How to use partition by in Snowpark with TableFunction - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I am trying to use UDTF in snowpark but not able to do partition by column.
what I want the sql query is something like this :
select mcount.result from CUSTOMER, table(map_count(name) over (partition by name)) mcount;
Here "map_count" is my JavaScript UDTF.
Below is the code snippet in Snowpark :
val session = Session.builder.configs(configs).create
val df = session.table("CUSTOMER")
val window = Window.partitionBy(col("name"))
val result = df.join(TableFunction("map_count"), col("name"))
Any suggestion how to use window partition by with table function? Is this even supported in snowpark?

Unfortunately, this is not currently supported in Snowpark. But we are working on it.

Today (version Python 0.8.0) it works as follows (example is calculating the median of a group/partition), i.e. acts as an UDAF:
from statistics import median
from snowflake.snowpark.types import *
class MyMedian:
values = []
def __init__(self):
self.values = []
def process(self, value: float):
#no return value
for _ in range(0):
def end_partition(self):
yield ("partition_summary",median(self.values))
output_schema = StructType([
StructField("label", StringType()),
StructField("median", FloatType())
my_median = udtf(
example_df = session.create_dataframe(
[["A", 2.0],
["A", 2.0],
["A", 4.0],
["B", -1.0],
["B", 0.0],
["B", 1.0]],
StructField("Key", StringType()),
StructField("Value", FloatType())
|"KEY" |"VALUE" |
|A |2.0 |
|A |2.0 |
|A |4.0 |
|B |-1.0 |
|B |0.0 |
|B |1.0 |
Now the usage uf my_median:
|A |NULL |partition_total |2.0 |
|B |NULL |partition_total |0.0 |

I think that for now the workaround will be to use sql to do the invocation, like in the example below.
I created a dummy customer table and a dummy Javascript Table UDF.
And then I invoked it using SQL.
Obviously when the DF API is ready this will be unnecessary and the DataFrame API is cleaner.
import com.snowflake.snowpark.functions._
processRow: function (row, rowWriter, context) {
this.ccount = this.ccount + 1;
finalize: function (rowWriter, context) {
rowWriter.writeRow({NUM: this.ccount});
initialize: function(argumentInfo, context) {
this.ccount = 0;
session.sql("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER SELECT 1, 'John'").show()
session.sql("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER SELECT 2, 'John'").show()
session.sql("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER SELECT 3, 'John'").show()
session.sql("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER SELECT 4, 'Mary'").show()
session.sql("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER SELECT 5, 'Mary'").show()
import com.snowflake.snowpark.functions._
val df = session.table("CUSTOMER")
val window = Window.partitionBy(col("CUST_NAME"))
// Output will be
//|"CUST_NAME" |"NUM" |
//|Mary |2.0 |
//|John |3.0 |


get index of all True elements in array column in pyspark

What I have:
country | sources | infer_from_source
null | ["LUX", "CZE","CHN", "FRA"] | ["FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE"]
"DEU" | ["DEU"] | ["FALSE"]
What I want after a function:
country | sources | infer_from_source | inferred_country
null | ["LUX", "CZE", "CHN", "FRA"] | ["FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE"] | ["CZE", "FRA"]
"DEU" | ["DEU"] | ["FALSE"] | "DEU"
I need to create a function that
if country column is null, extracts the countries from the sources array based on the boolean values in the infer_from_source column array, otherwise it should give back the country value.
I created this function
from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType, IntegerType, StringType, FloatType, ArrayType
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def determine_entity_country(country: StringType, sources: ArrayType,
infer_from_source: ArrayType) -> ArrayType:
if country:
return country_value
if "TRUE" in infer_from_source:
idx = infer_from_source.index("TRUE")
return sources[idx]
return None
But this yields - basically the .index("TRUE") method returns the index of the first element that matches its argument only.
country | sources | infer_from_source | inferred_country
null | ["LUX", "CZE", | ["FALSE", "TRUE", |
| "CHN", "FRA"] | "FALSE", "TRUE"] | "CZE"
"DEU" | ["DEU"] | ["FALSE"] | "DEU"
You should avoid using UDFs whenever you could achieve the same only with Spark builtin functions especially when it comes to Pyspark UDFs.
Here's another way using higher order functions transform + filter on arrays:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df1 = df.withColumn(
transform(sources, (x, i) -> IF(boolean(infer_from_source[i]), x, null)),
x -> x is not null
#|country| sources| infer_from_source|inferred_country|
#| null|[LUX, CZE, CHN, FRA]|[FALSE, TRUE, FAL...| [CZE, FRA]|
#| DEU| [DEU]| [FALSE]| [DEU]|
And starting from Spark 3+, you can use index in filter lambda function :
df1 = df.withColumn(
F.expr("filter(sources, (x, i) -> boolean(infer_from_source[i]))")
Fixed it! Was simply a list comprehension matter
def determine_entity_country(country: StringType, sources: ArrayType,
infer_from_source: ArrayType) -> ArrayType:
if country:
return country_value
if "TRUE" in infer_from_source:
max_ix = len(infer_from_source)
true_index_array = [x for x in range(0, max_ix) if infer_from_source[x] == "TRUE"]
return [sources[ix] for ix in true_index_array]
return None

Scala: Turn Array into DataFrame or RDD

I am currently working on IntelliJ in Maven.
Is there a way to turn an array into a dataframe or RDD with the first portion of the array as a header?
I'm fine with turning the array into a List, as long as it can be converted into a dataframe or RDD.
val input = Array("Name, Number", "John, 9070", "Sara, 8041")
|John| 9070 |
|Sara| 8041 |
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val ss = SparkSession
val input = Array("Name, Number", "John, 9070", "Sara, 8041")
val header = input.head.split(", ")
val data = input.tail
val rdd = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val df = => (x.split(",")(0),x.split(",")(1))).toDF(header: _*)
|John| 9070 |
|Sara| 8041 |

How to sum values of a struct in a nested array in a Spark dataframe?

This is in Spark 2.1, Given this input file:
And the following dataframes:
val order ="order.json")
val df2 ="*") as 'order)
val df3 = df2.groupBy("order.userId").agg( collect_list( $"order").as("array"))
df3 has the following content:
|userId|array |
|1 |[[1,202.3,1], [2,343.99,1]]|
|2 |[[3,399.99,2]] |
and structure:
|-- userId: long (nullable = true)
|-- array: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- id: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- price: double (nullable = true)
| | |-- userid: long (nullable = true)
Now assuming I am given df3:
I would like to compute sum of array.price for each userId, taking advantage of having the array per userId rows.
I would add this computation in a new column in the resulting dataframe. Like if I had done df3.withColumn( "sum", lit(0)), but with lit(0) replaced by my computation.
It would have assume to be straighforward, but I am stuck on both. I didnt find any way to access the array as whole do the computation per row (with a foldLeft for example).
I would like to compute sum of array.price for each userId, taking advantage of having the array
Unfortunately having an array works against you here. Neither Spark SQL nor DataFrame DSL provides tools that could be used directly to handle this task on array of an arbitrary size without decomposing (explode) first.
You can use an UDF:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
val totalPrice = udf((xs: Seq[Row]) =>[Double]("price")).sum)
df3.withColumn("totalPrice", totalPrice($"array"))
|userId| array|totalPrice|
| 1|[[1,202.3,1], [2,...| 546.29|
| 2| [[3,399.99,2]]| 399.99|
or convert to statically typed Dataset:
.as[(Long, Seq[(Long, Double, Long)])]
.map{ case (id, xs) => (id, xs, }
.toDF("userId", "array", "totalPrice").show
|userId| array|totalPrice|
| 1|[[1,202.3,1], [2,...| 546.29|
| 2| [[3,399.99,2]]| 399.99|
As mentioned above you decompose and aggregate:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{sum, first}
.withColumn("price", explode($"array.price"))
.agg(sum($"price"), => first(c).alias(c)): _*)
|userId|sum(price)| array|
| 1| 546.29|[[1,202.3,1], [2,...|
| 2| 399.99| [[3,399.99,2]]|
but it is expensive and doesn't use the existing structure.
There is an ugly trick you could use:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{coalesce, lit, max, size}
val totalPrice = (0 to df3.agg(max(size($"array"))).as[Int].first)
.map(i => coalesce($"array.price".getItem(i), lit(0.0)))
.foldLeft(lit(0.0))(_ + _)
df3.withColumn("totalPrice", totalPrice)
|userId| array|totalPrice|
| 1|[[1,202.3,1], [2,...| 546.29|
| 2| [[3,399.99,2]]| 399.99|
but it is more a curiosity than a real solution.
Spark 2.4.0 and above
You can now use the AGGREGATE functionality.
| *,
| AGGREGATE(`array`, 0.0, (accumulator, item) -> accumulator + item.price) AS totalPrice
| orders

selecting a range of elements in an array spark sql

I use spark-shell to do the below operations.
Recently loaded a table with an array column in spark-sql .
Here is the DDL for the same:
create table test_emp_arr{
dept_id string,
dept_nm string,
emp_details Array<string>
the data looks something like this
|dept_id|dept_nm| emp_details|
| 10|Finance|[Jon, Snow, Castle, Black, Ned]|
| 20| IT| [Ned, is, no, more]|
I can query the emp_details column something like this :
sqlContext.sql("select emp_details[0] from emp_details").show
I want to query a range of elements in the collection :
Expected query to work
sqlContext.sql("select emp_details[0-2] from emp_details").show
sqlContext.sql("select emp_details[0:2] from emp_details").show
Expected output
| emp_details|
|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
| [Ned, is, no]|
In pure Scala, if i have an array something as :
val emp_details = Array("Jon","Snow","Castle","Black")
I can get the elements from 0 to 2 range using
returns me
Array(Jon, Snow,Castle)
I am not able to apply the above operation of the array in spark-sql.
Since Spark 2.4 you can use slice function. In Python):
pyspark.sql.functions.slice(x, start, length)
Collection function: returns an array containing all the elements in x from index start (or starting from the end if start is negative) with the specified length.
New in version 2.4.
from pyspark.sql.functions import slice
df = spark.createDataFrame([
(10, "Finance", ["Jon", "Snow", "Castle", "Black", "Ned"]),
(20, "IT", ["Ned", "is", "no", "more"])
], ("dept_id", "dept_nm", "emp_details"))"emp_details", 1, 3).alias("empt_details")).show()
| empt_details|
|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
| [Ned, is, no]|
In Scala
def slice(x: Column, start: Int, length: Int): Column
Returns an array containing all the elements in x from index start (or starting from the end if start is negative) with the specified length.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.slice
val df = Seq(
(10, "Finance", Seq("Jon", "Snow", "Castle", "Black", "Ned")),
(20, "IT", Seq("Ned", "is", "no", "more"))
).toDF("dept_id", "dept_nm", "emp_details")$"emp_details", 1, 3) as "empt_details").show
| empt_details|
|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
| [Ned, is, no]|
The same thing can be of course done in SQL
SELECT slice(emp_details, 1, 3) AS emp_details FROM df
Please note, that unlike Seq.slice, values are indexed from zero and the second argument is length, not end position.
Here is a solution using a User Defined Function which has the advantage of working for any slice size you want. It simply builds a UDF function around the scala builtin slice method :
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val slice = udf((array : Seq[String], from : Int, to : Int) => array.slice(from,to))
Example with a sample of your data :
val df = sqlContext.sql("select array('Jon', 'Snow', 'Castle', 'Black', 'Ned') as emp_details")
df.withColumn("slice", slice($"emp_details", lit(0), lit(3))).show
Produces the expected output
| emp_details| slice|
|[Jon, Snow, Castl...|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
You can also register the UDF in your sqlContext and use it like this
sqlContext.udf.register("slice", (array : Seq[String], from : Int, to : Int) => array.slice(from,to))
sqlContext.sql("select array('Jon','Snow','Castle','Black','Ned'),slice(array('Jon‌​','Snow','Castle','Black','Ned'),0,3)")
You won't need lit anymore with this solution
Edit2: For who wants to avoid udf at the expense of readability ;-)
If you really want to do it in one step, you will have to use Scala to create a lambda function returning an sequence of Column and wrap it in an array. This is a bit involved, but it's one step:
val df = List(List("Jon", "Snow", "Castle", "Black", "Ned")).toDF("emp_details")
df.withColumn("slice", array((0 until 3).map(i => $"emp_details"(i)):_*)).show(false)
|emp_details |slice |
|[Jon, Snow, Castle, Black, Ned]|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
The _:* works a bit of magic to pass an list to a so-called variadic function (array in this case, which construct the sql array). But I would advice against using this solution as is. put the lambda function in a named function
def slice(from: Int, to: Int) = array((from until to).map(i => $"emp_details"(i)):_*))
for code readability. Note that in general, sticking to Column expressions (without using `udf) has better performances.
Edit: In order to do it in a sql statement (as you ask in your question...), following the same logic you would generate the sql query using scala logic (not saying it's the most readable)
def sliceSql(emp_details: String, from: Int, to: Int): String = "Array(" + (from until to).map(i => "emp_details["+i.toString+"]").mkString(",") + ")"
val sqlQuery = "select emp_details,"+ sliceSql("emp_details",0,3) + "as slice from emp_details"
|emp_details |slice |
|[Jon, Snow, Castle, Black, Ned]|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
note that you can replace until by to in order to provide the last element taken rather than the element at which the iteration stops.
You can use the function array to build a new Array out of the three values:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val input = sqlContext.sql("select emp_details from emp_details")
val arr: Column = col("emp_details")
val result =, arr(1), arr(2)) as "emp_details")
// +-------------------+
// | emp_details|
// +-------------------+
// |[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
// | [Ned, is, no]|
// +-------------------+
use selecrExpr() and split() function in apache spark.
for example :
fs.selectExpr("((split(emp_details, ','))[0]) as e1,((split(emp_details, ','))[1]) as e2,((split(emp_details, ','))[2]) as e3);
Here is my generic slice UDF, support array with any type. A little bit ugly because you need to know the element type in advance.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def arraySlice(arr: Seq[AnyRef], from: Int, until: Int): Seq[AnyRef] =
if (arr == null) null else arr.slice(from, until)
def slice(elemType: DataType): UserDefinedFunction =
udf(arraySlice _, ArrayType(elemType)$"emp_details", 1, 2))
For those of you stuck using Spark < 2.4 and don't have the slice function, here is a solution in pySpark (Scala would be very similar) that does not use udfs. Instead it uses the spark sql functions concat_ws, substring_index, and split.
This will only work with string arrays. To make it work with arrays of other types, you will have to cast them into strings first, then cast back to the original type after you have 'sliced' the array.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
spark = (SparkSession.builder
emp_details = [
["Jon", "Snow", "Castle", "Black", "Ned"],
["Ned", "is", "no", "more"]
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(
[tuple([emp]) for emp in emp_details],
|emp_details |
|[Jon, Snow, Castle, Black, Ned]|
|[Ned, is, no, more] |
last_string = 2
df2 = (
.withColumn('last_string', (F.lit(last_string)))
.withColumn('concat', F.concat_ws(" ", F.col('emp_details')))
.withColumn('slice', F.expr("substring_index(concat, ' ', last_string + 1)" ))
.withColumn('slice', F.split(F.col('slice'), ' '))
.select('emp_details', 'slice')
|emp_details |slice |
|[Jon, Snow, Castle, Black, Ned]|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
|[Ned, is, no, more] |[Ned, is, no] |
Use nested split:
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
scala> val spark=SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
spark: org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession = org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession#1d637673
scala> val df ="file:///Users/gengmei/Desktop/test/test.json")
18/12/11 10:09:32 WARN ObjectStore: Failed to get database global_temp, returning NoSuchObjectException
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [dept_id: bigint, dept_nm: string ... 1 more field]
scala> df.createOrReplaceTempView("raw_data")
|dept_id|dept_nm| emp_details|
| 10|Finance|[Jon, Snow, Castl...|
| 20| IT| [Ned, is, no, more]|
scala> val df2 = spark.sql(
| s"""
| |select dept_id,dept_nm,split(split(concat_ws(',',emp_details),concat(',',emp_details[3]))[0],',') as emp_details from raw_data
| """)
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [dept_id: bigint, dept_nm: string ... 1 more field]
|dept_id|dept_nm| emp_details|
| 10|Finance|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
| 20| IT| [Ned, is, no]|

Sort by a key, but value has more than one element using Scala

I'm very new to Scala on Spark and wondering how you might create key value pairs, with the key having more than one element. For example, I have this dataset for baby names:
Year, Name, County, Number
2000, JOHN, KINGS, 50
2000, BOB, KINGS, 40
2000, MARY, NASSAU, 60
2001, JOHN, KINGS, 14
2001, JANE, KINGS, 30
2001, BOB, NASSAU, 45
And I want to find the most frequently occurring for each county, regardless of the year. How might I go about doing that?
I did accomplish this using a loop. Refer to below. But I'm wondering if there is shorter way to do this that utilizes Spark and Scala duality. (i.e. can I decrease computation time?)
val names = sc.textFile("names.csv").map(l => l.split(","))
val uniqueCounty = => x(2)).distinct.collect
for (i <- 0 to uniqueCounty.length-1) {
val county = uniqueCounty(i).toString;
val eachCounty = names.filter(x => x(2) == county).map(l => (l(1),l(4))).reduceByKey((a,b) => a + b).sortBy(-_._2);
println("County:" + county + eachCounty.first)
Here is the solution using RDD. I am assuming you need top occurring name per county.
val data = Array((2000, "JOHN", "KINGS", 50),(2000, "BOB", "KINGS", 40),(2000, "MARY", "NASSAU", 60),(2001, "JOHN", "KINGS", 14),(2001, "JANE", "KINGS", 30),(2001, "BOB", "NASSAU", 45))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
//Reduce the uniq values for county/name as combo key
val uniqNamePerCountyRdd = => ((x._3,x._2),x._4)).reduceByKey(_+_)
// Group names per county.
val countyNameRdd =>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2))).groupByKey()
// Sort and take the top name alone per county
countyNameRdd.mapValues(x => x.toList.sortBy(_._2).take(1)).collect
res8: Array[(String, List[(String, Int)])] = Array((KINGS,List((JANE,30))), (NASSAU,List((BOB,45))))
You could use the spark-csv and the Dataframe API. If you are using the new version of Spark (2.0) it is slightly different. Spark 2.0 has a native csv data source based on spark-csv.
Use spark-csv to load your csv file into a Dataframe.
val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.load(new File(getClass.getResource("/names.csv").getFile).getAbsolutePath)
Gives output:
|2000|JOHN| KINGS| 50|
|2000| BOB| KINGS| 40|
|2000|MARY|NASSAU| 60|
|2001|JOHN| KINGS| 14|
|2001|JANE| KINGS| 30|
|2001| BOB|NASSAU| 45|
DataFrames uses a set of operations for structured data manipulation. You could use some basic operations to become your result.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._"County","Number").groupBy("County").agg(max("Number")).show
Gives output:
|NASSAU| 60|
| KINGS| 50|
Is this what you are trying to achieve?
Notice the import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ which is needed for the agg() function.
More information about Dataframes API
For correct output:
//there is probably a better query for this
sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM (SELECT Name, County,count(1) as Occurrence FROM names GROUP BY Name, County ORDER BY " +
"count(1) DESC) n").groupBy("County", "Name").max("Occurrence").limit(2).show
Gives output:
