Cognos Analytics Rest Api/Api-docs 404 not found issue - http-status-code-404

I was using Cognos SDK for development purpose, now I am planning to shift to Cognos analytics server rest API.
Following documentation, I tried to frame the URL as http://<cognos_analytics_server:port>/api/api-docs, but I ended in 404 not found.
But when I use /bi/api/api-docs (i.e. http://<cognos_analytics_server:port>/bi/api/api-docs), it's working but I don't find many apis in that swagger.
Can anyone assist me, why is it showing 404? Do I need to do any additional setup for rest API swagger to work?
Also attached how my screen looks when I try to access this request http://<cognos_analytics_server:port>/api/api-docs


Error in default ASP.NET Core with React.js project in Visual Studio with authentication

I created an ASP.NET Core with React.js project with individual accounts authentication in VS 2022. When I run it without any changes, I am able to create a user just fine. However when I try and look at fetch data page, when my frontend tries to fetch data from the .NET Core backend, I get an error.
Looking in the network tab, in the response header I see
Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The issuer 'https://localhost:44479' is invalid
It's pretty silly that the default project does not work out of the box. I thought it may have to do with some configuration with .AddIdentityServerJwt(), however I can't seem to find many docs on this function. If somebody could explain what this method even does that would be helpful.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Connect React FE to Spring Boot BE

We have two applications deployed to PCF:
A Spring Boot REST Backend on a route e.g. deployed with java_buildpack_offline
We also have our React Frontend on the same instance on a route e.g. pushed with a Staticfile with a single line content of: pushstate: enabled
Both works separately, which we can confirm by accessing the endpoints on both directly, for which they clearly return the expected values, hence they are both working well.
However, as soon as we try to access a page on the Frontend that needs to talk to the Backend using Axios we get a ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
The generic things I find on Google or in PCF Documentation don't seem to be helping. Any tips where should I continue looking or what the actual issue could be?
If you need further info please ask.

DefaultClient scope migrating from App Engine (Go) 1.9 to 1.11

I've recently been migrating an App Engine (Go) app from Go 1.9 to 1.11. I've followed the steps in the
Migrating your App Engine app from Go 1.9 to Go 1.11 document, excluding the optional ones. I plan on doing the optional tasks later once I get this working.
I get the app to build and I can deploy it just fine. Most of everything works fine, with the exception of one API that is used to look up some info on a Google Play IAP. When I do that, I get the following error:
Error 403: Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes., insufficientPermissions
I've checked, and the scope that I'm using is, which is still the scope listed in the Google Play Developer API documentation.
I'm using the App Engine default service account for the client by calling DefaultClient from the library, which returns a client without an error
When I test the same code with Go 1.9, there are no authentication issues at all, and the API works. I'm guessing that these is something in the authentication setup which has changed but I can't find any documentation on it, nor on what I should do differently.
I have to imagine that a lot of people have had to do this migration, and I can't find any posts with this problem, so I'm lost as to why I'm getting it.
I think the issue is in the differences of runtime in Go 1.9 and 1.11. It doesn't seem to allow you to use Application Default Credentials anymore, you have to set them via a JSON file in 1.11. I found someone who had a very similar issue to you and they used a workaround by uploading a key and using that to get a Client.
Have a look here
Let me know.

Google App Engine Python Authenticated Endpoints and Android

I'm not able to find a small example (or tutorial) of Android App (possibly with Android Studio) that use Authenticated Endpoints realized with GAE (possibly Python).
Google examples (Greetings and Tic Tac Toe) seems have some problem in my environment (token error, 404 not found, .....).
Can anyone help me? I'm going crazy...
Thank you in advance.
Are you able to access your Endpoint from api Explorer on localhost(http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer ) you can even simulate authentication there.
if API explorer is working then you need to check how you define SCOPE when getting credentials.
In my experience I had problems in following areas:
1. Generating Client IDs
2. define scoping in Endpoint API
3. Specifying correct scope in android App (";
I'm finally able to do it.
I used this 2 google examples:
On the server side:
On the client side:
The instructions inside this pages are, in my opinion, better than the official google documentation.

Disable API discovery for API Explorer

I'm new to App Engine and am trying to figure out how to disable the API Explorer from showing all my APIs, which are currently public and available to anyone visiting [MYPROJECT]
Supposedly Snapchat uses AppEngine, however visiting does not reveal their APIs.
Viewing network activity for that page you'll see that requests are being made to but returning a 404.
How do I do the same?
When visiting the API Explorer using my project ID I see this:
Is this the culprit?
Endpoints is the 'culprit'. I'm assuming you are using endpoints since you've included that tag, and I guess snapchat doesn't use endpoints.
There is nothing you can do to change this other then stop using endpoints.
