Store array values in object in angular - angularjs

I want to store the array values in an object like below:
This is what i have done:
this.newpublicarea = []> {
But it is pushing in wrong format.
Any suggestions?

Check this,
var res = [{"area_name":"x","level":0},{"area_name":"y","level":4},]
var newpublicarea = {newpublicarea:[]}> {
newpublicarea: [{
area_name: "x",
level: 0
}, {
area_name: "y",
level: 4


want to filter an array

I want to get an array with filtered values.
My arrays are like,
let arr=[{name:'trt,tet', id:5},{name:td, id:25},{name:fxg, id:1},{name:fs, id:4},{name:ste, id:41}]
let arr1 =[{data:fxg, addr:po 87987},{data:tert, addr:po8798fvd7},{data:trt, addr:po 887},{data:trhd, addr:po 8798787}]
my resultant array that I want is,
let rslt =[data:tert, addr:po8798fvd7},{data:trhd, addr:po 8798787}]
that is in arr the object 'name' which is also in arr1 with name 'data' I don't need that array. nd some of which contain more than one name. I want to filter it.
try this
let arr=[{name:'trt,tet', id:5},{name:'td', id:25},{name:'fxg', id:1},{name:'fs', id:4},{name:'ste', id:41}]
let arr1 =[{data:'fxg', addr:'po 87987'},{data:'tert', addr:'po8798fvd7'},{data:'trt', addr:'po 887'},{data:'trhd', addr:'po 8798787'}]
const names = arr.flatMap(a =>','))
const res = arr1.filter(a => !names.includes(
This uses a Set which is optimized for lookups in O(1) and therefore the runtime of the algorithm is O(n) in contrast to using includes() which will result in a runtime of O(n²).
let arr = [
{ name: "trt", id: 5 },
{ name: "td", id: 25 },
{ name: "fxg", id: 1 },
{ name: "fs", id: 4 },
{ name: "ste", id: 41 },
let arr1 = [
{ data: "fxg", addr: "po87987" },
{ data: "tert", addr: "po8798fvd7" },
{ data: "trt", addr: "po887" },
{ data: "trhd", addr: "po8798787" },
// use array for quick lookups in O(1)
const set = new Set( =>;
// filter arr1 adding only items to result that are not in Set
const result = arr1.filter(item => !set.has(
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

ES6 : Create objects in a given format from array of key values

var result = {445: "L005.0", 455: "L006.0", 456: "L007.0", 457: "L008.0", 458: "L009.0", 459: "L027.0", 467: "L005.7", 580: "L001.0", 581: "L002.0", 587: "L003.0"};
From this "result", I want to output an object like this
"445": {
name: result[445],
icon: "fa-search"
"455": {
name: result[455],
icon: "fa-search"
"456": { ... },
"457": { ... },
So you need to iterate over keys to construct new object o;
let res={}; //initializing
for(let i of Object.keys(result))
"name": result[i],
console.log(res) //to test

How dynamically transform my "Object" to List in ng-model at view

I'm trying to transform my object to list dynamically, so I'm building at view instead of declaring at controller.
I don't want to declare like this: custom_fields.title_field.type_text_field = [] because the title_field is built dynamic, it could be any kind of text like full_name
My json as is:
"is_badass": true,
"is_good_movie": true
"type_select_field": {
"this_select": 1,
"i_got_this": "nope i didnt got this"
And to be:
"is_badass": true,
"is_good_movie": true
"type_select_field": [{
"this_select": 1,
"i_got_this": "nope i didnt got this"
the object I'm trying to transform into array is type_text_field which can be dynamic too, like type_date_field or type_select_field and so on.
My ng-model is like this:
the [input.type] is that I'm trying to transform into array, how can I achieve this? I tried to use $index, but got strange results.
We can do it by 2 solutions:
There is a question about your task:
? how you want handle if we have more than one type_text_field in title_dynamic_generate_field? because you want to convert it to "type_text_field":[{},...]
however my answers about the question are:
If we know what's the dynamic params which we want to send theme as json, i mean if we know what is the key of title_dynamic_generate_field or type_text_field, we do as this sample:
var data = {
"custom_fields": {
dynamicParamIs1: 'title_dynamic_generate_field',
dynamicParamIs2: 'type_text_field',
"title_dynamic_generate_field": {
"type_text_field": {
"name": "John",
"first_name": "Wick"
var paramHelper1 = json.custom_fields[json.custom_fields.dynamicParamIs1];
var paramHelper2 = json.custom_fields.dynamicParamIs2;
var solutionA = function (object, as) {
var array = [];
for (var key in object) {
var newObject = object[key];
object[as] = array;
solutionA(paramHelper1, paramHelper2);
We changed a model of our json which can help us to detect (find) the keys
If we don't know what is the dynamic params are, we do as this:
var data = {
"custom_fields": {
"title_dynamic_generate_field": {
"type_text_field": {
"name": "John",
"first_name": "Wick"
var solutionB = function (json) {
var array = [];
for (var key in json) {
var j1 = json[key];
for (var key2 in j1) {
var j2 = j1[key2];
for (var key3 in j2) {
var fullObject = j2[key3];
j2[key3] = array;
This sample is manual which we use nested for to detect the keys name

Group by on a complex object in AngularJS

I've an array that contains assignments of employees on tasks, it looks like something like this:
$scope.assignments = [
employee: {
id:"1", firstname:"John", lastname:"Rambo"
task: {
name:"Kill everyone", project:"Destruction"
date: {
day:"01/01", year:"1985"
employee: {
id:"2", firstname:"Luke", lastname:"Skywalker"
task: {
name:"Find daddy", project:"Star Wars"
date: {
day:"65/45", year:"1000000"
employee: {
id:"1", firstname:"John", lastname:"Rambo"
task: {
name:"Save the world", project:"Destruction"
date: {
day:"02/01", year:"1985"
I would like to group by employee, for having something like this:
$scope.assignmentsByEmployee = [
{ //First item
missions: [
name:"Kill everyone",
name:"Save the world",
{ //Second item
missions: [
name:"Find daddy",
Is their a simple way to do this ? I tried something with a double forEach, but it leads me nowhere.
Hope I'm understandable :)
Thanks !
You should just be able to loop through the assignments array and create a 'keyed array' (which just means using an object in JavaScript) on employee ID. Then you just fill up the missions array as required.
Something like
// initialise a holding object
var assignmentsByEmployee = {};
// loop through all assignemnts
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.assignments.length; i++) {
// grab current assignment
var currentAssignment = $scope.assignments[i];
// grab current id
var currentId =;
// check if we have seen this employee before
if(assignmentsByEmployee[currentId] === undefined) {
// we haven't, so add a new object to the array
assignmentsByEmployee[currentId] = {
id: currentId,
firstname: currentAssignment.employee.firstname,
lastname: currentAssignment.employee.lastname,
missions: []
// we know the employee exists at this point, so simply add the mission details
These leaves assignmentsByEmployee as an object, but you can simply foreach through it and convert it back to an array if required. E.g:
$scope.assignmentsByEmployee = [];
for(var employeeId in assignmentsByEmployee) {

can not extract info from $scope in angularjs

I have a code as follow:
function getdata($scope){
$scope.todos = [
{name:"john",data:"1 2 3"},
{name:"Marry",data:"6 7 8"},
{name:"Edward",data:"2 4 5"}
var seri=new Array();
for(var item in $scope.todos)
data: [1, 0, 4]
Now when I check the console for the name it returns undefined. what is the problem?
function getdata($scope) {
$scope.todos = [
{ name: "john", data: "1 2 3" },
{ name: "Marry", data: "6 7 8" },
{ name: "Edward", data: "2 4 5" }
var seri = new Array();
angular.forEach($scope.todos, function (item, key) {
data: [1, 0, 4]
//you can get data from this by using return
When you loop through an array in javascript the item is an integer with the position of the value in the array. You'll need to use this position to get the true item, like this:
for (var i in $scope.todos) {
var item = $scope.todos[i];
If the function is inside a controller and being called as such you should declare it as
$scope.getData = function() {
And then it should work fine. If the function is NOT to be part of the scope and you are passing the scope in then try receiving the parameter as "scope" and not "$scope" which has a special meaning in Angular.
this is not how you iterate array in javascript (see materik answer).
you can alternatively use angular.forEach to iterate the todos array like this:
angular.forEach($scope.todos, function(item)
data: [1, 0, 4]
