Different yup validation modes for different inputs with react - reactjs

I want to have different validation modes for different inputs. Currently, the form validation uses Yup with the mode: "onTouched", but the problem is this mode applies to all inputs in the form.
I've built a demo with the same principles to demonstrate this: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-playground-forked-8qb0k?file=/Pokemon.js - if you click in any of the 2 inputs and then click away, the error will show (if validation fails that is). I want one of the inputs to not have an onTouched mode. How can this be achieved?
Currently it's set up as follows:
const schema = Yup.object().shape({
name: Yup.string()
.min(3, "Enter at least 3 characters"),
test: Yup.string()
.required("Required Test")
.min(2, "Enter at least 2 characters")
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm({
resolver: yupResolver(schema),
mode: "onTouched"
// reValidateMode: "onChange"
And the form:
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit /*, onError*/)}>
{...register("name", { required: true })}
placeholder="Enter a pokemon"
{errors.name && <p>{errors.name.message}</p>}
{...register("test", { required: true })}
{errors.test && <p>{errors.test.message}</p>}
<button type="submit" onClick={onSubmit}>
Show Pokemon
{errors.namey && <p>{errors.namey.message}</p>}


Make yup validate differently depending on what function I call

https://codesandbox.io/s/nice-cohen-k3kdtq?file=/src/App.js Here is the codesandbox example of my code
What I need to do is when I click the 'Preview' button I want to disable validation on last two fields (price, category) and when I click 'Submit' I want to validate all the fields. I tried to change react-hook-form resolver depending on state but it doesn't let me and had an idea about making fields not required when boolean variable from component changes but I don't know how can I send this variable to yup schema
const nftSchema = yup.object().shape({
NFTCollectionAddress: yup
.required("Collection address is required")
.test("len", "Not a valid address", (val) => val.length === 42)
.matches("0x", "Not a valid address"),
NFTTokenID: yup
.typeError("You must specify a number")
.required("Token ID is required"),
price: yup
.required("Price is required")
.test("inputEntry", "The field should have digits only", digitsOnly)
"Number cannot have more than 18 digits after decimal",
(number) => /^\d+(\.\d{1,18})?$/.test(number)
category: yup.string().required("Category is required")
export default function App() {
const {
formState: { errors }
} = useForm({
resolver: yupResolver(nftSchema),
const onSubmit = (data) => {
const handlePreview = (data) => {
return (
<h4>Token ID</h4>
<button onClick={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>Submit</button>
<button onClick={handleSubmit(handlePreview)}>Preview</button>
What about creating a different schema for preview, and changing the schema passed to yupResolver based on isPreview? On Preview button also would just set the isPreview state, not use the handleSubmit function.

React: Yup conditional validation only when a field is visible

I'm trying to implement form validation using formik & yup in React. I have a login/register form with three fields (name,email,password). Name field is conditionally rendered when 'create an account' button is clicked. I want the name field to be required only when form is in register state. I'm using a state variable isLogin to save the form's current state, also using it to initialise showName boolean in formik's initialValues. Right now, name field has no validation applied on it and form can be submitted if name field is empty.
My Code
const [isLogin, setIsLogin] = useState(true);
const initialAuthFormValues = {
hideName: isLogin,
name: "",
email: "",
password: "",
My Validation Schema
const authFormValidationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
hideName: Yup.boolean(),
name: Yup.string().when("hideName",{
is: false,
then: Yup.string().required("Name is required"),
email: Yup.string().required("Email is required"),
password: Yup.string().required("Password is required"),
My Component looks like this
{(formik) => (
{!isLogin && (
<div className={classes.actions}>
<Button type="submit"> {isLogin ? "Login" : "Create Account"} </Button>
onClick={() => { setIsLogin((prevState) => !prevState); }}
{isLogin ? "Create new account" : "Login with existing account"}
You can use authFormValidationSchema as a state , and update this state in case that button clicked :
const authFormValidationSchema = {
email: Yup.string().required("Email is required"),
password: Yup.string().required("Password is required"),
const [authFormValidationSchema, setAuthFormValidationSchema] = useState(Yup.object());
track the status when button is clicked in a useEffect, and update state of authFormValues accordingly :
let authFormValidationSchema_ = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(authFormValidationSchema))
else setAuthFormValidationSchema(Yup.object({...authFormValidationSchema_, name: Yup.string().required("Name is required") }));
Finally found the solution to the problem : In my code, action is my prop
First, create a variable in your JS that will hold the logic:
let passwordTest
if (action === "Register") {
passwordTest = {
password2: Yup
.required("Please confirm your password")
.oneOf([Yup.ref('password'), null], 'Passwords must match')
} else {
passwordTest = null
Basically above you are saying that if the props is Register (if this
form is rendered for registering purpose and not login), then create
the field apply the validation listed, otherwise, this field will be
Then, in your Yup schema destructure your variable :
const validationSchemaYup = Yup.object().shape({
other fields validation logic...
other fields validation logic...
Here you add your new custom validation logic, don't forget to destructure!

Validate form with Yup and react-hook-form

I have a form. It dynamically creates checkboxes with string values based on the list. There is also a text field in the form. With yup I need to validate that at least one checkbox is selected or a textbox contains an input. To create a form I use react-hook-form.
export const schema = yup.object({
items: yup.array().notOneOf([false], 'At least one option is required')
const {
formState: {
errors = {},
} = useForm({
mode: 'onSubmit',
reValidateMode: 'onSubmit',
shouldUnregister: true,
resolver: yupResolver(schema)
const input = register('description');
<form onSubmit={submitForm}>
{docs.map((doc, i) => (
<div key={doc}>
<input type="checkbox"
{...register(`items[${i}]`)} />
<TextField {...input}/>
I know that you can somehow use useFieldArray, but an error appears with the fact that initially a boolean value is stored in the checkbox, after selection, a text value is already stored there

react-hook-form use mutiple resolver

i am trying to create a general input like this
const TextInput = ({
register = () => {},
}) => {
return (
<div >
{...register(name, {
pattern: { value: /^[A-Za-z]+$/i, message: "Invalid Input" },
{errors?.[name] && (
<span className="text-errorColor">{errors?.[name]?.message}</span>
I will use this input in form and use Yup to validate this form
const schema = yup
first_name: yup
.required("This field is required")
.max(20, "max 20 characters"),
const SignupForm = ({ signUpContact, signUpType }) => {
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm({
resolver: yupResolver(schema),
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
placeholder="First Name"
but the problem is that the validations in TextInput Competent aren't running
i think i can't use Register Validation with Yup validation.
as you see I won't duplicate validation [A-Za-z] every time I use TextInput, is there any way to do this?
For input just register the field using react-hook-form
Use yup to handle all the validation logic
.matches(/^[A-Za-z]+$/i , 'Invalid Input')
.max(20, "max 20 characters"),

Formik onSubmit function is not working on my code

I am creating a form by using react and formik.Below is my code:
email: ""
onSubmit={(values: FState, setSubmitting: any) => {
console.log("Enter in submit function", values);
setTimeout(() => {
alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
}, 500);
}: any) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
Enter Your Email Address and we'll send you a link to reset your
{errors.email && touched.email ? (
<div style={{ color: "red" }}>{errors.email}</div>
) : null}
<br />
<button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}>
Send Password Reset Link
{/* {isSubmitting && <i className="fa fa-sponner fa-spin"/>} */}
In this formik form, onSubmit function not working. I dont know why? Please tell me guys what is problem with my code?
Check your validationSchema. I ran into this problem and found that my validator was returning something that signaled to Formik the form was invalid, but no other warnings or messages were coming up. It just wouldn't submit.
Replace that prop with validator={() => ({})} i.e. just an empty object being returned. That should pass validation and trigger your onSubmit. You can restore your functionality from there.
email: ""
onSubmit={() => { console.log("submit!"); }}
validator={() => ({})}
{/* */}
In my case I use Yup as validator and I accidentally had firstName and lastName in my validationSchema as required but I did not have those values in my form.
My validationSchema was,
const SignupSchema = Yup.object().shape({
firstName: Yup.string()
.min(2, 'Too Short!')
.max(50, 'Too Long!')
lastName: Yup.string()
.min(2, 'Too Short!')
.max(50, 'Too Long!')
email: Yup.string()
.email('Invalid email')
password: Yup.string()
.min(6, 'Password must be at least 6 characters')
.max(24, 'Password can be maximum 24 characters')
I just deleted firstName and lastName,
const SignupSchema = Yup.object().shape({
email: Yup.string()
.email('Invalid email')
password: Yup.string()
.min(6, 'Password must be at least 6 characters')
.max(24, 'Password can be maximum 24 characters')
So check your validationSchema and see if you require something that does not exist in your form.
I imported Form from react-bootstrap instead of formik, so I was having this issue. The issue was solved by importing the Form of formik. Sometimes, directly using Form.Control of react-bootstrap instead of Field of formik also gives this issue.
If you really have to use Form.Control you can use render prop.
A little bit late for the original question but I experienced the same issue and solved it easy but hard to find.
When I passed the "name" prop to the component I had written "DateOfBirth" instead of with lowercase, which means it didn't match my validationSchema.
My schema looks like this:
export const userSchema = yup.object().shape({
firstName: yup.string().min(1).max(50).required('Field is required'),
lastName: yup.string().min(1).max(50).required('Field is required'),
dateOfBirth: yup.date().required('Invalid input'),});
This menas the name of the component has to match
Before (Didn't work):
<DateTimePicker name="DateOfBirth" label="Date of birth" />
After (Worked):
<DateTimePicker name="dateOfBirth" label="Date of birth" />
In my case, onSubmit was not working because I forgot to wrap my form in the <form></form> tag. A stupid issue, but it can be the reason for this behavior. If the above solutions don't work, check that you have the form tag.
In my case, mistakenly I have passed validationSchema to wrong prop.
validate={validationSchema} <----- Error
Proper way:
validationSchema={validationSchema} <----- Good
This may happen because the form is being submitted but it is invalid , this may happen because the validation schema is not matching ur form for more than one reason ,
in my case , it was because there was a string , and it is been sent as null , so I just added .nullable() to the validation schema for that field.
Had extra field in my validationSchema which was declared with Yup. however that field wasn't declared in Formik hence it didn't work. After removing the field from validationSchema, it works.
I am mentioning one more possibility through which i handled.
change the button type and add onClick like this
<Button type="button" onClick={submitForm}>
also add submitForm prop at top along with values, touched etc
{({ submitForm, errors, handleChange, handleSubmit, touched, values }) => (
now its working
My mistake was I was not initializing error with blank on validation
const errors:any={};
Here is full code for login form, check the validate function
initialValues={{ email: "", password: "" }}
validate={(formValues) => {
const errors:any={};
if (!formValues.email) {
errors.email = "Invalid email";
if (!formValues.password) {
errors.password = "Password is required";
return errors;
onSubmit={async (values) => {
console.log("submit", values);
dispatch(login({ username: values.email, password: values.password }));
if (loginState.isError) {
>{({ values, handleChange, errors, dirty, isValid, isSubmitting, handleSubmit, setFieldValue, setFieldTouched, setFieldError }) => (
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Input type="email" name="email" valid={!isEmpty(errors.email)} value={values.email} onChange={handleChange}></Input>
<FormFeedback className="font-weight-bold" type="invalid" role="alert"> {errors.email}</FormFeedback>
<Input type="password" name="password" value={values.password} valid={!isEmpty(errors.password)} onChange={handleChange}></Input>
<FormFeedback className="font-weight-bold" type="invalid" role="alert"> {errors.password}</FormFeedback>
<FormGroup className="text-center">
<p> {isValid === true ? "is valid" : "not valid"} </p>
<Button type="submit" color="primary" className="mt-3">Login</Button>
I solved this because I declared the onsubmit function without the const word (I know it's stupid)
I was having the same issue. My onSubmit function was not executing onClick on submit button.
The problem was in Yup.validation schema. There was an extra field that I did not use. I remove that field and boom.
Posting this as I had the same pronlem and the problem was even different:
My validation function was returning an errors object that always contained all fields, all with empty strings when they were correct.
Form submission seems disabled when the errors object is not empty.
In my case, the issue was Button component was outside the Formik component
<Formik initialValues={} validate={validate} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Button type="submit">Submit</Button>
Moving the Button inside Form solved my issue
<Formik initialValues={} validate={validate} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Button type="submit">Submit</Button>
Use instead of button tag as i worked for me.
