Processing or Catching Up on Outstanding Kafka Messages - apache-flink

When we restart a Flink job, the job needs to process millions of outstanding messages from several Kafka topics that have accumulated when the Flink job was down. Suddenly, as soon as the job starts, there will be a burst of input messages into the Flink job. The challenge we have is to process those messages on multiple topics in the order they occurred, i.e. process based on their event time. What are the best ways/solutions to handle this scenario. Is it a good idea to sort/partition the messages by a key and sort them based on the event time using a PriorityQueue and define a window of 1 minute or more and output the messages for the downstream processing. Or there any better solutions to address this? Is there a way to resolve this using watermarks?
The messages may have been created/written a few hours apart.


Re-distributing messages from busy subscribers

We have the following set up in our project: Two applications are communicating via a GCP Pub/Sub message queue. The first application produces messages that trigger executions (jobs) in the second (i.e. the first is the controller, and the second is the worker). However, the execution time of these jobs can vary drastically. For example, one could take up to 6 hours, and another could finish in less than a minute. Currently, the worker picks up the messages, starts a job for each one, and acknowledges the messages after their jobs are done (which could be after several hours).
Now getting to the problem: The worker application runs on multiple instances, but sometimes we see very uneven message distribution across the different instances. Consider the following graph, for example:
It shows the number of messages processed by each worker instance at any given time. You can see that some are hitting the maximum of 15 (configured via the property) while others are idling at 1 or 2. At this point, we also start seeing messages without any started jobs (awaiting execution). We assume that these were pulled by the GCP Pub/Sub client in the busy instances but cannot yet be processed due to a lack of executor threads. The threads are busy because they're processing heavier and more time-consuming jobs.
Finally, the question: Is there any way to do backpressure (i.e. tell GCP Pub/Sub that an instance is busy and have it re-distribute the messages to a different one)? I looked into this article, but as far as I understood, the setMaxOutstandingElementCount method wouldn't help us because it would control how many messages the instance stores in its memory. They would, however, still be "assigned" to this instance/subscriber and would probably not get re-distributed to a different one. Is that correct, or did I misunderstand?
We want to utilize the worker instances optimally and have messages processed as quickly as possible. In theory, we could try to split up the more expensive jobs into several different messages, thus minimizing the processing time differences but is this the only option?

flink consumes rabbitmq messages in parallel, how to ensure sequential consumption

I listen to mysql binlog through flink, then drop it to rabbitmq queue, consume rabbitmq messages in flink, set parallelism to 1 for sequential consumption of messages, but this will cause flink task oom, is there any way to support multiple parallelism and consume sequentially? Please advise, thanks!
According to your description of the problem, It seems like you want to use multiple event sources and process them sequentially.
But it depends on what order that sequence is in.
You may check the concept of time semantics in flink.
If you can define event time for each event sent from multiple parallel sources, you can use Event Time Semantics together with AssignedWatermark.
So that when flink received them, it knows to process them in event time order regardless of the time flink receive them ( which is processing time).
Keywords are: Event Time (which is the default) and Processing Time

Flink message retries like Storm

I am trying to build a Flink job that would read data from a Kafka source do a bunch of processing including few REST calls and then finally sink into another Kafka topic.
The problem I trying to address is that of message retries. What if there are transient errors in the REST API? How can I do exponential backoff-based retry of these messages like the way Storm supports?
I have 2 approaches that I could think off
Use TimerService but then in case of failures the state will start to expand uncontrollably.
Write failed message to a different Kafka topic and process them with a delay of sorts, but here the problem can arise if the Sink itself is down for few minutes?
Is there a better more robust and simpler way to achieve this?
I would use Flink's AsyncFunction to make the REST calls. If needed, it will backpressure the source(s) rather than use more than a configured amount of state. For retries, see AsyncFunction retries.

Is it possible to recover when a slot has been removed during a Flink streaming

I have a standalone cluster where there is a Flink streaming job with 1-hour event time windows. After 2-3 hour of a run, the job dies with the "org.apache.flink.util.FlinkException: The assigned slot ... was removed" exception.
The job is working well when my windows are only 15minutes.
How can the job recover after losing a slot?
Is it possible to run the same calculations on multiple slots to prevent this error?
Shall I increase any of the timeouts? if so which one?
Flink streaming job recovers from failures from checkpoint. If your checkpoint is externalized, for example in S3. You can manually or ask Flink automatically recover from the most recent checkpoint.
Depends on your upstream message queuing service, you will likely get duplicated messages. So it's good to make your ingestion idempotent.
Also, the slot removed failure can be the symptom of various failures.
underlying hardware
memory pressure
What do you see in the task manager log that was removed?

Flink Kafka connector 0.10.0 Event time Clarification and ProcessFunction Clarification

I'm struggling with an issue regarding event time of flink's kafka's consumer connector.
Citing Flink doc
Since Apache Kafka 0.10+, Kafka’s messages can carry timestamps, indicating the time the event has occurred (see “event time” in Apache Flink) or the time when the message has been written to the Kafka broker.
The FlinkKafkaConsumer010 will emit records with the timestamp attached, if the time characteristic in Flink is set to TimeCharacteristic.EventTime (StreamExecutionEnvironment.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime)).
The Kafka consumer does not emit watermarks.
Some questions and issues come to mind:
How do I know if it timestamp taken is of the time it occurred or time written to the Kafka broker?
If the consumer does not emit watermarks and TimeCharacteristic.EventTime is set, does this mean a message late by a few days can still enter and be processed?
The main flow diagram does not contain a window function, and basically looks like the following: source(kafka)->filter->processFunction->Sink. Does this mean the the event is fired at the moment it is consumed by Kafka connector?
I currently use Kafka connector 0.10.0, TimeCharacteristic.EventTime set and use a processFunction which every expectedly X minutes does some state cleanup.
However I'm receiving a strange situation where the OnTimerContext contains timestamps which starts from 0 and grows until current timestamp when I start the flink program and is quite strange, is this a bug?
Thanks in advance to all helpers!
That depends on the configuration of the Kafka producer that's creating these events. The message.timestamp.type property should be set to either CreateTime or LogAppendTime.
Your flink application is responsible for creating watermarks; the kafka consumer will take care of the timestamps, but not the watermarks. It doesn't matter how late an event is, it will still enter your pipeline.
It's not clear to me what part of this is strange.
