how to check if a field in one file does not contain list of values from another file in UNIX - unix-text-processing

I have two files, one has the data that is transactional value for that column. Suppose currency code and the another file has the valid/expected currency code.
File1 :
I need the list of values those are invalid, which means is present in File1 but is not present in File2. File1 may contain millions of transactions, so I need an AWK or a command that could give me the result faster.
Can anyone help me here please.

# Returns whole row
fgrep -vf file_2 file_1
# Returns just the bad value
fgrep -vf file_2 file_1 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'


How to copy second column from all the files in the directory and place them as columns in a new text file

I have 150 tab delimited text files, I want to copy the 2nd column of each file and paste next to another in a new text file. the new file will have 150 columns of 2nd column from each file. Help me guys.
This code worked but placed each column under the other, forming one loooong column.
for file in *.txt
awk '{print $2}' *.txt > AllCol.txt
Here is another approach without looping
$ c=$(ls -1 file*.tsv | wc -l); cut -f2 file*.tsv | pr -$c -t
# Be sure the file suffix of the new file is not .txt
touch $OUT
for file in *.txt
paste $OUT <(awk -F\\t '{print $2}' $file) > $OUT.tmp
mv $OUT.tmp $OUT
One of many alternatives would be to use cut -f 2 instead of awk, but you flagged your question with awk.
Since your files are so regular, you could also skip the do loop, and use a command-line utility such as rs (reshape) or datamash.

How to edit a file with shell scripting

I have a file containing thousands of lines like this:
0x7f29139ec6b3: W 0x7fff06bbf0a8
0x7f29139f0010: W 0x7fff06bbf0a0
0x7f29139f0014: W 0x7fff06bbf098
0x7f29139f0016: W 0x7fff06bbf090
0x7f29139f0036: R 0x7f2913c0db80
I want to make a new file which contains only the second hex number on each line (the part marked in bold above)
I have to put all these hex numbers in an array in a C program. So I am trying to make a file with only the hex numbers on the right hand side, so that my C program can use the fscanf function to read these numbers from the modified file.
I guess we can use some shell script to make a file containing those hex numbers? grep or something?
You can use sed and edit inplace. For matching "R" or any other char use
sed -i "s/.*:..//g" file
cat file
You can use grep -oP command:
grep -oP ' \K0x[a-fA-F0-9]*' file
You can run a command on the file that will create a new file in the format you want: somecommand <oldfile >newfile. That will leave the original file intact and create a new one for you to feed to your C program.
As to what somecommand should be, you have multiple options. The easiest is probably awk:
awk '{print $NF}'
But you can also do it with sed or grep or perl or cut ... see other answers for an embarrassment of choices.
Since it seems that you always want to select the third field, the simplest approach is to use cut:
cut -d ' ' -f 3 file
or awk:
awk '{print $3}' file

How can I use sed (or awk or maybe a perl one-liner) to get values from specific columns in file A and use it to find lines in file B?

OK, sedAwkPerl-fu-gurus. Here's one similar to these (Extract specific strings...) and (Using awk to...), except that I need to use the number extracted from columns 4-10 in each line of File A (a PO number from a sales order line item) and use it to locate all related lines from File B and print them to a new file.
File A (purchase order details) lines look like this:
xxx01234560000000000000000000 yyy zzzz000000
File B (vendor codes associated with POs) lines look like this:
Columns 4-10 in File A have a 7-digit PO number, which is found in columns 7-13 of file B. What I need to do is parse File A to get a PO number, and then create a new sub-file from File B containing only those lines in File B which have the POs found in File A. The sub-file created is essentially the sub-set of vendors from File B who have orders found in File A.
I have tried a couple of things, but I'm really spinning my wheels on trying to make a one-liner for this. I could work it out in a script by defining variables, etc., but I'm curious whether someone knows a slick one-liner to do a task like this. The two referenced methods put together ought to do it, but I'm not quite getting it.
Here's a one-liner:
egrep -f <(cut -c4-10 A | sed -e 's/^/^.{6}/') B
It looks like the POs in file B actually start at column 8, not 7, but I made my regex start at column 7 as you asked in the question.
And in case there's the possibility of duplicates in A, you could increase efficiency by weeding those out before scanning file B:
egrep -f <(cut -c4-10 A | sort -u | sed -e 's/^/^.{6}/') B
sed 's_^...\(\d\{7\}\).*_/^.\{6\}\1/p_' FIRSTFILE > FILTERLIST
The first line generates a sed script from firstfile than the second line uses that script to filter the second line. This can be combined to one line too...
If the files are not that big you can do something like
awk 'BEGIN { # read the whole FIRSTFILE PO numbers to an array }
substr($0,7,7} in array { print $0 }' SECONDFILE > FILTERED
You can do it like (but it will find the PO numbers anywhere on a line)
fgrep -f <(cut -b 4-10 FIRSTFILE) SECONDFILE
Another way using only grep:
grep -f <(grep -Po '^.{3}\K.{7}' fileA) fileB
-P for perl regex
-o to select only the match
\K is Perl positive lookbehind

Unique file names in a directory in unix

I have a capture file in a directory in which some logs are being written in a file
now there is a script in which when its size becomes exactly 1.6Gb then it clears itself and prepares files in below format in same directory-
Now i want to pick all these files in a script one by one and want to perform some actions.
my script is-
today=`date +%d_%m_%y`
grep -E '^IPaddress|^Node' /var/rawcap/word.cap.COB2T* | awk '{print $3}' >> snmp$today.txt
sort -u snmp$today.txt > snmp_final_$today.txt
so, what should i write to pick all file names of above mentioned format one by one as i will place this script in crontab,but i don't want to read main word.cap file as that is being edited.
As per your comment:
Thanks, this is working but i have a small issue in this. There are
some files which are bzipped i.e. word.cap.COB2T_1390213719.bz2, so i
dont want these files in list, so what should be done?
You could add a condition inside the loop:
for file in word.cap.COB2T*; do
if [[ "$file" != *.bz2 ]]; then
# Do something here
echo ${file};

How to find duplicate lines across 2 different files? Unix

From the unix terminal, we can use diff file1 file2 to find the difference between two files. Is there a similar command to show the similarity across 2 files? (many pipes allowed if necessary.
Each file contains a line with a string sentence; they are sorted and duplicate lines removed with sort file1 | uniq.
And the output should output the lines that appears in both files.
I am able to use python to do it as such but i think it's a little too much to put into the terminal:
x = set([i.strip() for i in open('wn-rb.dic')])
y = set([i.strip() for i in open('wn-s.dic')])
z = x.intersection(y)
outfile = open('reverse-diff.out')
for i in z:
print>>outfile, i
If you want to get a list of repeated lines without resorting to AWK, you can use -d flag to uniq:
sort file1 file2 | uniq -d
As #tjameson mentioned it may be solved in another thread.
Just would like to post another solution:
sort file1 file2 | awk 'dup[$0]++ == 1'
refer to awk guide to get some awk
basics, when the pattern value of a line is true this line will be
dup[$0] is a hash table in which each key is each line of the input,
the original value is 0 and increments once this line occurs, when
it occurs again the value should be 1, so dup[$0]++ == 1 is true.
Then this line is printed.
Note that this only works when there are not duplicates in either file, as was specified in the question.
