Discord Bot Music(discord.js v13) [closed] - discord.js

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to make my own discord bot music, however due to recently discord.js upgrading to V13 all the V12 codes doesn't work can someone help me?I want the discord to join voice channel, put musics from youtube by searching your message and selecting the first result.

there is a package that searches on youtube and soon on Spotify and Soundcloud and more, it's developed by a friend of mine, here is the link:
The package has a lot of functions that allow you to customize your code, also checking methods such as isPaused() to check if the song is already paused as an example, and got events such as finish, addSong, songPlay
I hope you found this helpful


How do I make my bot ignore people with the ignored role? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Regarding the question, here is an example:
I made an auto-moderator bot that warns and deletes a mention of the owner of the server and whenever a staff member mentions the owner for urgent reasons or whatever, the bot still warns and deletes the mention of the user and adds a warn to the staff member for no reason as they just needed the owner's attention. Is there a solution to this problem?
I don't have any code sorry :(( but please help.
You can check if the member has the role by either using MemberRoleManager#has() or MemberRoleManager#some()
An example by the Discord.JS Guide

How to add an IDE Platform to your reactjs Web App [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hello I have been searching on the internet on how one can add an IDE/Text Editior on a reactJS project that can run Java and Python if possible even more languages... So I was looking to having something like Khan Academy or DataCamp, so I want to be able to also monitor that inputs and outputs so I can make it interactive and when the answer is wrong and then alert wrong answer something like that...
How can I go about this or where can I read about making such?
This is not a front-end development specific question.
For such an react-application to work, first you should create a backend which will run your python/java script, then expose a api to link with react application. Which will take the program as request data and return program ouput as response.

Is it possible to make a discord js website and how? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it possible to make a website that connects to my discord js bot and shows user count?
Yes, it is possible but you are going to have to host it yourself. Typically with these websites, you will have a profile page for all of the servers with your bot in it. You can then modify it on the website and it will store that data in some form that will affect how your bot acts. However, it does look like it requires a lot of research and experience in a couple different languages. I say that anyone can do it with enough time, so I encourage you to try it out. You might learn a thing or two!
Wishing you good luck
So I found you can use
to make a website using discord.js but the connection can be controlled in the chrome console like a full eval

Create an IRC Server [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to develop an IRC server, I don't have any idea how to do it. The language that I should use is C and maybe SQL if it's needed.
Could you provide some insight and help me understand from where I should start?
Note: I have looked for many documentation on Web but nothing clear.
look at my old IRC bot: https://github.com/kala13x/derpina (IRC Client)
Every line is commented and documented and I think it will be easy to understand for you.
And look at this too: https://github.com/bloodead/IRC (IRC Server)

Can I give custom voice commands to Google Glass to perform actions related to my Glassware? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to give custom voice commands to Glass to perform actions like 'next page' or 'delete' or any other custom commands. Can I develop an app to accept my custom voice commands? If so please help me with a reference or example or tutorial.
The Glass team is working on this. The team has already accepted a feature request for what you describe. Watch the Glass documentation for an update in the future and try asking something more specific when the feature does come out.
