly apreciated
Assuming that your rows prop looks like the record you provided above, you'd get it like so:
const rows = [
id: 232,
date_created: "2022-08-14T08:02:18",
attributes: [
id: 0,
name: "Farbe",
option: "0045",
id: 1,
name: "Material",
option: "Cotton",
const variationColumns = [
{ field: "id", headerName: "Id", type: "int", width: 100 },
{ field: "sku", headerName: "SKU", type: "string", width: 200 },
field: "attributes",
headerName: "Name",
type: "string",
width: 500,
valueGetter: (params) => {
return params.value.find((item) => === "Farbe").option;
The key points are:
valueGetter params are cell params vs row params
The field property in the columns needs to match the field in your rows, so if you want to grab attributes you need to have field: "attributes" in your columns.
You can use params.value.find((item) => === "Farbe").option) to return the object in the array that matches your desired search string, then access its option property.

Ant table custom filter checkbox without dropdown

I am using ant table for my project where I want to filter records on click of checkbox inside my header row, when I click on check box all zero valued rows should be filtered and others should stay, is there any way I can do this?
You can achieve the desired feature by defining a custom columns title prop that renders a controlled Checkbox component in addition to the column's title string. When the Checkbox is true, you then filter out the table data based on your desired filter condition.
(As an aside, I did initially try to get the same functionality to work via the onFilter and filterIcon approach, but that approach proved unsuccessful.)
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Table, Checkbox } from "antd";
import "./index.scss";
const DifferenceTable = (props) => {
const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false);
const data = [
date: "2020-06-17",
units: 2353.0,
amount: 8891206.27,
date: 2323,
units: 243234,
amount: 234234,
units_diff: 0,
amount_diff: 0
date: "2020-06-17",
units: 2353.0,
amount: 8891206.27,
date: 2323,
units: 243234,
amount: 234234,
units_diff: 1,
amount_diff: 1
const processedData = isChecked
? data.filter((datum) => datum.units_diff || datum.amount_diff)
: data;
const columns = [
title: "Bank",
children: [
title: "Trxn Date",
dataIndex: "date",
key: "date",
width: 100
title: "Sum Units",
dataIndex: "units",
key: "units",
width: 100
title: "Sum Amounts",
dataIndex: "amount",
key: "units",
width: 100
title: "CUSTOMER",
children: [
title: "Trxn Date",
dataIndex: "date",
key: "date",
width: 100
title: "Sum Units",
dataIndex: "units",
key: "units",
width: 100
title: "Sum Amounts",
dataIndex: "amount",
key: "amount",
width: 100
title: () => (
<span>Difference </span>
onChange={(e) => {
dataIndex: "units_diff",
key: "units_diff",
children: [
title: "Units",
dataIndex: "units_diff",
key: "units_diff",
width: 100
title: "Amounts",
dataIndex: "amount_diff",
key: "amount_diff",
width: 100
align: "center"
return (
// rowKey="uid"
className="table diff_table"
scroll={{ y: 400, x: 0 }}
ReactDOM.render(<DifferenceTable />, document.getElementById("container"));
A functional demo is available at the following CodeSandbox link

react-bootstrap-table2 search on column with complex (nested object) data

I am using react-bootstrap-table2 for table in react project and using search on table. On columns with single and straight data, search is working fine. But on columns with formatted value, search is not working.
Below is structure of my data (sample) to display on table:
"id": 121212,
"user": "Test1",
"plates": [
"id": 101,
"plate": "AA-1122",
"id": 102,
"plate": "AB-1100",
Below is code for Columns:
columns = [
{ dataField: "id", text: "Id", hidden: true },
dataField: "user",
text: "User",
sort: true,
dataField: "plates",
text: "Plates Test",
formatter: (cell, row) => => <>{x.plate}</>),
filterValue: (cell, row) => formatterFilter(cell, row),
}, ];
function formatterFilter(cell, row) {
return cell.plate;
Below is code for ToolkitProvider:
// search
search={{ searchFormatted: true }}
placeholder="Type Search criteria to filter data"
As in above code, I am displaying list of plates in a column and want to search on all the columns in table. On Id and User column search is working fine, but on Plates Test column its not working.
Any help on this is appreciated.
I have already gone through below code in Storybook, but don't understand how I can utilize this in my case:
formatter: (cell, row) => types[cell],
filterValue: (cell, row) => types[cell] // we will search the value after filterValue called
I was able to solve this issue with below approach, in case it may help anyone:
columns = [
{ dataField: "id", text: "Id", hidden: true },
dataField: "user",
text: "User",
sort: true,
dataField: "plates",
text: "Plates Test",
hidden: true,
formatter: (cell, row, rowIndex, extraData) => {
//Here I created array and not was able to search on this column.
let plateArr = []; => {
return plateArr.join()
And in this case filterValue property was not required.

How to format a cell in react material-ui DataGrid

I have a react material-ui DataGrid.
One of the cells shows text data representing status, which I want to show in a graphical way - specifically bootstrap badge.
The DataGrid code is:
const ProcessesColumns: ColDef[] = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID' },
{ field: 'name', headerName: 'Name', width: 300 },
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', width: 130 },
const processes = [
id: 1,
name: 'aaa',
status: 'Sucess',
id: 2,
name: 'bbb',
status: 'Fail',
id: 3,
name: 'ccc',
status: 'Sucess',
id: 4,
name: 'ddd',
status: 'Success',
id: 5,
name: 'eee',
status: 'Sucess',
id: 6,
name: 'fff',
status: 'Fail',
<DataGrid rows={processes} columns={ProcessesColumns} pageSize={10} />
I think you should check this
You can add a renderCell attribute on your status column definition
I think you can do it with renderCell. Here's an example of something similar, and I hope it helps.
I have a column which cells I want to format to have an icon and a value, and I created that in a format function:
const priorityFormater = (cell) => {
return (
<GrStatusGoodSmall className={taskPriorityColor(cell)} />
<span className="priority-span">{cell}</span>
Column definition:
field: "priority",
headerName: "Priority",
flex: 0,
minWidth: 140,
renderCell: (params) => {
return priorityFormater(params.value);

How to use React Router <Link > with an id from antd table column

In my project, I have an antd table. In that table, I'm listing athletes. When I click on the athlete's name, I should be navigated to the athlete profile page.
Route for athlete profile /athletes/{id}
But with the table, I can't get any value for this id.
Here is my data source
email: "",
firstName: "X",
id: 402,
lastName: "X"
email: "",
firstName: "Y",
id: 403,
lastName: "Y"
email: "",
firstName: "Z",
id: 404,
lastName: "Z"
And following is the code for the column object
const columns = [
title: "First Name",
dataIndex: "firstName",
className: "col-first-name",
render: (text) => (
<Link to={"/athletes/" + ???}>{text}</Link>
title: "Last Name",
dataIndex: "lastName",
className: "col-last-name"
title: "Email",
dataIndex: "email",
className: "col-email",
(I have added "???" where the id should be, in the above code)
Is there any way to add the id property into the ? Can anyone help me with this?
react-router version - "^5.1.2"
antd version - ^3.25.3
You need to pass another parameter inside render which is record which contains all data about that specific row. Something like this:
const columns = [
title: "First Name",
dataIndex: "firstName",
className: "col-first-name",
render: (text,record) => (
<Link to={"/athletes/" +}>{text}</Link>
title: "Last Name",
dataIndex: "lastName",
className: "col-last-name"
title: "Email",
dataIndex: "email",
className: "col-email",
I created this demo for reference:
The render function receive three parameters: first one is retrieved using the dataIndex, second one is the complete record and last one is the index.
You can use:
const columns = [{
title: "First Name",
dataIndex: "firstName",
className: "col-first-name",
render: (text, record) => (
<Link to={`/athletes/${}`}>{text}</Link>
}, {
title: "Last Name",
dataIndex: "lastName",
className: "col-last-name"
}, {
title: "Email",
dataIndex: "email",
className: "col-email",
