Why is VSCode creating a history file? - reactjs

VSCode keeps creating a history file even after I delete it. If I don't delete it, it accumulates to over 5000+ pending changes in my source control tab, and I don't know what I did with my settings for it to keep recreating the history folder. How can I delete this for good? I don't know if it affects my other files, and based on my history of deleting it, I don't think it does.

you can always add a .gitignore file and add the following line in it. This way your git engine won't pick them up.
It just means you have a lot of vscode settings in your local, you can ignore them or delete them if you don't want to keep these editor settings. These settings won't affect any other files or other people's computer, as long as they don't get committed into the code repository.


How to prevent deletion of old hashed build files and merge them instead

When building an adapter-static project inside build/_app/immutable there are some folders containing .css and .js files all with a hash like _page-65dc5ef0.css
Is there a way to prevent the deletion of these files and add the newly built ones instead?
I found the emptyOutDir flag, but setting it vite.config or svelte.config.js doesn't seem to have an effect.
There are two reasons I would like to keep the old files
older session recordings won't be displayed correctly if the corresponding .css file isn't available anymore
additional files are fetched when the user navigates on the site. As I understand these files might be deleted because of the new build and lead to errors. I assume this might be solved by watching the version number and do a full-page navigation after a change, but since the initial load of the page is quite big, this wouldn't go unnoticed for the user and I would like to avoid that.

WPF Project Folder File Bloat

I work on my WPF project daily in Visual Studio 2022, and back-up my project folder in the evening. I can't help but notice the number of files in there just keeps getting greater (by hundreds every day), even when I'm not adding anything new to the project. It's causing back-up time, and the time it takes to transfer my files between workstations, to get longer and longer.
What could be generating these extra files and is there a way to minimize it?
I've had a look around the net for answers, but to no avail.
Thanks for all and any advice you can give me.
The best way to solve your problem is using the GitHub Repository.
Go to the Git Studio menu, select the create repository item in it, upload your Solution to the created Repository, commit the changes when you need it.
In addition to just backing up, this will allow you to easily and conveniently compare different versions.
If for some reason this is inconvenient for you, then pay attention to the ignore file in the Repository. All templated files and folders in this file do not require backup.
Here is a link to the ignore file from my Repository: https://github.com/EldHasp/CyberForumMyCycleRepos/blob/master/.gitignore
In the most minimal variant, all folders whose names begin with a dot, the bin, obj and packages folders do not require saving.
Try the following:
Try compiling in release mode instead of debug mode.
Try clearing the obj and bin folders
Turn off the automatic generation of xml.
My guess is that you are running your program in debug mode and your program is causing some files to grow.
There are the following methods to clean up the obj folder:
Right-click the project and select clean, then rebuild
Add the following code into the pre-build event, so that the obj folder will be cleaned up before each build, but this operation will delete the previous obj folder.
rmdir /s /q "$(ProjectDir)obj"

How do I reset hugo's content listing cache?

I accidentally created content with the wrong path using hugo new content/my-page as opposed to hugo new my-page, and now the content (and its folder) keeps reappearing when I delete the content/content folder.
How do I get rid of this post for good? There doesn't appear to be a hugo delete command - so where is this information stored?
I assume you're using hugo serve to test your site?
If so, this is a side-effect of the hugo cache - in order to remain quick, deleted and renamed files will remain in the cache, and can thus be accessed. By restarting the server, the cache is cleared; which is why your problem fixed itself.
This isn't usually a problem, as you can rebuild the site at any time, and clear the cache when doing so.
I think you have a two options:
1 - ignore the files during development, knowing they will not exist in production
2 - restart the server after deleting or renaming files
Either way, knowledge of the problem is part of the solution.

eclipse CDT copying all project settings

It is possible to export settings from one project and import them in another.
However, it seems that only "include Paths" and "Symbols" can be moved to a new project this way.
Is there any reliable way to copy all settings? Particularly I would like to copy the linker settings for my embedded ARM project.
I do not want copy the settings manually, as this is something that will have to be done often by at bunch of people.
The easiest way I've discovered to duplicate the settings for a project is to use another workspace. It takes a few steps to set up but you should only need to do it once.
1. Start a 2nd copy of eclipse and select or create a new workspace.
2. Import your baseline code.
3. Rename the project to something generic like NewProject
4. If your project has files you don't want to be imported into new projects delete them. I find it helpful to keep a few (like main.cpp)
Now back to your original workspace.
1. File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace Next button
2. Use Browse... to go to your newly created workspace and select NewProject.
3. Check the Copy projects into workspace checkbox.
4. If you have warnings about the project already existing try clicking the Refresh button and make sure you don't have a folder in the current workspace with the same name. [ You can delete a project but not remove it from the hard disk so you have to make sure the intended folder name is not in use. ]
5. Rename the project to your desired name.
6. Start coding...
All the toolchain settings, include paths and library paths should be intact. It seems like a lot of work, but once you do it once its not too bad (as long as you can keep duplicating that one project).
This can be done in simple steps. Useful if you do not want to create new workspaces.
Open the project in the workspace.
Click on project and copy.
On the project tab area, paste the project.
Eclipse asks for a name, rename it to a new project.
Click Ok.

svn / subversion: Get ALL files on new check out, but then exclude certain files from update/check in

After a fresh checkout, I want to get ALL files,
specifically this file: etc/config.ini
However, once I modify etc/config.ini, I do not want it committed with "svn commit ..." nor should it be reverted on a "svn up".
This would allow you to get default values on an initial checkout (convention over configuration), but then after configuring, you don't want these "local" configuration files committed into svn.
The best way to do this is not to directly version control the file.
A common way to avoid this issue is to have config.ini.sample (or something along those lines) under version control, and then config.ini ignored in your svn:ignore property.
Then, after checking out, copy config.ini.sample to config.ini and you're good to go. This way you can also version control your template config file.
If you use TortoiseSVN and/or VisualSVN (>= 1.5), you can move these files to the changelist 'ignore-on-commit'. This causes the files to show up in a separate section in the commit dialog, and never automatically selected for committing.
Obviously this is a TortoiseSVN-specific solution.
Jason already hit on the general accepted solution (the one promoted by the SVN folks themselves), but there is another option, if you're using TortoiseSVN as the client. When you're at the commit dialog, right-click the file you don't want to ever commit and choose Add To Changelist->Ignore On Commit. It will still show up in the commit dialog every time you go to commit it, but it defaults to unchecked so it won't actually be committed unless you explicitly check the box. Again, only useful for Tortoise, so if you use the same WC with a non-Tortoise client, you'll accidentally commit it.
