Getting 'HostNameNotOnVerifiedDomain' when setting AppId uri on Azure AD application object - azure-active-directory

I get an error 'Failed to update Application ID URI application property. Error detail: Values of IdentifierUris property must use a verified domain of the organization or its subdomain:' when trying to set my appid uri property while trying to expose an api from my app registration.

Guidance on the Azure AD docs states the identifier uri (aka AppId Uri) must use a default value provided which is api://appIdGuid or must use on of the allowed patterns which requires the host value to be a verified domain of the tenant. More information on AppId uri is available in the application registration security best practices doc.
More information on the identifierUri attribute is available in the Azure AD application manifest section.


Multitenant API - Admin consent ERROR AADSTS90009

Using the following endpoint acting as the Admin on the tenantB I want to register a multitenant API App defined in another tenantA:{tenantB}/v2.0/adminconsent?
I am getting this error:
AADSTS90009 Application is requesting a token for itself. This
scenario is supported only if resource is specified using the
GUID based App Identifier
I am using the GUID based App Identifier from TenantA. I get the login page and after signing in, I am immediately redirected to the redirect_uri with the error above.
The post
OAuth 2.0 and Azure Active Directory - error AADSTS90009 uses a different endpoint and mentions using the GUIDs that I am already using
First add the ‘openid profile’ scope like this{APP_IP}&redirect_uri={redirect_URI}&scope=openid+profile
This will register the APP (and trust the main Tenant)
Second, submit another request with the actual Multitenant API scope using this format{APP_IP}&redirect_uri={redirect_URI}&scope={APP ID}/.default
this way the APP will be registered with the whole scope of permissions from the main tenant in the secondary tenant.
All you need is &scope=.default{ConsentingTid}/v2.0/adminconsent?client_id={WebOrSpaAppId}&redirect_uri={RedirectUri}&scope=.default
No need to spell out the app id twice.
If all you are doing is getting consent for you API, you will only need to consent once.
Also, in your MSAL2 client code:
interactionType: InteractionType.Redirect,
authRequest: {
scopes: [

How to use Terraform `google_app_engine_domain_mapping` with service account?

I'm trying to create a GCP App Engine domain mapping via Terraform with the following configuration:
provider "google" {
version = "3.36.0"
region = var.region
resource "google_app_engine_domain_mapping" "domain_mapping" {
project = local.project_id
domain_name = var.domain_name
ssl_settings {
ssl_management_type = "AUTOMATIC"
depends_on = [
Terraform is configured to use an organization level service account for the GCP provider with the following IAM permissions (no conditions):
Billing Account User
Project Creator
Service Config Editor (I've added this thinking it would resolve the issue based on this and this doc page.)
The Google account that is the owner of the organization has verified the domain in question, yet I'm getting the following error:
Error: Error creating DomainMapping: googleapi: Error 403: Caller is not authorized to administer the domain ''. If you own '', you can obtain authorization by verifying ownership of the domain, or any of its parent domains, via the Webmaster Central portal: We recommend verifying ownership of the largest scope you wish to use with subdomains (eg. verify '' if you wish to map '').
I've also tried adding the service account's email as a user in the Google Search Console to the domain to no avail.
The solution is rather simple but sort of hidden in the docs. You need to add your service account email as owner of the domain.
Go here
Select the property you want
Tap the "Add an owner" button at the bottom of the page and add the email address (e.g. terraform#<PROJECT_ID>

Swaggerbuckle with AAD --Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided

I'm trying to use AzureAD to get a token in swagger and test my .netCore2.1 API with it.(using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1)
To do this I completed the following steps
1. Created a Web API project( Core2.1)
2. Register an Azure AD (AAD) app for the Web API
3. Updated the Web API project to use Azure AD authentication
4. Register an AAD app for the Swagger web site https://localhost:5001/swagger
5. Granted permissions for the Swagger AAD app to access the Web API AAD app
6. Generated a Client Secret for the Swagger AAD app
7. Enabled OAuth2 implicit flow on the Swagger AAD app
8. Added Swagger to the Web API project
When I authenticate, I am getting the following error.
Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided .
When I click authorize
I am getting error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided.
My WebAPI project's startup.cs file goes here
Please help me understand which resource Identifier I am missing here or how to resolve this error.
Or any pointers on how to use Swaggerbuckle with ASP.NET Core webAPI, especially with AAD authenticated WebAPI ?
I copied my webAPI's APPID URI from azure portal. ie Dashboard>>Microsoft - App registrations>>MY_API_APP>>Settings>>Properties>>App ID URI
But I am still getting the same error when I try to authenticate
Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided
Usually resource identifier which uniquely identifies your application. You can easily found your resource Identifier Like below:
When logged into the Azure portal, Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > [App Name] > Settings> Properties, then it's the App ID URI
See the screen shot:
In the orignal OAuth 2.0 specification, there is no resource parameter in the authorization request. It use scope parameter. The authorization and token endpoints allow the client to specify the scope of the access request using the "scope" request parameter.
As document explains, when Azure AD implement the OAuth 2.0(1.0 endpoint), the resource is used to specify the access_token you request for which resource. And the Azure AD will issue the token which the scp based on the permission you config on the portal for the resource.
And in the v2.0 endpoint, the Azure AD also use the scope to support the dynamic permission request. More detail you can have a look here.
Usual Reason for Error
Make sure you have configured below steps accordingly.
Like below:
Application Manifest
Reply URI
Request Endpoint
For V1.0 refer this URI
For V2.0 refer this URI
Application Consent
Need to confirm your application required resource access permission you could refer here
I believe this step can lead you to sort out your problem.
With Azure AD V1.0 app you need set resource to identify which api you want to access during the authentication&access token requests :
Code flow :
Implicit flow :
In Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1 , you need to config the resource as parameter if you want to get access token for accessing your web api :
app.UseSwaggerUI(options =>
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "MySite API V1");
options.OAuthAppName("Swagger Api Calls");
// add resource
options.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "resource", "f479db30-9b62-431b-98c2-bcaae52203cf" } });
For us Nan Yu's response got us one step closer.
We added the resource in the AdditionalQuerystringParams like so:
options.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "resource", "{ResourceIDHere}" } });
We are now able to get passed the Auth step in Swagger, but trying routes out doesn't seem to pass the token to the api called and so we get a 401 Error.
change { "scope", API_AppID_URI} to { "resource", API_AppID_URI}

How to specify Resource URI when acquiring access token for Azure AD V2 endpoint?

I have used ADAL.js in a previous project which supported only work accounts and am able to successfully acquire idtokens and then accesstokens to an API (ResourceURI: ""). Works fine.
Now, I am trying to use MSAL.js for another project because there I need to support both work accounts (aad auth) and personal "Microsoft Accounts" (MSA). I am running into problems now trying to do the same thing as in my ADAL project.
The concept of "Resource" has seemingly vanished from AAD V2. So how does one specify the Resource url when acquiring an access token to the target API? So that the resulting accesstoken contains the ResourceURI in the AUD claim (which will be enforced by the API I am calling).
If I force add the Resource querystring parameter, thusly:
msalapp.acquireTokenSilent([], null, null, "")
I get the following error:
AADSTS901002: The 'resource' request parameter is not supported.
Documentation says to use SCOPE instead. But using:
results in:
AADSTS70011: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope openid profile is not valid. The scope format is invalid. Scope must be in a valid URI form <https://example/scope> or a valid Guid <guid/scope>..
So: how do I specify the Resource URI when acquiring the access tokens when working with the v2 endpoint via MSAL.js? Sorry the (usually pretty good) MSDN articles are not useful at all in this case...
In Azure AD v2.0 you need to use scopes, not resources.
If you have a resource, and want to get a token for all the permissions, you can use :
You can also be more fine grain: more information is available from (this is in C#, but the translation is straightforward)

Is it possible to use a single client RedirectUri for multi-tenant application in IdentityServer 4?

I have an IdentityServer 4 setup using SaasKit to support multi-tenant URL paths. This allows me to access the single IS4 instance in a multi-tenant way like so:
The IS4 instance uses a single database for client/scope configuration rather than one per tenant. Only the users database is separated per tenant.
My issue is that a client only ever has one configuration and so has one RedirectUri and PostLogoutRedirectUri, and these values must be tenant specific URL paths otherwise the callback won't be handled in the context of a tenant in the client app.
So, I can specify in my client app's tenant-specific OpenIdConnectOptions new values for CallbackPath, SignedOutCallbackPath and RemoteSignOutPath, e.g. like this:
options.CallbackPath = $"/tenant/{tenant}{options.CallbackPath}";
but obviously this requires the relevant tenant fragment to be included in the client's config RedirectUri property otherwise IS4 will invalidate the redirect uri.
Whilst I could use dynamic clientIds from the client app, I'd prefer not to create a tenant-specific client config in IS4 for each tenant, and deal with the management issues. Likewise, I'd prefer not to add all possible tenant-specific redirect URIs to the single client's config.
Instead, is it possible to implement and register with IS4 some custom components that supports the following functionality, and if so which interfaces should I implement?
A parameterized redirect URI path so the following can be specified:
Resolving a parameterized URI path into a real path when redirection is required.
You can implement a custom redirect URI validator.
For that, you need to create a class that implements IRedirectUriValidator and then register it like this:
This way you can set the redirect URI for the client in the database using some notation to specify the tenant-dependent part of the URI and then check it at runtime with the custom validator.
Beware of the dangers associated with dynamic redirect URIs.
