Hi I am struggling into writing a PowerShell script to drop the database, based on some conditions.I have SQL script running but facing too many syntax error when converting same script to PowerShell
DECLARE #Sql as NVARCHAR(MAX) = (SELECT 'DROP DATABASE ['+ name + ']; ' FROM sys.databases WHERE name like '%Dev%'
and database_id < (SELECT max(database_id) FROM sys.databases where source_database_id IS NOT NULL and name like '%Dev%' )
FOR XML PATH('')) EXEC sys.sp_executesql #Sql
I am new to PowerShell script so any help would be great.
I tried something like below but getting a syntax error in PowerShell
$query= 'DECLARE #Sql as NVARCHAR(MAX) = (SELECT 'DROP DATABASE ['+ name + ']; ' FROM sys.databases WHERE name like '%Dev%'
and database_id < (SELECT max(database_id) FROM sys.databases where source_database_id IS NOT NULL and name like '%Dev%' )
FOR XML PATH('')) EXEC sys.sp_executesql #Sql '
echo $query
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance ''XXXX' -Username 'XX' -Password 'XXXXX' -Query $query -QueryTimeout 600 -Verbose
I Just putted everything in "" and it worked.
I am trying to extract list of user defined assemblies through PowerShell for one of SQL Server administration for automation.
When I open SSMS and execute this query as
Select name, permission_set_desc
From sys.assemblies
I am able to get the output as 2 rows as below
When I execute the same T-SQL through PowerShell using Invoke-SQLCMD command, I do not get any user defined assemblies rather only system defined assembly.
This is the command I used in PowerShell:
$query = "Select name, permission_Set_Desc from sys.assemblies"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query -AbortOnError -OutputSQLErrors $true
I get the below only which is system defined assembly.
I am unable to get the user defined assemblies from PowerShell.
Did I miss something here?
As #Vijayanand A said, assemblies are defined at database level. However, you can iterate all databases and display all of them with attached assemblies:
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(MAX) = '';
SELECT #sql += 'SELECT '+
QUOTENAME(DB.Name, '''') + ' COLLATE database_default db, '+
'name COLLATE database_default name, '+
'permission_set_desc COLLATE database_default permission_set_desc '+
'FROM ' + QUOTENAME(DB.Name) + '.sys.assemblies UNION ALL '
FROM sys.databases DB
SET #sql = LEFT(#sql, LEN(#sql)-LEN(' UNION ALL'))
I have a database in SQL Azure and I am wanting to use a script to drop all the column store indexes.
I am connecting using SSMS using the SQL admin login of the SQL Server.
I am using this script:
declare #sql nvarchar(max);
set #sql = N'';
select #sql = #sql + N'DROP INDEX ' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(i.OBJECT_ID) + '.' + i.name + N' ON ' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(i.OBJECT_ID) + '.' + o.name + ';
FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN sys.tables AS o ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
where i.name is not null and o.name is not null and i.type_desc like '%COLUMN%'
PRINT #sql;
EXEC sp_executesql #sql;
An example statement:
DROP INDEX [dbo].[CCI_MyTable] ON [dbo].[MyTable];
When run, this generates error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ON'.
If I try just:
DROP INDEX [dbo].[CCI_MyTable]
This generates error:
Cannot drop the index 'dbo.CCI_MyTable', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.**
In SSMS, I can see the SQL SERVER admin user exists in the [master] database, but does not exist in the DATABASE I am working in.
Within this DATABASE, I am running as 'dbo':
Shouldn't dbo have permissions to drop indexes?
What is the proper way to go about this? Do I need to add the admin user to this database? If that user existed, and I connect with SSMS, would user_name() then be that user rather than dbo?
It seems the problem was preceding the index name with the schema (although, I swear many examples I've read do just that).
So the correct script syntax is:
declare #sql nvarchar(max);
set #sql = N'';
select #sql = #sql + N'DROP INDEX ' + i.name + N' ON ' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(i.OBJECT_ID) + '.' + o.name + ';
FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN sys.tables AS o ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
where i.name is not null and o.name is not null and i.type_desc like '%COLUMN%'
PRINT #sql;
EXEC sp_executesql #sql;
Is there any way to reference the table inside a 'sp_MSforeachtable' loop running inside a 'sp_msforeachdb' loop?
For example, in the following query the '?' is always referencing the database:
SET #cmd = 'USE ?; EXEC sp_MSforeachtable #command1="select db_name = DB_NAME(), db_foreach = ''?'', tb_foreach = ''?'' "'
EXEC sp_msforeachdb #command1 =#cmd
Resulting in:
db_name db_forearch tb_foreach
ServerMonitor master master
I want to have something like:
db_name db_forearch tb_foreach
ServerMonitor master <TABLE_NAME>
What should I change?
Solved. I used my ow cursor, as suggested by Sean. But the #replacechar solution suggested by Ben Thul is exactly what I was looking for.
SET #cmd = 'USE ^; EXEC sp_MSforeachtable #command1="select db_name = DB_NAME(), db_foreach = ''^'', tb_foreach = ''?'' "'
EXEC sp_msforeachdb #command1 =#cmd, #replacechar = '^'
Take a look at the parameters for sp_msforeachtable. One of them is #replacechar which, by default, is a question mark (i.e. ?). Feel free to pass in another equally unlikely character to occur in a query (maybe a ^).
Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that depending on what you're trying to do (and I would argue that anything that you're trying to do over all tables is doable this way), there are easier to read (and write) solutions in powershell:
import-module sqlps -disablenamechecking;
$s = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.server '.';
foreach ($db in $s.databases) {
foreach ($table in $db.Tables) {
$table | select parent, name; --merely list the table and database
For what you are doing you could do something like this. Although this is still using the for each db procedure which can be problematic. You will want to add a where clause to the final select statement to filter out some databases (model, tempdb, master, etc)
declare #TableNames table
DatabaseName sysname
, TableName sysname
insert #TableNames
EXEC sp_msforeachdb #command1 = 'use ?;select ''?'', name from sys.tables'
select *, 'exec ' + Databasename + '..sp_spaceused [''' + TableName + ']'';'
from #TableNames
I am trying to see a list of tables from Adventureworks DB from "Person" schema in Sql Server 2008. I developed the following SP, but after running it as follows it gives me error "Incorrect syntax near ')'". Do you know how I can revise this SP or exec statement?
#SchemaName VARCHAR(50)
SET #SchemaName = 'PERSON'
SET #SchemaName = RTRIM(#SchemaName)
'FROM information_schema.Tables ' +
exec sp_executesql getTableNames, N'#SchemaName NVARCHAR(50), #SchemaName'
You don't actually need to use dynamic SQL here, plus your sproc isn't quite right as you're not executing the #cmd statement. Just use:
#SchemaName VARCHAR(50)
FROM information_schema.Tables
EXECUTE getTableNames 'PERSON'
You don't need dynamic SQL:
select * from sys.tables
where type_desc = 'BASE TABLE' and schema_id = schema_id(#SchemaName)
I'm attempting to use the undocumented system procedure sp_MSforeachtable. But I need to restrict the affected tables to those that start with "smp" and that are in the "dbo" schema. I was able to find how to find procedures that start with "smp". I simply do:
sp_MSforeachtable #command1=' print ''?''', #whereand=' and name like ''smp%'' '
but how do I filter for a given schema using the #whereand parameter?
UPDATE: I tried the following but it didn't work:
sp_MSforeachtable #command1=' print ''?''', #whereand=' and name like ''smp%'' and Left(''?'', 5)=''[dbo]'' '
Update 2: I'm running on SQL Server 2000.
Update for SQL2000:
declare #s nvarchar(1000)
set #s = ' and uid = ' + convert(nvarchar, user_id('my_schema'))
exec sp_msforeachtable #command1='print ''?''', #whereand = #s
This should works in SQL Server 2000 (can't test now):
#whereand = '
AND name like ''smp%'' AND
OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''name''), ''OwnerID'') = USER_ID(''dbo'')'
Use OBJECTPROPERTY to find the schema owner id.
Edit: OK, tested it on a SQL 2000 box:
#whereand = ' AND name LIKE ''smp%'' AND uid = 1'
#whereand = ' AND name LIKE ''smp%'' AND USER_ID(''dbo'')'
I could not get OBJECTPROPERTY to work
From here:
--Drop table of particular shcemaID/shemaName and with name starting with 'Temp_'
Exec sp_MSforeachtable #command1 = "DROP TABLE ? PRINT '? dropped'"
,#whereand = "and uid = (SELECT schema_id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'dbo')
and o.name LIKE 'Temp_%'"
This verion works in Sql Server 2005:
exec sp_MSforeachtable
#command1=' print ''?''',
#whereand=' and schema_name(schema_id) = ''dbo'' '
Not exactly sure for Sql Server 2000, but this version might work:
exec sp_MSforeachtable
#command1=' print ''?''',
#whereand=' and user_name(uid) = ''dbo'' '
This worked in 2008 R2
#whereand='and uid = (SELECT schema_id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = ''dbo'') and o.name LIKE ''TEMP_%'''