Is there a Regex to trim numbers after two decimal places? - c

I am trying to reduce the number of decimals and for some reason, using a "fixed decimal" 258.2 does not change all numbers in my column to two decimal places.
Pretty much I have the following after specifying the number as a fixed decimal with 2 places:
So changing the amount of fixed decimals did not do it for me, so I have been trying to use RegEx, and came up with (^\d+.\d{2}). This however only identifies what I want to keep.
Is there a way to do this using Regex_Replace?
Thank you all in advance for your help!

Replacement: $1. See regex proof.
^ the beginning of the string
( group and capture to $1:
\d+ digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching
the most amount possible))
\. '.'
\d{2} digits (0-9) (2 times)
) end of $1
\d+ digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching
the most amount possible))
$ before an optional \n, and the end of the


Regex Help on finding string with non repeating highlighter

I am trying to write Regex expression & not able to figure out how to stop repeating char.
Input String : 0.000000
Search String : 000
Output String highlighting : 0.**000**000 -> First match with extact length & ignore rest
Tried below expression in javascript :
Its giving 0.**000000**
Example in editor :
Use a lookbehind based regex to only match the first 000 (tested in the OP sandbox and confirmed it's working):
<Highlighter search={/(?<=^\d*\.)000/}>0.000000</Highlighter>
See proof:
(?<= look behind to see if there is:
^ the beginning of the string
\d* 0 or more digits (0-9)
\. '.'
) end of look-behind
000 '000'

SQL query to find any consecutive integer in my amount field

So my data in the table looks like this:
amount | ID
10918.6 | ABC
9999.99 | BCD
9999.89 | DEF
I need to find all consecutive digit (9999.99, 1111.11, 2222.22 etc except 0000.00) So from above example output should give only BCD. I have to check for 1k place only.
If I have 9999.99 and 99.99 it should only give me 9999.99.
Also if I have 989999.99 I have to consider this also as my accepted output
I can do this by using where clause -- column like '%9999.99' or '%1111.11' but I need to find the better way may be by regular exp etc.
Using modulo you can strip away any digits above the 10k position, then check the values are in an accepted list.
(amount % 10000) IN (1111.11, 2222.22, 3333.33, 4444.44, 5555.55, 6666.66, 7777.77, 8888.88, 9999.99)
(amount % 10000) / 1111.11 IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
These avoid turning numbers in to strings, which is generally neither necessary nor prudent.

Regex string with 2+ different numbers and some optional characters in Snowflake syntax

I would like to check if a specific column in one of my tables meets the following conditions:
String must contain at least three characters
String must contain at least two different numbers [e.g. 123 would work but 111 would not]
Characters which are allowed in the string:
Numbers (0-9)
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Underscores (_)]
Dashes (-)
I have some experience with Regex but am having issues with Snowflake's syntax. Whenever I try using the '?' regex character (to mark something as optional) I receive an error. Can someone help me understand a workaround and provide a solution?
What I have so far:
SELECT string,
LENGTH(string) AS length
FROM tbl
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(string,'^[0-9]+{3,}[-+]?[A-Z]?[a-z]?$')
ORDER BY length;
Your regex looks a little confusing and invalid, and it doesn't look like it quite meets your needs either. I read this expression as a string that:
Must start with one or more digits, at least 3 or more times
The confusing part to me is the '+' is a quantifier, which is not quantifiable with {3,} but somehow doesn't produce an error for me
Optionally followed by either a dash or plus sign
Followed by an uppercase character zero or one times (giving back as needed)
Followed by and ending with a lowercase character zero or one times (giving back as needed)
You say that your string must contain 3 characters and at least 2 different numbers, numbers are characters but I'm not sure if you mean 3 letters...
Are you considering the numbers to be characters?
Does the order of the characters matter?
Can you provide an example of the error you are receiving?
Checking for a second digit that is not the same as the first involves the concept of a lookahead with a backreference. Snowflake does not support backreferences.
One thing about pattern matching with regular expressions is that order makes a difference. If order is not of importance to you, then you'll have multiple patterns to match against.
Below is how you can test each part of your requirements individually. I've included a few regexp_substr functions to show how extraction can work to check if something exists again.
Uncomment the WHERE clause to see the dataset filtered. The filters are written as expressions so you can remove any/all of the regexp_* columns.
select randstr(36,random(123)) as r_string
,length(r_string) AS length
,regexp_like(r_string,'^[0-9]+{3,}[-+]?[A-Z]?[a-z]?$') as reg
,regexp_like(r_string,'.*[A-Za-z]{3,}.*') as has_3_consecutive_letters
,regexp_like(r_string,'.*\\d+.*\\d+.*') as has_2_digits
,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,1) as first_digit
,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,2) as second_digit
,first_digit <> second_digit as digits_1st_not_equal_2nd
,not(regexp_instr(r_string,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,1),1,2)) as first_digit_does_not_appear_again
,has_3_consecutive_letters and has_2_digits and first_digit_does_not_appear_again as test
from table(generator(rowcount => 10))
//where regexp_like(r_string,'.*[A-Za-z]{3,}.*') // has_3_consecutive_letters
// and regexp_like(r_string,'.*\\d+.*\\d+.*') // has_2_digits
// and not(regexp_instr(r_string,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,1),1,2)) // first_digit_does_not_appear_again
Assuming the digits need to be contiguous, you can use a javascript UDF to find the number in a string with with the largest number of distinct digits:
create or replace function f(S text)
returns float
language javascript
returns null on null input
const m = S.match(/\d+/g)
if (!m) return 0
const lengths => [ Set (m.split(''))].length)
const max_length = lengths.reduce((a,b) => Math.max(a,b))
return max_length
Combined with WHERE-clause, this does what you want, I believe:
select column1, f(column1) max_length
from t
where max_length>1 and length(column1)>2 and column1 rlike '[\\w\\d-]+';
abc123def567ghi1111_123 | 3
123 | 3
111222 | 2
Assuming this input:
create or replace table t as
select * from values ('abc123def567ghi1111_123'), ('xyz111asdf'), ('123'), ('111222'), ('abc 111111111 abc'), ('12'), ('asdf'), ('123 456'), (null);
The function is even simpler if the digits don't have to be contiguous (i.e. count the distinct digits in a string). Then core logic changes to:
const m = S.match(/\d/g)
if (!m) return 0
const length = [ Set (m)].length
return length
Hope that's helpful!

Valid regex expressions won't work with AngularJS

I'd like to check if user input is correct for phone numbers in two formats:
01 1234567 (two numbers, a space, seven numbers)
+12 123 123 123 123 (plus sign, two numbers, a space, three numbers, a space, three numbers, a space, three numbers
no character at all (no input)
I wrote a regex for this [0-9]{2} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}|[0-9]{2} [0-9]{7}|. It works when checked with online regex checkers, but it won't work (user can write whatever they want) when used with AngularJS: ng-pattern="[0-9]{2} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}|[0-9]{2} [0-9]{7}|".
You need to define a regex that will match the whole string that matches your patterns as optional patterns:
ng-pattern="/^(?:\+[0-9]{2} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}|[0-9]{2} [0-9]{7})?$/"
^^ ^^
Or, a bit shorter:
ng-pattern="/^(?:\+[0-9]{2}(?: [0-9]{3}){3}|[0-9]{2} [0-9]{7})?$/"
If you define the pattern in a JS file as a variable use
var mypattern = /^(?:\+[0-9]{2}(?: [0-9]{3}){3}|[0-9]{2} [0-9]{7})?$/;
Note that when using regex delimiters the anchors are required for the regex to match entire input.
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string
(?: - start of an optional non-capturing group:
\+ - a + char
[0-9]{2} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} (equal to [0-9]{2}(?: [0-9]{3}){3}) - 2 digits and then 3 occurrences of a space, 3 digits
| - or
[0-9]{2} [0-9]{7} - 2 digits, space, 7 digits
)? - end of the optional group
$ - end of string.

Lex/Flex - Split the phone number Up?

I am making a program which got to split the phone-number apart, each part has been divided by a hyphen (or spaces, or '( )' or empty).
Exp: Input: 0xx-xxxx-xxxx or 0xxxxxxxxxx or (0xx)xxxx-xxxx
Output: code 1: 0xx
code 2: xxxx
code 3: xxxx
But my problem is: sometime "Code 1" is just 0x -> so "Code 2" must be xxxxx (1st part always have hyphen or a parenthesis when 2 digit long)
Anyone can give me a hand, It would be grateful.
According to your comments, the following regex will extract the information you need
^\(?(0\d{1,2})\)?[- ]?(\d{4,5})[- ]?(\d{4})$
Break down:
^\(?(0\d{1,2})\)? matches 0x, 0xx, (0xx) and (0x) at he beggining of the string
[- ]? as parenthesis can only be used for the first group, the only valid separators left are space and the hyphen. ? means 0 or 1 time.
(\d{4,5}) will match the second group. As the length of the 3rd group is fixed (4 digits), the regex will automatically calculate the length of the Group1 and 2.
(\d{4})$ matches the 4 digits at the end of the number.
See it in action
You can the extract data from capture group 1,2 and 3
Note: As mentionned in the comments of the OP, this only extracts data from correctly formed numbers. It will match some ill-formed numbers.
