Any way to open a modal dialog without explicitly storing state? - reactjs

I have been using react-modal recently, and the pattern to show a modal is something like:
const [modalIsOpen, setModalIsOpen] = useState(false);
return (<ModalDialog isOpen={modalIsOpen}><div>some content</div></ModalDialog>)
...which feels very React-y, but overly verbose. Is there a way to enable something where I can - within a click handler - simply call:
and have the state be handled automatically? I've thought about creating a Context around the app that allows showModal to grab state associated with MyComponent, in which case this would itself be a hook, so it would have to follow certain rules (i.e., no conditional calling), so I'm not sure I could make it work as cleanly as I'd like.
Is there a way to do this within the React ecosystem? Or should I just give up and use the existing mechanism?

Yes! You can do it by using the "render" function.
Unfortunately it doesn't work in CodeSandBox, but you can fork it from here:
You close the modal by clicking outside.
This is how I did it:
At the end you'll be able to open a modal like this from any part of your application:
First, you add a container for your modals outside the App component, so you'll never have problems with the z-index:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import './index.scss'
import App from './App.jsx'
<div id="modal-container"></div> <- This is the container
<App />
import createModal from "./components/Modal"
const App = () => {
return <button onClick={() => createModal(<h1>Success</h1>)}>Open Modal</button>
export default App
Then I have 2 main files for the modal inside a Modal folder + the style.
The state hook is unavoidable for the modal, but you'll never see it again.
import { Fragment, useState } from 'react'
import './Modal.scss'
const Modal = ({ content }) => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(true)
return isOpen
? <Fragment>
<div onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)} className="modal-background" />
<div className="modal" >
: ''
export default Modal


ReferenceError visible is not defined

i try to do hide/show in react
I took the code from the internet. But I probably put it in the wrong place.
please help
my code
where I took the code
If you use default React project you need to export App component as default.
You can use import React, {useState} from 'react' too.
App.js file content:
import React, {useState} from 'react';
const App = () => {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisible(!visible)}>
{visible ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}
{visible && <div>My element</div>}
export default App;
you've declared the visible variable inside the lis subcomponent/function but used in the main component.
You need to define the visible variable in the main component.

How to properly export a component from a React custom hook and a function to control it?

What I want to do is to create a reusable and convenient way of showing an alert or a confirmation modal.
Using library modals usually require you to import a Modal component and create a state variable and pass it as a prop to the imported component to control its visibility.
What I want to do is to create a custom hook that exports a modal component with all the customization (maybe a wrapper around a Modal component from a library) and a function to toggle the visibility.
Something like below.
This is the hook code:
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'
import {Modal as AntdModal} from 'antd'
const useModal = () => {
const [on, setOn] = useState(false)
const toggleModal = () => setOn(!on)
const Modal = ({onOK,}) => (
onOk={() => {
onOK && onOK()
return {
export default useModal
And this is how I use it:
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import useModal from './useModal'
import {Button} from 'antd'
const App = () => {
const {toggleModal, Modal} = useModal()
return (
<Button type="primary" onClick={toggleModal}>
Open Modal
<Modal title="Simple" onOK={() => alert('Something is not OK :(')}>
<p>Modal content...</p>
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)
Here is a sandbox to see it in action and test it out. There are two buttons, one which shows a Modal which is normally imported from the library (here antd) and one that is from a custom hook useModal.
The one form the hook works except it seems something is wrong with it. The appearing transition is working but when you close the modal it suddenly disappears with no transition. It seems the component is immediately destroyed before transitioning out. What am I doing wrong?
If I understand it correct, you want to render a Component and also need a function which can control it (toggle it's visibility).
Though it is not possible the way you are trying to achieve with the react hooks, because on state change you are actually updating your Modal too and that is causing an unmount of the Dialogue from DOM.
You can use below solution to achieve the same result. The Solution uses a component with forwardRef and useImperativeHandle and will achieve a decoupled function which you can use to toggle your dialogue using button click:
NOTE: You need to upgrade to react and react-dom from v-16.7.0-alpha (as in your sandbox code) to latest (16.14.0) [I have not tried other intermediate versions]
Modal Component:
import React, {useState, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle} from 'react'
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'
import {Modal as AntdModal} from 'antd'
const Modal = forwardRef(({onOK,}, ref) => {
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
toggleModal: toggleModal
const [on, setOn] = useState(false)
const toggleModal = () => setOn(!on)
return (
onOk={() => {
onOK && onOK()
export default Modal;
And this is how to use it:
import React, {useState, useRef} from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Modal from './ModalWrapper'
import {Button, Modal as AntdModal} from 'antd'
const App = () => {
const [on, setOn] = useState(false)
const toggle = () => setOn(!on)
const modalRef = useRef()
return (
<Button type="warning" onClick={() => setOn(true)}>
Normal Import
<br />
<br />
<Button type="primary" onClick={() => modalRef.current.toggleModal()}>
From Modal Component
<AntdModal visible={on} onOk={toggle} onCancel={toggle}>
<p>I was imported directly...</p>
<p>I was imported directly...</p>
<p>I was imported directly...</p>
onOK={() => alert('Things are now OK :)')}
<p>I was imported from Modal Component...</p>
<p>I was imported from Modal Component...</p>
<p>I was imported from Modal Component...</p>
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)
I hope it will help your use case.

Pass state onto {children} React hook

So I have a component that looks like this:
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./navigation.styles.scss";
const Navigation = ({ children }) => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => toggleState(!toggle)}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default memo(Navigation);
And then I have another component that looks like this:
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./container.styles.scss";
const Container = ({ children }) => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div className={toggle ? "dark-bg" : "dark-bg active"}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default Container ;
Now, the thing is the {children} of the 1st component is sometimes the 2nd component, and sometimes it's not. Therefore I can't just put the CSS and HTML from the 2ndcomponent into the 1st component - which in turn would fix my problem.
But as you might be able to see, there is an onClick event in the first component. I would like it so that when that is clicked, the state from the click is send to the 2nd component and toggles the className-toggle.
Can this be achieved by doing this, or do I have to set everything up differently ?
And yes, I am quite new to React, so please don't be harsh.
I would look into better methods of applying styling with css. Not sure about your project scope/tools but typically all the css files are imported in the dom root and loaded in there. This avoids creating css files for every component.
Here's 9 ways of implementing css for react.
Passing HTML
In react if you want to render component in another component instead of passing it as a child you should import it as follows.
// replace container path with actual path of Container file
// ex './Container.js'
import Container from 'container_path.js';
Now Rendering the Component is as simple as including it in the html code.
return (
<div className={toggle ? "dark-bg" : "dark-bg active"}>
Here's a Stack Overflow post of users importing components using react + es6 + webpack. More information on importing components is available there.
State management
In react if you have a state that is being accessed by multiple components the standard is to keep the state in the parent component.
This way you can pass the state as a prop to any children components. You can also create a function which updates this state and pass that function as a prop to the children.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import Container from "./Container.js";
import Navigation from "./Navigation.js"
const Parent = props => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<Container toggleState={toggleState} toggle={toggle} />
<Navigation toggleState={toggleState} toggle={toggle} />
Before continuing working on your project I would recommend researching functional components vs class components. Here's a helpful article.
Try to wrap second component to function with state from first component as argument.
Wrapper for your second component and using for first component
const putInnerComponent = (stateFromOuterComponent) => <Container toggle={stateFromOuterComponent}/>;
<Navigation children={putInnerComponent}/>
Your first component
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./navigation.styles.scss";
const Navigation = ({ children }) => {
const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => toggleState(!toggle)}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default memo(Navigation);
Your second component
import React, { memo, useState } from "react";
import styles from "./container.styles.scss";
const Container = ({ children, toggle }) => {
//const [toggle, toggleState] = useState(false);
return (
<div className={toggle ? "dark-bg" : "dark-bg active"}>
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
export default Container;

React Hooks Calling GET Request On Modal Popup

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I am trying to create a Modal is react and call a get request to load details of a task.
I have most of it working (I think), but essentially what I have done is createa custom Modal Hook that toggles two modals.
The second of the two modals is meant to open a task and render the task details in a form for editing but I am unable to get it working.
Here is the useModal hook:
import { useState } from "react";
const useModal = () => {
const [isShowing, setIsShowing] = useState(false);
const [secondModalIsShowing, secondModalSetIsShowing] = useState(false);
function toggle() {
function secondToggle() {
return {
export default useModal;
I then call the function for the secondToggle which fires the code below to render the modal. Now as you may see I have to comment out the section where it calls getTask() with, as well as the component that is then meant to be rendered in the modal.
If I don't do that I get an error message with the following " Line 23:5: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression no-unused-expressions"
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import TaskItem from "../tasks/task-item/TaskItem";
import { getTask } from "../../actions/task";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./Modal.styles.scss";
import "../dashboard/Dashboard.styles.scss";
import Task from "../task/Task";
import TaskEdit from "../task/TaskEdit";
const TaskModal = ({
task: { task, loading },
}) => {
const [displayEdit, toggleDisplayEdit] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, [getTask]);
return secondModalIsShowing
? ReactDOM.createPortal(
onClick={() => toggleDisplayEdit(!displayEdit)}
{(displayEdit && <TaskItem task={task} />) || (
<div>{/* <TaskEdit /> */}</div>
<div className="modal-overlay" />
<div className="modal">
<div className="modal-header">
Add New Task
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
: null;
Now if I render this EditTask component outside the modal as a normal component it works correctly. I can also get the modal to render when it's not trying to display the EditTask component.
As a result, I think it's related to the Route path and passing the response to the TaskModal component? When I click the modal to open I cant get it to render the URL with the task ID and therefore I cant render the details of the task in the modal.
<Route path="/taskedit/:id" component={TaskModal} />
For context, I think this guide comes close to solving my issue ( but I am not familiar with working with class-based components and when I try and convert to functional-based components I'm running into even more issues.
Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide as I keep trying to work through this.
The first issue I am seeing is you have to pass the task id to TaskModal component
<Route path="/taskedit/:id"
render={(props) => <TaskModal {...props} />}>
This will make the task id available as property in TaskModal.
Then in the TaskModal, fetch like below
let taskid =;

My components are not being rendered when I click a link that should load them

I'm confused as to why nothing happens when I'm clicking links in my app.
In my index.js file, I am loading my main screen called 'Game'. Inside 'Game', I have two links, that when clicked, should render another screen.
In my index.js:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Game from "./Game/Game";
In my index.html:
<div id="gameContainer"></div>
<div id="root"></div>
My Game.js:
import React from "react";
import CharacterStats from "../CharacterStats";
import DungeonStats from "../DungeonStats";
const characterStatsComponent = () => {
return (
<CharacterStats />
const dungeonStatsComponent = () => {
return (
<DungeonStats />
const Game = () => (
<a id="showCharacter" href="#" onClick={characterStatsComponent}>Show your character</a>
<br />
<a id="showDungeon" href="#" onClick={dungeonStatsComponent}>Show current dungeon</a>
export default Game;
The two other components, CharacterStats and DungeonStats are just a few bits of html and reactjs to show some data.
Neither CharacterStats or DungeonStats are loading when I'm clicking the links.
I am also getting no errors in the console.
Nothing happens when the links are clicked.
I also put this inside each onClick event:
console.log('link was clicked');
And it does show the message in the console. So that shows that it knows the link is being clicked.
Is there anything that would prevent them from being loaded?
It wont work because you are returning jsx into the onClick function context, and not into the Game component's return value.
You could define a state using useState, something like showDungeon and showCharacter that defaults to false, change it to true onClick, and in the Game component's return value add:
{ showDungeon && <DungeonStats /> }
React uses something called Synthetic Events to achieve cross browser event handling. If I understood your question correctly than changing the onclick to onClick should do the job for you.
