QuillJS - remove formatting when pasting into the editor - reactjs

I previously used https://github.com/quilljs/quill/issues/1184#issuecomment-403657128 to make sure that no one can paste formatted text in the QuillJS editor, because I would like people to only use the few editing buttons that I enabled from QuillJs. Since then, it stopped working for me. My question is:
is this working for everyone else?
if no, do you know of an alternative?

One thing about https://github.com/quilljs/quill/issues/1184#issuecomment-403657128 that may behave different than you may have expected could be the 'silent'.
"APIs causing text to change may also be called with a "silent" source, in which case text-change will not be emitted. This is not recommended as it will likely break the undo stack and other functions that rely on a full record of text changes." [ https://quilljs.com/docs/api/#events ]
So if you expected to get the text-change event get emitted but do not get it, then change these two lines
this.quill.updateContents(delta, 'silent')
this.quill.setSelection(index, length, 'silent')
like this:
this.quill.updateContents(delta, 'user')
this.quill.setSelection(index, length, 'user')
Then the text-change event will get fired.


How to get the icon path and index associated with a file type (again, with clarity)?

It's a long shot, but does anyone know of a working method to get the associated icon location (= path to an exe/dll/ico file) and ID for a given filename with WinAPI. The point is to create a shortcut to another file (which may or may not be of the same file type) and set THIS exact icon, overriding its default one, presumably with IShellLink::SetIconLocation.
Things that don't work:
Return random crap with GIL_NOTFILENAME flag set for any of the default file types I've tried (like txt).
There seem to be several topics on SO about this sorta thing, with answers/non-answers suggesting one of the above. This one [1] appears most close to being informative. Their preferred method doesn't work either, but their other notes gave me the hint to try using the registry.
So for the time being, I wrote my own function that uses the registry [2], but it's also not perfect: in some cases, the registry stores 'positive icon IDs' that cannot, it seems, be used with SetIconLocation.
Honestly didn't expect this to be such a year 2023 problem
You don't need to call IShellLink::SetIconLocation if you don't want to override the targets default icon. Just point the shortcut to a .txt file and the shortcut automatically gets the correct icon.
Positive icon IDs most certainly can be used with SetIconLocation, that is the common case. Are you calling PathParseIconLocation?
GIL_NOTFILENAME is just something you have to accept, it usually means the icon comes from the system image list. The shell is mainly interested in going from a file/type to a HICON, not the other way around. The icon for a file may even be dynamic if it is implemented by a shell extension.
You can add AssocQueryString to the list of functions to try that will never work 100% of the time...

Umbraco cms AngularJS Regular Expression Keep appearing

Umbraco uses angularJS as based library and backoffice totally developed on it. The reason telling first is to tell that I have a field on which URL regular expression applied. If someone entered invalid url like below image
it shows error as need.
But if a user try to remove whole text by selecting it and removing at once. It still keep appearing the error like this
However, if a user erase text one by one like this
then the validation error removed and user need to click on button to see error again.
I would to know how screen 3 state can be achievable when user remove all text together? Its really annoying behavior for a user to remove text character one by one to refresh the state of the field. Screen 3 state should be applied on screen 2.
Can anybody tell me how it can fix or achievable? Right now, it seems like a default behavior.
Looking forward to hear from you guys. Suggestions will be much appreciatable.
Regards o
I've looked into this issue. This seems to be a product bug.
When you remove whole text at once, newValue is an empty string and the code responsible for resetting error messages doesn't run. If you have access to the umbraco code, you can easily fix it by removing highlighted check:

KDevelop: transform selected text?

I was wondering whether there was a function in KDevelop similar to the one that we used to have in Quanta (miss you, Quanta, btw).
I would like to set a keyboard shortcut, and apply a text transformation upon hitting it. Example:
I select my text to be translated, and I get back: <?=_('my text to be translated'?>
As you can see, this saves me a lot of awkward keystrokes...
I only found this feature in PHPStorm (where it is called "Live Templates"). I defined it like this: <?=t('$SELECTION$')?> and I can call it by hitting CTRL+ALT+J, and select it from the dropdown that appears.
You should be able to do that using a snippet with the following text: <?=_('%{selection}'?>
And you can bind a Shortcut to a snippet.
However my tests showed that this doesn't work correctly - there seems to be a bug somewhere.
As alternative you can write a script that does insert the text. See the documentation.

How to add a custom field into template.php using Zen sub theme

First time poster here, I'm a designer not skilled at all with php and I have a small issue I don't seem to be able to solve. I'm making a site in drupal 7 using a sub theme on zen.
Btw this is a great CMS, even though people say it's really more a developers CMS. I have no trouble to do what I need using views, rules, display suite etc. So a big thank you for all the developers out there making this such a good CMS. But for this apparently simple problem... no module will help me (I think) and I'm kinda stuck.
So here it is: I'd like to add a subtitle next to the title in all my pages.
So what I did was to add a custom field into the content type basic page (machine name: field_sub_title) which is a simple text field.
I uncommented the following line in my template.php
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['sub_title'] = t('field_sub_title');
Now my question is how do I load the content of my custom field into that variable?
I know i need to change the second part, but I don't have a clue as into what I need to change this.
Displaying the variable into the the page.tpl.php is something I know about so I only need help with the first part.
Ok I found how to do this :)
I was looking for a solution in the wrong place. I don't need to change any thing in the template.php file.
Just needed to add this bit of code into my page.tpl.php:
print $node->field_sub_title['und'][0]['value'];
So I'm posting this here for other Drupal newbies struggling with this....
Your solution may work for now, but there may be a more Drupal-y way to handle a problem like this. If you haven't noticed any problems yet, you may find one or more of the following issues down the road:
Someone who doesn't know php or Drupal theming may need to change the way this works.
If you're like me, you may forget where exactly in code this was implemented.
You may see superfluous markup and/or errors on nodes (content) that do not have this sub-title field (ie. event content not having a sub-title field while basic pages and news articles do).
When you add a field to a content type, it will automatically appear anytime content in that content type is displayed. You should be able to add the sub-title field for your page, event or whatever else you need and have it automatically appear in the markup.
You can 'manage display' of a content type to drag and drop the order for fields to appear. You could take it a step further by using a module like Display Suite to add formatting or layout per-content type.
If you feel like this isn't good enough and the markup for the subtitle must be at the same level as the page title (which is rare), at least add an if statement to make your code check to see if the variable is present before trying to print it. I'd also add a new variable and comments for code readability.
$subtitle = $node->field_sub_title['und'][0]['value'];
print $subtitle;
Consider using field_get_items or field_view_value, or at least use the LANGUAGE_NONE constant instead of 'und'
See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21field.module/function/field_get_items/7 and https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!field!field.module/function/field_view_value/7
This has the added benefit of reducing the number of potential security holes you create.

phpQuery behaving weird, changing HTML

I want to process a template with a Google plusone button in it through phpQuery and I run into the following problem:
require_once( "phpQuery.php" );
$p = phpQuery( "<g:plusone></g:plusone>" );
echo $p->html();
the expected output would be:
But instead the output of this is:
Which doesn't match up with what google is expecting, so the button doesn't work any more. How can I stop phpQuery from changing (fixing?) my code, or how can I work around this problem without changing the string from plusone to g:plusone once the processing is done? (that's a nasty workaround, plus, I run into more of these 'translation'-problems in phpQuery).
I had the same problem while including a google+ badge. I could force the code generator from google to generate code with a div container. I just had to tick the "html5 valid code" checkbox.
I've been looking all over for solutions for this problem, to no avail. I found a horrible workaround. I'm sure this is NOT the most elegant way to do this, but at least it fixes the problem.
Instead of the tags:
Then simply str_replace the result before you're outputting:
echo str_replace("__0058__",":",$doc->html());
Basically in a tag where you would normally put a colon (:) you put 0058 instead. It's a very non-elegant solution, I realise that, but at least it's a workaround to this old problem.
