"No module named 'razorpay'" : Django restframework - django-models

def provider_factory(code):
payment_settings = StoreSetting.objects.filter(token='payment').first()
if code in payment_settings.data['payment']:
config = payment_settings.data['payment']
ProviderClass = get_class('sales.payment.', snake2camel(code) + 'Provider')
This is my project structure
code = 'razorpay',
Here, through this line "ProviderClass = get_class('sales.payment.', snake2camel(code) + 'Provider')", I am trying to get providerclass, but it cause "No module named 'razorpay"
Give me a solution to fix this
def get_class(module_name, class_name):
# load the module, will raise ImportError if module cannot be loaded
m = importlib.import_module(module_name)
# get the class, will raise AttributeError if class cannot be found
c = getattr(m, class_name)
return c


How to build an array of Objects in a loop

I'm new with Python but i'm a Powershell user so maybe what i'm trying to do is not possible the same way in Python
In Python 3 to learn i'm trying to make a list of the files in a directory and store it into a indexstore variable.
To do that this is what i done :
i created 2 objects Index and Indexstore
class Index(object):
def __init__(self, filepath, size):
self.filepath = filepath
self.size = size
class IndexStore(object):
def __init__(self, filepath, size):
self.filepath = filepath
self.size = size
after that i get my filelist from a location on my HDD
listOfFile = os.listdir(SourcePath)
With with list i'm starting a loop where i get the fullpath and the size of the file ( Like ForEach ) in 2 variables fullPath and fileSize
fullPath = os.path.join(SourcePath, entry)
fileSize: int = os.path.getsize(fullPath)
With the values i set the Index Object
setattr(Index, 'filepath', fullPath)
setattr(Index, 'size', fileSize)
And it's working with
i have the result
mappingproxy({'dict': <attribute 'dict' of 'Index' objects>,
'doc': None,
'init': <function Index.init at 0x00000271B9C7E940>,
'module': 'main',
'repr': <property object at 0x00000271B9F30590>,
'weakref': <attribute 'weakref' of 'Index' objects>,
'filepath': 'D:\AmigaForever\AmigaOS3.9.ISO',
'size': 28862259})
After that is my problem ! In Powershell if i want to add a object2 to my objectlist1 i just do Objectlist1 += object2 and the work is done but in Python 3.x i tried many things on forums without success best way seems to be :
IndexStore = []
IndexStore.append(Index(fullPath, fileSize))
But the variable Indexstore stay Empty and if i try to print it
the run console say :
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
Can you help me please ? Do i'm checking the value of my Indexstore well ?
Or my error is how i'm appending the values ?
I want in a second loop use again the values of the Object array to continue my code.
With the goal of 'Using Python 3 to make a list of the files in a directory and store it into a indexstore variable'.
The first problem I see is that you create a class Indexstore but later completely obviate the class when you assign the variable Indexstore = [].
so given you have a valid list of files from:
listOfFile = os.listdir(SourcePath)
This is an approach that will work:
First build an IndexItem class:
class IndexItem:
def __init__(self, filepath, size):
self.filepath = filepath
self.size = size
def __repr__(self):
# Returns a string representation of the IindexItem
return f"({self.filepath}, {self.size})"
This class has an intialization method which serves to preserve the instantiation values passed during initialization and a repr method which is used to convert the index values into readable text.
Next we create the IndexStore Class as follows:
class IndexStore:
def __init__(self):
self._index = []
def append(self, o: object):
# Append an entry onto the index
def __repr__(self):
# Returns a string representation of self._index
return ', '.join(list(str(x) for x in self._index))
This class includes an instantiation which creates a list to hold the indexItems passed to it, and append method to add IndexItems to the IndexStore and finally a repr to create a readable string of the values.
Finally, we implement the basic functionality required to build the IndexStore as follows:
listOfFile = os.listdir(sourcePath)
index = IndexStore()
for f in listOfFile[:5]:
# For each entry f in listOfFile
fullpath = os.path.join(sourcePath, f)
# add an instantiation of IndexItem to IndexStore
index.append(IndexItem(fullpath, int(os.path.getsize(fullpath))))
A simpler and more direct approach to this problem makes use of inherent Python bult-in data structures and capabilities is as follows:
IndexStore = []
listOfFile = os.listdir(sourcePath)
for f in listOfFile[:5]:
# For each entry f in listOfFile
fullpath = os.path.join(sourcePath, f)
# add an instantiation of IndexItem to IndexStore
IndexStore.append((fullpath, int(os.path.getsize(fullpath)))
In this approach, the class definitions are eliminated, and the IndexStore contains a list of tuples with each tuple containing the fullpath to the file and it's size

Gatling Test in Blazemeter creates ClassNotFoundException

I used the Taurus Gatling guide to create a simple performance test and uploaded the yaml and scala file to blazemeter. When i start the test in blazemeter there is no test result and the bzt.log contains a ClassNotFoundException.
The validator for the yaml says its fine and i can't find anything so I'm lost...
My blazemleter.yaml:
- executor: gatling
scenario: products
iterations: 15
concurrency: 3
ramp-up: 2
script: productSimulation.scala
simulation: test.productSimulation
My productSimulation.scala is mostly copied from their documentation:
package test
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
class productSimulation extends Simulation {
// parse load profile from Taurus
val t_iterations = Integer.getInteger("iterations", 100).toInt
val t_concurrency = Integer.getInteger("concurrency", 10).toInt
val t_rampUp = Integer.getInteger("ramp-up", 1).toInt
val t_holdFor = Integer.getInteger("hold-for", 60).toInt
val t_throughput = Integer.getInteger("throughput", 100).toInt
val httpConf = http.baseURL("https://mydomain/")
val header = Map(
"Content-Type" -> """application/x-www-form-urlencoded""")
val sessionHeaders = Map("Authorization" -> "Bearer ${access_token}",
"Content-Type" -> "application/json")
// 'forever' means each thread will execute scenario until
// duration limit is reached
val loopScenario = scenario("products").forever() {
// auth
exec(http("POST OAuth Req")
.formParam("client_secret", "...")
.formParam("client_id", "...")
.formParam("grant_type", "client_credentials")
// read products
.queryParam("limit", 200)
val execution = loopScenario
.inject(rampUsers(concurrency) over rampUp) // during for gatling 3.x
setUp(execution).maxDuration(rampUp + holdFor)
After learning that i can execute the scala file as a test directly if i click the file directly and not the yaml i got better exceptions.
Basicly i made two mistakes:
my variables are named t_concurrency, ... while the execution definition uses a different name. ups.
since gatling 3.x the keyword for the inject is during, so the correct code is: rampUsers(t_concurrency) during t_rampUp
Now everything works.

Maya Python static class function scope

I have some trouble getting my static class to work. There is something I am missing about the scope of functions within a class. If called the script gives me following error:
NameError: global name 'disableCostumFrames' is not defined #
import maya.cmds as cmds
from functools import partial
class Blast:
def createWindow():
# Todo:
# hanldes the gui for the user
windowID = 'window'
if cmds.window(windowID, exists = True):
window = cmds.window(windowID, title="Blast", iconName='Blast', widthHeight=(400, 200) )
cmds.frameLayout( label='')
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=4, columnWidth=[(1, 100),(3, 100)] )
cmds.text( label='Start: ' )
global Blast_startFrame
Blast_startFrame = cmds.textField( enable = False)
cmds.text( label=' End: ' )
global Blast_endFrame
Blast_endFrame = cmds.textField( enable = False)
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth=[(1, 100), (2, 100)] )
#cmds.radioButton( label='Full', select = True, onCommand= partial(disableCostumFrames, Blast_startFrame, Blast_endFrame ) )
#cmds.radioButton( label='Costum', onCommand= partial(enableCostumFrames, Blast_startFrame, Blast_endFrame ) )
cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=1, columnWidth=[(1, 400), (2, 100)] )
cmds.button( label='Playblast' ,command= 'createPlayblast')
cmds.showWindow( window )
return Blast_startFrame, Blast_endFrame
def main():
def enableCostumFrames(Blast_startFrame, Blast_endFrame, *args):
cmds.textField(Blast_startFrame, edit=True, enable=True)
cmds.textField(Blast_endFrame, edit=True, enable=True)
def disableCostumFrames(Blast_startFrame, Blast_endFrame, *args):
cmds.textField(Blast_startFrame, edit=True, text="", enable=False)
cmds.textField(Blast_endFrame, edit=True, text="", enable=False)
How do I need to define these functions within the class? I am calling the module like that:
import sys
Dir = 'c:/Blast'
if Dir not in sys.path:
try: reload(Blast_v011)
except: import Blast_v011
maybe iam doing something wrong on this side? Appreciated any help.
In this case you need to add a self reference to all of the methods in your class. The usual python class looks like this:
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self):
self.variable = 123
def some_method(self):
print "my variable = ", self.variable
def some_other_method(self):
if self.variable > 1:
The self reference in the member functions is how you get at class member variables and other functions -- it's python's way of referring to what other languages call this.
Instance methods can only be called on an instance (it's the instance that gets passed in as self). You can make a method that is called on the class itself -- rather than any particular instance of the class -- using the #classmethod decorator. Classmethods also take an argument, but instead of self it's a reference to the class. You use it the same way to get variables defined at the class level, which are shared by all copies of the class:
class HasShared(object):
shared = 99
def a_class_method(cls):
print cls.shared
(You can mix and match class and instance methods in the same class).
You can also make static methods using the #staticmethod decorator. These don't get a default argument at all:
class NotPythonic(object):
def needs_no_args():
print "call me as NotPythonic.needs_no_args()"
In Python we tend to avoid this formula, since you can get a static method by just creating a function in a module without making a class to hold them. For the example code you posted, I'd probably just make a conventional class using instance methods, since your functions need the names of the gui widgets to be able to actually ask them questions.

Julia: How can I explore all the variables of file A into file B?

I have a couple of questions regarding Julia. I did some online digging but couldn't find any answer. If I have a file nameA.jl which has a whole lot of variables (for example, physical constants such as a mass of the proton), how can I easily export/call all those variables when I need to use in another file (i.e., nameB.jl).
Second, what is the best way to create some sort of "global" variable through "class" (I know Julia does not have the class concept similar to Python) or another mean, so I can access easily to any other file in the project and modify as I need.
I did try to get these answers from google but couldn't find any help.
Thank you
To your first question:
module PhysicalConstants
export fine_structure_constant, proton_electron_massratio
const fine_structure_constant = 7.2973525664e-3
const proton_electron_massratio = 1836.15267247
end # module
importall PhysicalConstants
this = fine_structure_constant * proton_electron_massratio
# 13.399053416751173
As I understand your second question:
module ChangeableValues
export changeable_value, change_value, value
type Changeable{T}
typeof_value{T}(x::Changeable{T}) = T
value{T}(x::Changeable{T}) = x.value
# changeable_value is const for speed
# changeable_value.value is not const
const changeable_value = Changeable(0)
function change_value{T}(new_value::T)
if T == typeof_value(changeable_value)
changeable_value.value = new_value
return nothing
end # module
import ChangeableValues: changeable_value, change_value, value
println("value = ", value(changeable_value)) # 0
println("value = ", value(changeable_value)) # 1
println("value = ", value(changeable_value)) # 2
# it remains 2 when imported elsewhere until it is changed again

'Anonymous user' error after passing data with Angular to Rest

I am a beginner in Angular and Rest and I have a problem. I have a form in Django template and I want to pass data with Angular, receive it with Rest and process it. Angular knows to pass (post) the data by url to:
url(r'^api/nowyPacjent/$', CreateNewPatient.as_view(), name="api_tempPatient"),
The CreateNewPatient class looks like this:
class CreateNewPatient(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
model = TempPatient
queryset = TempPatient.objects.all()
serializer_class = CreateNewPatientSerializer
and the serializer looks like this:
class CreateNewPatientSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
name = serializers.CharField(max_length=30)
surname = serializers.CharField(max_length=70)
phone = serializers.CharField(max_length=15, required=False)
age = serializers.IntegerField(max_value=99, min_value=1, required=False)
company = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(many=False, queryset=Company.objects.all())
therapyStart = serializers.DateField(required=False)
def create(self, validated_data):
if 'therapyStart' in validated_data:
therapy_start = validated_data['therapyStart']
therapy_start = datetime.date.today()
if 'age' in validated_data:
patient_age = validated_data['age']
patient_age = 1;
if 'phone' in validated_data:
patient_phone = validated_data['phone']
patient_phone = ''
newTempPatient = TempPatient(
name = validated_data['name'],
surname = validated_data['surname'],
company = validated_data['company'],
therapyStart = therapy_start,
age = patient_age,
phone = patient_phone
newPatient = Patient(
request = self.context.get('request')
if request and hasattr(request,"user"):
newTherapyGroup = TherapyGroup.objects.create(
start = therapy_start,
patient = newPatient,
therapist = Therapist.objects.get(user = user),
company = validated_data['company']
return newTempPatient
Everything is fine - after submitting the template form the patient is created - until the code tries to get logged user from the request (just after the last if statement of the serializer). Then I receive the 'AnonymousUser' error and cannot create final model instance. I've tried to pass the data to the Django views and then use the Rest's serializer. However, the error occurred again. I've searched for the answer but nothing was helpful. Please, notice that I don't want to authenticate the logged user but to get data about him.
I think the problem is that Angular somehow loose information about CSRF token and log session and that is the reason of both errors (that is only my assumption).
Below is how Angular config looks like. NewPatientCtrl is responsible for mentioned form and model is one of the form element (and it works fine).
angular.module('pacjent', ['ngMessages', 'ui.bootstrap', 'datetime'])
.factory('ModelUtils', ModelUtils)
.factory('newPatientFormApi',newPatientFormApi )
.factory('companyApi', companyApi)
.factory('mySharedService', mySharedService)
.controller('PacjentCtrl', PacjentCtrl)
.controller('NewPatientCtrl', NewPatientCtrl)
.controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', ModalInstanceCtrl)
.config(function($interpolateProvider, $httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
The interesting thing is that this code works perfect on my colleague's system (Windows 7, Chrome) - the user data is gathered perfectly. However, I've tested it on three different systems (Windows 7 x64, Xubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14) and several browsers (Firefox, Chromium) on my PCs and the same error occurs.
Thank you a lot for any comments and advice. Sorry also for any non-professional statements.
it is because of this line:
# ...
therapist = Therapist.objects.get(user = user),
you are trying to get a therapist from your database with an Anynomous user in your ORM - it means a user who is not logged in.
you need is_authenticated() in your check:
if request and hasattr(request,"user") and request.user.is_authenticated():
newTherapyGroup = TherapyGroup.objects.create(
start = therapy_start,
patient = newPatient,
therapist = Therapist.objects.get(user=user),
company = validated_data['company']
