Reactive Panache relation JsonMappingException: Collection cannot be initialized - resteasy

The non-reactive version of this code works fine. But in the reactive version, something happens when mapping a null or empty collection from the database.
The POST of a new Template object returns a 201 with nothing unusual in the logs. But, when I do the GET on Template, the listAll() returns the error below.
I've tried initializing the "sections" member to an empty collection, but the result is the same.
What am I missing?
The Reactive Entity:
import io.quarkus.hibernate.reactive.panache.PanacheEntity;
public class Template extends PanacheEntity {
public String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "template", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
public List<Section> sections;
The Resource API:
public Uni<List<Template>> listTemplates() {
return Template.<Template>listAll();
public Uni<Response> addTemplate(Template template) {
return Panache.<Template>withTransaction(template::persist)
.onItem().transform(inserted -> {
return createdResponse("/template/%d",;
The Dependencies:
The error:
JsonMappingException: HR000056: Collection cannot be initialized: score.Template.sections (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]->score.Template["sections"])

try this workaround fetch = FetchType.EAGER
import io.quarkus.hibernate.reactive.panache.PanacheEntity;
public class Template extends PanacheEntity {
public String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "template", cascade = CascadeType.ALL,fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
public List<Section> sections;


How to fetch data from database using hibernate ManyToMany

I'm using hibernate with manyToMany relation and I want to display data from database
Thank you in advance.
I get this errors:
database :
Here is the code :
Class EnseignerId :
public class EnseignerId implements Serializable {
//id professeur
private int code;
//id matiere
private String reference;
public EnseignerId() {
//getters and setters...
Class Enseigner :
public class Enseigner {
private EnseignerId id = new EnseignerId();
//id prof
private Professeur professeur;
//id matiere
private Matiere matiere;
private int heures;
//constructor getters and setters...
Class Professeur:
public class Professeur {
private int code ;
private String nom;
private String prenom;
cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Enseigner> matieres; //List<Association> Class; //I followed a tutorial
//constructor getters and setters...
public List<Enseigner> getMatieres() {
return matieres;
Class Matiere :
public class Matiere {
private String reference;
String description;
int volume;
mappedBy= "matiere",
cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Enseigner> professeurs;
//constructor getters and setters...
getProfesseur() method :
public Professeur getProfesseur(int code) {
SessionFactory sessionFactory = getSessionFactory(); //static method
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Professeur professeur = null;
try {
System.out.println("------------Calling getProfesseur()----------");
professeur = session.get(Professeur.class, code);
if(professeur != null) {
}else {
throw new DAOException( "CODE INVALIDE!" );
catch(Exception e ) {
finally {
return professeur;
Saving data and getting professors who don't have an Matiere work. but getting Matiere or professeur whose primary key exists in the join table Enseigner generate errors when I do something like :
Professeur prof =profDAO.getProfesseur(2); //*generates errors* //the professor with id=2 exists in database
List<Enseigner> enseigner = prof.getMatieres(); //*generates errors*...
List<Matiere> matieres = new ArrayList<>();
for(Enseigner ens : enseigner) {
/*for(Matiere mat : matieres) {
This problem has nothing to do with Hibernate. Please inspect the stack trace carefully: your Enseigner.toString() calls Professeur.toString() which in turn calls Enseigner.toString() again and so on.
I notice this problem more and more these days when people blindly use Lombok with its #Data (which should almost never be used), #ToString and #EqualsAndHashCode. These generate respective methods that include all fields!
You need to remove these annotations or set them up so that they use only the fields that you really need. Most of the time your equals() and hashCode() are not needed when you write web apps with ORM. Hibernate ensures you don't have 2 instances of the same entity.
On the other hand toString() can be useful, but we shouldn't include all fields in it - just the ones that are helpful in identifying the entity.
You have cyclic reference. You need exclude field professeurs and matieres by #JsonIgnoreProperties

SpringBoot : RestAPI Returning JSON Array But I want value with label to set in AngularJS

Trying to populate all UNIQUE record in Angular Drop Down List
I am using predefined Table have already data.
REST API URL => http://localhost:8080/getAllCategory
Facing Problem:
API is giving the reponse in JSON Array like [xxx,yyyy,zzzz]. So I am thinking if I can convert JSON Array with some label value which can solve my problem.
Either any other way to get over with this issue.
Note :
If I am not using the native query and using the below code then I am getting all the table value in JSON with label and populating all the record in drop down but I want only UNIQUE
public interface CategoryRepository extends JpaRepository<ccCategory,Integer>
My Implementation :
Model :
#Table(name = "cccategory")
public class ccCategory
#Column(name = "[catid]")
public Integer catID;
#Column(name = "[categoryname]")
public String categoryName;
#Column(name = "[active]")
public int active;
public ccCategory() {
public String getCategoryName() {
return categoryName;
public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
this.categoryName = categoryName;
public int getActive() {
return active;
public void setActive(int active) { = active;
public interface CategoryRepository extends JpaRepository<ccCategory,Integer>
public static final String FIND_CATEGORYNAME = "SELECT DISTINCT catID,categoryName from ccCategory";
#Query(value = FIND_CATEGORYNAME, nativeQuery = true)
List<ccCategory> getByactive(int active);
Controller :
public List<Object> getAllCategory() {
// public List<ccCategory> getAllCategory() {
System.out.println("***** Call : API getAllCategory() ******");
List<Object> cCategory = categoryRepository.getCategoryName();
return categoryData;

Query document in list - spring data mongodb

I have the following object:
"id" : "sampleId";
foos : [{
How can I get foos, where prop2 is value4? I'm using Spring data mongodb.
If you use spring data mongodb repositories, it can make your life easy. You will need a domain class. e.g.
public class Foo {
String prop1;
String prop2;
public class MyClass {
String id;
List<Foo> foos;
public interface MyClassRepository extends MongoRepository<MyClass, String> {
List<MyClass> findByFoosProp2(String prop2ValueToLookFor);
// assuming you can find multiple matches
Then simply call this method from your code
public clsss SomeBusinessClass {
private MyClassRepository repository;
public void mySomeBusinessMethod() {
List<MyClass> myObjects = repository.findByFoosProp2("value4");
This code will return a SampleBean with id sampleId wich will have only matching items in collection foos.
// Match one document with sampleId
Query q1 = new Query(where("id").is("sampleId"));
// match only foos with prop2 value value2
Query q2 = query(where("foos").elemMatch(where("prop2").is("value2))
BasicQuery query = new BasicQuery(q1.getQueryObject(), q2.getQueryObject());
SampleBean result = mongoTemplate.findOne(query, SampleBean.class)

Request Factory GWT editor change isn't persisting related JDO entities

I'm using (and new to) RequestFactory in GWT 2.5, with JDO entities with a one-to-many relationship, on AppEngine datastore. I've just started using the GWT RequestFactoryEditorDriver to display/edit my objects.
The Driver traverses my objects fine, and displays them correctly. However, when I try to edit a value on the "related" objects, the change doesn't get persisted to the datastore.
When I change on my UI and click "save", I notice only A's persist() call is called. B's persist() is never called. How do I make the editorDriver fire on both ARequest as well as BRequest request contexts? (since what I want is for B's InstanceRequest<AProxy,Void> persist() to be called when my edits are to B objects only.)
Also, AFAICT, if I have an editor on BProxy, any object b that is being shown by the editor (and following the Editor Contract) should automatically be "context.edit(b)"ed by the Driver to make it mutable. However, in my case "context" is an ARequest, not a BRequest.
Do I have to make a ValueAwareEditor like mentioned here: GWT Editor framework
and create a fresh BRequest inside the flush() call and fire it, so that changes to B separately persist in a BRequest before the ARequest is fired?
editorDriver.getPaths() gives me:
Also, the driver definitely sees the change to B's property, as editorDriver.isChanged() returns true before I fire() the context.
There are no errors on my client-side or server-side logs, and the Annotation Processor runs with no warnings.
Here's how I setup my driver:
editorDriver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
editorDriver.initialize(rf, view.getAEditor());
final ARequest aRequest = rf.ARequest();
final Request<List<AProxy>> aRequest = aRequest.findAByUser(loginInfo.getUserId());
String[] paths = editorDriver.getPaths();
aRequest.with(paths).fire(new Receiver<List<AProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<AProxy> response) {
AProxy a = response.get(0);
ARequest aRequest2 = rf.aRequest();
editorDriver.edit(a, aRequest2);
This is how my entities look:
public abstract class PersistentEntity {
public Void persist() {
PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
try {
} finally {
return null;
public Void remove() {
PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
try {
} finally {
return null;
#PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
#Version(strategy=VersionStrategy.VERSION_NUMBER, column="VERSION",
extensions={#Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="field-name", value="version")})
public class A extends PersistentEntity {
... (Id, version omitted for brevity)
private String name;
private List<B> bs;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public List<B> getBs() {
return bs;
public void setBs(List<B> bs) { = bs;
... (same annotations as above omitted for brevity)
public class B extends PersistentEntity {
... (Id, version omitted for brevity)
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
Here are the proxies:
public interface AProxy extends EntityProxy {
String getName();
List<BProxy> getBs();
void setName(String name);
void setBs(List<BProxy> bs);
public interface BProxy extends EntityProxy {
String getName();
void setName(String name);
Here are my service stubs:
public interface ARequest extends RequestContext {
Request<List<A>> findAByUser(String userId);
InstanceRequest<AProxy, Void> persist();
InstanceRequest<AProxy, Void> remove();
public interface BRequest extends RequestContext {
Request<List<A>> findB(String key);
InstanceRequest<BProxy, Void> persist();
InstanceRequest<BProxy, Void> remove();
I've now changed my ARequest interface and service implementation to support a "saveAndReturn" method, so that I can recursively "persist" "a" on the server side:
Request<UserSandboxProxy> saveAndReturn(AProxy aProxy);
I find now that when I "flush" my RequestFactoryEditorDriver, the client-side context object has my new "" value. However, if I call "" and inspect my "saveAndReturn" method on the server side, the resulting server-side object "a", just before I "persist" it, doesn't contain the change to "" on any item of the List.
Why could this be happening? How do I debug why this client-information doesn't go across the wire, to the server?
Options I've considered, tried and ruled out:
1) Ensuring the APT has been run, and there are no warnings/errors on Proxy or Service interfaces
2) Ensuring that my proxies does have a valid setter in AProxy for the List
You have to use a session-per-request pattern for RequestFactory to work properly. More details here:

How do I annotate a collection of embedded objects in Google App Engine (Java)?

Is it possible to store a collection of embedded classes in Google App Engine (Java)? If so, how would I annotate it?
This is my class:
public class Employee
#Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
Key key;
#Persistent(embeddedElement = "true")
private List<ContactInfo> contactDetails = new ArrayList<ContactInfo>();
public void addContactInfo(String streetAddress, String city)
this.contactDetails.add(new ContactInfo(streetAddress, city));
public List<ContactInfo> getContactDetails()
return this.contactDetails;
public static class ContactInfo
private String streetAddress;
private String city;
public ContactInfo(String streetAddress, String city)
this.streetAddress = streetAddress; = city;
public String getStreetAddress()
return this.streetAddress;
public String getCity()
Here is the test code:
// Create the employee object
Employee emp = new Employee();
// Add some contact details
emp.addContactInfo("123 Main Street", "Some City");
emp.addContactInfo("50 Blah Street", "Testville");
// Store the employee
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
// Query the datastore for all employee objects
pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
Query query = pm.newQuery(Employee.class);
List<Employee> employees = (List<Employee>) query.execute();
// Iterate the employees
for(Employee fetchedEmployee : employees)
// Output their contact details
The test code always outputs 'null'. Any suggestions?
I've tried annotating the contactDetails list as #Embedded, but the DataNucleus enhancer threw an exception. I've also tried adding defaultFetchGroup = "true" to the #Persistent annotation on the contactDetails list (in case it was a problem with fetching the data), but the output was still null. I've examined the employee object in the console and there's no evidence of any contact detail fields being stored on the object, nor are there any stand-alone ContactInfo objects in the datastore (not that I'd expect there to be, given they are embedded objects).
Is this even possible to do? I know that the fields of an embedded class are stored as properties on the entity, so I can see how field name conflicts might arise in a collection scneario, but the App Engine docs don't explicitly say it cannot be done.
I don't know if you need the answer still but putting the List into the defaultFetchGroup solved this issue for me:
public class Employee
#Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
Key key;
#Persistent(embeddedElement = "true", defaultFetchGroup = "true")
private List<ContactInfo> contactDetails = new ArrayList<ContactInfo>();
// Snip...
With JDO you would do it as per the DataNucleus docs
The example shows XML, but the annotation names are approximately equivalent.
Whether GAE/J's plugin supports this I couldn't say since it's Google's responsibility. Maybe try it?
