ReactHook adding array of an array state without duplicating the key - reactjs

I am trying to add data grouping by the unit name for showing functionality
const [allData , setAllData]= useState([{'unit':'' , data:[]}])
useEffect(async () => {
await axios.get(`${BACKEND_URL}/data`).then(res => { => {
setAllData(prev =>[...prev , { 'unit': elem.unitName, 'data': [elem.lessonName] }]);
}, []);
the result is duplicating the key for the subarray which is "unit" for my exampl:
"unit": "unit 1",
"data": [
"unit": "unit 2",
"data": [
"unit": "unit 3",
"data": [
"unit": "unit 1",
"data": [

Try like that, if find unique property unit rewrite data or push new element to array
useEffect(async () => {
await axios.get(`${BACKEND_URL}/data`).then(res => {
setAllData((prev) => {
let result = [...prev];{ unitName: unit, lessonName }) => {
const index = result.findIndex((elem) => elem.unit === unit);
if (index >= 0) {
result[index].data = [...result[index].data, lessonName]
} else {
result.push({unit, data: [lessonName]});
return result;
}, []);


ReactJS - Overwrite array if same keys

I want to overwrite the array if the keys are the same. And push if keys are different.
From this:
const fieldData = [
"field_1": {
"value": "oldValue"
"field_2": {
"value": "oldValue"
const [data, setData] = useState(fieldData);
const pushData = (newData) => {
setData(current => [...current, newData]);
The result if the keys are the same:
"field_1": {
"value": "newValue"
"field_2": {
"value": "oldValue"
The result if the keys are diffrent:
"field_1": {
"value": "newValue"
"field_2": {
"value": "oldValue"
"field_3": {
"value": "newValue Field 3"
I would recommend you to work with a different data structure.
Change your array and work with a dictionary.
const fieldData = {
"field_1": {
"value": "oldValue"
"field_2": {
"value": "oldValue"
const [data, setData] = useState(fieldData);
const pushData = (newData) => {
setData(current => ({...current,...newData}));
In this case, if you have a new [key, value] it will be added to your object. Otherwise the value will be overridden

Get key and value from Nested Object

I want to show the key and value from nested object with data :
const obj = {
"success": true,
"data": {
"data1": {
"label": "label1",
"value": "value1"
"data2": {
"label": "label2",
"value": "value2"
And want to show the data to object like this:
{data1: "value1", data2: "value2"}
I already try this:
const init = Object.entries([key, value]) => {
const data = `${key}: ${value.value}`;
return data;
But I got wrong format.
Use the reduce function
const obj = {
"success": true,
"data": {
"data1": {
"label": "label1",
"value": "value1"
"data2": {
"label": "label2",
"value": "value2"
const list = Object.keys(, key) => {
acc[key] =[key].value
return acc
}, {})
console.log( list)
You could use Array#reduce for it.
const obj = {success:true,data:{data1:{label:"label1",value:"value1"},data2:{label:"label2",value:"value2"}}};
const res = Object.entries(, [key, obj]) => ({
[key]: obj.value,
}), {});

How to get the minimum value by react js

In the code below, I am trying to run {this.renderCost(data,'mina')} with react js. I would like to obtain the minimum value of total using the code below, but total of an object that value of nameis Equal to for example mina(or other name because it will be changed).
I tried the following :
Firstly push the value of total using indents.push(, the expected output for this part is [2000,1000] and then get minimum value of array by Math.min(...indents),the expected output for this part is [1000] but the function doesn't work.
const data = [
"obj": {
"no": "1",
"info": [
"name": "maya"
"name": "mina"
"obj": {
"no": "2",
"info": [
"name": "maya"
"obj": {
"no": "3",
"info": [
"name": "mina"
"name": "Mike"
let indents = []; => {
for(let i = 0 ; i <;i++){
if ([i].name == name){
return (
The data structure you're working with isn't ideal for this particular search however you can get to your answer with the following:
const minTotalByName = (data, name) => {
const totals = data
.filter(x => => === name)
).map(x =>;
return Math.min(...totals);
const min = minTotalByName(data, "mina"); // 1000
To find the min value for the name you can use below code:
const { useState } = React;
function App() {
const [name, setName] = useState("");
const filtered = data
.filter(obj => => === name))
.map(obj => Number(;
const min = filtered.length !== 0 ? Math.min(...filtered) : "";
return (
<input onChange={(e) => setName(} />
<div>The result is: {min}</div>
const data = [
obj: {
no: "1",
info: [ { name: "maya" }, { name: "mina" } ],
total: "2000"
obj: {
no: "2",
info: [ { name: "maya" } ],
total: "1000"
obj: {
no: "3",
info: [ { name: "maya" }, { name: "Mike" } ],
total: "1000"
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>

Push nested json values to array using node js

I need to show my json results into nested array format:
"state": [
"stateName": "tamilnadu"
"city": [
"cityName": "chennai"
This is my code. I'm new in node development
exports.stateId = function (req, res) {
state.find(req.body.countryId, function() {
var query = N1qlQuery.fromString('SELECT stateId,stateName FROM travel _type='state'');
myBucket.query(query, async function(err, result) {
var state=[];
await result.forEach(ele => {
var item= {
if(ele.stateName != undefined)
exports.cityId = function (req, res) {
city.find(req.body.stateId, function() {
var query = N1qlQuery.fromString('SELECT cityId,cityName FROM travel where _type="city"');
myCluster.query(query, async function(err, result) {
var city=[];
await result.forEach(ele => {
var item= {
if(ele.cityName != undefined)
Currently i will get results like two different array. i need to merge json results into single nested data
If you have the following data:
const data_1 =
"state": [
{ "stateName": "tamilnadu" }
const data_2 =
"city": [
{ "cityName": "chennai" } ]
and your desired object is:
"state": [
"stateName": "tamilnadu"
"city": [
"cityName": "chennai"
then you can use Object.assign method:
let desired = Object.assign({}, data_1, data_2);
console.log(`desired: `, desired)

Response duplicated but the count shows as 1

Using Dynamoose ORM with Serverless. I have a scenario where I'm finding user information based on recommendation.
The response is as follows
"data": {
"results": [
"specialTip": "Hello World",
"recommendation": "Huli ka!",
"poi": {
"uuid": "poi_555",
"name": "Bukit Panjang",
"images": [
"url": "",
"libraryUuid": "2222",
"uuid": "9999"
"uuid": "i_8253578c-600d-4dfd-bd40-ce5b9bb89067",
"headline": "Awesome",
"dataset": "attractions",
"insiderUUID": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
"insiderInfo": [
"gender": "m",
"funFacts": [
"type": "knock knock!",
"answer": "Who's there?"
"profileImage": "newImage.jpg",
"shortDescription": "Samething",
"fullDescription": "Whatever Description",
"interests": [
"tribes": [
"uuid": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
"personalities": [
"travelledCities": [
"specialTip": "Hello World",
"recommendation": "Huli ka!",
"poi": {
"uuid": "poi_555",
"name": "Bukit Panjang",
"images": [
"url": "",
"libraryUuid": "2222",
"uuid": "9999"
"uuid": "i_8253578c-600d-4dfd-bd40-ce5b9bb89067",
"headline": "Awesome",
"dataset": "attractions",
"insiderUUID": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
"insiderInfo": [
"gender": "m",
"funFacts": [
"type": "knock knock!",
"answer": "Who's there?"
"profileImage": "newImage.jpg",
"shortDescription": "Samething",
"fullDescription": "Whatever Description",
"interests": [
"tribes": [
"uuid": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
"personalities": [
"travelledCities": [
"count": 1
"statusCode": 200
Not sure where I'm going wrong as the items in the response seems to be duplicated but the count is 1.
Here is the code
module.exports.index = (_event, _context, callback) => {
Recommendation.scan().exec((_err, recommendations) => {
if (recommendations.count == 0) {
let results = [];
recommendations.forEach((recommendation) => {
Insider.query({uuid: recommendation.insiderUUID}).exec((_err, insider) => {
if (insider.count == 0) {
recommendation.insiderInfo = insider;
const response = {
data: {
results: results,
count: results.count
statusCode: 200
callback(null, response);
EDIT: My previous code ignored the fact that your "Insider" query is asynchronous. This new code handles that and matches your edit.
const async = require('async'); // install async with 'npm install --save async'
module.exports.index = (_event, _context, callback) => {
Recommendation.scan().exec((_err, recommendations) => {
if (_err) {
return callback(_err);
if (recommendations.count == 0) {
const response = {
data: {
results: [],
count: 0
statusCode: 200
return callback(null, response);
let results = [];
async.each(recommendations, (recommendation, cb) => { // We need to handle each recommendation asynchronously...
Insider.query({uuid: recommendation.insiderUUID}).exec((_err, insider) => { // because this is asynchronous
if (_err) {
return callback(_err);
if (insider.count == 0) {
return cb(null);
recommendation.insiderInfo = insider;
return cb(null);
}, (err) => { // Once all items are handled, this is called
if (err) {
return callback(err);
const response = { // We prepare our response
data: {
results: results, // Results may be in a different order than in the initial `recommendations` array
count: results.count
statusCode: 200
callback(null, response); // We call our main callback only once
Initial (partly incorrect) answer, for reference.
You are pushing the result of your mapping into the object that you are currently mapping and callback is called more than once here. That's a pretty good amount of unexpected behavior material.
Try the following:
let results = [];
recommendations.forEach((recommendation) => {
Insider.query({uuid: recommendation.insiderUUID}).exec((_err, insider) => {
if (insider.count == 0) {
recommendation.insiderInfo = insider;
let response = {
data: {
results: results,
count: results.count
statusCode: 200
callback(null, response);
