Hello to All react Native developers!
I am new to React Native.
and i didn't know how to create a square Progress-Bar.
Is there any way to create a square Progress-Bar with transparent background in React Native?
my requirement is that, i want to create a progress-Bar around a QR Code, and you already know that the QR Code is Square.
Please! Any one help me.......
I think what you're going to want is to wrap the QR code with 2 separate layered Views and fill in the top layered one similar to the standard methods for circular progress bars using whatever your progress metric is to define the radius of the fill.
https://www.dottedsquirrel.com/circular-progress-css/#:~:text=Circular%20progress%20bars%20are%20a%20staple%20of%20web%20development.&text=While%20it's%20easy%20to%20cheat,bar%20with%20a%20percentage%20progression. is a good resource to show what I mean
I have a pretty basic radar chart and its working as it should.
Now I'm wondering if there is a way to add tooltips that use the default styling but for non-point coordinates, such as the centre position.
I would like to re-use the built in tooltips to benefit from styling and transitions without having to built a custom onHover overwrite.
So I would like to specify x and y coordinates in which the tooltip should show up and then the text that should be displayed. Some kind of callback would work I assume.
I suppose I could add a dataset which has all 0 values and add a custom tooltip to that, but that's not quite exactly what I am trying to achieve here.
Does Chart.js support this? I couldn't find it in the specs nor on stack overflow.
Thanks in advance!
Here is the actual shape I want to draw using maybe view style properties or are there any alternatives, thanks
Depending on your needs I would choose something like react-native-canvas they have pretty much everything you gonna need to draw.
Other option would be GCanvas.
With those options you will be able to draw free forms as you wish
But there`s always the option to use SVG as well.
In my past experiences SVG forms solved most of the cases, but sometimes I had to use this canvas libs to draw some more complex or dynamic forms.
Hope this can be of any help to you.
I have some questions about sliders,
Im using a slider and i want a marker to be present on it like:
it draws the image at the bottom of the slider, not on top of it, searched for a setThumbImagePosition or something like that ,but didnt find it, is there a way to use sliders with markers on the top of them?(like the image shown)
Is there a way to show divisions on the slider?(for example this)
Whats the best practice to create thicker sliders?
Check out this post notice that in order to create the stars effect properly we wrap the slider in a flow layout to prevent it from growing. You can use background images just like we do in the stars slider but you need to place the slider in a flow layout of similar layout that doesn't let it grow beyond its preferred size.
I am not a real designer and I would like to know if anyone have an idea how can I build the following visual :
The idea is to get 2 rings where inside I will draw secific number of pie represented as "Interactive shape or button". Base on the number of shape, they should cover the whole circle.
In addition to that, I need to be able to interact with each pie shape, and inside and oustide edge of those shape should be a perfect arc based on the circle diameter.
As I am not a perfect designer, how can I represent this visual ?
I was thinking of using a custom panel but then how to draw each panel shape in order that they gets perfect inside and ouside arc and offer interactivity with each of them ?
Thanks for your help
I would appreciate samples as well
Theres actually a Silverlight tutorial on making something exactly like this.
If you didnt want to use that, you could always do it in javascript. Here's an example using Rapheal js
I would recommend looking into WPF Geometry and how you can create custom controls (such as the Circular Gauge Custom Control over on CodeProject) using said Geometry.
I've never created a control quite like what your suggesting, but I would image you would define some form of area that can contain children and style it so that it forms the circular shape you want. Then, adding interactive regions should be as simple as adding controls to standard containers.
Here's a link to a "generic radial panel that can be used to host any items" which subclasses Panel.
i' working with Gtk developing some app. I must put some buttons over a map. I'm drawing the map on a GtkDrawingarea, but i'm not able to put buttons over it.
Any suggestion?
Put both the drawing area and the buttons inside a GtkFixed container. Probably not the best solution, because GtkFixed has no way of controlling the z-ordering (other than the order in which you add the widgets to it?)
Instead of using GtkDrawingArea, use a canvas widget that can include other widgets, such as GooCanvas.
Why no other library? Any specific reason?
There is a library for exactly what you want