Should I use useEffect in this situation? - reactjs

I don't know if I am allowed to ask questions like these, but I have a dilemma where I don't know should I use useEffect in the situation I have here:
const handleUrlQuery = () => {
if (params.debouncedValue.length > 0) {
queryName = "name";
queryValue = params.debouncedValue;
return {
} else if (params.debouncedValue === "") {
queryName = "page";
queryValue =;
return {
const url = `${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}?${queryName}=${queryValue}`;
const { data, error } = useFetch(url);
This function is used for changing the query part of the url, now it is supposed to change the queryName and queryValue based on the search value or in this case debounced search value. Now I am confused because I have a feeling that I need to use useEffect, but I am not sure, anyone has any advice on this?

If you really want to optimize this code, which unless its in a super heavy component, I don't see too much of a need you could use useMemo.
const url = useMemo(() => {
if (params.debouncedValue.length > 0) {
queryName = "name";
queryValue = params.debouncedValue;
} else if (params.debouncedValue === "") {
queryName = "page";
queryValue =;
return `${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}?${queryName}=${queryValue}`;
}, [params.debouncedValue,]);
// don't believe you have to add process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL as a dependency
const { data, error } = useFetch(url);

When you don't call the function handleUrlQuery inside a useEffect, it will be called on every re-render, even if params.debouncedValue didn't change.
Therefore, you need a useEffect if you have other state variables changing, and you only want to call handleUrlQuery when specifically params.debouncedValue changes.
Dummy Codesandbox example


State value not updating in react

I'm working on my first React application and I'm not understanding why the State doesn't have the updated value.
Here is my code:
const SlideOutPanel = forwardRef((props: any, ref: any) => {
const initCss: string = 'is-slide-out-panel';
const [compClass, setCompClass] = useState(initCss);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
open() {
close() {
function refresh(): any {
let classVal: string = compClass;
if (props.direction === 'left-to-right') {
classVal = `${classVal} left-to-right`;
} else if (props.direction === 'right-to-left') {
classVal = `${classVal} right-to-left`;
if (Types().boolVal(props.userOverlay)) {
classVal = `${classVal} use-overlay`;
if (Types().boolVal(props.pushMain)) {
classVal = `${classVal} push-effect`;
if (props.theme === 'dark') {
classVal = `${classVal} theme-dark`;
let classValdd: string = compClass;
function open(): void {
let classVal: string = compClass;
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<section id={id} className={compClass}>
<div className="content">{props.children}</div>
I call refresh() when the components first load, which basically sets the className based on the passed props. At the end of the function, I set state "setCompClass" the value of "classVal" which works as I verified in Chrome Debugger. But on the same function I have the following line "let classValdd: string = compClass;" just to check what the value of "compClass" is and its always "is-slide-out-panel".
At first I thought it has to do with a delay. So when I call open() to do the same check, the value is still "is-slide-out-panel". So I'm a bit confused. Am I not able to read the state value "compClass"? Or am I misunderstanding its usage?
Setting the state in React acts like an async function.
Meaning that when you set it, it most likely won't finish updating until the next line of code runs.
So doing this will not work -
let classValdd: string = compClass;
You will likely still end up with the previous value of the state.
I'm not exactly sure what specifically you're trying to do here with the classValdd variable at the end of the function block, but with function components in React, if we want to act upon a change in a state piece, we can use the built-in useEffect hook.
It should look like this -
useEffect(() => {
// Stuff we want to do whenever compClass gets updated.
}, [compClass]);
As you can see, useEffect receives 2 parameters.
The first is a callback function, the second is a dependency array.
The callback function will run whenever there is a change in the value of any of the members in that array.

Can I use ReactElement as useState argument?

I'm new in React and I wonder is using ReactElement as useState argument normal?
I try to do it and everything works fine. Is it anti-pattern or it's OK?
Unfortunately, I didn't find any information about it in documentation
const [infoBox, setInfobox] = useState<ReactElement|null>(null);
const catalogLoadedDataEmpty = useSelector(getCatalogLoadedDataEmptySelector);
const catalogHasErrors = useSelector(getCatalogHasErrorsSelector);
useEffect(() => {
let infoBoxTitle;
if (catalogLoadedDataEmpty) {
infoBoxTitle = t('pages.Brands.errors.noResults.title');
} else if (catalogHasErrors) {
infoBoxTitle = errorsByErrorCode[EErrorCodes.UNRECOGNIZED_ERROR](t);
} else {
}, [catalogLoadedDataEmpty, catalogHasErrors]);
You can, but it's easy to create bugs where you expect the page to update, but it doesn't, because you forgot to update the state. It's usually better to save data in state, and then use that data to render fresh elements on each render.
And in your case i'd go one step further: this shouldn't be a state variable at all. The values catalogLoadedDataEmpty and catalogHasErrors are enough to determine the desired output directly. You can thus remove the use effect, and in so doing get rid of the double-render that you currently have:
const catalogLoadedDataEmpty = useSelector(getCatalogLoadedDataEmptySelector);
const catalogHasErrors = useSelector(getCatalogHasErrorsSelector);
let infoBoxTitle;
if (catalogLoadedDataEmpty) {
infoBoxTitle = t('pages.Brands.errors.noResults.title');
} else if (catalogHasErrors) {
infoBoxTitle = errorsByErrorCode[EErrorCodes.UNRECOGNIZED_ERROR](t);
const infoBox = infoBoxTitle ? (
) : null

optional question mark and object destruction

const { isSaved } = props?.options;
does this code make sense? what's the purpose of using ? here?
is it better if I do
const { isSaved = null } = props.options;
The first code does not make sense. With optional chaining, when any part of the chain fails, the whole expression will evaluate to undefined. But you can't access properties of undefined, so if the chain fails, the engine will throw:
const props = undefined;
const { isSaved } = props?.options;
But in React, props, if you're referring to what's normally referred to as props, will always be truthy. At worst, it'll be an empty object.
Your second code makes more sense, but it will still throw if options happens to not be a prop:
const props = {};
const { isSaved = null } = props.options;
Alternate with the empty object instead:
const props = {};
const { isSaved = null } = props.options || {};

React local element not updating?

I have a component which has a local variable
let endOfDocument = false;
And I have a infinite scroll function in my useEffect
useEffect(() => {
const { current } = selectScroll;
current.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
if (current.scrollTop + current.clientHeight >= current.scrollHeight) {
return () => {
current.removeEventListener('scroll', () => {});
}, []);
In my getMoreExercises function I check if we reached the last document in firebase
function getMoreExercises() {
if (!endOfDocument) {
let ref = null;
if (selectRef.current.value !== 'All') {
ref = db
.where('targetMuscle', '==', selectRef.current.value);
} else {
ref = db.collection('exercises');
.orderBy('average', 'desc')
.then((snapshots) => {
start =[ - 1];
if (!start) endOfDocument = true; //Here
snapshots.forEach((exercise) => {
setExerciseList((prevArray) => [...prevArray,]);
And when I change the options to another category I handle it with a onChange method
function handleCategory() {
endOfDocument = false;
I do this so when we change categories the list will be reset and it will no longer be the end of the document. However the endOfDocument variable does not update and getMoreExercise function will always have the endOfDocument value of true once it is set to true. I cannot change it later. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As #DevLoverUmar mentioned, that would updated properly,
but since the endOfDocument is basically never used to "render" anything, but just a state that is used in an effect, I would put it into a useRef instead to reduce unnecessary rerenders.
Assuming you are using setExerciseList as a react useState hook variable. You should use useState for endOfDocument as well as suggested by Brian Thompson in a comment.
import React,{useState} from 'react';
const [endOfDocument,setEndOfDocument] = useState(false);
function handleCategory() {

How can I desctructure items out of an object that is returned from a React hook using Typescript?

I have a component that needs to tap into the React Router query params, and I am using the use-react-router hook package to access them.
Here is what I am wanting to do:
import React from "react;
import useReactRouter from "use-react-router";
const Foo = () => {
const { id } = useReactRouter().match.params;
return (
<Bar id={id}/>
The issue is that this throws the following error in VS Code, and at compile time:
Property 'id' does not exist on type '{}'.ts(2339)
I have found that if I refactor my code like so:
const id = match.params["id"], I do not get the error, but I feel like this is not the correct approach for some reason. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
I figured it out. The solution was to include angle brackets between the hook's name and the parenthesis, like so:
const { match } = useRouter<{ id: string }>();
const { id } = useRouter<{ id: string }>();
Or if you prefer nested destructuring:
const { match: { params: id } } = useRouter<{ id: string }>();
You can try to give default value to params
const { id } = useReactRouter().match.params || {id: ""};
It may be possible that params to be null at initial level
The code is insufficient.
However, at first glance,
// right way
const { history, location, match } = useReactRouter()
// in your case
const { match: { params : { id } } } = useReactRouter()
// or
const { match } = useReactRouter()
const { id } = match.params
now, try to console the value first.
Also, please try to pass the props to a functional component from it's container, since it's more logical.
From your comment below, i can only assume you solved it. Also, it's recommended to handle possible undefined values when you use it.
{ id && id }
However, the first step should've been consoling whether it has value in it,
console.log('value xyz', useReactRouter())
