How to move Redash hostservice to my ec2? Migration script is not working - redash

Redash is discontinuing their hosting service****. I follow this doc to standup an AWS EC2 instance from opensource AMI. First, redash-toolbelt seems installed but can't find redash-migrate. Then I cloned the repo and checked out the issue-5. The recommended migration is not working for this AMI. pip install cannot find peotry.
$ pip3 install peotry
Collecting peotry
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement peotry (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for peotry
Is there a better way to migrate all my data from Redash site to my EC2? (backup & restore) I do not have CLI access to the Redash hosting site.

I guess you've made a typo. It should be pip install poetry. What you have written is peotry.


Installing private packages in app engine from a google artifact registry

I am trying to modularize our code, and running into difficulties installing private packages on app engine.
We have a repository on GCP in the same project, so I would think this is not too difficult.
My requirement.txt looks like:
I can pip install the package locally, and it uses the package to authenticate.
The deployment fails with:
File "/opt/python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/", line 218, in ask_input
return input(message)
EOFError: EOF when reading a line
This is clearly pip asking for a username, where i
Is google's own keyring package not available in its own environment? This Suggests so. Of course adding it to requirements.txt has no effect, as it is too late.
How can I install packages properly?
A possible solution is to:
Where KEY is the result of base64 -w 0 < credentials.json
Of course this then requires some rewriting of the requirements.txt file in your deployment pipeline to ensure service account credentials are secured in repository variables.

Go app engine doesn't support runtime go112

I am trying to migrate my Go app to runtime go112, but throw the following error:
RuntimeError: Unknown runtime 'go112'; supported runtimes are 'custom', 'go', 'go111', 'java', 'java7', 'java8', 'php55', 'php72', 'python', 'python-compat', 'python27', 'python37'.
Current Go version is 1.12.11
Edit: I used apt-get to install the SDK.
apt-get update && apt-get install google-cloud-sdk google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-python\
kubectl -y
That way it seems I can't use gcloud components update and the packages are not up-to-date in the repos.
Now my questions is: Does google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-go support go runtime 1.12? If not, when will it support runtime 1.12?
Update: I installed cloud SDK and run gcloud components update successfully on another computer, still throw the same error. Does the local SDK actually support rumtime 1.12?
go112 runtime is not available on local This has been discussed on the App Engine Go forum at!topic/google-appengine-go/kHxZ9zIb_QE
The expectation is that starting from go112 runtime, there is no "appengine" way of running the go server and works normally like any go server outside GAE. There are a few open issues like dispatching urls though.
It sounds like you gcloud SDK is an old version and not recognize "runtime: go112", please run this command in order to update your SDK.
gcloud components update
After the update you can be able to deploy an app engine service using GO 1.12 runtime, check the changes that you need to perform in you App.yaml in this link

tcms-api 5.3 package incompatible with Windows

I attempted to upgrade my tcms-api library from 5.0 to 5.3 using:
pip install tcms-api --upgrade
on a Windows 10 machine, I saw a lot of errors when trying to install the dependent package of kerberos. Even though this is old, I saw a similar set of errors. The package installation failed since the kerberos package isn't supported on Windows and I was left at tcms-api 5.0.
Please file a bug against
We can do a quick fix by providing 2 package names:
tcms-api and tcms-api[kerberos]
The first one will not install the kerberos package.
The proposed workaround makes sense but changing the underlying kerberos implementation needs careful testing which isn't a quick job.
OTOH uses gssapi which seems to be the latest and most actively maintained implementation of Kerberos for Python. There is an open issue to migrate to that in tcms-api so you can contribute if you want.
As a workaround, I was able to do the following (caveat: I haven't extensively tested my installation yet):
Clone the tcms-api repo from GitHub
Edit to change the install_requires line to use 'kerberos-sspi' rather than 'kerberos'
Install the following pip packages: Setuptools, Wheel, Twine
CD to repo folder and run: python bdist_wheel
That creates a package under the dist folder
Run pip install dist\tcms_api-5.3-py3-none-any.whl
Celebrate successful package install
The steps were modified from this page.
I confirmed the things I need the API to do work with my custom package (create and update test runs). However, I'm in a situation where I don't need to specifically harden my Kiwi instance using kerberos authentication.

Mongodb on plesk 12.5 and Ubuntu

I tried trying to install mongodb and php extension on my server with Ubuntu 14.04 and plesk 12.5 but without success of php extension. Anyone can help me with a simple tutorial on how to install mongodb driver and Mongo db php extension on my dedicated server?
You can look on official documentation
DigitalOcean provides a detailed recipe:
PHP MongoDB extension: installation from PECL
Forum AskUbuntu
Here you can see how you're installing multiple versions of PHP and switching them in Plesk.
Mind that you install every PHP version independently with its own extensions.
In your case you need to add MongoDB extension to some (or all) PHP versions you work with.

Can't find with gcloud installation

I've installed gcloud by following the instructions on:
gcloud is in my path at /usr/bin/gcloud, but the package doesn't seem to have in my path. Is it installed? How do I run it?
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Edit: By running dpkg -L google-cloud-sdk I've found it at /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/ but when I try to run it I get:
This action requires the installation of components: [app-engine-
You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is
managed by an external package manager. If you would like to get the
Also not sure why it wasn't added to my path.
I know the original question concerns Ubuntu, but I just wanted to share some notes for macOS/OS X in case it's helpful for someone else.
I installed the google-cloud-sdk via Homebrew-Cask and overlooked the caveats note:
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
After installing the SDK cask, I installed the Python App Engine component, as #Rodney Jonace mentioned:
gcloud components install -q app-engine-python
Going back to the caveats note mentioned above, I appended the following the my ~/.zshrc file:
source $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/
source $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/
Opening a new terminal tab, I was able to call the extra Python App Engine scripts (e.g., and use the Zsh completions. Hope that helps!
The following articles were also useful:
The google-cloud-sdk deb package comes with the built-in component manager disabled, which is preventing that copy of from working through gcloud. If you update your apt-cache, you can install the google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-python and/or google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-java packages that have just started to be published. Directions here:
