How to use an image in react imported from localhost - reactjs

So i'm working on a react project and i want to use an image which is stored in my computer
i made the following code
<img src='my_image.png'/>
however it doesn't show in the browser as shown below
see image

upload your images in your public folder then access it
<img src='images/p1.png'/>


Image not working in production, works good on localhost

I'm building a website with Next.js and Mantine. I want to put the Image with my logo in my Header so I used Image from next/image but the problem is that it's not working when i deploy it. It works perfectly on localhost.
Code of my image that is clickable
<Link href={"/"} >
<Image src="" alt='logo' width={42} height={40} />
I tried using the local image but it was same. My image host is already added in the next config.
I expected it to be working same as on local machine
I fixed it by using Image component by Mantine instead of Next

The Image is shown up in the website when running it locally as a folder instead of the actual image

im trying to upload an image on my website in the card using bootstrap but every since i run the code an image of a folder is showing up instead of the image.I'm using React.js

Cannot load images from public folder

I store images in public folder, image name is a number from 1 to Image quantity, so I can get image with
src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + `/images/${this.props.index}.jpeg`}
alt={`image #${this.props.index}`}
When I run it on my local npm server images are rendered correclty so I can see them, but when I try to open my gallery from my web site deployed with AWS Amplify, they are not loaded, I see only image alt and image logo.
You can check it out at
What's wrong with it ?
I don't know why, but the problem was in file extension .jpeg - it is not handled. .jpg or .png work fine

Angular JS using Grunt: Display images from local folder using relative path from JSON

So I am using a JSON that returns a lot of data about the user including pictures. The problem I am facing is that I believe the relative path to the images folder is correct however for some reason it is saying in ng-source="relativePath" instead of the image. The only conclusion I can come to is either the path is wrong or there is some sort of import I must do for the images to be used in the project.
<div ng-repeat="results in userInfo.images">
<figure class="img">
<img data-ng-source="{{results.imageUrl}}" ng-alt="{{}}" ng-title="{{}}" />
I have tried source, ng-source, and data-ng-source. When I view in console and on the html for image src it shows the relative path /images/profilePicture.png.
My project has the following structure:
Repositry Name
Using best practices the index.htlm is the container for the single page application. We are using the home.tpl.html page that is injected into the index.html container page.
I have tried switching the path to go directly from index.html -> /images/profilePicture.png as well as from home.tpl.html -> ../images/profilePicture.png.
I could not find any posts relevant to my situation but I believe perhaps you need an app.use or some sort of injection method to add the folder of images to be able to be used?
Note: I am not sure if this is helpful however when I run grunt build instead of serve I check the dist folder and the image folder does in fact have all of the images.
Change your <img data-ng-source declaration to just use ng-src:
<img ng-src="{{results.imageUrl}}" ng-alt="{{}}" ng-title="{{}}" />
More details at w3schools: ng-src

image path in ng file upload in angular

After uploading the image using ng-file-upload to
,I get in response only the image name.
Now, if I want to render the image in html
<img ng-show="createRecipeForm.file.$valid" src="{{response.filename}}" class="img-rounded" height="100">
<img ng-show="createRecipeForm.file.$valid" ngf-thumbnail="{{imageArray[$index]}}" class="img-rounded" height="100">
How do I get my image here? I am using this for demo purpose and need to get it from my local computer only for now.
I see can not give path to a drive on computer here for src.
So, how do I render the image in html given that I have the file name.
If you are storing the file using a web server, you should have access to the relative path of the server to use before filename in src="{{response.filename}}"
Check where in the folder structure you are storing them, then you can try: (e.g.)
