How to retrieve UserName and Password in unattended Azure Function - azure-active-directory

I have a runbook that is currently executed via a webhook call in order to execute some powershell code on a site. This is been working great.
I have been instructed to convert this code to an Azure function. No big deal, right? Well....
I was able to get it set up without too much trouble - I created it in VS Studio and then deployed to Azure.
The problem is that in the code I need to log in and my username and password are hard-coded in the script. When I had run this in the runbook I called
a Credential stored in the Automation account but that does not seem to be an option here.
I have seen other people ask the same question and the answer is often "application settings", which of course is not protected.
This is to run unattended so I (obviously) can't ask for credentials. I am running PowerShell 7.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can use Key vault references with Azure Function App to access secrets. You can protect your secrets stored in Key vault using RBAC. Azure function app also provides integration with AAD where you can use Identity instead of secrets. Additionally you can go through this document regarding more information on securing Azure Functions.


Automate AWS RDS User Management

Most of you would have encountered the problem of creating db users for developers across multiple database (using common user is not allowed). We have around 90 DB's on AWS and 200-250 dev's. Everyday someone needs access to a database and this is manual and repetitive task.
I am looking for a solution to automate end-to-end lifecycle of user management, scripting or creating a terraform module are solutions which I already have in my mind, but how does other organization manage DB users at scale ?
I did look at AWS IAM authentication but I am not sure how can we grant fine grain access using IAM roles.
Fun Learn
The way I've done this is (high level);
Create your RDS Terraform Config / Module(s)
Create a sql file with the user & grant creations needed
Create a wrapper script that deploys terraform then connects to it to deploy your SQL file with user creation
Your wrapper script will need to use Terraform Outputs to get your newly created RDS Endpoint to connect to | Say you created an output called rds_endpoint in your terraform plan / config... This is how you grab it in bash terraform output rds_endpoint
Assuming your new RDS DB is not publicly accessible, your wrapper script will need to tunnel in through a bastion or some other instance that is publicly accessible with access to the DB. Example: ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/bastion-host-key.pem -C -N ec2-user#$bastion_ip -L 3306:$rds_endpoint:3306 &
Your wrapper script will need to use the RDS user & password you created with terraform as well to run the SQL File
In fact IAM authentication could be the key to do that.
What you can do is in fact create all you databases with terraform.
do not forget to enable iam authentication via your terraform module.
Once all you databases are created via teraform, you have to create local role(s) in all of theses databases (either via terraform using SQL script or still via terraform using modules that allow you to create user/roles, for postgresql you can use this module ) and you have to grant them the pre-created, existing, database role for iam (for example with postgresql its named "rds_iam")
The thing that is interresting with iam authentication is that all of your developper can connect using their account to aws and request a token that will be used as a password (the username will be the role you created before) and by doing this you create only one role, but each authentication is made by each developpers account.
If your company really needs you to create roles for each devs (even if the roles are exactly the same, It makes no sense since by definition, we ASSUME a role, so anyone can assume ONE role, this is not awful) you can then create a local database users (instead of a role) for all of your developpers in all of your database by using an SQL script that your terraform will execute.
Of course do not forget to grant the rds_iam existing role to either the unique role that will be used by all the developpers (in case you choose this solution) or to all the db users you created before.
You will have to manage IAM policy for all of theses users to be accurate regarding to the security (or use * in the policy to let all your developpers connect to all you db users lol)
and then your developpers will be able to use aws rds command to generate an auth token and connect to their local db user that will have to correct rights.
There is a hole bunch of informations and precisions here:
have a nice journey on aws

PowerApps allow guest users to connect to Azure SQL database with AAD integrated feature

I have a specific problem to which I couldn't find any answer online.
The situation is the following:
We created a Canvas app that connects to the Azure SQL database. We set the connection type to be AAD integrated.
Users that are members of the AD can see the data in the app, but guest users, even though we gave them all the rights and PowerApps plan, cannot see the data. they recieve the same authorization window as members, but when they click on allow, the app starts but no data is being pulled from the SQL database.
When we try to connect directly to the Azure SQL database with the guest user email and credentials (via SQL server management studio), everything works as expected and the guest can see all the tables.
When we use implicitly shared connection (with SQL server authentification), guests can see the data, but we need to use AAD integrated due to its security.
So far we tried:
Changing PA environment from sandbox to production
Adding special permissions in SQL database like database owner etc
Trying out different AAD guest user settings, eq- setting that guest users have the same privileges as members (picture below).
Nothing seems to work. I would be more than happy if you could tell me how to make this work or even push me in the right direction.
I've reproduced your problem in my side. Here's my experience.
After assigning powerapp license(I use O365 E5 here) to guest account and share the app to this account, I can visit the app but can't see the data in the table. I assume that it resulted from the connector hasn't been shared, but it's true that this connector can't be shared because of no 'share button'.
Then I tried to add access policy to my guest account with these two sql:
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.tinyTest TO [];
Pls note here, I used the User Principal Name here(can find the principal name in azure ad->users), I also tested to use '' in the sql but after executing successfully, it didn't work.
So I think you can try to use the sql above to add your guests accounts and make them can access the powerapp.
Here's some related docs:
create contained users mapped to azure ad identities
Share app resources
add table permission to user
Share my experience of this troubleshot.
First I need to create a power app but I found that after creating the connector with sql server azure ad authentication, it can't connect to the sql server, the error message is like 'Credentials are missing or not valid. inner exception: The credentials provided for the SQL source are invalid', solution is add my admin account as sql server instance Active Directory Admin.
Then I choose a table and successfully create a sample app. With the creating account, I can visit the app but other accounts can't. Here needs to share the app and it's related connectors to other users. But other accounts still can't reach the app because of no license. Because sql server connector is premium connector, so I assign O365 E3 license here. I met an error when assign license, the user's 'Usage location' can't be null or it can't assign license in M365 admin center.
Then I met similar error with Op, the difference is that both member account and guest account can't see the data in app. I try to find the way to share the connector to these uses but failed, I haven't made sure if those connectors without share button can be shared to others. So I have no options to study if this kind of connectors are authenticated in other ways so they don't need to be shared at all.
Next actions is using the account which used to create the sql server and database to sign in database and execute the sqls above.
Then the member account can see data in the power app while the guest account can't see. The reason is I used as the parameter in the sql, when I used, it worked finally.
Hope this can also help you.
For creating my demo app: First, I'm sure my environment isn't a sandbox(the environment in the screenshot below). And I think it's easy to create a demo app, and my app is simple, just choose to create an app from data and then select sql server as the connector, next I choose auzre ad auth and click the connector, enter server name and database name then choose a table, after that my app has created. That table has one row of data so when I signed in the app with the creating account, I see it in the screen while other accounts(member or guests) can't.
My sql server instance and database are created long time ago, but I'm sure I followed this tutorial to create them.
This appears to still be a limitation to access to Azure SQL via PA connector for guest users:
If the "guest" does NOT have a PowerApps Per-App/Per-User plan, they cannot use your PowerApps with SQL data source (Note: SQL is a premium connector).
Determine exactly which type of license the guest has. Then, either your organization or the guest (or guest's org) must purchase one of these licenses. $5/$10/$20 per month depending on your use case.

SQL Server Agent - Untrusted domain message

Running SQL Server 2016. Currently have a solution that is hosted in one domain and of course our access point is in another. we need to pull data in an automated fashion.
We have added a windows credential with the credential manager which collects endpoint information and a set of credentials.
Internet or Networkaddress:
Username : remotedomain\username
Password : password
This solution works with many tools, Excel, SSMS direct query, Visual Studio. The user enters the endpoint (server url or IP/port) and uses windows integrated security. the connection is made and credential store does the trick and user is authenticated.
SSMS example
Server name:
Authentication: Windows Authentication
My challenge is SSIS and SQL Agent. The SSIS package runs in VS2015. deploy the package to Integration Services Catalog - highlight package and execute and it runs.
Create a SQL Server Agent Job and execute the job and I receive this gift.....
Login Failed: The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication
I have created a SQL credential, created a Proxy (SSIS Package Execution), created a job that uses the Run As with the Credential but this ends with the same result. The credential has to be in my local domain or the job wont run....and of course localdomain\username does not authenticate against the remote data connection. So Proxy does not help the situation.
What I was expecting is that the windows credential manager would swap the credentials as it does when the job is run manually, or through excel or a number of any other ways...
I opened a ticket with Microsoft and worked with one of their senior resources on this.
this appears to be a bug in SQL Agent. There is no known reason or issue that prevents SQL Agent from picking up the remote credential from the Windows Credential Store, but it is not.
A working alternative was to use the command line utility DTEXEC. some slight modification to the SSIS project to make sure all connection managers are at the package level instead of project (created a reference issue).
this solution is not ideal, but it worked and DTEXEC allowed SSIS to pickup the required credential in the store and execute without issue.
I will follow up once Microsoft completes their research and gets back to me, the ticket is still open.
Sorry but changing the group to Global or Universal for the local AD account is not having any effect. I am bit lost on how making a change on the local account in use for SQL Agent will make any difference. The solution works in all the tools by local account substitution with the remote account setup in Credential Manager. If I missed it, and making this change should work, please provide an example of the setup if possible.
Again it appears this process is not being executed/followed by SQL Server Agent since it works everywhere else but not in a job executed by the Agent.
so again my hope is somebody has seen something like this before and has a solution.
my end goal is to just automate pulling data from a remote SQL server where there is no trust. I was hopeful that the proxy solution would work, but when you set the credentials to the remote domain\username, the job wont even execute.
Is there a way to setup my connection in the SSIS package to expressly set the credentials to the remote domain\username\pwd. I took a stab at that and couldnt get that to fly either. if so, an example is priceless to me.
I dont care how i get to the goal line, just need to...thanks all for the help
Your window credential account should be an AD user account which is in a Group with a scope of either Global or Universal. Universal groups are useful where you have multiple domains.
The process will execute in whatever context it's called in (i.e. by you, SQL Agent, or the proxy account). It doesn't change executable context as it calls different processes, unless you pragmatically make it, and that's bad idea anyway...
Had similar issue and it was a nightmare to resolve! Learned a lot of fun AD configuration tips along the way.
Understanding User and Group Accounts states the following:
Groups can have different scopes—domain local, built-in local, global, and universal. That is, the groups have different areas in which they are valid.
Global groups:
Groups that are used to grant permissions to objects in any domain in the domain tree or forest. Members of global groups can include only accounts and groups from the domain in which they are defined.
Universal groups:
Groups that are used to grant permissions on a wide scale throughout a domain tree or forest. Members of global groups include accounts and groups from any domain in the domain tree or forest.
If it's just a data pull from one domain to another, can the data be first exported to a csv in the untrusted domain and then SFTP'd into your environment where the TL(Transform and Load) of the ETL(Extract-Transform-Load) process could take place?
SSIS would be a good tool for this, but C# and Powershell could also be used.

SSDT: how to protect the password contained in the publish profile?

I want to create a publication task in Jenkins to automatically publish my database changes along with my application.
If I understood correctly, a common practice is to create a publish profile that includes the database name as well as the account (login and password) of the account used for the deployment.
This means that the deployment account username and password will be stored in clear text on each developer computer as well as on the version control server and the continuous integration server.
Even though I created a specific login and password for the deployment, it seems pretty unsecured to me.
Is there a workaround? I can only think of replacing the password within the msbuild command line on the continuous integration server.
tl;dr version
Windows Authentication is the preferred, secure method of connecting to your SQL Server instance and if it's possible to use that then it's recommended to use that for connections.
If SQL Authentication is used then the default in publish profiles is that the password isn't saved. For build servers and other shared profile scenarios you may need to accept lower levels of security (by editing the publish profile to add the password, or setting it as a parameter in the build configuration) or work around it in some other way (custom script that reads it from some kind of a secret store, such as an encrypted value).
Long version
Windows Authentication: If at all possible use Windows Authentication, giving permissions as required to users who need it. For Continuous Integration scenarios you would need to give appropriate permissions to the account the build server executes under - full details are in the recent whitepaper on the SSDT blog.
SQL Authentication: If you look at the publish profile (Open With... Xml Editor) you'll see that the password information isn't actually stored there.
If you choose "Save Password" you'll have "Persist Security Info=True;" stored in the connection string rather than the password itself.
When a connection is made to a server/database in SSDT with "Save Password" enabled, the connection info is encrypted and stored in the registry under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SSDT\ConnectionStrings". This has to be present on the machine in order to successfully publish using the publish profile.
Hence in a team environment every user would need to connect at least once before that publish profile would work for them. However, the password would be safely encrypted on user machines.
For the build server, your options are more limited. One possibility is to manually log in as the build server user and then connect to the database, but this isn't very scalable. To avoid the less secure options you mentioned you'd need to implement your own logic for persisting the password securely. You can look at the Protected Data API which can be used to do something similar to what SSDT does but on a per-machine level, or use an encrypted configuration file.
If you have to use SQL Authentication I think passing the password into the publish action as part of the build configuration may be the "best" way to go in terms of a tradeoff between ease of development and security. At least that way you can restrict who can view and edit the build configuration in TFS and regular developers won't see it.

SQL Server Application Role

I'm thinking of using application roles in SQL Server I've read the following on the Microsoft MSDN site:
Connecting with an Application Role
The following steps make up the process by which an application role switches security contexts:
A user executes a client application.
The client application connects to an instance of SQL Server as the user.
The application then executes the sp_setapprole stored procedure with a password known only to the application.
If the application role name and password are valid, the application role is enabled.
At this point the connection loses the permissions of the user and assumes the permissions of the application role.
I'm wondering, if the application must know the password, how best to achieve this. I would assume storing the password in source code is a security risk. Is there another secure way to deploy the password with the application (note this is a windows client application that will be deployed to user machines).
There is actually another way to deploy the password with the application.
You can store the password as a secret in the database itself.
For instance, use a stored procedure or a scalar function which returns this "secret". This is an additional step in the logic you describe, to be executed just after the connection is made by the application with the user credentials.
This is possible because the users will have access to the database using Windows Authentication anyway.
The permissions need to be setup so that users are granted access to connect to the database and to the programmable object only.
To "obfuscate" (NOT secure) the password, you can store an encrypted version in the database and use a simple encryption / decryption (like this one).
This approach has the following advantages:
The password is not stored in clear text anywhere (please note though that it will travel in clear text on the network if you do not use SSL Encryption)
Users of the application are not required to provide any input
The application source code does not include the password
The application deployment does not include the password
The password can be reset very easily, for instance on a schedule
There is no way to deploy a password on a user workstation w/o a local administrator being able to discover it. You can only raise the bar so high, but if the price is worth it they will find it.
You should rely on the user providing the password, which ultimately boils down to using Windows authentication instead, if possible. You should always assume that whatever privileges the application has, the user has them as well and he/she can exercise them using an alternative access API (ie. any query tool). If you cannot trust the user with certain privileges, then you must not deploy the application on his/her computer. For example use a multi-tier solution that isolates the database from the user and add any necessary validation in this intermediate tier (most ASP.Net and/or WCF apps would qualify as such multi-tier when done properly).
