Uploading appx from electron builder to Windows Store giving Invalid package identity name ... (expected: XXXAppName) - windows-10-universal

I'm trying to upload an appx file generated by electron builder to the windows store.
Unfortunately I'm now receiving the following error:
Invalid package identity name: Teselagen.OpenVectorEditor (expected: 56560Teselagen.OpenVectorEditor)
Invalid package family name: Teselagen.OpenVectorEditor_6fpmqnhnq2nc4 (expected: 56560Teselagen.OpenVectorEditor_6fpmqnhnq2nc4)
I'm not sure where those weird numbers are coming from or why that would be expected. Here's what my electron builder settings look like:
"build": {
"appx": {
"identityName": "Teselagen.OpenVectorEditor",
"publisher": "CN=D373F92F-3481-433F-9DC5-0BE55DE5500D",
"publisherDisplayName": "Teselagen",
"applicationId": "OpenVectorEditor",
"displayName": "OpenVectorEditor"
"win": {
"target": "appx"
Does anyone know how to get around this or why those weird numbers would be expected. Thanks so much!

Ok.. after troubleshooting for quite a long time.. the following finally worked for me:
"build": {
"appx": {
"identityName": "56560Teselagen.OpenVectorEditor", //I changed this to include the identityName that was generated for me
"publisher": "CN=D373F92F-3481-433F-9DC5-0BE55DE5500D",
"publisherDisplayName": "Teselagen",
"applicationId": "OpenVectorEditor", //need to include this otherwise it will default to the identityName which will break because applicationId isn't allowed to start with numbers
"displayName": "OpenVectorEditor"
"win": {
"target": "appx"
Originally I didn't realize that an identityName had been generated for me when I created a submission on the windows developer page. You can find your identityName here:


Passing targets in as a dependency and making sure they output something useful and meaningful to be consumed by next target

I am trying to get a plugin to use run-commands and I want it to run and execute a dependent task and pass the result to my command. In this case, I want to have a dependent target start up a webserver and keep it running.
I have tried to do the following and nx graph shows the right DAG but I am not seeing the output I want.
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"command": "./my-cli-tool --arg={frontendApp:serve}"
"dependsOn": [
I know that in a monorepo tool like bazel, passing around the target like //frontendApp:serve would do what I am expecting here so I am guessing there should be a way to do this in nx.
Update: To help with debugging.
If the dependency is running, it is failing silently. I can run it individually, e.g. npx nx run frontendApp:serve. I can't see the port starting up and being taken so if something is happening, its happening silently.
dependsOn configuration looks a little different. It's in the docs here:
Basically, you need have a local target which invokes the target in the other project.
"foo": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"command": "./my-cli-tool --arg={frontendApp:serve}"
"dependsOn": ["serve"]
"serve": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"command": "nx run frontendApp:serve"
Another option is to use Angular DevKit's allOf or concat executors for running multiple things at once:
"serve-with-graphql": {
"executor": "#angular-devkit/architect:allOf",
"options": {
"targets": [
"target": "web:serve"
"target": "graphql:dev-server"
allOf runs each target at the same time
concat runs them serially

Failed to retrieve Second Generation Package Version info of ancestor

I created 3 package versions -,, of 2nd generation managed package.
I promoted to release
I created versions - with --skipancestorcheck
I made following update in sfdx-project file:
I specified ancestorId in sfdx-project file as id (04t......) of released version
I set "versionName" to "ver 0.2" from "ver 0.1"
I set "versionNumber" to "0.2.0.NEXT" from "0.1.0.NEXT"
I ran command sfdx force:package:beta:version:create --package "Test App" --installationkey "XXX" --definitionfile config/project-scratch-def.json --wait 10 -c"
I got error
"ERROR running force:package:version:create: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 636537585-177978 (-693775129)"
Salesforce Support found that ErrorId is related to "java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to retrieve Second Generation Package Version info of ancestor 05i3z000000fyk0AAA."
05i3z000000fyk0AAA is Id of Package2Version record of version in my DevHub org
My expectation is that new beta version of package will be created but I got error.
Did you have something similar?
I am now stuck, because I can not delete released version of 2nd generation package and I can not create new one. Do you have any idea how to get out of this?
I tried ancestorVersion : HIGHEST and all possible values for ancestorId, ancestorVersion but nothing helped.
My latest sfdx-project file is
"packageDirectories": [
"path": "force-app",
"default": true,
"package": "Test App Core",
"versionName": "ver 0.2",
"versionNumber": "0.2.0.NEXT",
"name": "test-salesforce-core",
"namespace": "zenoo_app",
"sfdcLoginUrl": "https://login.salesforce.com",
"sourceApiVersion": "55.0",
"packageAliases": {
"Test App Core": "0Ho3........CAA",
"Test App Core#0.1.0-1": "04t..............OAAQ",
"Test App Core#0.1.0-2": "04t..............TAAQ",
"Test App Core#0.1.0-3": "04t..............YAAQ"
I am using sfdx-cli version 7.176

Adding local dependency in Zeppelin Helium

I am creating a Zeppelin Helium Visualization and I need to add one local dependency. I am working on Zeppelin 0.8.snapshot version.
I am not able to do it, I have tried adding in the following manner. I tried using "*" for my modules, I also tried providing relative path without success.
My module has to be added locally.
"name": "zeppelin_helium_xxx",
"description" : "xxx",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "heliumxxx",
"author": "",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"dependencies": {
"mymodule": "*",
"zeppelin-tabledata": "*",
"zeppelin-vis": "*"
Currently, Zeppelin doesn't support the relative path in helium json. You need to provide the absolute path for the artifact field.
Here is one example from https://github.com/1ambda/zeppelin-highcharts-columnrange/blob/master/zeppelin-highcharts-columnrange.json
"name" : "zeppelin-highcharts-columnrange",
"version" : "local",
"description": "Column range chart using highcharts library",
"artifact" : "/Users/lambda/github/1ambda/zeppelin-highcharts-columnrange",
"icon": "<i class=\"fa fa-align-center\"></i>"
Additionally, there is a JIRA ticket for this issue.
And you might see an incorrect error message when you load local helium packages.
ERROR [2017-03-05 12:54:14,308] ({qtp1121647253-68}
HeliumBundleFactory.java[buildBundle]:131) - Can't get module name and version of package zeppelin-markdown-spell
Then check the artifact value again. Probably, it's invalid.

Atom custom language package not picking up file extensions or highlighting correctly

I'm trying to build a simple atom package that displays some filetypes associated with squarespace development in the correct highlighted way. Iv'e tried reading the docs and looking at related packages and mirroring mine off of theirs but it seems no matter what I do atom wont pickup that these file types have an associated language package installed, and when I manually apply my language it doesn't even highlight them correctly.
The associations I'm trying to build are
.block -> html
.region -> html
.list -> html
.item -> html
.conf -> json
.preset -> json
my package.json looks like
"name": "language-squarespace",
"version": "0.4.0",
"description": "Syntax Highlighting for SquareSpace files",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/blaketarter/language-squarespace"
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {
"atom": "*",
"node": "*"
and an example of one of my grammar files is
'filetypes': [
'name': 'block (squarespace)'
'patterns': [
'include': 'source.html'
'scopeName': 'source.block'
I feel like im missing something important because I based mine off of https://github.com/rgbkrk/language-ipynb and things seem to match.

Composer wont update to lastest package

I'm using Cakephp and Miles's uploader plugin. I've got the composer plugin installed, and I'm using the latest copy of wamp. Fileinfo extension is enabled in php. when I try to update using composer it doesn't - it just uses a previous version. If I change the json file to force an update to the latest version I get and error message telling me the ext-fileinfo is not present - but it is.............
I need to get the lastest version as I have an error which shows up on my webserver which is running php 5.3 (wamp is using 5.4)
Additional info:-
The main composer.json is :-
"require": {
"mjohnson/uploader": "4.3.*",
"mjohnson/utility": "1.5.*",
"mjohnson/decoda": "*",
"titon/utility": "*",
"cakephp/debug_kit": "2.2.*"
I'm expecting mjohnson/uploader to update (
a sub set composer.JSON is held in the uploader package :-
"name": "mjohnson/uploader",
"type": "cakephp-plugin",
"description": "File uploader and validation plugin for CakePHP.",
"keywords": ["cakephp", "uploader", "plugin", "file", "validation", "attachment"],
"homepage": "http://milesj.me/code/cakephp/uploader",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Miles Johnson",
"homepage": "http://milesj.me"
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"composer/installers": "*",`enter code here`
"mjohnson/transit": ">=1.4"
"support": {
"source": "https://github.com/milesj/Uploader"
and I would also have expected mjohnson/transit to have updated
I had a similar problem with ext-fileinfo and ext-curl on Windows 7. My problem was the path variable causing the wrong php.exe to be executed by composer. If php -m from the command line shows ext-fileinfo is not present that could be your problem too.
